EX-YU capital city airports to register September passenger growth

The majority of capital city airports from the former Yugoslavia are expected to see passenger growth this month when compared to September in both 2022 and the pre-pandemic 2019, based on available seat capacity levels.

Belgrade Airport has the most available seats on scheduled flights this month, standing at 935.538. The figure represents an increase of 31.4% on last year and up 27.2% on 2019. Air Serbia continues to maintain its position as the largest carrier, holding 54.5% of all available capacity at the airport. Zagreb follows as the second largest airport with 451.798 available seats on scheduled flights during the month. It represents an increase of 4% on last year and is up 2.7% on 2019. Croatia Airlines will retain its position as the largest carrier at the airport, with 35.2% of available capacity, ahead of Ryanair with a 28.8% share.

Skopje Airport boasts 319.967 seats in September, up 11.1% on last year and an improvement of 24.3% on 2019. Wizz Air will hold a 58.2% share of available seats at the airport. Pristina Airport will have 247.699 available seats, however, it has numerous flights sold exclusively through tour operators which are considered as charters. Therefore, these are not included in overall scheduled seat capacity. If only seats on scheduled flights are taken into account, the airport sees an increase of 13.9% in capacity on last year and 21.5% on 2019.

Podgorica Airport has close to 200.000 seats on sale this month, up 3.4% and 11.8% on 2022 and 2019 respectively. Sarajevo Airport has 168.434 seats available this September, which is down 11.9% on last year’s record and comes as a result of Wizz Air’s base closure. Therefore, the airport is expected to register a seventh consecutive month of declining passenger numbers. However, capacity is still up 26.1% on the pre-pandemic 2019. Finally, Ljubljana Airport continues to see a significant decline in capacity if compared to the pre-pandemic era due to the bankruptcy of Adria Airways. It boasts 141.156 seats this month, down 40.2% on 2019. However, the figure is an improvement of 12.2% on last year. Ljubljana’s largest carrier by seats this month is Lufthansa with a 14.5% share, just ahead of Turkish Airlines with 13%.


  1. Anonymous09:01

    Very little difference between Croatia Airlines and Ryanair in Zagreb now

    1. Anonymous09:05

      Croatia Airlines has almost 25% more seats on sale in Zagreb than Ryanair.

    2. Anonymous09:05

      Next years maybe FR will be first.

    3. Anonymous09:06


      Croatia Airlines 35.2% share
      Ryanair 28.8% share.

    4. Anonymous09:07

      Ryanair will expand as in SOF and OTP, the way it works is this. In the coming years, FR will add new destinations and capacity.

    5. Anonymous09:08

      My comment above is question to the first @9.05 anon

    6. Anonymous09:13

      If OU continues to focus on Split (now they are doing it even in winter by shifting one Heathrow flight) then Ryanair will definitely overtake them in Zagreb sooner or later.

    7. Anonymous09:20

      By the looks of it sooner rather than later.

    8. Anonymous09:21

      The difference in winter months will be even smaller.

    9. Anonymous09:52

      @9:06 35 million is 125% of 28 million, so they have 25% more.

    10. Anonymous15:15

      The numbers are no longer accurate. Ryanair loaded frequency increases on many routes in Zagreb today for this winter.

    11. Anonymous15:45

      ^ this is for the month of September. Did you even bother to read the article?

    12. Anonymous17:24

      Sorry, the discussion got confusing because the comments started talking about the winter.

  2. Anonymous09:03

    wow very strong month for Belgrade again

    1. Anonymous09:03

      And a very big share for Air Serbia.

    2. Anonymous09:06

      Air Serbia significantly grew in this year but still they have around 50% (+/- 5%) share in Belgrade. It clealy shows that not only Air Serbia grew in Belgrade but the other carriers too, mostly Wizzair.

    3. Anonymous09:11

      Yes, foreign airline also grew. I think Air Serbia's annual share will be around 52% maybe.

    4. Nemjee07:01

      I am especially happy about KLM doing so well in BEG. They are really a friendly airlines both to passengers and their corporate clients. I really enjoy flying with them, taking them to Berlin next month since JU wanted to charge me around 50.000 RSD for a return flight. At least like this we get corporate miles.

  3. Anonymous09:04

    So Belgrade will serve 1 million in September?

    1. Anonymous09:06

      No, where did you get that?

    2. Anonymous09:09

      That when it says that PRN does not include charters with tour operators, or does BEG include charters?

    3. Anonymous09:10

      It doesn't but there definitely won't be 75,000 seats on charter flights in September and there definitely won't be a 100% load factor on all flights to reach a million passengers.

    4. Anonymous11:51

      BEG is definitely in SOF league !

