Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport is closing in on the five million passenger mark for the year as it continues its recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. The airport welcomed 518.098 travellers through its doors in October, representing a decrease of 8% on the pre-pandemic 2019. The number of commercial aircraft movements declined 4.7% to 5.136. The airport is on course to handle over five million passengers this year. During the January - October period it processed 4.6 million customers, down 11.7% on three years ago. Last year, the airport estimated it would handle five million passengers in 2022, with pre-pandemic traffic levels to be achieved in 2023.
The traffic recovery is taking place against the backdrop of a comprehensive expansion of the airport’s infrastructure. Most of the work is currently focused on the central processor, which will stretch over 15.000 square metres and includes the construction of a viaduct for pedestrians and cars, as well as the expansion of the smaller short-term car park which will be located in front of the terminal. The new central processor will enable the airport to boast 100 check-in desks, up to 1.200 square metres of additional retail space, as part of the commercial plaza, and an expanded arrivals area. The project will also allow for faster access and more efficient traffic flow. The facility will open next year.
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Viaduct and access roads |
Asphalting has been completed on the final segment of the airport’s new 3.500-metre-long inserted runway. Simultaneously, a new lighting system for the inserted runway, which will replace the existing one during its reconstruction, is currently taking place. It is expected for work on the new runway to be completed at the end of 2022 and put into operation during the first quarter of 2023, while reconstruction of the existing runway is to be completed by the end of next year. Once that is done, the inserted runway will remain in use as a parallel taxiway. Furthermore, work on the expansion of the de-icing platform is nearing completion. The expansion will increase the airport’s hourly de-icing capacity from ten up to sixteen aircraft. The new de-icing platform, including the necessary modifications to the existing one, cover an area of 25.500 square metres.
Good result. I assume BEG will reach around 5.3 million this year.
ReplyDeleteThe construction site is huge
ReplyDeleteWill all check-in move to this new building?
ReplyDeleteNo, there will be new check in area but the rest will be renovated an incorporated with this building.
DeleteI see, thanks
DeleteConsidering the first three months were impacted by travel restrictions and corona, this is pretty good.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very good result
ReplyDeleteIs that a pirotski carpet motif on the windows??
ReplyDeleteYes. Looks cool in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what was JU's passenger share in October?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know which foreign airline is the busiest at BEG if we don't include foreign based airlines (ie Wizz Air)?
ReplyDeleteTurkish Airlines I would assume.
DeleteOr Lufthansa?
ReplyDeleteencouraging trends
ReplyDeleteGreat results for BEG
ReplyDeleteThey need more flights to the Middle East
DeleteIt's actually almost 4.7 mil passengers. Until October BEG had 4,177,607 mil passengers.
ReplyDeleteI just don't understand why is VINCI always doing this? Is someone from their company enough competent and able to post the exact cumulative numbers and not the rounding numbers?
Taking in consideration that in the first quarter of this year Serbian citizens had a lot of travel bans to EU total result of 5 mil passengers in this year is not bad, but October with only 92,1% of traffic comparing to 2019 could have done better.
ReplyDeleteKoliko voznih traka ce biti na prilazima terminalima na Aerodromu. Koliko ce biti voznih traka ispred terminala u dolasku i odlasku. Dali ce kapacitet puteva na aerodromu moci da bez guzve opsluzivati buduci Aerodrom Beograd sa 15 miliona putnika na godisnjem nivou. Prvenstveno izmedju maja i oktobra?
ReplyDelete50 traka s jedne i 50 s druge strane. I ne 15 već 250 mil putnika minimum!
DeleteAnon 15:53. Hvala Vam na Vasem trudu. Vi ste genilalac za razumevanje. Mnogo uspeha... ✈😀🛫
DeleteRodjo niste zasluzili onaj odgovor pa evo mog pokusaja da vam pomognem. Access roads seem to keep current two-lane layout in the future, with computer renders showing more lanes at both departure (top) and arrival (lower) terminal levels. With separate lanes for taxi/bus transport and enforcement of short times for parked vehicles, shown setup should suffice even for significant increase in passenger volumes. Additional solutions such as agressive enforcement of rules for roadside parked vehicles directing them to wait zone/cell parking/Tesla parking could further help reduce congestion. In the long run, rail link could also help lower vehicle congestion
DeleteAnon 18:38. Takav prilaz i plan mi je do sada uglavnom malo poznat bio na Beogradskom aerodromu. Ovo sveta i aerodroma sto sam posetio
Deletedo sada uglavnom sam video da prilasci sa glavnih bulevara i autoputeva vode na dolaske i odlaske sa po tri trake sa obe strane do terminala. Sigurno sam jedan od zadnjih ljudi ovde koji se ozbiljno razume u operativnost aerodroma. I komercijalnu avijaciju.
