Serbia and US sign air agreement

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Serbia and the United States have signed a Bilateral Air Service Agreement today, paving the way for future flights between the two countries. The agreement was signed in Belgrade by the Serbian Minister for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Zorana Mihajlović, and the US Ambassador to Serbia, Michael Kirby. Speaking to the press, Ms. Mihajlović said that all technical requirements for direct flights between Serbia and the United States have been met and expressed hope that they will launch as soon as possible. The Minister added that the next step involves talks between the air authorities of both countries. Ambassador Kirby noted that nonstop flights could be inaugurated within a few months, noting that their launch will largely depend on interest from airlines. "All options are open, whether there will be flights to New York, Los Angeles or Chicago. These will be commercial services and airlines have to earn money", Mr. Kirby said.


  1. AirCEO05:40

    This is by far the most important step for Serbia – USA flights, congratulations to both sides! Hopefully this agreement will lead to closer relationships between Serbia and the USA.

    Next step is DoT approval, last major hurdle before we finally hear this from Kennedy Tower: ASL900 heavy welcome to New York. The wind is 200 at 15, runway 13L, cleared to land

  2. Anonymous09:39

    When one filters out all the nonfactual negative comments and cynicism, we get left with some really exciting news. Nice effort on behalf of the Serbian government! An important hurdle has been cleared. Now for the Department of Transportation to give its blessing, hopefully without delays from 3rd party pressure groups, and we are set to go.

  3. Anonymous12:17

    Well done, Alpha Sierra Lima!
    Hopefully soon enough we'll bid welcome to planes YU-ARA and YU-ARB to fleet, our first wide-bodies since 2005.

    1. Anonymous12:39

      Nećemo krševe polovne od etihada. HOĆEMO DREAMLINER!!! :D

    2. Anonymous14:59

      Kako volim to pretenciozno i arogantno prikazivanje svojeg mišljenja kao univerzalne istine i stava većine. Mi? U čije ime imaš pravo da kažeš MI nešto hoćemo ili nećemo?
      Ti "polovni krševi" iz Etihada su, bar u slučaju A332, avioni proizvedeni u periodu 2005-2014. Da nam daju najstariji opet će biti mlađi od svega što imamo. To se bar lako da proveriti:
      A što se tiče Dreamlinera, posle raspitivanja o ceni istog, raspitaj se koliko traje period između naručivanja i isporuke.

      Darko ZL

    3. Anonymous19:57

      @Darko ZL
      Mislim da se salio, ali svakako je nekako arogantno. Kako god, ovo zvuci odlicno. Ako letovi za SAD budu isli dobro, mozda i naruce neki wide body :D

    4. Anonymous20:05

      Bilo bi interesantno ako AA leti Dreamliner-om 787-8 Los Angeles - Beograd. Idealan avion za tu liniju!

    5. Anonymous23:41

      Because there is great serbian diaspora there, well even balkans, so lax would be great filled. First destination should be ord or yyz.

  4. Anonymous12:54

    Is the text of the agreement available anywhere?

    1. Anonymous13:18

      Jel si citao tekst? Potpis je u 15.30.

  5. Posle Us Uprave za transport i njene procedure, ocigledno od iduce letnje sezone ce krila Er Srbije, zaplovice preko Atlantika. Gosti iz Sjedinjenih Drzava i Kanade na svojim aerodromima prvi put u istoriji letenja videti prve avione sa insgnijom Srbuje, I imenom AirSERBIA. Mali let za svet, ali veliki za nova Krila Evrope, AIR SERBIA. To vreme dolazi. Jos 270 dana do prvog leta. Ukoliko bude ranije, onda sam skroman u zelji. A vi ce te se radovati. Ne sumnjam . Puno pozdrava iz jesenjeg suncanog Sydney - a. Rod & frend's. Coogee, Sydney. .

    1. Anonymous15:19

      Roki, molim te pročitaj svoj text pre nego što pustiš ovde. Imaš dosta sitnih grešaka.
      A inače svi mi jedva čekamo da vidimo AS preko bare. Nadam se velike uspeh.

    2. Postovani Anon 3:19 PM,
      obzirom da saljem postove sa mojim punim imenom i prezimenom, za razliku od Vas, Vi pokusavate da me ''prekrstavate'' u ono sto nisam! Tako Vam je ''verovatno lakse'' da uocavate moje greske u pisanju. U vasem tekstu kojeste meni uputili sa vama znanim imenom, nasao sam Vam gresku. U cetvrtom redu, napisali ste ''Nadam se velike uspeh'' . Ja bih napisao: ''Nadam se velikom uspehu''. Ne pazim dovoljno na pisanje, za razliku od Vas nepoznat(a)I. Najvaznije da se slazemo i jedva cekamo da vidimo Er Srbiju preko okeana (bare kako vi zovete okean).Sa obale Pacifika najbolje zelje u prolecnoj Srbiji, zeli Vam Radovan, ili Rodney. Takome zovu blizu 50 godina ljudi van Srbije.
      Cooge✈Sydney, Australia✈✈.

  6. Anonymous15:50

    Do koga ke ve lazat?

  7. Anonymous05:48

    Super vest, nadam se da ce u isto vreme biti obljavljeni i letovi za Kanadu.

  8. Anonymous00:43

    Sad kad su unistili Aviogenex,imaju slobodno i mogu da se razmahnu.Samo ko li ce jos sve stradati da bi Air serbia zazivela

    1. Anonymous14:16

      pateticni stvore koji nemas pojma,samo kukas i lupas gluposti cuj neko nistio aviogeneks.


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