Croatia Airlines inaugurated two new seasonal routes from Split over the weekend, with services to Skopje and Oslo officially launched. Flights to the Macedonian capital will run twice per week until October 12 with the 76-seat Dash 8 aircraft where it faces no competition. On the other hand, services to Oslo will be maintained twice per week by its 144-seat Airbus A319 jet where it will go head-to-head against SAS Scandinavian Airlines and Norwegian Air Shuttle. The first flight to the Norwegian capital had 82 passengers on board, with 89 travellers on the return service. “The number of passengers illustrates that demand from Scandinavian markets for Split is strong”, Croatia Airlines’ Head of Sales, Marija Pavić, said.
Split - Skopje
Split - Oslo
Judging how they didn't reveal skopje pax number my guess is that it was terrible?
DeleteJuly and August they will see the biggest pax numbers from SKP , its still too early for the summer holidays . But this flight was half capacity on both flights ... But I am sure in summer we will see it A319 on this route.
DeleteI was on the plane there were 50 people on board
Deleteyou can connect through SPU onto their network
DeleteStill wondering how on earth OU chose SPU-SKP when there are so many other alternatives from SPU especially to Western Europe and the Iberian peninsula.
Delete15:25 Spain is near 5hr round trip. SKP, less than 2.
Delete@15.25 ah that arrogance again
Deletemeans SKP had better LF then the nordic destination
DeleteBravo Hrvatska!
ReplyDeletePuno previše istinski bravo!
DeleteThe fares are astronomical.
ReplyDeleteInflation is high. All Airlines including Ryanair have substantially increased fares compared to 2019 prices.
DeleteI flew SOF-ZAG with Ryanair a month ago with two cabin bags and priority boarding for 46 e ow
DeleteI flew ryanair INI-VIE about a month ago for 45e return, including priority..
Deletelucky both of you
DeleteWhat were you doing in Sofia?
Deletegotta see my boyz.
DeleteI purchased a ticket with Ryanair from Bologna to Bari, it was 2000 denari or 33 euros with 10kg checked in baggage. I bought four tickets, SKP-Bologna - Bari - Malta - SKP for less then 2000 euros, and all of them are with 10kg baggage, with that money i wont be able to buy a return ticket to Split with one cabin bag...
DeleteGood for you buddy, not everyone is as cheap though :)
DeleteNot everyone is stupid or brainwashed either 😃
DeleteIn my opinion: the fares are now fair. The fares in the years before Corona were far too cheap and tourists sometimes flew around pointlessly. I find the price now finally reasonable.
DeleteDid they change the schedule for SKP? I remember thinking the initial one made no sense but this one seems ideal for holidaymakers.
ReplyDeleteThis is the schedule
Thanks. But it seems that ex-yu confused it because it's the opposite and that's why I thought it made no sense.
DeleteJasmin se probudio, popio kahvu i odlucio da nesto uradi. Pozdrav iz Rijeke na aparatima. :D
DeletePozdrav iz Rijeke bi bio na aparatima, samo od cudjenja, ne nezadovoljstva, naprotiv, da se Jasmin stvarno probudi i da se OU transformira iz jadnog sluzinceta u ozbiljnu kompaniju. Pozdravu iz Rijeke ovo uopce nije neocekivano, nego je upravo ono sto je Jasminov maksimum. Kad ne pije kahvu. A na aparatima su samo uhljebi, jer znaju da se blizi kraj. Uz to su pojedini jos i ovdje na dezurstvu, po naputku sredisnjice 😃😃😃😅😅😅
DeleteOpsan Jasmin. 4 nove linije sa 5 frekvencija ukupno. Svaka cast.
DeleteBravo OU!
ReplyDeleteOno, kad su sluzincadi dovoljne mrvice sa gospodskog stola. Neprocjenjivo.
DeleteJadan je taj Jasmin kad nema svoje "ja".
ReplyDeleteDobar 😃