Croatia Airlines is modifying frequencies on a handful of routes out of its Zagreb hub this coming winter season as the airline continues to put a greater focus on the coast with the extension of select seasonal flights from Split and Dubrovnik, as well as a new winter service from Zadar. As previously reported, the carrier will suspend flights between the Croatian capital and Dublin over the winter. The airline maintained services between the two capitals twice per week last year. Furthermore, it will reduce frequencies between Zagreb and London Heathrow from four to three weekly. This has been done so as to free up one weekly slot pair for the new winter flights between Split and Heathrow, which will run until January 6, after which Zagreb frequencies will be restored to four weekly.
This winter season, Croatia Airlines will maintain three weekly rotations between Zagreb and Mostar, with the route restored this summer after over three years. It will have one additional weekly rotation between the two compared to the 2019/20 winter season. Frequencies on all other destinations will match those of last year and most are in line with the number of flights maintained during the 2019/20 winter season, up until the Covid-19 outbreak. Services to Skopje and Sarajevo, which were increased to eleven and fourteen weekly last winter will retain the same frequencies this year as well. This is up on seven and thirteen weekly rotations operated in 2019/20 respectively.
The carrier will run the same number of services from Zagreb to Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Munich, Paris, Rome, Vienna and Zurich as last winter and the pre-pandemic 2019 winter. Unlike four years ago, Croatia Airlines no longer maintains flights to either Barcelona or Lisbon over the winter months. Overall, the Croatian carrier will operate scheduled services to thirteen international destinations out of Zagreb this winter, as well as four domestic services. It will face direct competition on seven routes, three of which are operated by its Star Alliance and Lufthansa Group partners.

It's nothing great but for the size of the country and number of locals who travel is acceptable and rational
ReplyDeleteLocals from Slavonia travel through BEG. Locals from northwestern part, Istra and Kvarner travel through TRS/VCE. Locals from Dalmatia use several options. Size of the country in terms of air traffic is the biggest one within ex-yu and the only one with double digit million number. Network and fleet size of Croatia Airlines are totally unacceptable and irrational and market share of 15 %explicitely prove it. Consequently, only mean person from the neighbourhood, or Kradeze Party bot, or OU Uhljeb can write something what @09.02 wrote
DeletePozdrav, you have covered 90% of the commenters here with your last sentence!
DeleteSure, Singapore is the best example of how small the traffic is when "the size of the country and number of locals who travel" are not so high.
DeleteDon’t agree with @11.46. What OU is doing now is very reasonable.
DeleteExtra mayo
DeleteWinter operations will modify Croatia Airlines...
DeleteYour overlords already have a plan for you, since your silence was so deafening the last time they striped you off all your rights, now they will repeat it.
I'm afraid sandwich eaters and Party bots will lack capacity to answer to your brilliant post 😃
DeleteOnly 13 international destinations from ZAG? Wow, it hurts.
ReplyDeleteAnd I wonder how many of them aren't Star Alliance hubs...
Well with DUB gone it's one less.
DeleteRead the article. It is 13 (they added Mostar).
DeleteText says 13 as I suppose that OMO is taken as international destination.
Delete"Overall, the Croatian carrier will operate scheduled services to thirteen international destinations out of Zagreb this winter, as well as four domestic services."
They have been flying around 13 routes from ZAG in winter for years.
DeleteAnonymous 9:06, of course OMO is an international destination. It is another country.
Delete13 destinations are really embarassing.
DeleteIt's not as if they had many more pre Covid. They just had 3 more routes in winter.
DeleteIt is absolutely not important how many international destinations they had before pandemic as at time they were exactly so incompetent as they are now.
DeleteIt is laughable that OU keeps only 13 destinations during winter from ZAG.
How many of them are not to Star Alliance hubs? 2 or 3?
As if they were operating many more routes over summer. It ain't just winter. At their height they were operating something like 25 routes and not all of them were year round.
DeleteThey're simply going from bad to worse.
Is there really that much demand to Skopje that they send two jets daily? Incredible.
Deleteits 11x dashes so that sounds reasonabe
DeleteNo, it's mostly A319s and 320s
Deletelol go and see first week of november its only dashes
DeleteTransfers to where? It's interesting to see where people from Skopje end up when using OU for transfers. Maybe seaside during season, but in winter?
