Zagreb Airport sees busiest November on record


Zagreb Airport welcomed 275.851 passengers last month, marking its busiest November on record. The figure represents an increase of 11.5% on the pre-pandemic 2019 and growth of 8.7% on last year. During the January - November period, Zagreb Airport handled 3.444.452 travellers, up 7.5% and 19.7% on 2019 and 2022 respectively.

Zagreb's largest airlines by scheduled seat capacity, November 2023


  1. Anonymous13:53

    OU surprisingly still has decent seating capacity, I was sure they'd already lose out on capacity to Ryan

    Although comparing to what Air Serbia has in Belgrade or even what Adria had before their collapse, it's uh...unfortunate

    1. Anonymous14:18

      It has the capacity but not the passengers. Ryanair's A320s are packed, Croatia's are not.

    2. Anonymous15:42

      This growth is also partially because of higher LF on OU flights, please don't comment if you don't have correct information.

    3. Anonymous16:39

      What is not correct in my comment? Ryanair's A320s are packed - correct. Croatia Airlines' Airbuses are not packed - correct. The load factors are literally public information.

    4. Anonymous18:01

      Being no. 1 is according to you onla decent??

    5. Anonymous19:07

      Air Serbia has no competition in its own country, it's a state funded company & thx to the Serbian taxpayers they were able to fly the Europe. Croatia has 4 million more passengers compared to Serbia.

    6. Vlad08:14

      Air Serbia has no competition in its own country? Is this your first time on this blog?

  2. Anonymous14:11

    I flew from Skopje to Zagreb and back last week, flight was full on both ways. I was surprised.

    1. Anonymous14:12


    2. Anonymous14:39

      Why were you surprised?

    3. Anonymous14:40

      Was it mostly transfer or p2p?

    4. Anonymous14:58

      @14:39 cause i though that the flights were half empty.

    5. Anonymous18:55

      Why did you think the flights were half empty?

    6. Anonymous23:36

      Is this a 5Why analysis? 😄

    7. Anonymous00:32

      @18:55 cause i though that nobody flies with OU. Why did i think that nobody flies OU? Cause they have poor network and we already have JU, OS, LO, LH, TK plus W6.

    8. Anonymous08:17

      No, it's because you absorbed the anti-OU histeria on this blog. That's why. OU does suffer from structural problems, but the key problem is the respective Minister who lacks both the intellectual capacity and work energy to tackle those problems. Still, OU is not even close to the gloom wished for by many a poster here.

  3. Anonymous14:14

    Well done, ZAG.

  4. Anonymous14:39

    Bravo Hrvatska!

  5. Anonymous15:43

    This just show how much potential Zagreb airport has with its location and level of service it is providing to both companies and passengers.

    1. Anonymous16:07

      This barely shows anything

    2. Anonymous18:22

      Leave him alone in his immaginations

  6. I honestly did not expect such a strong finish of the year, so a nice surprise there. If I'm not mistaken this is already more passengers than during the entire 2019.
    ZAG should be at over 3.7 million this year after all, and going over 4 million next year easily.
    Great job!

    1. Anonymous16:16


    2. Anonymous16:39

      Ryanair has done a great job of reducing seasonality.

  7. Anonymous16:15

    Great results. Interesting to see how FR is the only one expanding, unfortunately 2024 will give the top slot to Ryanair. I'm not against FR, but unfortunately OU has no choice but to focus on Split.

    1. Anonymous16:26

      Ryanair, Iberia, Lufthansa, Turkish, FlyDubai, Pegasus, AirSerbia.....

    2. Anonymous16:30

      Yes, ok. I think for destinations

    3. Anonymous16:41

      OU could have built up a stronger presence in Zagreb years ago, it could have reacted when Ryanair announced its arrival in Zagreb, it could have reacted when Ryanair arrived, it could have reacted when it was clear that Ryanair was here to stay, it could have reacted when Ryanair brought another aircraft, it could have reacted before Ryanair brings a fourth aircraft in summer 2024, etc etc. But it never reacts.

    4. Anonymous20:41

      Yet, it offers more seats than the main competitor. Weird.

    5. Anonymous04:16

      OU has huge amount of opportunities to grow and expand but they just completely ignore all of them. Increased truism to Croatia, OU ignore this. Joining the EU, OU ignore this, Joining the Schengen zone, OU ignores this, new Zagreb Terminal, OU ignores this.

      There seems to be something completely wrong with the culture of this company. Real sad state of affaires.

    6. Anonymous10:01

      OU can still grow in ZAG, and open few destinations with existing fleet and also barely any competition, and the best part - they can get incentives for that flights. Ask them why they don't want to operate OTP, PRG, BER, TIA, ARN, LIS, MXP. Those are just major unserved destinations. Not to mention list of secondary destinations they never wanted to even try.

    7. You're right but at the same time your mistake is applying logic and rational thinking to OU. Croatia Airlines, you see, is beyond logic and rationality. They are a mystical mystery cult like Mithraism, with the biggest mystery being seemingly inexplicable, magical disappearance of tens of millions of euros. Over and over again.
      Still, it isn't for us mere mortals and outsiders, to question the way of Jasmin - the enlightened being and his accolades all of whom have achieved Nirvana and have shed all worldly desires.
      They simply sit around in the state of pure bliss, contemplating deeper truths (the sound of snoring often heard is actually their special chant/mantra) and money karmically comes to them without them having to work hard for it like Air Serbia.
      Only the initiated understand their strategy. Of course the secret higher truth is: there is no strategy, just like that scene in Matrix wherein the Oracle explains the secret of bending the spoon with your mind and ultimately manipulating all of reality: There is no spoon, Neo.
      There is no strategy, Jasmine.

  8. Anonymous15:08

    What for an old picture, with the OS DHC-8


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