    5. Anonymous14:11

      BEG this year has more passengers than Sofia.

    6. Nemjee07:03

      Actually, looking at July numbers, BEG outperformed SOF by quite a bit:

      SOF: 662.440
      BEG: 905.000


    7. Anonymous10:47

      Yes, BEG is now play in the league with BUD, SOF, SKG, OTP... and it stands quite good there.

  4. Anonymous09:05

    Wow, Belgrade has more than double seats available comparing to Zagreb!

    It is really sad to see that Zagreb willl have so small increase in available seats...It is almost 10 times less than Belgrade showing that gap between BEG and ZAG will nothing but sharply grow.

    In 2009 the gap was 300.000 passengers and in this year it is expected to be more than 4 million passengers...and still growing!

  5. Anonymous09:06

    What number are the predictions for 2023 in LJU leaning towards?

    1. Anonymous09:18

      1.2 mio

    2. Anonymous09:19

      Winter should be relatively strong with new Luxair and Wizz flights.

    3. Anonymous09:25

      And many frequency increases :D

    4. Anonymous09:25

      those are only 5 flights per week. not much

    5. Anonymous09:26

      For an airport like Ljubljana, 5 flights per week makes a difference.

    6. Anonymous09:28

      There are a few flights to LUX and SKP already included in LJU Sept CAP numbers, but the capacity is still -40% down. Wizzair in overall figures is down from last year, Air France as well (no morning flights from October) and LH is utilizing smaller aircraft to FRA. Swiss is much better, increasing frequency and using bigger aircraft when needed.

    7. Anonymous10:57

      AF switched morning flights to late afternoon and afternoon to mid-day, nit just cancelled morning flights. As I remember during winter LH was also last year with CRJ, there is MUC flight this winter with mixed CRJ and A319, LX increasing capacity significantly. So, it’s not just black and white in LJU.

    8. Anonymous11:10

      If we speak about winter and not just September in LJU there will be much more capacity this year than last. Not just what was mentioned above, but also BA and IV will be there, JU, LO, FZ, TK with more capacity, just to mention some positive changes.

    9. Anonymous11:43

      Wizz Air has only two flights on skp-lju in September.

    10. Anonymous13:42


    11. Anonymous13:43

      It's GP Aviation Switzerland sorry

    12. Anonymous18:23

      LX today updated winter schedule: LJU will be 12 per week, twice daily during week and onece during weekend. Twice weekly Eselweiss is scheduled, most of other flights are A223, some Helvetic.

    13. Anonymous18:37

      So, things are moving in right direction in LJU, slowly indeed but moving. Probably with summer schedule next year there will be no need for a new national airline anymore. With all the focus in post flood investment it looks like the government interest also faded away.

    14. Anonymous19:41

      @18.23 Eselweiss, crying... Esel is magarac. Edelweiss like the flower

  6. Anonymous09:11

    What do you think of SJJ? What does it lack in terms of capacity or destinations?

    1. Anonymous09:12

      It lacks several main European capital cities in my opinion - Paris, Rome, Brussels...

    2. Anonymous09:14

      I think the departure of W6 from Tuzla will be good for the airlines in SJJ. Anyway, TZL is SJJ's second airport ;)))

    3. Anonymous09:54

      Did Tuzla actually take away passengers from Sarajevo?

    4. Anonymous11:50

      It would have taken if the same routes were served from SJJ, SJJ has nothing to do with the end of W6 at Tuzla, maybe a few will start to use LH and OS, but many will now use BEG.

    5. Anonymous13:42

      People commenting here have never flown from TZL and have no idea about local habits. TZL had cheap flights used by half of Bosnia... Yes, pax from Bijeljina, Zvornik, Brčko, Tuzla might switch to BEG. Then there are pax who are from these places but will never fly from BEG due to political reasons. Numbers of unruly situations occured on Wizz flights when they diverted to BEG from TZL.

      And then on the other hand ... There is another 90% of Bosnia which WON'T switch to Belgrade. Everyone west than Tuzla will rather switch to ZAG. Pax from Central Bosnia will surely not go to BEG (7-8h road).

      Destinations are not the same in SJJ and TZL. Come on! They are not. True! But those who flew for years to Friedrichshafen or Baden Baden or Hahn will now probably switch to Eurowings from Sarajevo. Scandinavian pax will switch to Norwegian probably and so on!

    6. Anonymous17:20

      Eurowings and Norwegian most likely to expand in 2024.

    7. Nemjee07:08

      People will not fly for political reason from BEG until it's cheaper and more convenient to do so. This especially applies for gasto traffic which is a very price sensitive group.