DeleteSometimes they also offer lower prices compared to others
DeleteThanks, @10.37! This passenger numbers are so low, though.
DeleteDo keep in mind it was during the pandemic (2020)
ReplyDeleteI think SKP will be reduced next. Wizz is selling really well their LJU flights while OU still charges €120 one way! Why should you pay so much money when you can fly on a brand new A321 for peanuts.
Deleteone ways in November are 60@ inbound and 70€ outbound. You should be more accurate. Thanks
DeleteIt shows €121 when I look for one way fares without a return flight.
Deletewell there you go 130€ for return is not bad
DeleteWizz is like less than €50 return.
DeleteLet's compare the same date and product in Nov. when Wizz will increase LJU to 3 weekly (14-18 Nov): Croatia ZAG-SKP 143,16 (Easy), Wizz LJU-SKP 79,98 (Basic with Priority, so the same product as OU Easy, 1 trolley and 1 personal bag/item). Wizz Basic is 49,98+30 Priority. OU price is not bad but will definitely quite some passengers from Slovenia and probably aslo some from Croatia.
Delete*will definitely loose some passengers*
DeleteFeels like they are just trying what it holds and what doesn't
ReplyDeletea bit odd
Is it slot restriction? Lack of airplanes? Lack of knowledge?
Same old from OU - just shuffling around frequencies.
ReplyDeleteThey are just preparing for the arrival of A220 and complete rejuvenation and are celebrating entrance into new era. They need to slash down ops, the pax experience will be stellar, magnifique to say the lest, and this is all it counts. They are leading the way for ZAG to become the most important regional hub.
ReplyDeleteWith that being said, I can switch off my sarcasm mode off and wait for Pozdrav :) Regional hub - read bus station for Minken/Vrankvurt/Štutgart
Seems like Ryanair's Charleroi has had an impact on OU's Brussels flights.
ReplyDeleteI think so too because they had double daily to BRU for years.
DeleteRyanair is a very tough battle for them in Zagreb, especially since they have shown to be very poorly prepared to compete.
DeleteOmg why they are sleeping on ATH??
ReplyDeleteIs there that much demand? Aegean is just starting ZAG this winter.
DeleteAegean is not operating Zagreb throughout the winter. Flights are only operating until early January.
DeleteUntil early January and starting early March you can’t call this seasonal service
DeleteIs it really more profitable for them to decrease ZAG-LHR by one flight and operate it from SPU? To me it makes no sense.
ReplyDeleteThey probably got a deal from a tour operator. Plus in LHR they have a deal with UA so they can offer US flights as well.
Deleteno they never get deals with agencies. Otherwise imagine the possibilities in summer
DeleteIt would be interesting to see which route is best performing. Both passengers wise and financially.
ReplyDeleteProbably Frankfurt.
DeleteHope bookings are performing well.
ReplyDeleteAny estimates on how many passengers they could handle by the end of the year?
ReplyDelete3.6 mil max
Delete3.6 million??? Croatia Airlines had 2.2 million in 2019 and their passenger numbers this year are still below 2019 levels.
DeleteHe probably thought you were asking about Zagreb Airport.
DeleteI hope they will be able to make a profit during Q4.
ReplyDeleteDon't count on it. I'm not sure they have ever been profitable in Q4.
DeleteIt is odd that they haven't added any new routes from ZAG in 4 years and I'm not counting Mostar because it is just a route resumption thanks to public money.
ReplyDeleteIt is correct OMO flights are subsidised. But regardless, it still brings money in and we are all happy with that in Mostar and Zagreb.
Delete17X weekly flights to B&H, nice.
DeleteWhat will they fly to SJJ? I wonder why didn't send the A319?
ReplyDeleteQ400 on all flights.
DeleteThank you
DeleteThey actually do send both A319 & A320 occasionally to SJJ!
Delete^ Absolutely every single flight this winter from Zagreb to Sarajevo is scheduled on the Q400.
DeleteAlso, this summer season only one single flight (on Jun 14) was operated by A320 and two on A319 on Jul 14, Jul 16, both because they had technical issues with Q400. So much for "occasionally".
