Air Serbia joins IATA’s CO2 Connect


Air Serbia, Malaysia Airlines, Qatar Airways and Vietnam Airlines joined IATA’s CO2 Connect calculator program at this week’s IATA AGM Summit in Dubai. The development will enable passengers to check their carbon footprint when they fly with the airline. The Serbian carrier will share operational data with IATA's CO2 Connect emissions calculator. CO2 Connect, launched by IATA in June 2022, uses airline data to calculate passenger CO2 emissions. It covers 74 aircraft types, representing nearly 98% of the global passenger fleet, and incorporates data from 881 operators, covering about 93% of global air travel. The tool's data is accessible through various channels like APIs, flat files, airline sales channels, and travel management companies. IATA CO2 Connect will continue evolving, with recent additions including a corporate reporting solution for business travel emissions. Furthermore, this year, CO2 compensation solutions are being introduced. Additionally, a cargo calculator has been developed, catering to shippers and freight forwarders seeking accurate CO2 emissions data from actual airline records.


  1. Anonymous10:53


  2. Anonymous11:23

    What a stupid initiative. So what's the point? To shame your customers into feeling bad how they are supposedly polluting the environment? What's the result? People fly less and airlines have less income?

    So stupid, more woke nonsense.

    1. Anonymous11:33

      Qatar joining the initiative while their elite flies with corporate widebodies lol

    2. Anonymous18:41

      Exactly and let's not forget that football world cup in Qatar when so much energy was wasted on cooling down the stadiums. It's all about hypocrisy at the end of the day.

  3. Anonymous11:56

    I never imagined Serbia would become woke one day!

    1. Anonymous18:41

      Serbia isn't, Air Serbia on the other hand has certain employees who are insisting on it.

    2. Anonymous10:21

      It's an agenda, and everyone must follow it, otherwise you're not gonna be part of the club. And it's a big and powerful club btw.

  4. Anonymous12:03

    IATA is charging 0.2 EUR for every request for their CO2 API. It's ridiculous. Greenwashing at extortionate price. It all comes down to this. If they really believed in any "save the world" story the API would be free or at some normal price.

  5. Anonymous12:15

    Air Serbia needs to stop trying to be modern or woke. Stay out of stupid initiatives that won’t do you any particular good. Who out of the Air Serbia passenger demographic (which is mostly older people and families) is even hearing about this or after their flight wasting time trying to figure out how their flight impacted the environment. No one because they don’t care. On top of that somebody here wrote that IATA is charging for this?! What a waste

  6. Anonymous13:38

    I would agree here...focus your efforts on your product and serving majority of your customers interest. I feel these efforts are not going to bear any digging a hole and filling it for the sake of digging

  7. Anonymous15:45

    might as well start using horses for transportation again as that is carbon neutral. Horse eats grass, emits CO2, grass needs CO2 to make grass. It's carbon neutral....

    1. Anonymous16:11

      ...and THE crucial: We human beings THRIVE on CO2

  8. Anonymous17:07

    Some global businesses are tracking CO2 emissions for business travels and are setting goals for reduction. This effort is more consequential than operating just one SAF fuelled demo flight, as some other airlines use for greenwashing purposes.


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