Ljubljana Airport launches taxiway system upgrade


Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport has begun work on the overhaul of taxiway A, between taxiways K and M, which will be followed by the construction of a new exit taxiway J, located 250 metres from the threshold of runway 12. The project is expected to be completed by August 1. Taxiway J, which will be 170 metres long and thirty metres wide, will connect the runway and the parallel taxiway A. The ongoing overhaul of taxiway A (pictured) involves the resurfacing of some 21.000 square metres. In addition, new electrical and communication connections will be installed to enable the proper operation of the new taxiway.


  1. Anonymous13:34

    Is there any tloris pictures of where the new exit taxiway will be located?

    1. Anonymous14:40

      https://ibb.co/jrcKbf2 from the tender files.

  2. Anonymous13:39

    From the pictures it seems like a quite busy airport. What am i missing? Why are the numbers so low?

    1. Anonymous13:40

      It is used by airlines to park planes.

    2. Anonymous14:32

      Anon 13:40 - not true. Those are adria tehnika planes

    3. Anonymous14:38

      And Solinair britof..

    4. Anonymous16:07

      To stop with all the cap responses

      LJU airport is also the site of Adria Tehnika and has recently seen a resurgence in cargo traffic, plus we only have 2 LCC lines atm, and most other airlines have longer turnover times. FlyDubai I believe is something absurd like 7 hours between arrival and departure

    5. Anonymous17:12

      flydubai has literally 1 hour turnaround time tf😭

    6. Anonymous14:23

      Arrives at 15, departs at 23

    7. Anonymous15:27

      Ljubljana je prometno letališče samo na slikah. Še posebej puščobno je v jutranjih urah, saj se morajo mnogi nekdanji potniki voziti na letališča v sosednjih državah.Vsekakor velik napredek!

  3. Anonymous16:37

    @16:07 You do realize you can check schedules online? FlyDubai always has a one hour turnaround in LJU.

  4. Anonymous18:02

    Great something new

  5. Anonymous18:02

    Great something new

  6. notLufthansa21:05

    This makes no sense. They should make high speed exit for runway 12 instead.

    1. Anonymous00:53

      Rwy 12 is very rarely used, in stronger E to SE winds, when a circling approach is performed. There is no need for high speed exit for rwy 12.

  7. Anonymous09:35

    Are there any plans to extend the apron towards the former regional road?

    1. Anonymous10:13

      Yes, Ljubljana is rapidly running out of space. Solinar has their graveyard, AdriaTehnika wants to build widebody hangar, and there is a few smaller companies specializing in MRO for private jets.
      Also GEBRUDER WEISS had a few meetings with LJU and GOV for setting up regional cargo center there. They even want to finance railway to the airport as Koper-Lju connection is necessary for that

      Ljubljana, if done right could become a cargo and MRO center of the Balkans, with decent traffic loads as well

    2. Anonymous15:35

      Mogoče je res kaj možnosti za večji cargo promet. Za potniški promet pa z uničenjem Adrie Slovenija nima nobenih možnosti več. Za čarter in LCC promet pa velja pravilo - danes smo, jutri nismo.


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