DeleteHave you ever been on ZAG-SJJ flights during winter? Last year I was regular at least twice per month and flights were fare from full, very light load indeed. I had several night flights from ZAG to SJJ cancelled and was rerouted via VIE, and OU ZAG-VIE flights were even emptier. Hopefully now without Wizz OU will fill their flights better.
DeleteUnderwhelming to be honest.
ReplyDeleteDisappointing, especially dropping Dublin.
ReplyDeleteNot bad for such an insignificant company...
ReplyDeleteOU is significant company for Croatian economy and beyond.
DeleteLOL!!!! But about beyond, I fully agree. They are beyond everyone, even in the Balkans, not to mention real World
DeleteBeyond means, significant and well known worldwide, not only in the Balkans. Hope I’ve made you proud :-)
DeleteYou will make me proud when your World stops ending in Graz and when you realize how insignificant, irrelevant, tiny, unsuccessful, pathetic and humiliated Croatia Airlines is. But to admit it, one needs to have brains and balls
DeleteI want to be nice and say, whatever your misgivings are about OU bear in mind this company brings tourists, cargo, medicine, employing local community. These are only some elements of having a national airline and their importance for one state. it appears there is no appreciation, considering your views. But who knows maybe some day you see things from a different angle, instead of comparing of what others have to offer. There is no perfect place.
DeleteYou can write endless philosophical observations which are not going to change the fact that Croatia Airlines only participates with 15 % share on Croatian market, with percentage dropping year by year. Croatia Airlines is surviving on tax payers money. Croatia Airlines is pathetic feeder working for interests of Lufthansa. Everything else is just your try to present it like if it were diferrent. And it's not diferrent. And please don't give me "I want to be nice" story - you are just trying to advocate inert aparatchiks, incompetent uhljebs, corrupt politicians and their puppets and small thieves who jointly brought OU to the very bottom of european aviation
DeleteHave a look at other ExYu countries without national airline, it is the most simple way to explain your case or a complete codependency in SKP regarding Wizzair. Other best thing to consider is Rijeka Airlines. And then you might be even more disappointed because doesn’t fit your expectations.
DeleteRijeka has never been and will never be significant airport. Unlike ZAG which has all necessary to be one, except seerious flag carrier based there. After making up Rijeka Airlines, I doubt I even want to talk to you because it clearly shows how clueless you are about aviation. Almost like OU "management". But you probably are one of them. And I am not writing because of other ex-yu countries without national airline. I am writing precisely because Croatia has an airline which had opportunity to take advantage of all ex-yu markets without airlines. But instead they did NOTHING. They are continuing banding forward to be LH bitch. Whether you are not capable of understanding that, or just with Party task of advocating criminals and aparatchiks, if not one yourself, is entirely your problem
DeleteIf aviation works exactly the way as it is in your mind, then create you own airline and see how far you going to go. It is easy to blame and complain. This is not the way to run the business. Take care
DeleteIt's definitely easier to blame and complain then to open eyes, look around and see theft incompetence, inertness, everything that's light years from aviation, business and aviation business. At least for some people advocating theft, incompetence and inertness. You take care too, especially with your eyes wide closed!
DeleteIt’s not closed Pozdrav, please tell me where is that perfect place? Western airliners are not corrupt?? There are some good news ahead from next year for OU. This is my message. Have a good evening.
DeleteFor the last 25 years there have been only bad, worse and the worst news from OU. If there is a single person on this World who wants it to be different, and to be changed, and OU to reconfigure its path and its future, and become bigger and better, that would be me. But except your word, or your message, there is no single indicator that anything would change to better in 2024. Actually it is highly likely it would change for worst, with enormous costs of A220 lease and introduction, and additional loss making services, already announced, which will feed LH at MUC and FRA. Have a nice day!
DeleteI do believe you wish well for OU. And I agree OU will still be under LH umbrella for a while. But how about this, they will run all single fleet, instead of mix. It will save money in the short and long run. All new 220 will be far more economical and cheaper to run than their previous older jets in their fleet. Range of those new jets is further extended of what is an opportunity to fly beyond Europe and Mediterranean zone where they can make money. Route network and frequencies will be reorganised to fit this new plane. It may work. It can also go either way, but Let’s give a chance and see how they going to work this out before any conclusion now. And most important, for their passengers it will be great and pleasant change to fly with those new modern up to date jets who will represent the whole country on global level.
