Adria prepares for "biggest fleet in history"

Adria Airways is preparing for the addition of six fifty-seat Saab 2000 turboprops from next week, which will result in the "largest number of aircraft in the history of the Slovenian airline", the carrier said. Adria has painted the first of six aircraft, which will carry the registration S5-AFG. As of September 1, the airline's fleet will consist of 21 planes - three Airbus A319s, three Bombardier CRJ700s and nine CRJ900s. "Additionally we are wet-leasing aircraft with crew from major airlines to further optimise our operations and avoid possible travel irregularities", the carrier said. The airline is currently wet-leasing a Fokker 100 jet from Romania's Carpatair. An Embraer 145 jet, leased from BMI Regional since July, has been returned to its owner. On the other hand, Adria has leased out one of its own CRJ700 aircraft to Luxair and a CRJ900 to Austrian Airlines this summer.

The Saab turboprops will provide much needed relief for the airline which has faced a slew of operational issues this summer as a result of network growth and a lack of staff, resulting in numerous flight cancellations and delays. Adria issued a public apology last week following mounting criticism from passengers across social media and a warning from the Slovenian government. "At this point, we would like to sincerely apologise for this situation", the carrier said. It added, "Many airlines are facing exactly the same problems as Adria Airways and each of them is trying to solve their problems and existing challenges the best they can. We are intensively working on solutions and reducing the number of irregularities, but, unfortunately, due to the fact that the aviation sector is highly regulated, it is difficult to overcome these issues in a very short time. Current challenges are one step away from improved service, better products, better connectivity and even more convenient journeys". The carrier concluded with, "Do not lose your trust in us. We promise to be an even stronger partner on your journeys in the future".

The first Saab 2000 is set to make its debut on Adria Airways' behalf on September 1 on flights to Brač and Warsaw. Commenting on the addition of the six turboprops, the airline's CEO, Holger Kowarsch, said, "I am extremely proud that we have achieved a very important milestone in the history of Adria Airways. Our goal is to keep growing and strengthening, and we believe that we are able to further transform the company into a stable, strong and important carrier in the region, by developing it for a prosperous future". Previously, Mr Kowarsch noted, "The market is showing a strong interest in Saab 2000s. Part of this fleet will operate in our network, while other aircraft will be available for charter and our ACMI business, which is growing in Europe". One of the Saabs will be stationed at Adria's newest base in Paderbron, Germany.

Meanwhile, in preparation for the addition of the six aircraft, Ryan Aviation Recruitment is assisting Adria in hiring fifteen captains and ten first officers for the type. According to the job posting, the pilots will be based in Ljubljana, Paderborn, Pristina, Vienna and Saarbrucken (Germany). Further terms and conditions, as well as the application forms, can be found here.


  1. Anonymous09:03

    "According to the job posting, the pilots will be based in Ljubljana, Paderborn, Pristina, Vienna and Saarbrucken (Germany). "

    Wait so they plan to open bases in Vienna and Saarbrucken too??

    1. Anonymous09:07

      Saarbrücken seems right up Adria's alley. On par with Paderborn :D

    2. Anonymous09:07

      They'll probably fly for LG from Saarbrucken and OS from VIE (as they did this year)

  2. Anonymous09:04

    Things must have gone quite bad for them to apologise that way.

    1. Anonymous09:07

      If you look at their reviews on trip advisor or comments on twitter you will realize how unhappy people are.

    2. Anonymous09:08

      Especially with getting non-Adria planes operating Adria flights.

    3. Anonymous09:12

      It shows 4Ks inexperience in running an airline. You can't grow that quickly without making sure you are able to grow that fast.

    4. Anonymous09:23

      Exactly what @anon 9.12 said.

  3. Anonymous09:05

    So they also said they will get 3 CRJ900s next year which means they will have a fleet of 24 aircraft. They must be planning another expansion.

    1. Anonymous09:11

      Do you know which destinations they could open?

