Iberia considering seasonal Skopje flights


Skopje Airport welcomed an Iberia charter flight from Madrid over the weekend (pictured), which the airport says is being treated as a trial run for potential scheduled seasonal operations next year. “The flight is the result of cooperation between local tour operator Balkan Prime Tours and its Spanish counterpart Sama Travel. It is a test run, which comes upon the initiative and activities undertaken by TAV Macedonia and Balkan Prime Tours, with the aim of introducing scheduled flights to Spain. With this Iberia flight, Spanish tourists will get to know Macedonia as a travel destination, with the aim of generating demand for flights between Skopje and Madrid from the Spanish side as well, and based on that, Iberia will consider opening a seasonal flight from Skopje to the Spanish capital next year”, Skopje Airport said. Sama Travel noted, “It has been an honour to have been the first Spanish tour operator to run a charter flight to Skopje, which we wish to be the first of many. Our groups of Spanish travellers are already enjoying the country, and we are happy to have made history”. Skopje last boasted scheduled nonstop flights to Spain in December 2021 when Wizz Air maintained operations between the Macedonian capital and Barcelona. Iberia will also operate two charters to Sarajevo on behalf of Sama Travel in late May and early June.


  1. Anonymous10:38

    Iberia has finally found the Balkans on the map?

    1. Anonymous11:42

      What are you talking about? Iberia flies to Ljubljana, Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik, Tirana, Corfu, Athens, Santorini, Mykonos, etc etc

    2. Anonymous12:49

      For some posters by Balkans they mean their own country.

    3. Anonymous13:54

      This is an ex-yu portal and flying to 2/6 countries isn't enough for most.

    4. Anonymous02:08

      Most of these 6 countries have 1 airport.

  2. Anonymous10:53

    There were 120 tourists on this flight.

  3. Anonymous11:04

    Did they return back empty?

    1. Anonymous11:15

      What did you expect?

    2. Anonymous11:38

      Flight tickets were actually available to be bought from Skopje to Madrid, but as most people didn't even know about this, I doubt it flew back even half full.

    3. Anonymous14:58

      No 120 Spanish tourist comes with this flight.

    4. Anonymous16:49

      he is talking about the flight back to MAD.

    5. Anonymous18:55

      How the plane can return back empty , how the 120 tourist will go back to Madrid ? Its a stupid question

    6. Anonymous18:57

      Because they will go to Albania afterwards and fly out of Tirana. What? You thought the Iberia plane will sit and wait for them for days. The plane left SKP straight away.

    7. Anonymous21:41

      So you want to say that the plane left SKP empty ?

    8. Anonymous21:44

      Yes, I don't understand why it is such a hard concept to understand. They did put tickets on sale for the return leg online because they had no one else to carry but literally no one even knew about it. Doubt there was more than 20 pax at most.

  4. Anonymous12:07

    not gonna happen

    1. Anonymous13:57


    2. Anonymous14:50

      Because he wants to continue with his saying that the 70% market share of Wizz Air so too much for SKP even though its not 70 but 60%.

    3. Anonymous15:00

      He is saying for every new route that SKP has that not gonna happen ,thats the same provocator on every new article.

  5. Anonymous12:49

    Amazing ! Hope this will lead to regular flights to Madrid and perhaps Barcelona which could be operated by another airline such as Ryanair.

    1. Anonymous15:02

      It is possible next year Wizz to return Barcelona , because from officials I heard there is big demand from Macedonian people asking for that flight.
      And this one with Iberia will be seasonal as of 2025 summer , its not sure yet but we all hope it will be.

  6. Anonymous13:53

    You could've added Sarajevo to the title given the last sentence. Excellent news for both countries.

    1. Anonymous14:08

      Iberia is not considering Sajarevo flights so why should it be added to the title?

    2. Anonymous14:52

      Go to the website of the travel agency and see that they just offer two tour packages to SJJ so that means two potentinal charters, nothing more. SKP is in talks for flights to Spain for two years now.

    3. Anonymous08:46

      Did you even read the article, they're treating Skopje and Sarajevo the same here, 2 trial rotations each before deciding if it's worth it. SJJ has also been discussing Spain flights for a long time and had a dozen charters last year

    4. Anonymous08:59

      Yes I have and no, they are not treating them the same. The statement about trials was given about the Skopje flights, not Sarajevo.

  7. Anonymous15:04

    120 spanish tourist comes with this flight , I think there will be few more during the summer , and from next year we all hope this be regular summer route.
    Btw well done TAV Macedonia , finally you start brining new airlines and routes!!!

  8. Anonymous16:01

    Will be interesting to see IB in SKP. There are 3 carriers that fly from SOF to MAD. FR will launch 5 weekly flights in winter. Usually, flights to Spain are quite cheap and Mallorca also is launched for winter with Ryanair. IB do not have a strong presence in the region compared to LH Group. Their really strong market is South America, especially that they are now basically 1 company with Air Europa. They even do not fly to Bucharest, so doubt Skopje to be a market for them.

    1. Anonymous16:43

      I think that Iberia will launch Madrid in 2025 for summer seasonal , and see for 2-3 years is it going good , and if its good they will put it all year round...
      And its also possible Wizz return back Barcelona in 2025 summer too.


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