Croatia Airlines strike cancelled

Croatia Airlines staff have cancelled a planned strike scheduled for next Monday following talks with the country's Prime Minister Andrej Plenković. The union representing the carrier's pilots, cabin crew and mechanics, ORCA, noted that the PM showed his "understanding and readiness to secure the preconditions necessary for a new collective bargaining agreement to be signed". Staff initially planned to strike over poor wages, holiday leave and fixed contracts. "Since we have received guarantees, we are cancelling the planned strike in order for the preconditions to be met within a reasonable time-frame", ORCA said. Unions have been unsuccessfully negotiating the terms of a new collective agreement for over a year and a half.

Earlier, Croatia Airlines' management announced a range of measures against employees that were planning to partake in the strike. In a statement, the management said, “As a result of the current situation and the problems the strike will certainly cause to our passengers, as well as the Croatian tourism industry and the economy as a whole, we decided that all of those striking with approved holiday leave for July and August will have these benefits withdrawn". It added, "Wages for July and August, as well as any bonuses, will be proportionally docked for all workers who go on strike".

The management noted that both unions and employees should "seriously think about the consequences of a strike at this time”. “We have to emphasise that, over the past eighteen months, during which we have been negotiating a new collective agreement, the company has implemented and honoured the provisions of the previous agreement, meaning that all employees (including union members) had the exact same rights they would have if the agreement was still in force”, the management said. It added, "The company is unable to earmark an additional 7.1 million euros to meet the union’s demands. They have twice rejected an offer of a 2.5% wage increase, as well as a boost to other benefits (such as Christmas bonuses) in late 2017 and in 2018. The refusal to sign the new collective agreement has resulted in financial harm to all Croatia Airlines employees".

The government also earlier angrily responded to plans by the airline's staff to go on strike. "Croatia Airlines is constantly improving its results and I don't think this situation sends out a good message. Everyone that wants the best for the company and that wants the best for Croatia cannot go on strike during the summer tourist season", the Minister for Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Oleg Butković, said. "Wages are good compared to some other professions in Croatia. I don't think that wages should be the reason for a strike during the tourist season, when the company depends exclusively on these two or three months of the year, because we all know that revenue is up to nine times lower during the winter. Therefore, this situation if very stupid. Croatia Airlines is in a difficult position and must find a strategic partner for its long-term development", Mr Butković concluded.


  1. Anonymous08:37

    Instead of the minister judging who has better pay, he had over a year to resolve his problem. What has he been doing?

    1. Anonymous08:42

      He probably wasn't able to make millions of Euros magically appear to satisfy the demands of OU staff.

  2. Anonymous08:40

    Fully agree with the management's decision.

    1. Anonymous13:36

      Sorry fan boy, but your comment holds no water.

  3. Anonymous08:40

    What will really not work is the airline giving 30% rises.
    Unless of course you want the taxpayers to subsidize the airline's staff lifestyle even more.

    1. Anonymous08:52


    2. Anonymous10:55

      They just ask to come to level of 2012 when they have huge cuts because of restructuring process.

      After those cuts there was no increase of salary according to inflation.

    3. Anonymous11:13

      Croatian Government does not subsidaze OU. Quite the opposite, it has been doing everything they can to decrease the value of OU in order to sell it to LH for next to nothing so that the minister and the rulling party can fill up their own pockets. Freedom for OU, support to the strikers!!

    4. Anonymous11:50

      2012 levels of staff costs were clearly unsustainable. The airline was bankrupt and rafical restructuring was needed.
      ZAG is not LHR, airline staff need to realise that and adjust their demands.

  4. Anonymous08:41

    Bravo gosp. Ministre! Konačno da netko kaže kako im ide ovim saboterima. Sjeti se gosp. Ministre da im možeš uvesti i radnu obvezu.

    Većina našeg naroda skuplja sekundarne sirovine, a njima preko 10.000 kn mjesečno nije dosta?!!

    1. Anonymous08:50

      Većina našeg naroda skuplja sekundarne sirovine? Svašta. To jednostavno nije istina.

