Zagreb |
Happy New Year to all EX-YU Aviation News visitors. As I always say … if you are reading this today you are a truly dedicated reader. My thanks to you for your ongoing support! It’s much appreciated
Skopje |
Sarajevo |
As we leave a difficult year behind, may you be healthy, happy and able to travel and fly in 2021
Sretna nova godina Srećna nova godina Срећна нова година
Среќна нова година Srečno novo leto Gëzuar Vitin e Ri
Belgrade |
It will be a year of recovery and it all starts right here tomorrow at 09.00 CET
Ljubljana |
Podgorica |
Pristina |
Take care and enjoy the holidays
Срећна Нова Година свим ентузиастима ваздухопловства ма где се налазили! Добро здравље и пуно среће!
ReplyDeleteHappy & Healthy New Year to everyone, may this year bring a positive trend in aviation and elsewhere again
ReplyDeleteHappy new Year ���� I hope we will have a better year for the aviation!! Kind regards from Vienma