Belgrade Airport limits passenger announcements


Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport has introduced a silent airport concept as of this week, which aims to significantly reduce noise levels within its terminal by minimising non-essential announcements over the loud-speakers. Passengers are being urged to consult the flight information boards for the latest status of their flights. Furthermore, travellers can find the information on the airport’s website. Airports are not obliged to make announcements via speakers in order to guarantee that every single passenger receives the information relevant to them, however, it has proven efficient in the past. A number of airports have adopted the silent concept including Dubai, Singapore, Amsterdam and Helsinki, to name a few.


  1. Nemjee13:37

    I was at BEG the other day and I noticed that Tesla parking charges 100 RSD for the first three hours. Is it me or were the first three hours free of charge?
    Given how much they are ripping people off to park at the airport, they could have made the first three hours free of charge.

    1. Anonymous13:43

      At what airport do you have that? and can't you spare 80 cents?

    2. Anonymous13:45

      It will always be a mystery to me why people expect free parking at the airport.

    3. Anonymous13:46

      That is more then reasonable if you ask me.

    4. Nemjee13:51

      Because Tesla Parking is far away and you need to take a bus to reach the terminal. Have you ever been there?

      Parking by the airport became more expensive, now they charge 400 RSD per hour. That's more than LCA which charges €2 per hour.

    5. Miroslav NY13:54

      Few airports have free parking. And if they do, it's the first 30 minutes. 100 dinars is very reasonable.

    6. Nemjee14:25

      Yes, it is if you are parking at Tesla Parking which is half way to Ledine. From there you have to take a bus to the terminal, a ride which takes about ten minutes.

      Two parkings by the terminal are 400 RSD per hour while the one by the cargo building charges 300 RSD for the first hour after which it's 1.500 RSD for 24 hours.

      Parking at BEG has become a lot more expensive since Vinci came.

    7. Anonymous14:27

      All reasonable airports have free passenger dropoff and pickup for cars. BEG doesn't allow free pickup.

    8. Anonymous14:30

      Well done Nemjee, you turned an entire post into something unrelated about parking because you think 0.80 eurocents euros is too expensive for 3 hours.

    9. Anonymous15:10

      Actually comedian. Who pays him for his expertise is insane.

    10. Nemjee15:56

      I guess Vinci bots have arrived. Whole point is that parking fees have gone up and it's interesting that you are ignoring how expensive parkings by the airport have become. Only conclusion I can draw from this is that you never use airport parking lots.

      Changing 400 RSD per hour is crazy especially when you take into consideration how much it was a few years ago.

    11. Anonymous16:11

      There is P2 parking just near P1(which charges 400 din). P2 price is 200 din up to 30 min and 300 din for 31-60 minutes. Just to remind that Wien Schechat price was 4,9 eur/hour 5 years ago.

    12. Anonymous16:52

      Basically BEG has EU prices for parking.

    13. Anonymous16:57

      BUD is €3.5 per hour

    14. Anonymous17:11


      Sure they do. Curbside pickup is free for 5 minutes.

    15. Anonymous17:38

      @13:37 100 RSD is very cheap for three hours! In SKP for example it is 100DEN or in RSD that is 200 for one hour.

    16. Anonymous18:24

      BEG is 400 RSD if you are at main central parking.

    17. Anonymous19:22

      The bus 600 is 50 RSD/0.43 EUR.

    18. Anonymous19:40

      Anon 17:11 Sure they do. Curbside pickup is free for 5 minutes.

      No it's not. Regular cars are not allowed at arrivals level where pickups should be. What is the point of creating arrivals level for public transit only?

  2. Anonymous13:47

    Good. People can be responsible enough to get to their plane on time.

  3. Anonymous13:52

    They do not want to pay somebody to do the job.

    1. Anonymous13:54

      I guess the same as in Singapore and Dubai. Btw the person that makes the announcements works at the information desk and they will continue to work, just won't make announcements.

  4. Anonymous13:54

    But the bar restaurant place at the tesla square has people screaming when the food is done
    Every few minutes


    can't they find a better solution to this? Can't sit in peace and enjoy a drink at the "tesla square"

    1. Anonymous18:40

      That's absolutely horrible!
      And the stuff is even rude and unprofessional. Last time I travelled, I bought a sandwich there, in front of me one Asia woman ordered a tea, she was looking for money, obviously wanting to spend dinars, and guy working there was rolling his eyes and showing by his hand more, more... For the money.
      The other person asked him which tea (listing few options they have) and he chose one saying "give that one, noone wants it".
      Not to mention that it was some herbal infusion, not a real tea.
      I felt so ashamed. Luckily woman didn't see/understand it as she doesn't speak Serbian.

      If anyone know/can report this to anyone with the goal to ensure this doesn't repeat, It would be great!

  5. Anonymous14:06

    Belgrade airport compared to Dubai, Singapore, Amsterdam etc ... what a joke! Like noise is the only issue at BEG airport. To me toilet cleanliness is far more important than noise; looks like they have their priorities mixed up a bit!

    1. Anonymous14:07

      Who is comparing it to those other than yourself?

    2. Anonymous15:51

      @14:06 Anon when have you been on the airport? The toilets are clean and there is no bad smell anymore. Was flying in May to DUS, there toilets are in real bad condition.

    3. Anonymous15:58

      April 23rd last time but must say that I avoid going to the toilets there anytime I possibly can.

    4. Anonymous18:41

      Good, keep on avoiding them do they remain cleam and fresh.

    5. Anonymous19:08

      @Anon 18:41 stop glorifying BEG. I was at the airport June 7th and every bathroom I went to was dirty smelly, clogged toilets, broken locks on doors, etc. Stop saying they are clean when they are not.

    6. Anonymous19:24

      Toilets are to be avoided. Better wait until take off.

    7. Anonymous19:38

      The toilets were smelly, dirty, with broken locks on the doors and clogged June 7th when I was at BEG

    8. Anonymous19:59

      All of them? What year was it, 2021?

  6. Anonymous14:13

    Belgrade Airport limits a lot of different passenger services, not just an announcements

  7. Anonymous18:45

    I don't mind limiting the announcements, anyway I barely understand them. For me they should all be removed except for the urgent and exceptional ones like call for specific passenger.

    But, instead they should make something about their app and website and offer the notificatios via them on the mobile phone. I never miss info about gate change or even just gate opening I get on my mobile phone, while those verbal announcements are just disturbing.

  8. Anonymous19:08

    I work at Schiphol, we have everything but the silent concept. They scream and shout all the time, and make announcements for everything

    1. Anonymous19:25

      I love Mind your step announcements!