      Dobar dio našeg naroda je otišla iz države, kao i dobar dio mehaničara (1/2), pilota (1/3) i stjuardesa (1/4). I zato opako fali radnika u Hrvatskoj. Nema firme u kojoj se ne traže djelatnici, od trgovine, ugostiteljstva, hotelijera, vozača do mehaničara i pilota. Ljudi u Hrvatskoj bitno bolje zarađuju nego prije dvije-tri godine. Jel su kompanije očajne i moraju plaćati bitno više da im radnici ne odu.

    2. Anonymous08:53

      I s takvim povećanjem plaća bivaju sve manje konkurentne na tržištu i sve brže propadaju. Zbog šnicle ubijemo kravu.

    3. Anonymous10:56

      Bez povećanja plaća neće biti konkurentnosti nego će nestati jer je već 1/2 mehaničara i 1/3 pilota otišla, a ako se to ne desi i ostali će. Tu konkurentnost onda neće biti bitna jel neće imati tko letjeti za kompaniju.

    4. Anonymous11:50

      Ako su juce objavljene place pilota u OU istina (prosijek od 35K-60K kuna na est. 650 sati/god) onda bolje da svi odlaze, jer traziti povisicu na to je absurd.

  5. Anonymous08:42

    They can and should sue.

    (1) Organiziranje ili sudjelovanje u štrajku organiziranom u skladu s odredbama zakona, kolektivnog ugovora i pravilima sindikata, ne predstavlja povredu ugovora o radu.
    (2) Radnik ne smije biti stavljen u nepovoljniji položaj od drugih radnika zbog organiziranja ili sudjelovanja u štrajku, organiziranom u skladu s odredbama zakona, kolektivnog ugovora i pravilima sindikata.

    1. Nemjee08:54

      My first thought after reading the article was that this can't be legal and it seems like it's not.

      To me this measure seems like they are trying to put out a fire with gasoline.

      Won't be pretty.

    2. Anonymous08:55

      The state has all the legislature at their hands. They will find a way to crush this rebellion!

    3. Nemjee08:57

      They have three days, they better hurry up.

    4. Anonymous09:32

      Illigal! You can not discriminate those taking part in the strike action. They could decide that no one is to go on holiday during July and August which btw makes sense in this business.

    5. Anonymous10:59

      But they ignore strike full time.

      So no action for one year since first announcement of strike

      No CEO for 2 years

      No reaction on strike

      Gasoline to fire with measures.

      Like someone want this strike to make Croatia faster run to end.

    6. It would be interesting to see what the law actually says. I know in Canada governments can (and sometimes do) use the law to stop the strikes (back to work law). But it’s used very rarely and only when things like public safety is concerned. I think the reasons are that it’s not every strike/company meets the threshold criteria and as far as I know it puts decision making power into hands of a judge or a mediator and those traditionally side with workers because they are ruling based on facts (e.g. mgmt increased their own salaries 30% vs nothing for workers)

  6. Anonymous08:46

    Yesterday Croatia Airlines CEO went on a rant. He even accused Purger for the strike.

    1. Anonymous08:53

      That is more than stupid. I am against strike. In my article I wrote:

      "Osobno ću učiniti sve da se štrajk ne desi, da vlast shvati da je zadnji čas da konačno donese neke odluke, a sindikati da budu odgovorni u svom opravdanom buntu, ali ja sam tek jedna mala i nebitna individua sa vrlo malim utjecajem. Nebitan borac koji istinski voli Croatiju Airlines. Štrajk nije dobar ni za Croatiu, ni za Hrvatsku, ni za radnike!"

    2. Anonymous08:55

      Where was the rant? On tv? Magazine or in a private meeting?