      The fact that Wizz Air is boosting BEG after TZL closure goes to show that they are redirecting a large chunk of their old market there. When it comes to money, people will think twice about their political ideology, especially once the highway to Sabac and Loznica is completed. I think I read somewhere that they also plan on extending it to Bijeljina. BEG will become even more attractive and accessible for many.

    8. Anonymous10:14

      7:08 I think the local Bosnians will more often from BEG because BEG has a lot of attractive destinations they do not serve from Bosnia. Many southern but also many central european destinations and long haul flights. Many Macedonians fly directly from BEG instead of starting their journey in SKP and connecting via BEG.

      For the gastarbeiders it’s not that attractive it’s to Brcko and Bilijena 2 hours Tuzla 3 hours. If you live in Germany than you want or a flight direct to your destination or you go by car.

      Besides the gastarbeiters are not that price sensative look at the fares

  7. Anonymous09:12

    How many passengers will BEG serve in 2023? IMO 7.6?

    1. Anonymous09:14

      Considering the strong winter Air Serbia is planning, I think it will be closer to 7.8 million.

    2. Anonymous09:15

      That is, over SOF and SKG?

    3. Anonymous09:15

      With so many frequency increasing I believe that Belgrade will go close to 8 million.

    4. Anonymous10:40

      If it keeps growing at even 20% next year, it will comfortably pass 9 million next year! Bravo BEG!

  8. Anonymous09:18

    Interesting info

  9. Anonymous09:23

    Great to see the capacity overview at ex-yu... LJU still depends a lot on charters (not included in CAP figures), a sign of an underserved market. LJU (Fraport) performance is still a disaster for Slovenia. When transfer passengers from the Adria era are deducted, normal figures for LJU should be around -15% compared to 2019, but they are at -40%, excluding charters.

    1. Anonymous09:32

      I wonder what the difference in October vs October 2019 will be considering there was no more Adria.

    2. Anonymous09:40

      October 23 will be better than October 19 without a doubt. Remember there was no Lufthansa, Swiss or many other airlines at the time.

  10. Anonymous09:23

    there are charter flights too

  11. Anonymous09:28

    Very good numbers for most overall.

  12. Anonymous09:29

    Skopje keeps winning, I think with the new lounge more and more people will decide to travel through Skopje. I heard Barcelona will be restarted in the spring but with Vueling, announcement will be in November

    1. Anonymous09:31

      I really don't think the lounge (it's the same one just with new carpets and furniture) was a factor for anyone.

    2. Anonymous09:32

      yeh you have heard ...

    3. Anonymous10:31

      Yesterday someone "heard" that KLM is coming :D

    4. Anonymous10:41

      its the same guy. He comments like that also on some mk forum

    5. Anonymous16:55

      It is good to have ambition.
      Wish Skopje a lot of success!

    6. Anonymous18:15

      it is not about ambition... I have the same dreams for those routes that we miss but when I read something like "I heard" rolleyes.gif

  13. Anonymous09:33

    Would not want to see the comparison for Tuzla...

    1. Anonymous09:54

      The decline must be around 80%

  14. Anonymous09:56

    Well done. Most of them have really impressed a lot this year

  15. Anonymous09:57

    What has caused such an increase in PRN? I don't remember some airline launching a lot of new flights.

    1. Anonymous10:29

      I have been wondering this too.

    2. Anonymous16:45

      No new routes but quite some frequency increases, EW, LX

    3. Anonymous20:57

      Condor have 3 new routes.

  16. Anonymous09:58

    Now to see if all those seats can actually be filled

    1. Anonymous10:05

      I do not think it will be a big problem in ZAG taking in consideration how small the increase is.

  17. Anonymous10:15

    Good work by most. Congratulations

  18. Anonymous10:29

    I would say this is above EU average no?

    1. Anonymous10:30

      Considering most EU airports are still below pre Covid numbers, yes.

    2. Anonymous10:42

      There is a clear divide between southern Europe which has surpassed 2019 numbers and the rest of the continent which is still way down.

  19. Anonymous10:30

    I expected bigger share of Wizz in Skopje. It used to be something like 65%.

    1. Anonymous10:42

      Arrival of new airlines has had an impact but with Wizz launching new routes, it will probably be over 60% from October and over 60% on annual basis.

    2. Anonymous10:42

      not in summer when there are lots of charters

    3. Anonymous12:18

      Especially when Lufthansa enter the market , took significent numbers of pax from istanbul and Wizz .. But what happening the last 6-7 days I notice Croatia fly with A319 and 320 from SKP ? :D

    4. Anonymous21:43

      Croatia Airlines has 9 weekly flights from / to Skopje, 7 are A319/A320, and 2 are DH8

  20. Anonymous10:31

    Ah true. Too bad, always interesting to see the LF.