    2. Anonymous09:14

      They already said they are considering one destination in Italy, one in Spain and one in Portugal.

    3. Anonymous09:15

      Also some people here say they may launch LED.

    4. Anonymous09:17

      Probably none. They will cover with Saab 2000 all non-profit existing routes and cover also Padernborn. They will also send several planes on ACMI lease. Luxair, Austrian, Germanwings,...

    5. Anonymous09:18

      And i think they said something about scandinavia

    6. Anonymous10:44

      The Italy route will be Rome right?

    7. Anonymous17:04

      Seems like it's actually Naples. Combo of tourists and connections.

    8. Anon 17.04: Jako pametni. TRS-NAP je samo sezonski let, a oni će iz Slovenije uspjet prodavat. Spreman sam se kladit, da iz Slovenije nema tjedno 20 ljudi kojima bi trebala ova veza

  4. Anonymous09:09

    Let's see how many of these Saabs will stay in LJU and how many will be leased.

    1. Anonymous09:15

      My guess is there will be 2 or max 3 based in LJU and the rest will be wetleased or used for charters.

    2. Anonymous09:18

      Let see how many of this A/C will be flying at all.

    3. Anonymous09:22

      Turboprop for charters?

    4. There is market. Not so much in regular charters, but for sure in ad hoc charter especially for football clubs in wider region.

  5. JU520 BEGLAX09:16

    Everywhere there is incapable and greedy management there we saw problems at airlines this summer. It has nothing to do with regulations. Aviation is a regulated business but thats nothing new.
    Adria mgt failed big time as already in early 2018 JP inside people knew that certification of Saabs will take much longer but Germans seem to knew better. I said it before, it is this arrogant behaviour of some upper German mgt who think they are better and smarter people than the local long term employees.
    But no need to waste time with them, can only recommend
    After 3 hours delayed arrival at dest u get 250 EUR per ticket (some of 250 goes to flightright but u still shld get around 170 EUR)
    U need to sanction unprofessional behaviour

    1. Anonymous09:22


    2. Anonymous15:53

      JU520 BEGLAX There is really no need for cheap promotion of ! Everybody who buys a ticket can fill and file a compensation form him/herself. Your remark is also misleading, as the passenger gets only 170 EUR (the difference to 250 EUR goes to flightdirect).

    3. Da. Ili pak te odj* kao što je mene LH. Prvu žalbu mi odbili, jer kao nisam došao na destinaciju s više od 2 sata kašnjenja, a kad sam im pisao i citirao članak u kojem stoji da ako je let OTKAZAN da imam pravo na min. 50% kompenzacije jednostavno više nisu odgovorili. Na telefon ne dobiješ nikog, jer žalbe se rješavaju samo pismeno.

  6. Anonymous09:24

    Exciting times for Slovenian aviation.

  7. Anonymous09:24

    Hopefully by then they will stop using wet leased ancient equipment.

    1. Anonymous09:26

      Don't count on it

      "Additionally we are wet-leasing aircraft with crew from major airlines to further optimise our operations"

    2. Anonymous09:36

      Go2Sky, Carpatair - major airlines :) More like dead bottom feeders.

    3. Anonymous09:41

      Haha my thoughts too when I read what they said.

    4. Anonymous12:05

      These Saabs are not much newer than that ancient equipment.

    5. Anonymous10:40

      I'd be more worried about the standards all these different operators are working to.
      I am a pilot for one of the "Bottom Feeder airlines that run these routes for Adria on ACMI.

      They do not apply EASA fatigue limitations correctly. Every one is working flat out, extreamly tired and fatigued, due to understaffing and general management incompetance. Our company flight deck are currently balloting for industrial action!

  8. Anonymous09:26

    They should have considered Maribor with one of the S200s. I'm sure a fifty seater could work on a few routes.

    1. Anonymous09:27

      VLM tries with a fifty seater from Maribor and failed.