DeleteI also believe you that you sincerely think something will be changed in OU with A220 next year. But unfortunately it will not. You obviously lack information or have wrong information upon which you base your opinion : A220 has no bigger range than A320F. There is not a single destination which could be opened with A220 that couldn't have been opened earlier with A320F. Those jets are regional jets and they cannot represent the country on global level ; in order the country to be represented on global level, OU needs to have A350-900 or Dreamliner for stellar represantation, or at least A330 or A321XLR for regular representation. With A220, OU has no intention and cannot fly "beyond Europe and Mediterrannean and make money". They will use it to feed LH in MUC and FRA, and they will lose even more money because leasing of those aircraft, compared to A320F which are their property, would create huge additional costs, where savings in operational part cannot help as they would not be big enough to cover for lease expenses. Furthermore, Croatia is not a market for a single type operations. We have bigger seasonality which Air Baltic, just for example, doesn't have. We have distant markets tourism and diaspora demand which again Air Baltic as single type operator does not have. We have totally "uncovered" domestic network, where A220 is definitely too big, and PSO is total failure. Next, "staying under LH umbrella" is not the problem itself. Problem is lack of willingness and lack of competence to position itself as partner within the Alliance, instead serving only as a feeder, something what TAP, Brussels, Austrian, Swiss, Aegean did. And the biggest problem is lack of strategy for civil aviation on state level. No plan, no vision, no interest, no nothing. With our geographical position, tourism, diaspora and whole of the Balkans beyond, we could have been recognized as global player, which is obviously what you wish for as well and what Air Serbia is currently trying to do. USB outlets and better catering, of course, yes, they can help, but only after priority issues are solved, which in OU are remaining unsolved and unchanged. I am not trying to belittle you, I am just giving you reasons on which I base my opinion. And my opinion is opinion of the person who has been working in airline industry for over 30 years, and currently I am working for multinational aviation corporation which is NASA compared to OU, and I know very well what I am talking about and why I can't be optimistic about OU, next year, or all the time until something is changed drastically, strategy-wise, competence-wise, size-wise and profitability-wise. Best regards from Doha!
DeleteApologies, I have mistaken the range with 321xlr. I worked for prominent airline too but only for 1 year. Because, though company appears nice and shiny to the world, once you were there you can see things how they truly are, especially how things work in HQ. Best thing to do was to laugh and keep moving. LOL. When it comes to OU we can’t change the politics, but we can enjoy of what is great. In professional but in private life too. Regards from UK
DeleteNo need for apologies. Always pleasure to have civilized conversation. Cheers!
DeleteEnjoy the sunshine and blue skies over there:-) here, sandwich w’extra mayo can do the job he he he
DeleteIt seems they are definitely not focusing on ZAG or competing with FR.
ReplyDeleteThis is correct. Their focus is now primarily on introduction of brand new 220, Renewal of entire fleet, bringing new services and introduction of new destinations for 2024.
DeleteBravo Croatia
DeleteHahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha
DeleteI don't remember them having international flights from so many airports in Croatia. So at least that's good.
ReplyDeleteSo the novelties is winter is two 1 weekly flights from Split that will operate for two and a half months and a new route from Zadar to Munnich? Wow.
ReplyDeleteDubrovnik to Frankfurt three times per week.
DeleteFrom ZAG they could start WAW, DUS, TXL, SOF, OTP, IST...
ReplyDeleteWAW is taken by LOT
DeleteDUS is taken by Eurowings and Ryanair flies to NRN nearby
TXL doesn't exist but BER is actually a good opportunity for them
SOF is going to be vacated by Ryanair so this is a good opportunity too
OTP is another good opportunity
IST they have no chance against TK
They should also launch PRN, TIA
Are you saying they can't compete against any single airline on any route?
DeleteOne comment for IST. Due to the staff and equipment issues at TK (also considering the SA partnership), IST could actually work, as ZAG-IST flights are usually full and TK cannot add more flights immediately. And of course it has to be introduced with full coordination of TK.
