Air Serbia further grows network amid demand surge

Air Serbia will be increasing flights across its network as demand continues to recover at a faster pace than initially expected. As of July 13, the airline will be adding additional frequencies to Oslo, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Vienna, while operations to Montenegro will outstrip pre-pandemic levels and will involve the use of the carrier’s Airbus A330-200 widebody aircraft. Air Serbia, which launched two weekly services to the Norwegian capital last summer will now operate four weekly rotations between the two cities, and plans to maintain six weekly flights to Amsterdam, four weekly to Stockholm and daily to Vienna.

The carrier’s General Manager for Commercial and Strategy. Jiri Marek, said, “Having in mind the increased demand and the current changes in travel restrictions, we have decided to increase the number of flights toward the most popular destinations in our network, and provide even better connectivity to our passengers. These are primarily destinations which have traditionally been of interest to our travellers for years, with the exception to Oslo, which was launched last year, but already became one of the most popular routes, which makes us very glad”.

Due to high demand, Air Serbia is adding an additional 12.340 seats on its flights to Tivat during July by introducing an extra 43 rotations to the Montenegrin coast. As a result, Air Serbia will run 54 weekly flights between Belgrade and Tivat in July, while the number of daily rotations on the route will range from six to as many as eight. This month, Air Serbia plans to operate three daily flights to Podgorica. The carrier has scheduled its 257-seat A330-200 jet on services to the Montenegrin capital on July 18 and August 1, with more dates to be added.

Commenting on the developments, Mr Marek noted, “The demand for travel between Serbia and Montenegro has been on a steady rise, and we are pleased to be able to meet passengers’ needs and offer them the widest possible choice. Our primary focus will be on maintaining a sustained and strong air connection between the cities in the region, but also with other destinations in our network. We are being flexible with the type of equipment we are deploying, addressing the needs of our passengers at all times. We have also used our biggest aircraft, the Airbus A330, several times on the route to Podgorica, and based on highly positive feedback we will be utilising it on a more regular basis to accommodate higher demand and offer our customers a superior travel experience”.


  1. Anonymous09:01

    So, will they get any new planes again. As I remember they retired some atrs, and bought or lease 2 new a319. But that's all.

    1. Anonymous09:14

      One ATR was returned to the lessor, it wasn't retired. They got rid of one A320 and they retired one Etihad A319 but they added two ex-JP A319 (APM and APL).

      I don't know if the second EY A319 is flying. I know both planes are old and not very reliable.

    2. Anonymous09:24

      Which ATR was returned? Do you know the registration?

    3. Anonymous09:25

      You had a whole article about it here

    4. Anonymous09:26

      Oh, thank you very much.

    5. Anonymous09:32

      I think it was YU-ALV.

      Anon 09.25 then why don't you do him a favor a post a link to that article????

    6. Anonymous09:36

      It takes two clicks in the search box to find

      "It has returned an Airbus A320 jet (registered YU-APG) and one ATR72 (registered YU-ALV) to their owners as their lease with the company had expired."

    7. Anonymous09:42

      Where are YU-ALT and YU-API?

    8. Anonymous09:48

      YU-ALT has been parked since December 2020. It's 23 years old so I doubt it will find a new home. I suppose it will be scrapped.

      YU-API has been parked since 11.2020 and hasn't flown since. I suppose both planes have been retired from Air Serbia's fleet.

    9. Anonymous10:29

      YU-ALV returned and that ATR was in best condition in fleet, and also ALT is in better shape than the others. I do not know what is their strategy with regional fleet (if they have strategy at all )but I think that now, when the lease price are low, to get some good machines, and start real regional expansion.

    10. Anonymous10:30

      That's the problem, there is no strategy.

    11. JATBEGMEL11:57

      Current lease rates for an ATR isn't too far off the A319. You can see these rates on where they have seasonal updates.

      A couple of regional routes could get an A319 upgrade.

    12. Anonymous12:21

      A manager at BEG told me that JU used to pay $70.000 for YU-ALT so no wonder they got rid of it. Seems like too much money.

    13. Anonymous13:40

      Agree that is a lot.

  2. Anonymous09:14

    Fantastic news

  3. Anonymous09:15

    I think JU had to respond to this. Austrian boosted flights to 16 weekly and KLM is now flying daily. Air Serbia needs to remain competitive/relevant in these markets otherwise they will lose out.

  4. Anonymous09:16

    BEG seems to be on fire right now. Today there are 93 departures and for a few days now there were daily arrivals from Delhi either on Spicejet or IndiGo.

    1. Anonymous10:13

      Also TK updated BEG so from August they are increasing it from 12 to 14 weekly. A333 on Wednesdays morning

  5. Anonymous09:21

    Prošlog mesecasu prevezli 170413 putnika što čini 54,1% od ukupnog broja putnika. Sa ovim tempom rasta kapacitet će im postati ozbiljan problem. S druge strane pretpostavljam da su oprezni sa proširenjem flote jer strahuju od ponovnog zaključavanja na jesen.Od postojeće flote izvuči maksimum pa sledećeg leta krenuti u ekspanziju.