    3. Anonymous08:59

    4. Anonymous09:12

      Well, this bit was mean:

      'Zanimljivo je kako je, prema riječima našeg izvora, štrajk najavio Alen Šćuric, zrakoplovni analitičar bez posebniih stručnih kvalifikacija, inače šef Zagrebačkih mažoretkinja, i to na srpskom portalu o 'vazduhoplovstu'. '

    5. Anonymous09:40

      sta i koji su "mažoretki"? lost in translation here

    6. Anonymous11:38

      I thing Alen Scuric is a nice person, but sometimes I get a feeling that he is over him self. I thing he is not as big specialst of aviation as he try to present himself to us. Anyway, I do support strike, because as we can see, CroGoverment is doing nothing and they don't even care about it. Worker of CA do care about the company they work for and I like and support them. And this strike is not all about the money, its about pride and dignity.


    7. Anonymous13:20

      Alen is simply someone who is a commentator on aviation related subjects - whether he is qualified or not to make a comment - it is irrelevant - but since we do not live in North Korea, he is free to say whatever he wants.

      And for someone to suggest that he is highly influencial in these matters, is like saying that my Baba can influence outcomes like him.

      The fact that he writes things that irritate people - like the OU CEO or Minister - says more about them and their inability to manage a situation over which they have 100% full empowermount to resolve.

      Keep on writing Alen - I will always support your right to free speech - even if what you write is most of the time b.s. !!!

    8. Anonymous13:24

      Instead of making stupid comments about Alen Scuric heading up some cheerleading group, the OU CEO should keep his mouth shut and focus on what he is paid to do - which is to manage the company and solve such issues, or else, step aside and let someone do the job.

    9. Anonymous13:40

      "... i to na Srpskom portalu..."

      Any opportunity to take a demeaning swipe at the Serbs, either directly or indirectly, is never missed. National pass-time.

    10. Anonymous13:53

      The thing is, Bajic is right in saying that Alen is involved in this mess. Because he knows that Alen has connections in the company, even in the management board, let alone the union leaders. Basically, there'a a group in OU (currently in charge) following the long-lasting policy of "Lufthansa is our daddy", and the opposition, which is undercover mostly and against Lufthansa domination. Alen -apparently- supports and helps the opposition group.

      Nevertheless, it is sad to see the CEO of national airline blaming a columnist for the organizational chaos in his company. So pathetic.

    11. Anonymous18:22

      Alen Šćuric mi djeluje kao agent strane sile koji podriva Hrvatsku.

  7. Anonymous08:51

    Is this even legal?

    1. Anonymous08:52

      Yes it is.

    2. Anonymous09:00

      Under the labour law they can do this.

    3. Anonymous09:33

      This is a form retaliation. Not possible.

  8. Anonymous08:52

    Have they published which flights will be affected?

    1. Anonymous08:53

      Not yet. The will publish it during the day today.

    2. Anonymous08:53

      They will publish here

    3. Anonymous08:54

      I know OU will see me less and less on their flights. My two cents to their final demise.

    4. Anonymous09:35

      I used to avoid Jat as well during unstable years in 2000es. Now nobody even dares to think about the strike.

    5. Anonymous09:42

      Because their salaries are on time and they are getting good money for Serbian standards. Also, unlike with OU, who is unhappy in JU just leaves and finds a job elsewhere.

    6. Anonymous11:58

      Anonymous @ 9.42am - that is exactly the point. Unhappy, undervalued and underpayed people leave and find a job elsewhere - they do not stay and burn the house down

  9. Sack all the lazy OU staff!

    1. Anonymous14:09


    2. Anonymous14:09

      communism is over

    3. Anonymous16:56

      Sack the lazy government!

  10. Anonymous09:06

    Crazy the way they are dealing with this.

  11. Anonymous09:08

    Is there any chance that they will avert the strike or not?

    1. Anonymous09:15

      Highly doubt it. They had some talks yesterday but they failed.

  12. Anonymous09:15

    What a mess.

  13. Anonymous09:16

    If OU staff are payed better than "most professions in Croatia", what are the wages like in OU?

  14. Anonymous09:25

    I hope they get past this crisis.

    1. Anonymous09:31

      OU is hardly the first or last company that will strike. They will survive.

    2. Anonymous09:33

      They are already on shaky foundations. They only mange to make money in summer.