DeleteAnon 10:57
DeleteIf Ryanair has failed on ZAG-SOF route, there is no chance that Croatia would succeed.
They can't start flights to IST because mamaLufti wouldn't like that. That would mean feeding Turkish which is not the postulate of Croatia Airlines.
I'm dumbfounded by their logic to operate Zagreb-Dublin on and off throughout the year for just a few months. How can you compete against Ryanair like that?
ReplyDeleteBy the looks of things, they won't be operating Dublin-Zagreb anymore at all.
DeletePainful, as a Croat to finance OU through taxes....
ReplyDeleteI'm proud that my taxes are being used to fund the flag carrier. It's better then giving money to Ryanair.
Delete@13.03 Agree
DeleteAnd I would be proud if my flag carrier bring me to DUS and not to OMO in winter, so im pround that FR fly to NRN.
Delete@Prle Good luck then
Deletelol but you actually do give money to ryanair trough taxes
DeleteRyanair gets exactly ZERO euros of taxpayer money. Why are you spreading disinformation?
DeleteActually embarrassing
ReplyDeleteOptimising their fleet and network during a winter season is the right thing to do
Delete@13.26 +1
DeleteWhy dont they add Lisbon, Stockholm, Oslo, Berlin, Athens, nonstop to Rome..? Its obvious that they are not trying to find a way out of this. They are spending and losing money anyway, why dont they just try and launch something new? The end of them is near if they continue like this.
ReplyDeletethey are trying something new - reducing the size of the fleet and ops. This time it even might work!
Delete@12.52 +1
DeleteWaiting for them to finally introduce some new routes to ZAG.
ReplyDeleteYou will continue waiting. For a long long time. While paying from your pocket their incompetence and inertness
DeleteGreat New Changes and new destinations coming in 2024. We are almost there. Privilege to be tax payer for OU
DeleteSeek help
DeleteIf this is your response for those who disagree with you, then good luck.
DeleteNot response to those who disagree with me. Response to those who refuse to see how unsuccessful their beloved OU had been for 30 years and who are predicting shiny and glorious future based on no facts, no arguments, no numbers and no knowledge, but on crystal ball instead
DeleteI flew with OU numerous of times. There were ups and downs. Flew with other major airliners too, again with ups and downs. OU came on top not because there were perfect but with an effort to make things right. Renewal of OU fleet is a fact. Introduction of new destinations from others airports is the fact too. OU already placed an order for instalment of USB ports For their new 220. New catering concept is already under consideration, also the fact. So what are you talking about? What is fantasy here? Yes they are supported by the state like many other airlines in the world. Nothing wrong with that.
DeleteI do believe you wish the best for OU, perhaps even more then myself. But the issue here is you are more angry then constructive. Cheers
DeleteI am not qualified to be constructive regarding OU. I have spine and I don't have Party booklet
Yes, there are such airlines. And even in those which have corruption, incompetency, politics..., their level is not such high as in OU,
Extra mayo
Their flight ops from ZAG will still be below 2019 levels until January next year.
ReplyDeleteOh and capacity too
DeleteOU are being very responsible nowadays and only operating rotes and frequencies that are more profitable and they lose as little money as possible. If they expanded greatly this winter it would lead to massive losses and you would all be moaning on here! Most Airlines across the world are making significant reductions, more then prior to Covid.
ReplyDeleteLet's see what Air Serbia do? I guarantee they won't be able to fill the flights like they think they are going to during the winter months.
OU have not opened a single route in winter for almost 10 years and winter has resulted in network cutting and record losses almost each year.
DeleteIn terms of JU, it is sad that them not filling up planes is all you that you hope for and can cling on.
CroatiaAirlines is doing of what is suppose to do nowadays, and getting very busy in preparing for a great changes in 2024.
ReplyDeleteExtra tasty sandwiches today. Extra mayo. Sunkarica instead parizer
DeleteHe he he he. Sounds tasty:-)
DeleteNo parizet and sunkarica, vrankvurter bratvurst :)
DeleteHahahahahahahaha @notLufthansa, you made my day once again 😃😃😃
DeleteStill no Prague, I'm disappointed :')