Air Serbia achieves latest NDC certification


Air Serbia has become one of only a dozen airlines to achieve NDC (New Distribution Capability) schema 21.3 certification, which is the latest standard set by IATA and designed to improve communication and data exchange between airlines and travel agents. By achieving this certification, Air Serbia is well-positioned to leverage the benefits of enhanced data exchange, offering a more personalised and efficient experience to its passengers. Air Serbia partnered with technology provider Maureva, utilising their ANDIE solution and travel agency portal to transition into compliance with the NDC schema 21.3. “This certification is a testament to our ongoing commitment to innovation and excellence in the aviation industry. By adopting the NDC schema 21.3 with Maureva ANDIE solution, we aim to provide our customers and travel partners with an even more seamless and personalised travel experience”, Uroš Bijelić, Head of PSS and Distribution at Air Serbia, said.


  1. Anonymous10:48

    Have no idea what it means for the airline or the consumer but aye, we absolutely take those

  2. Anonymous11:21

    It’s said ; « Air Serbia is […] and efficient experience to its passengers » Every time when I fly with them, bags are lost for any passengers, including me…

    1. Anonymous11:28

      I rarely travel with luggage so I don't know but their main problem is the crew which is not that good anymore like before. Maybe they should work on this than on these IT things.

    2. Anonymous12:35

      И како ЈУ има везе са Вашим пртљагом? Да то није проблем полазног/долазног аеродрома?

    3. Anonymous13:06

      Заправо није јер ЈУ бира ко ће бринути за пртљаг

    4. @11.28
      According to my info, "koliko para toliko muzike"

  3. Anonymous11:28

    If I was NDC I'd also certify JU. Why not get some extra cash?

    1. Anonymous14:14

      NDC is not a body that can get paid by JU for certification - it's a standard by IATA. Dumb comment.

  4. Anonymous23:09

    I work for a major international travel company in Canada and the NDC is a big ongoing project. Our company works in both Sabre and Amadeus GDS and so far Amadeus is better positioned as system to NDC. And if I am correct Air Serbia is on it too. Many online agencies are heavily involved in adjusting their sites to accommodate this change.

    1. Anonymous14:51

      Well if you read the article correctly, is says that Air Serbia achieves NDC Schema 21.3 Certification with the technology provider Maureva and it's NDC ANDIE Solution


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