Bez namere da Vam smetam u vasoj misiji na aerodromu, ostajte u zdravlj i uspehu.
Radovan Marinkovic, Kraljevo. ✈😀🛫🌐✈
Rodney put koji vodi do auto puta nije kritičan, dve trake su dovoljne. Ispred terminala se povečava broj traka, vidi da na na gornjem nivou za odlaske ima barem 4 trake a donji nivo za dolaske je širi za bar još 5-6 traka, dakle bar 9 ili 10 ukupno.
Postovani Anon 21:29. Dovoljno pouke za mene.
DeleteHvala vam. Uz pozdrav i napredak dogradnje novog
Haba na Surcinu, svako Vam dobro.
Do povratka za Sydney,
Rodney Marinkovic and Aviation Enthusiast Associate Group. 😀✈🌐🛫🌍✈🌏🛫
I know you will eat me alive for criticizing but I find that the overall proposed design and the quality of works is way below standards. The C concourse is not practical in it's design especially if travelators are not operational (as they are not most of the time), the carpets are already dirty, the roof is leaking in several places, the floor is yet another story. Overall in my opinion the only gain is the centralized security area; the rest is just nothing other than "krpljenje ".
ReplyDeleteNot sure when you were last at the airport but the travelators are working fine now and they have purchased carpet cleaning machines so they are clean now.
DeleteLast time IN 29.09. ...escalator from gate to upper floor not functional, 1 out of 3 travelators was working. OUT 13.10. ... carpets dirty, smoking room really smoked up to the point where even the corridor next to it was smelling tobacco big time. 2 Pisuoars clogged up ... to name a few defficiencies.
DeleteSmoking room by the C4 gate is small, inadequate for the demand and has no ventilation. 3 people smoking is enough to fill the room with smoke, with 5 people inside means the door is open for ventilation and cigarette smoke enters the corridor. This definitely needs to be improved.
DeleteAnon 10:21. Pohvalno je sto je aerodrom osposobio pokretnu traku za putnike. Ali je neverovatno da masina nije dosla u isto vreme kada je postavljan tepih u C objektu.
ReplyDeleteTo je olicenje sluzbe koja oprema terminale i objekte za javnu upotrebu. Ocigledno da nisu radili svoj posao odgovorno. Na Novom aerodromu mora biti puna odgovornost. Zaboravite proslost. "Uzdignite carape".
Naravno ukoliko ljudi iskreno pisu. 😀🛫🌐✈
It looks quite sad. No architecture whatsoever. Just space covered with cheap panels. The most interesting element is the facade with diagonally placed profiles. Yay!
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm not sad. I was saying the airports design looks sad. But if it makes you happy, I am happy for you mate.
DeleteThe most important is that the airport is simple, functional, safe and elegant. I hope the final result will aim towards this goals.
DeleteJust flu in and out from BEG, love the new terminal. In my opinion, BEG will easily reach 10 mil. passengers in the next 5-7 years.
ReplyDeleteGo Serbia!
ReplyDeleteWhat are the plans for the public garage next to the ATC tower? Can it be built upon the current one adding additional floors, or would it better to knock it down and build a new one?
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody knows if there is anything planed with the passport control at arrival? I cannot believe that it will stay like it is now.
ReplyDeleteYes. The new central processor will be used for arrival
DeleteThe site is huuuge!
ReplyDeleteWay bigger expansion project than I initially thought.
Looks amazing too - lets see how the finished project will look
How will current T2 look like when Security Check and Passport control are moved to the new building?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know will we be able to enter dutty free shop upon landing, like we used to? This summer there was no access to it.
ReplyDeleteYes, when the new building is completed a new duty free will be opened in arrivals. The one in departures will be available for access to those departing and in transfer.