Collapse of Europe’s third largest tour operator to hit airlines


Europe’s third largest tour operator, the FTI Group, has filed for bankruptcy. It will result in the complete or partial cancellation of all trips from June 4, potentially affecting thousands of holidaymakers at the beginning of the travel-busy peak of the summer season. Responding to the development, Croatia Airlines said, “All passengers with tickets purchased through the German FTI Group for Croatia Airlines flights who have already started their journey and are currently in Croatia will be able to use their tickets for return flights operated by our aircraft”. Airlines are not allowed to fly travellers who have booked a now-cancelled package tour with FTI to their vacation destination and are yet to commence their journey. While other tour operators are expected to take over the FTI Group’s customers, short-term disruptions are expected. The German Economy Ministry called the insolvency "tragic" adding that it could not provide any additional assistance. However, it is European charter airlines operating out of Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands that will be counting the highest cost from the collapse.


  1. Anonymous10:37

    Anyone know how many cancellations OU will have from this?

    1. Anonymous12:02

      A few most likely, that would also explain noumber of cancelations in past few days, wonder if this is related.... ?

    2. Anonymous13:53

      Evertything will be covered through the fund Deutscher Reisesicherungsfonds – DRSF

    3. Anonymous06:54

      You obviously have no clue what you are writing about.
      DRSF ONLY covers costs of B2C customers, the travellers, and only if they had booked a package holiday.

  2. Anonymous10:41

    Good. Tourism industry is anyway destroying the environment. It needs to cool down a little bit.

    1. Anonymous10:46


    2. Anonymous12:01

      So sad you think this way. If you feel miserable, not everyone else must.

    3. Anonymous12:22

      The fact that you are ignoring the environmental and social destruction caused by tourism does not make you "not miserable", it makes you ignorant.

    4. Vlad12:24

      People will not stop travelling just because a tour operator collapsed lol

    5. Anonymous13:53

      Who travels through tour operator these days???

    6. Anonymous19:19

      Older people, generally. Easier to pay 50€ more than look for flights, hotels, rent-a-car, etc. by yourself

    7. Anonymous22:15

      You often save a lot of cash by booking a package holiday at end of the day if you consider all meals, checked bags etc

    8. Anonymous06:58

      Anon 13h53
      The vast majority of holiday travelers in a lot of countries in Europe such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Benelux, Poland, Czech, Slovakia.
      And the FTI collapse shows why people want to book prepackaged holidays - they are automatically insured as per EU PTD.

  3. Anonymous12:28

    @10:41 Are you on Klaus Schwab payroll? We here love aviation and aviation connects people and continents.

    1. Anonymous12:43

      While also destroying them... Both things can be true.

    2. Anonymous07:02

      Aviation is responsible for - depending on the source - between 1 and 3% of emissions on the world. Compare this to industry emissions/pollution, individual transport, etc. and it becomes clear there're a lot bigger fish to fry in that regard.

  4. Anonymous13:51

    Nothing will happen, There is full coverage through an obligatory fund that was established exactly for such circumstances.

    1. Anonymous07:02

      Wrong. See above.


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