EX-YU Aviation News has been selected as one of the top fifty most influential aviation blogs and websites for aviation professionals by Feedspot, which compiles the most comprehensive list of the best aviation blogs on the Internet each year. The list is compiled based on search and social metrics such as Google search rank, social media visibility, quality and consistency and a review by the website's editorial team. EX-YU Aviation News ranked 39th, with One Mile at a Time taking top spot. The list also features popular sites including The Points Guy, Airline Reporter, Routes Online, Secret Flying, FlightGlobal, and The Design Air. It also boasts official airline blogs including the Alaska Airlines Blog, Meanwhile at KLM, Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Australia, to name a few. It marks the third consecutive year EX-YU Aviation News has been featured on the list and is the only website from the region to be included. EX-YU Aviation News went online on June 1, 2008 and has been updated on a daily basis ever since. The number of visitors has increased each year, with the number of unique visitors growing 20% this year compared to 2017, while the number of pageviews increased to over 4.6 million.
Iskrene čestitke! Svaka čast na entuziazmu!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! Greetings from Albania!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I hope you will keep the enthusiasm, passion and quality in the years to come!
ReplyDeleteP.S. “Bravo ADMIN!” :D We salut you!
ReplyDeleteHey! That was exactly what I wanted to write:)
DeleteWell done, this may be my favourite web page.
Congratulations and keep up the good job! God bless you.
ReplyDeleteCestitke iz Toronta!!
ReplyDeleteFor me the nbr 1 blog in the world !!
ReplyDeleteThanks for passion and diligence
Merry Christmas fm ZRH
Bravo iz LJ. Sledim dnevno od 2013. Vsa cast!
ReplyDeleteCestitke za vasu upornost i veliki trud. Sa nadom da ce te promeniti naziv bloga, od '"ex YU Aviation" u naziv koji ne pripada "ex", nego sadasnjosti i buducnosti. Verujem da novi naziv bio savremeniji i realniji. Ako ne zelite promeniti naziv, neka ostane po Administratoru. Zemlja ce i dalje rotirati, a avioni ce leteti u podnebesju Gospodnjem. Sustina ostaje. Cestitke administratoru i saradnicima. Mnogo uspeha u Novoj 2019 godini.
ReplyDeleteRadovan, Kraljevo.
Balkan aviation?
Delete+100!!! Think about this, please
DeleteE pa što pripada sadašnjosti? Kmetovi-i-sluga-banana-države-airlines?
DeleteČestitke iz Gran Canarie
ReplyDeleteCesto se ne slazem sa mnogo toga sto ljudi ovdje pisu, pogotovo sa ostrascenim komentarima koji nemaju mnogo veze sa stvarnoscu a nekada ni sa avijacijom. Ali da nema @ex-yu aviation-a, ne bi bilo isto. Nadam se da prijedlog cika Radovana nece biti prihvacen, jer mnogo toga na prostoru ex-yu imamo zajednickog, pogotovo u avijaciji. I ni jedno drugo ime po mom misljenju ne bi odgovaralo onom sto je smisao ovog bloga. Samo naprijed @ex-yu, jos mnogo mnogo godina i iskrene cestitke iz Rijeke!
ReplyDeleteSvaka čast majstore! Neka pati koga smeta
DeleteThanks for all your efforts!
ReplyDeleteGreat website, visiting every day!
Merry X-mas and a happy new year from Germany!
Ps. Gledam sad fotografije u mozaiku pažljivije. Što je to OU imala BAE146 u floti ili?
ReplyDeletePozdrav iz PRG.
ReplyDeletePrije svega čestitam! I mali prijedlog za naredno razdoblje. Možete li poput "Trip reports" početi i stavljati članke o lounge zonama na aerodromima.