Single bid for Maribor Airport concession


The Slovenian government has received one bid for the concession of Maribor Edvard Rusjan Airport. The bidder’s name has not been revealed as its offer is currently under review. If all conditions have been met, talks will begin with the bidder to determine the best way to implement the concession. This is the second time the government has attempted to give Maribor Airport up for concession, with the first ending in lawsuits after the Chinese operator SHS Aviation unilaterally pulled out two years into its fifteen-year management agreement in 2019. Since then, the airport has been managed by the state-owned consulting and engineering company DRI. Maribor Airport, which has no scheduled flights, handled 291 passengers during the first two months of the year.


  1. Anonymous13:43

    It's gonna be a catastrophe

    Why not lease it out to Ryanair or Wizz for 1€ yearly?

    1. Anonymous14:24

      Ryanair or Wizz are airport operators? Did I miss something?

    2. Anonymous15:27

      I mean it could work. Ryanair or Wizz would only need to pay a few people to work there and could offer even lower ticket prices.

    3. Anonymous16:11

      Ann 14:24,there is not much to operate in maribor, is it?

  2. Anonymous14:25

    As expected, almost no interest for "dead" airport. Even the loan bidder is not considered serios and most probably the call will be closed without selection.

  3. Anonymous17:06

    Fraport haha?

  4. Anonymous17:13

    I still remember the plan of it becoming a hub for flights to China from Europe...

  5. Anonymous19:05

    Annon at 15:27 !!! Really, few people to operate international airport with all services needed to be up and running? You obviously do not have a clue how much fixed cost is there even without single aircraft landing there. All fixed costs (electricity, water, heating, regular maintenance, cleaning, .......) plus all services to be running (meteo, ARO, fire fighting, all manouvering areas maintenance, cleaning, checking, winter services, pax and cargo acceptance, screening, checking and processing, uploading, offloading, pax buses, re-fueling services, customs, police, all other ground services, ....). No low cost operator, even legacy carrier would agree to bear all these costs just to have few flights a day, from area, already covered by other, well connected airports in the vicinity.


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