Croatia among world’s first to trial digital passports


Croatia alongside Finland, Canada, and the Netherlands is among the first in the world to trial a paperless digital passport, which will streamline travel procedures. The project is part of a larger European Union initiative to test digital passports to improve travel technology and security by 2030. Using a mobile app, travellers can store and present their passport information on their smartphones instead of carrying a physical passport. The digital passport also enables passengers to link any electronic visas and health documents. Croatian passport holders can currently use their digital credentials at Zagreb Airport. Digital passports are expected to become more common and popular in the future as they offer convenience and security for travellers. Details on how to activate a digital passport can be found below.


  1. Anonymous14:04

    Bravo Hrvatska!

    1. Anonymous14:21

      The only post where this comment makes sense

    2. Anonymous14:55

      Lots of things do not function properly in Croatia, but the digitalisation of public administration and the courts in recent years has actually been excellent.

    3. Anonymous17:20

      I am talking for the posts on this blog, not for general.

    4. Anonymous02:14

      black mirror real life welcome

    5. Anonymous00:55

      Helping to construct their own concentration camp

  2. Does anyone know if Serbian passports and IDs are or will be eligible for this technology?

  3. Anonymous14:34

    Many will not like this

    1. Avionlet15:02

      I really don’t get why would anybody like this

    2. Anonymous15:17

      More and more "conspiracy theories" coming true each day. Well done!

    3. Vlad15:20

      Please explain to me what new data about yourself you are giving with a digital passport that you weren't already giving with a regular passport? I'm genuinely struggling to understand the "conspiracy" behind this.

    4. Anonymous16:46

      The government could invalidate your passport or freeze your digital money remotely with the press of a button if they consider you as a bad citizen.

    5. Anonymous20:09

      Exactly annon 16:46.

      Passport and cash in hand gives you freedom. Digital crap gives you a false sense of freedom.

    6. Може ли неко да ми објасни следеће: Користим електронски пасош, рикне ми батерија, неко ми украде телефон, заборавим лозинку, разбије ми се исти, уз пут ми се батерија испразни, како да пређем границу без пасоша? Да дођем на пасошку контролу и кажем службенику: Знате, немам пасош, односно имам, али као да немам, јер сам имао пех са телефоном у коме је мој електронски пасош, па да ли можете да ме пустите да уђем у вашу земљу без путне исправе?

    7. Anonymous22:23

      The governments can already revoke your citizenship at the press of a button too. Your passport can be invalidated even if no one comes to actually take it away from you.

    8. Anonymous14:13

      Yes but your current passport is not linked to your cell phone, bank accounts, credit card, health card, other passports (if you have one), etc...
      All of this being linked together digitally, along with a credit score, is what a Chinese citizen currently lives like today.
      It affects your ability to get a job, which neighborhood you can get rent in, which school or college your kids can go to, which buildings you can enter, whether you can rent a car...
      It's not only about "the government turning it off". It's how any privilege in your life is controlled and these monitoring controls are automated.
      You may laugh and call this a conspiracy but it already exists in China and it's a slippery slope.

    9. Avionlet20:20

      @Anon 14:13

  4. Anonymous17:49

    Bravo Hrvatska from Serbia :-))) congratulations

  5. Anonymous20:19

    This will lead to fraud and illegal immigration!

    1. Anonymous20:35

      I saw a video where two twins exchanged their passports to one another and were able to pass this kind of passport control.

    2. Anonymous21:00

      And that situation is impossible using physical passport, if we're talking about twins of course?

  6. Anonymous09:02

    Do you know what the app is for dutch passports?

    1. Anonymous09:30

      I don't think the trial in the Netherlands has begun yet. But it will soon.

  7. Anonymous11:07

    I just came back to the US from Croatia through the LAX airport. It was the strangest thing, I didn't have to show my passport at all to the US border officer. They just had me look at the camera and they apparently pulled up all my information that way. I literally kept my passport in my bag the whole time. I don't know how I feel about that to be honest.

    1. Vlad22:01

      The US doesn't have exit border control, just like the UK. They took your picture to associate it with the name on your boarding pass, they didn't "pull up" any data.

    2. Anonymous08:22

      This was at the customs to enter back into the US. I was curious so I did some online searching and apparently some airports are now using facial recognition linked to the biometric data instead of looking at your passport, or something like that.

  8. Anonymous12:32

    "linking with health documents" 👀

    1. Anonymous16:29

      trying to force annual flu shots for everyone...or else you can't travel. Then you create the linkages to other cards and then it will result in not being able to access your IDs, driver's license, health card, credit card, bank accounts...lose all services, including internet access, etc.
      Makes it very easy to change a population's behavior.


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