    1. Anonymous09:23

      У том случају требало је да изнајме два В737-700 од Чеха како би обезбедили додатни капацитет. Ако је ишта могуће сада то је онда проналажење јефтиних авиона на тржишту.

      По мени хитно морају решити проблем АТРова.

    2. Anonymous09:25

      Ceski avion vec leti i redovne letove, ne samo chartere.

    3. Anonymous09:29

      leti na redovnim linijama ali na štetu čartera,što je siguran keš. Trebali su da iznajme barem još jedan.

    4. Anonymous09:33

      Мислим да не лети на штету чартера јер у редовном саобраћају лети данима када генерално има мање потражње за чартерима.

      Мислим да ни они а ни аеродром нису очекивали овакав нагли скок у потражњи. Погледајте Визер, преко ноћи је повећао капацитет са А320 на А321.

    5. Anonymous09:38

      Upravo određenim danima nema dovoljno čartera zbog velikog broja redovnih letova. Da imaju kapaciteta sigurno bi više čartera bilo Ponedeljkom,Petkom i Nedeljom kada su im svi avioni raspoređeni na redovnim linijama, pa čartere šalju ujutru u 4-5h.

    6. Anonymous09:41

      Мислим да тим данима нема потражње за чартерима јер мало ко хоће одмор креће од понедељка или од среде. Већина заврши посао у петак и иде то поподне/вече или у суботу. Зато суботом имају толики број чартер летова. Прошле недеље их је било преко 20.

      Проблем им је Крит где су их Еџиан и Визер начисто поразили.

    7. Anonymous10:32

      Aegean leti carter letove za Krit, ti letovi su dogovreni sa agencijama , ali da Wizz je definitvno pokazao kako se radi domaci zadatak i nadam se da ce JU konacno shvatiti da treba da pocne sezonske letove ka ostrvima a ne samo da ceka lovu da im kapne iz cartera, jel kao sto vidimo to brzo moze da se izgubi

    8. Anonymous10:38

      Не би ме чудило да догодине видимо неке нове дестинације са Визером ка грчким острвима, посебно ако Рајанер добро прође са линијом Ниш-Крф. Иначе на тим летовима агенције продају карте тако да је то још једна опасност за ЈУ.
      Догодине не би ме чудило да уз Санторини и Хераклион врате Родос. Мада ја се потајно надам да ће увести Београд-Атина.

    9. Anonymous11:26

      Da definitvno ima jos prstora, Rodos, Krf, Solun, Atina a i mozda povecanje Herakliona na 3 nedeljno.

    10. Anonymous13:44

      2 x A321 za sledeću sezonu bi po meni bio pun pogodak.

      Mogu ga koristiti za cartere, Moskvu, Tivat... Sigurno bi nasli mesta.

      Ps. Kolika je razlika operativnog troška izmedju A319 i 321?

    11. Anonymous14:21

      Није велика разлика него је за ЈУ много већи проблем шта да раде зими са њима. Да би им А321 имао смисла морају знатно повећати број трансфера ван сезоне. Нажалост, јако мало улажу у маркетинг тако да не верујем да ће се нешто посебно променити. Мислим да ће и даље додавати А319 јер им је то сигуруца.

    12. Anonymous15:15

      Ako nije neka razlika onda se postavlja pitanje, zasto ipak ne uzmu 2 komada unesto 319..jer leti ce 321 imati prodju sasvim sigurno, a zimi ako nema, pa isto im je leteli poluprazni za recimo Moskvu sa 319 ili 321..operativni troškovi su minimalni (ako tako kažeš).

      Ne znam da li me razumeš? :)

    13. Anonymous15:20

      Ako dogovore lising po broju sati letenja onda i nije tako veliki rizik.Mislim da A321 mogu popuniti i tokom zimskih meseci na letovima za Cirih,Pariz,Moskvu i Podgoricu.

    14. Anonymous15:41

      Па кажем, могли би али њихов менаџмент неће да ризикује већ се држи онога што ваља и што је сигурица. Па ти исти су пре пар месеци вратили други А320.

    15. Anonymous16:49

      Kad bi konacno stisnuli kohones i krenuli Baku, Kisinjev, Jerevan, Tbilisi i Teheran bilo bi mesta za jos 3 A319/320/321.
      Pa onda polako jos jedan A330.
      Interesantno kako je A330 nasao mesto i na "domacim" linijama za Crnu Goru i Rusiju, verovatno bi, kada im naraste mreza, jedan A330 mogao da im sluzi samo za "domace" linije, a dva A330 za interkontinentalce.
      Hajde JU smislite se sa agencijama pa nudite Zanzibar i Maldive direktno iz BEG! Jedan let nedeljno za Zanzibar i jedan za Maldive bi bili super za iskoriscavanje A330 tokom zime, a i ljudima je dojadilo da presedaju u Dohi

    16. Anonymous17:17

      A330 na domacim linijama mislim da je malo preoptimistično.

    17. Anonymous18:59

      Много би логичније било да повећају број учесталости, тј да шаљу комбинацију А319/320/321 са више недељних летова него мање летова са већим капацитетом тј А332.