  15. The unions need rooting out of this company. It is Unions that historically have caused the most destruction to industries across most of the world.

    1. Anonymous09:50

      Hm, that's why Germany is such a poor country, right? Well, they have probably the most unionized workforce in Europe, so according to Ms Thatcher over here, they should be on a verge of bankruptcy.

    2. Lol. Actually we could all use more unions, but the union leaders shoud be good in finance and negotiating. Not professional failures coming to head unions after generations of negative selection.

  16. Anonymous09:52

    It seems that in a capitalist system, the management is only 'responsible' when the company is doing great and we are discussing bonuses. When the company is being run porly, it is never the management's fault, the workers are always to blame.

    1. Profits are private but losses are public.

      I understand why the pilots had to accept pay cuts when every airline in Europe was on the verge of collapse and there was no other jobs to be had. Now in this situation of record profits for airlines it is ridiculous to expect these people to finance the incompetance of CTN management.

  17. Danijel10:06


  18. Anonymous10:54

    Everybody's fault here. No innocents.
    Airline has been poorly managed (some might say some crimes were committed too) for years with no intervention from the owner (Government) who is probably the first to blame.
    Unions have been mostly passive for years watching previous managements and government destroying the airline, only demanding higher wages as they do now. This year they finally and strongly demanded something else (competent management) however they again resorted to old tactics. What's even worse they are now rooting against them selves as this makes their company basically worthless (someone might say that they are playing in line with someone's plan to make company worthless and sell it for peanuts - something that owner and management are maybe doing successfully for years).
    As it looks, OU is clearly following the path of JP.
    Behaviour of management in this situation is really not up to the task - to put blame on the strike on independent analyst/enthusiast, who might be wrong at some things, but is certainly not malicious and has the best intentions, is really not something they should have done.
    Union is no better - 20-30% increase in wage is not something that seems reasonable at all and government couldn't care less.
    The final outcome of this will be new loss of jobs in aviation sector, new migration of people from this country, somebody's pocket(s) filled and I guess in the end we will see what was it all about. I'll put my bet on one german airline being the biggest beneficiary of our misery). Just wait and see. If somebody is to blame, it is certainly our selves - we voted for this on every single elections.

  19. Pity Margaret Thatcher isn't alive, she would of made an excellent c.e.o at OU and would of sorted those Unions out!

    1. Anonymous12:50

      yes, just like the great job she did with Great Britain....

    2. She did a brilliant job in Great Britain, we are proud of what she did for our country!

    3. Anonymous17:31

      Duplirala vam nezaposlenosti i eksplozija inflacije 1980 godine? Lupetanje.

    4. Anonymous01:34

      @anonymous!July 6, 2018 at 1:06 PM

      Speak for yourself, most normal ppl hate that tory cunt and her rule is considered one of the worst in modern British history. She is most hated person still, and she's been dead for nearly a decade.

      When she died, I celebrated with bunch of my m8s and I've seen street parties everywhere. No idea if you're from the UK, but any sensible British person hates the evil tory cunt, and current would be Maggie 2.0 is looked on with equal hatred.

      Strong and Stable, lol, half of her cabinet just resigned, brexit is falling apart, how's that going, strong and stable, LOL

  20. Anonymous12:01

    Management should come back and give what the Unions want - a pay rise - but to pay for the increase in wages, they should reduce headcount to compensate for it. Simple, but Unions will want their cake and then want to eat it as well

  21. Where is the link on the so called "dedicated webpage which will list the number of cancelled or altered flights"?

    1. Anonymous12:16

  22. Anonymous13:27

    All of you in Croatia should get behind Trade Air - a really well managed private company that knows what they are doing and critically, are making good money.

    That is your best alternative...

    1. Anonymous14:15

      And it is a home-grown company !!!


    2. Aegean/Olympic is the best possible scenario. Company goes into local, private hands. money, jobs, profits all stay in and you have private management that usually thinks much differently

    3. Nemjee15:46

      The only difference is that Aegean was larger than Olympic and they were swimming in cash. They had no issues paying €70 million for OA.