    2. Anonymous09:29

      Adria is a bit different to VLM.

    3. Anonymous09:38

      Yes, they have experience in planning cost-effective operations. MBX-SEN comes to mind as an example.

    4. Anonymous09:49

      The only way mbx becomes profitable is by removing the tarmac and planting potatoes. Please forget terms like planes, passangers, longhaul, cargo, bussiness class, hub, China , etc in conjunction with Maribor.

    5. Anonymous10:43

      @ 9.38 that was under different state run management.

    6. Anonymous16:05

      Anon 09:49 I still laugh.

    7. Anon 9.27: jer je MBX-MUC skoro najgluplja moguća linija. Samo da su letili za GRZ bilo bi još gluplje. Autom dođeš tamo za 4 sata ili u najgorem slučaju 5. Vrijeme letova nije dopuštalo da letiš, radiš i vratiš se isti dan. Code sharea nije bilo. Dakle? Tko bi letio?

  9. Anonymous09:27

    How long will the two CRJs be on lease to Luxair and Austrian?

    1. Anonymous09:29

      I think the one to Austrian returns at the end of summer. As for the Luxair plane it might be staying longer since they painted the aircraft in Luxair livery too.

    2. Anonymous09:36

      15CMD's and 10FO's, pretty much shitty Crew Factor for 6x planes. Is the contract with Adria or that maintenance contractor?!

    3. For 6 planes you need 30 captains and 30 FO if you want to use those planes 100%. If one or two would be for ACMI or ad hoc charters, or will have contract for less flights per day in some bases (like Paderborn), than you can have few less.

    4. Anonymous23:04

      Maybe they already have some crew? Maybe they are only recruiting the numbers they don't have?

    5. Anonymous09:27


    6. Anonymous16:53

      At SCN base Adria will switch from CR7 to CR9 effective of 31 March 2019.

  10. Anonymous09:30

    They said they plan to have a fleet of 25-30 aircrafts so they are delivering on what they promised.

    1. Anonymous09:33

      If we include the 6 Saabs and the 3 CRJs they get next year, that's already 24 planes in the fleet.

  11. Anonymous09:32

    Great job, it will be a true regional competitor.

    1. Anonymous11:46

      This title belongs to JU because it belong to a more legacy carrier - EY and has a more developed network.

    2. Anonymous16:12


  12. Anonymous09:35

    I still can't get over the fact that LJU had such little growth in July. It means that numbers at Adria were probably down which I cannot understand how it is logically possible since they added so many routes.

    1. Anonymous09:41

      Because LJU has always had very limited potential. And that's okay.

    2. Anonymous09:43

      that remains a mistery

    3. Anonymous09:45

      "At this point, we would like to sincerely apologise for this situation", the carrier said.
      They were never honest, treating passengers and even their own employees below the standard and now they "sincerely appologise". Their customer service is absolute crap.

  13. Anonymous09:39

    Besides 25 pilots for Saabs they are looking for 50 CRJ pilots... So 75 pilots altogether?? I am really wondering how this will end...

    1. Anonymous09:42

      Probably with a lot of CRJ pilots on the market with useless type ratings once this story collapses.

    2. Anonymous23:05

      Not useless. CityJet is also recruiting.

  14. Anonymous09:48

    New (old) SAAB livery

    They could go with a full repaint...

    1. Anonymous10:35

      Looks good in JP colours!

    2. Anonymous10:39

      Why didn't they remove the red cheatline?

    3. Wow. Plava slova na bijelom avionu. Nikad viđeno

  15. Anonymous09:56

    So, based on that logic JP will become the carrier with most aircraft in ex-Yu.
    However, capacity wise it is JU, followed by OU and then YM.
    I wonder if they will increase OTP and SOF next summer and compete with JU.

    1. Anonymous10:11

      There are more airlines in SOF besides JU.

    2. Anonymous10:36

      JP said Sofia was their star performer among new routes interestingly.