    18. Anonymous21:23

      Niste me razumeli, moja ideja je da se ne smanjuju frekvencije vec da se ide na "vece ptice".
      Dakle, ako je tivat 8 puta dnevno, da od tih 8 letova 2 ide A330.
      Ako je Moskva dva dnevno, da jedan bude sa A330...i tako dalje. Znaci da se frekvencije ne smanjuju nikako! Vec da se ide na vise sedista!

    19. Anonymous08:09

      То има логике само на дестинацијама где већ имају 14 недељних летова. Због структуре валова то је нека врста минималне повезаности чворишта са осталим одредиштима. Тек тада би имало смисла додавати веће ваздухоплове. Примера ради, докле год Берлин није 14х са А319, нема много логике додавати А320. Не причам сада када је повезаност слаба због короне али под нормалним условима.
      ЈУ је имала тек неколико одредишта где је нудила барем 14 недељних летова. На том би морали порадити. Проблем је што не улажу у маркетинг и бренд им је суштински непознат.

  6. Anonymous10:37

    I would say too little too late. JU increasing VIE to daily while OS is already flying 16 flights per week, almost all with E195, not to mention AMS where KLM came few months ago, and already dominated. What about Frankfurt, Zurich, nothing, let the LH and LX flying empty A321, yes sure. I would not comment Tivat, that to me is same as charter flights.

    1. Anonymous11:08

      KLM dominates?

      They offer 700 seats weekly Air Serbia offers 864 seats weekly. How do they dominate here?

      LH had always offer double more flights to BEG than JU and starting from 21.7 they return to 14 weekly.

    2. Anonymous11:23

      Who knows, if demand stays like that LH might keep some extra frequencies.

  7. Anonymous10:55

    Oslo is really performing well for them. They often send A320 on the route.

    1. Anonymous07:22

      There must be also transfers.

  8. Anonymous11:01

    Interestingly, it seems they began deploying their A319 to SOF these days.

    1. Anonymous11:24

      That's because they don't have enough ATRs

    2. Anonymous11:31

      Are they thinking of retiring them or replacing them with newer ones?

    3. Anonymous11:34

      Problem is that currently they do not know what to think

    4. Anonymous11:37

      Got it, thanks for the info. ATR is a great and reliable plane. It has served them for decades without any fault. Let's see what happens...

    5. Anonymous13:47

      You are wrong, flight ops is well aware of what needs to be done, however the government who runs the show does not care or has money or interest in working on replacing them.

    6. Anonymous14:23

      Nope, not true. It's the upper management that presents plans to the government which then approves it or not. So far JU management has turned a blind eye to the ATR replacement.

  9. Anonymous11:44

    It is still not clear to me why Air Serbia, like all other companies, did not grounded extra planes for a long time and waited to see how the situation would develop, then they would not get into what they are in today. They retired 4 planes this year, unnecessarily.

    1. Anonymous12:09

      AFAIK they do not own any of their planes, and yous do not want to ground leased planes. That costs the airline plenty.

    2. Anonymous12:24

      They still own three ATRs: ALN, ALO and ALU.
      Issue in reality is that even with this fleet they are going to present fantastic results to the Serbian government. Foreign managers at JU don't care about some long-term strategy, they just need to boost their CVs until they can apply at some other airline.
      Remember Kondic? After JU he became CCO at Saudia for $100.000 a month. Unfortunately for him he was fired shortly after.

      It's the same with the rest of them. Don't think anyone of them is looking at staying until retirement.

    3. JATBEGMEL12:58

      JU has issues with terrible work culture that doesn't motivate people to stay. Hundreds of Serbians have some form of knowledge in aviation working abroad, mostly with the ME3. There have been some that have worked for short periods in JU, before giving up and resigning. JU also doesn't motivate anyone to stay long term which is a problem.

      As for the fleet, the B733's needed to be retired. This was at a time when the entire fleet was barely operating a flight per day, at best. These shortages will be short term, usually until September. Lockdowns seem to be slowly returning in Europe. In this scenario, expect to see a reduction of flights as restrictions are put in place. Charters are probably the focus because they can profitably fill those as Serbs are in masses heading on vacation - most likely they are making more money on charters than on scheduled routes.

    4. Anonymous16:51

      Everyone in Ex-YU due to historical experience sense that you got July & August to get away somewhere. Your being just sense that comes September there will be some restrictions imposed. Western European populace do not have that experience. On TripAdvisor you have British planning and booking trips for September, October! That is like planning for next millenia where you would go!
      And then what to say about what Airlines should do in terms of their plans for hiring, leasing, buying the planes etc etc. Impossible. We are in War economy. So from that prospective its day by day thing

  10. Anonymous13:40

    54???! Wow

  11. Anonymous15:40

    Berlin is also being increased to 4x weekly.

    1. Anonymous17:13

      ZUR 13X
      DUS 3X
      LJU 7X
      SVO 8X
      CDG 13X
      SJJ 5X
      SKP 8X
      TIA 11X
      YAG X5

    2. Anonymous18:33

      I think you mean ZAG? :D

    3. Anonymous18:56


  12. Anonymous18:32

    Pula resumed today. 54 passengers from Belgrade on the ATR


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