  21. Anonymous10:42

    We can expect BEG to hit the 10 million mark in 2025! How many long haul routes does everyone think BEG will have in 2 years time?

    1. Anonymous17:23

      Hainan to Beijing
      Air Serbia to New York, Chicago, two destinations in China ( Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin?), Toronto and Seoul-Incheon.
      Will be nice to see Miami by JU and YYZ by Air Canada or Air Transat.

    2. Anonymous22:58

      And Havana.

  22. Anonymous11:14

    Somewhat shockingly the very second flight to Lux from Ljubljana is sold out...Maybe Luxair will (just like Flydubai) be sorry that they haven't started the flights earlier

    1. Anonymous11:45

      Sold out because it will not operate.

    2. Anonymous11:48

      Ann 11:45 why the lies? I'm booked on the same flight

    3. Anonymous12:52

      Inbound 14.9. & 21.9., Outbound 17.9., 24.9. all sold out.

    4. Anonymous12:53

      Looking at the system, it does show that the flight is sold out (not cancelled though). Good work for them

    5. Anonymous12:53

      Is it possible that tour groups are being booked on them?

    6. Anonymous13:11

      No. There is Slovenian community in LUX who can't wait to go home for the weekend (they were pushing hard for this route), plus there was a promotion by Luxair, identifying Ljubljana as a lovely weekend destination. Here are the results.

    7. Anonymous13:13

      Great! Happy to hear the flights are doing well

    8. Anonymous13:41

      Generally it seems that LG will soon be sending 737-700s to Ljubljana, it's fascinating result for the route that is so new

    9. Anonymous13:51

      I’m not surprised about LG. Would prefer more frequently over larger aircraft though.

    10. Anonymous13:52

      @13.11 sounds like a fairy tale

    11. Anonymous15:45

      My guess is that we could see E190 on ljubljana route sooner than later

    12. Nemjee07:12

      In addition to some local demand, don't forget that LUX is also very convenient for certain parts of France, Belgium and Germany. Luxair can become a convenient option for many beyond Luxembourg.

    13. Anonymous16:38

      The second flight is no longer showing as sold out. There is plenty of availability. Seems like it was a system flitch.

    14. Anonymous16:40


  23. Anonymous12:56

    July , August and September will be more then 300k for SKP which is great results after Covid 19 , keep doing the great job !!!

    1. Anonymous12:56

      Each month 300K *little correction

    2. Anonymous13:49

      nope only the first two

    3. Anonymous14:41

      What do you mean only the first two ? July had more them 300k , now waiting for august results which some sense I think is more then 300k , and september is also 319k ...

    4. ne se zaletuvaj bez potreba16:20

      lol sept 2019 was 232k, do some math

    5. Anonymous17:22

      I am saying for this year buddy not for 2019 , I speak for the results now

    6. Anonymous17:23

      And I say it is nice results after Covid which means that this year SKP for this 3 monhts will have 300k pax ... I dont know why you are confusing

    7. Anonymous17:24

      All 3 monts each will be 300k which is 900k for 3 monts period , isnt that great results ?

  24. Anonymous15:16

    Today Ryanair loaded many frequency increases on its Zagreb winter schedule.

    For example
    Memmingen goes from 2 weekly to 3 weekly
    Malaga from 3 to 4
    Basel from 2 to 3
    Malta from 3 to 4

    1. Anonymous15:18

      Even Gothenburg is going up to 3 per week. It was only 2 weekly this summer.

    2. Anonymous15:46

      Ground breaking

    3. Anonymous15:56

      You call it many?

    4. Anonymous16:55

      Compared to OU, it is many

    5. Anonymous17:07

      Comparing to JU, it is nothing.

    6. Nemjee07:14

      It could also be pressure from ZAG. I am sure they were negotiating with them regarding their somewhat weak winter schedule. Sure, Ryanair tends to bully airports left and right but at the end of the day they will try to keep their dominant position compared to their competition.

  25. Anonymous18:00

    So, when Air Serbia has 54.5% share at BEG is ok, but when Wizz has 58.2% at SKP is all doom and gloom, eh?

    Not minding the fact that WIZZ costs peanuts for the Macedonian tax payers.

    1. Anonymous18:02

      So Air Serbia is a local airline that pays local taxes in the budget and offers 80 destinations from Belgrade, including the likes of New York, Chicago and almost all major European cities, while Macedonia is funding a Hungarian airline for flights to Memmingen and Vaxjo. And Belgrade is served by over 20 foreign airlines. Try again.


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