    3. Anonymous15:26

      yes but that can mean a lot (tht the rest are a total flop)

  16. Company will have hard job to fly profitably with Saab 2000. So many companies went bankrupt because of that plane. It is not economical aircraft. Especially when you don't own them, but you have to rent them. I know Adria plan to take those from Darwin when they put them in bankruptcy, but now they are not in good position. So possible scenario is:

    1. They bought Darwin with main propose to have most of those planes for Adria use.

    2. Thy discovered that Darwin is in huge problems. Big mistake. They should scan company better before buying. They put Darwin in bankruptcy.

    3. They take Saab fleet, spare parts, pilots, crew...

    4. Than Swiss court decide those Saabs can not be used by Adria but will sell them for payments to ex. workers and other bankruptcy costs. Second big mistake, 4K should know that this could happen.

    5. What now? You have pilots, crews, planed operation, announced routes. You rent other planes (2 of them), reduce timetable, but still have pilots and cabin crew on salary. Lot of money lost! Huge amount.

    6. So, now they lease same planes from Americans. Extra cost. Saab 2000 is not economical plane even what you own them, not it will be even much bigger money burner.

    1. still think lufthansa is behind all of this?

    2. Well, it would kind of make sense to be honest :v

    3. Anonymous16:11

      Purger is right when you look at the big picture. We need to be able to see and understand the long-term process of airline consolidation in Europe, which may take up to 10 years. It happened in United States and it will happen in Europe. By the end of this period there won't be more than 10 airlines left and none of the existing ex-yu companies will be on that list.

  17. Anonymous10:34

    Bravo Slovenija!

  18. Anonymous10:40

    It seems that Adria management is living in some kind of virtual reality.

    Let's check the facts:

    "The first Saab 2000 is set to make its debut on Adria Airways' behalf on September 1 on flights to Brač and Warsaw."

    In the booking system there is CR7 planned for BWK service on 01.09. and WAW flight at the same day is not even there, so probably already canceled.

    Again fake news from Adria.

  19. Anonymous10:42

    Adria actually used to operate a Saab long ago. A cargo version Saab340 :)

    1. Anonymous12:20

      That also was a very profitable operation. Hopefully the story with Saab 2000 will not end up like the cargo experiment.

  20. Anonymous10:42

    I'm happy for Adria. The airline is expanding routes and fleet. Finances seem to have stabilized. For now looking like a successful privatization. Fingers crossed.

    1. Anonymous10:46

      Let's wait and see for the finances for last year. I think they will be released next week.

  21. Anonymous10:46

    It seems impossible to me to get crew trained for six of these birds within the next 10 days.

    1. Anonymous10:47

      I highly doubt that all 6 Saabs will enter service at the same time. There is a reason the Paderborn base will open at the end of October and not now in summer.

    2. Two aircrafts will enter service next week. Crews are trained and ready.

    3. Anonymous11:42

      Great. Thanks

  22. Anonymous11:23

    If JP expanded that much are they considering going long-haul?

    1. Anonymous11:29

      I wouldn't rule it out

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Anonymous11:48

      Any guess for the type of aircaft? A321 LR or 777?

    4. Anonymous12:08

      A350 :D

    5. Anonymous16:30

      A380 with 747-400i for periods of lower demand.

  23. Anonymous11:27

    Last week i flew from LJU to HAM and LF was around 80%, so it seems that new routes are performing well

    1. Anonymous15:30

      i can present u a social media post with an almost empty plane to HAM. dont judge only because one flight. (it was two months ago)

    2. Anonymous16:15

      Well that was also only one flight on that social media so you also cannot judge beacause of that

  24. Anonymous11:35

    If things keep going this way Air Serbia will soon not be the largest carrier in exyu neither by the number of aircraft or passengers served as OU is slowly approaching their pax numbers. I can’t wait to see what happens next year, they wi finally be forced to actually do something about their fleet and new routes.