      Could Trade Air actually buy OU?

    4. Anonymous16:18

      Give it to them for EUR1 and let them manage it !!

      Thats what the Slovenian govt did with 4K but at least these guys are in aviation !!

    5. Anonymous23:01

      Yes, very well managed. Specially after they crashed their Turbolet at BGY. This company should never ever get pax ops in their ops specs. Possible only in Croatia. Money talks, safety walks, away.

  23. When OU goes bust, trade air can expand and become the regional leader as a private company!

  24. Anonymous17:45

    Štrajk odgođen:

  25. Anonymous17:49

    Dobro da je odgođen. Razum je ipak prevladao

    1. Anonymous18:12

      Srami se!

    2. Anonymous19:57

      Članak povodom otkazivanja štrajka, uprava i dalje laže:

  26. Anonymous19:05

    Glad to hear that strike has been called off.

    1. Anonymous19:30

      Smart move by the unions

    2. Anonymous19:33

      I don't see how exactly. They cancelled it last time under the same false pretexts.

  27. Anonymous19:29

    Congrats to Croatioan government for intervening on time.

    1. On time would be 9 months ago, this is more like last minute.

    2. Anonymous19:34

      Exactly. I assume a lot of people planning t fly or from Croatia booked with another airline while they were reading headlines about the strike.

    3. I know of one couple that asked me and i told them to avoid OU. They are now in Zagreb but used AF I think

    4. Anonymous22:33

      OU should be avoided at any time. Dear passengers please help us destroy that overpriced and lousy company!

  28. Anonymous19:30

    Seems like the scare tactics worked after all.

    1. Anonymous19:33


    2. Anonymous19:39


      Croatia is, after all, a "modern" European country!

    3. Anonymous22:31

      Congrats to the Minister and his successful tactics not to bow under the pressure!

  29. Anonymous19:37

    Bravo Hrvatska!

  30. Anonymous19:38

    Good that the unions were not stubborn.

  31. While I don’t want to see anyone vacation plans ruined, I think union here took a very bad move. They delayed strike for the third consecutive time without getting anything in return. Do they really think that when they finally end up at the table that the management will reward their restraint and good behavior and give them even bigger that 30% raise. It will be exactly opposite. The most important thing in every work action is the leverage – they had tons of it. Now, it’s eroding rapidly every single day.

    1. They should get someone from AF or LH union to represent them and show them how it’s done…

    2. Anonymous19:55

      Bravo, SM, agree with every single word! I'm from Dubrovnik and can only say that not only OU, but Croatia as a country, are going backwards in more than one way!

    3. Anonymous22:02

      They cracked under "pressure", even though they had all the leverage as SM said in the world. Pulling off a strike in the middle of summer season is a guarantee the management will sit down and negotiate. It's like teachers striking during the school year.....but someone either sold them out or the union membership cracked under pressure and fear mongering from the government. No right to complain from now onward as they had their chance.

    4. Anonymous22:30

      OU staff are overpaid bunch of uhljebs. Their salaries should be reduced!

    5. Anonymous22:33

      a zasto ne bi ostale povisili????

    6. Anonymous22:36

      Iz kojeg ćeš džepa platiti za to povećanje?

    7. Iz dzepa lopova, politicara i svih ostalih uhljeba koji ih je masa.

      Anon 10:33
      Slazem se 100 posto. Najgora ljudskalosobina sesvidi u recnici "ja nemam, pa ne treba niko da ima". A vrlo dobro zna da sve to sto se nekome uzme i umanji nece ne raspodjeliti ostalima nego ce otici lopovima, politicarima ili menadzerima (sto je sve manje vise isto ako mene pitate)

  32. Anonymous22:36

    Minister : OU unions = 4 : 0

  33. Anonymous00:33

    Croatia Airlines will never ho bankrupt, I understand that this may make OU haters very angry, however your wishes will not come to fruition....many airlines go through turbulent time, but keep on flying, especially national carriers. If you’re an OU hater take another airline, period!

  34. Anonymous00:35



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