    1. Anonymous12:06

      OU needs to take note of all this. Adria is closest to them and expanding fleet and network. At the same OU has cancelled 200 flights, has massive labour problems, looming privatization...

    2. Anonymous16:33

      "Looming privatization", you say that as if it's a bad thing. In that case may I remind you that Adria is already privatized?

      Privatization is a good thing as governments have demonstrated time and time again that they can not run businesses in competitive markets profitably.

  25. Anonymous11:42

    How are loads on Adria's new flights?

    1. Anonymous12:01

      Dbv, sof,otp and ham are good i would say aroud 60-65%
      Gva and dus around 40%

    2. Anonymous15:21

      But again, all those routes were planed - unsuccessfully if I may add - to be operated by SAAB's

  26. Anonymous11:44

    And so many people were saying they won't get them.

    1. Anonymous12:25

      Well, it took them more than 6 months to get this sorted - if the Saabs indeed start flying. Meanwhile, they were leasing a lot of old scrap aircraft from less-than-reputable operators from Eastern Europe, which damaged the brand enormously.

      Wouldn't call it a success story just yet.

  27. Anonymous12:00

    Adria should get some A230s.

  28. Anonymous12:10

    JP jis becoming the biggest regional carrier in Central/Eastern Europe. Well done.

    1. Anonymous12:41

      3 A319 - 144+144+142 seat each * 3= 430
      3 CR7 - 70+70+72 seats = 212 seats
      9 CR9 - 6 a/c 86 seats + 3 90 = 786 seats
      6 Saab 2000 - 50 seats = 300

      Total daily seats: 1728 * 2 = 3456 seats both ways

      One word: IMPRESSIVE!! The equivalent of 10 EK 777 :)

      So, I agree...this is the true, regional leading legacy carrier.

    2. Anonymous14:22

      Kako da ne, sa sve rekordnim troskovima odrzavanja. Neka prze pare.

  29. Anonymous12:11

    Great to see LJU and JP booming again.

  30. Anonymous14:34

    Nemjee do you have numbers for best and worst JP routes?

    1. Anonymous17:08

      Why should he do it? Every time he posts about something (not just ZAG) people on here arrive and ask him for proof of his writing. I

    2. Anonymous17:09

      I remember he wrote number 1 destination out of LJU was TK and then FRA.

    3. Anonymous17:11

      I guess FRA, MUC and VIE for JP.

    4. Anonymous17:16

      HAHAHAHAHHAHA TK reduced LJU to 10 weekly in winter! So much for them doing so well there.

    5. Anonymous17:51

      Nemjee is boycotting this stupid flock of hens.

    6. Anonymous18:19

      @anon at 17:16 You dumm ass TK was always flying 10per week in winter you idiot, TK stated themselves that LJU is a great success and that this route is doing really well!!!

    7. Anonymous22:45

      Nemjee wrote IST was number one and ahead of ZAG numbers. TK must be happy. Hope he returns to confirm this.

  31. Anonymous18:30 SOF is apparently working great for JP. I checked that they will send the CR9 and not S20 in many days throughout September. I'm very curious to know why it was so successful.

  32. Zapamtite što sad kažem. JP ide za 5-7 godina u stečaj!

    1. We remembered! :D

    2. Anonymous23:19

      evo upisao u kalendar! Da zapamtim

  33. Anonymous20:51

    Tomorrow from LJU 4 charters to Greece!

    JP1542 LJU-AOK CR7 06:00
    JP1638 LJU-RHO 319 06:00
    JP1634 LJU-AOK 319 13:10
    JP1484 LJU-RHO 319 19:50

    That's so cool! :)

    1. Anonymous22:46

      Seems BEG and LJU have generally the most outbound charter flights. Nice.

  34. Anonymous02:21

    So nemjee stoped posting numbers, when some idiot or zag fan couldnt face facts?
    Hvala lepa

    1. Anonymous07:38

      I think he stopped posting on here in general.


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