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Zadar Airport, Air Serbia and Etihad discuss potential new service |
Talks between Zadar Airport, Air Serbia and Etihad Airways were held this week in Abu Dhabi regarding the potential resumption of commercial flights between Belgrade and Zadar following a 25-year hiatus. A decision on whether the service will be launched is to be made in a few months time. Zadar Airport’s Managing Director, Irena Ćosić, announced the talks and travelled to Abu Dhabi last Sunday. However, Etihad Airways is reportedly annoyed that the talks have been leaked to the press, the “Zadarski list” daily says. Etihad is well known for keeping its plans secret, a measure which has also been adopted by its partner Air Serbia, which, more often than not, has issues with news reports being published outside of its official press releases.
Following the three-way talks, Ms. Ćosić said in a short statement, “I can only say that we had our first meeting. A final decision will be made in a few months and we will announce the outcome whatever it may be". News of the potential resumption of flights between the two cities has generated significant interest and has been greeted favourably by the public. Prior to the talks, the head of Zadar Airport said, “This is a great opportunity for Zadar because we know this route would have excellent loads. Today, new routes are secured by offering your product on the market. You can’t sit with your hands crossed. As a result, we have to present our offer to carriers that could be interested in our market and Air Serbia is one of those”.
The possible resumption of flights between Zadar and Belgrade next year would mark the first commercial service between the two cities in 25 years. JAT Yugoslav Airlines operated its last service from Zadar to Belgrade on August 3, 1991. Air Serbia already flies to four destinations in Croatia - Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik and Pula, the latter three of which are maintained on a seasonal summer basis. Zadar Airport handled 496.542 passengers in 2014, an increase of 5.1% compared to the year before. The airport hopes to handle charter flights from China starting this September. Earlier this year, the CEO of Ryanair, Michael O’Leary, said his airline, which maintains a seasonal summer base in Zadar, has “big plans” for the city, more of which will be revealed next year.
A kad ce Nislije dobit svoju liniju?
ReplyDeleteMaybe Nislije should ask why their officials spent millions of euros subsidizing flights to Montenegro and Italy rather than investing in important infrastructure (ILS) and trying to attract an LCC.
DeleteINI will get ILS just now (what should have been done years ago), and it will be installed by SMATSA... I am seeing that Beechcraft they use for calibration of equipment quite often flying around INI...
DeleteAir Serbia je trebalo da se nazove "Air Belgrade", jer ionako leti samo preko Beograda, fokusirana na tranzitne putnike povoljnijim cenama, (npr. ZAG-SVO ili CDG-BEY od BEG-SVO/BEY).
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteASL se vise isplati da kupi 2 Setre Top class 517 HDH i 2 Setre Comfort class 515 HD
Delete2 da voze INI- Autobuska stanica Nis- Jagodina-Pozarevac -BAS-LYBE-MAS.
A ostala 2 da voze po srbiji .
Posto je bolje da ATR salju po Evropi nego za INI .
Da recimo za Innsbruck naprimer
DeleteZa INN ima i previse Autobusa.
OT: Huge morning mess at BEG due to refueling ban
ReplyDeleteHow come? What's that now?
DeleteThere was a storm this morning.
DeleteVeliko nevreme, od 8.55 saobraćaj opet normalizovan.
DeleteThis is the most unimportant news of the day on exyu this year. It may be guud only for sidenews. Even if these flights somehow begin they would end quickly as few people would fly between these two.
ReplyDeleteJU has already got issues with fleet shortage and poor loads Expecting that such an airline would start such a line, especially few months from now when the season ends is brutally optimistic.
Who says its starting in a few months? It says 2016.
DeleteWhenever it starts it would fail. Unless subsidized by the Croatian side
DeleteWhy would Croatia subsidize that route?
DeleteBecause Croatia invited JU and the route needs time to develop.
DeleteFrom last week
DeleteAccording to “Slobodna Dalmacija”, the airport could offer service discounts to the carrier.
Zagreb also offers some subsidies for JU. t's business. Many airport offer some sort of support for airlines for the first year.
They travelled to Abu Dhabi to talk about BEG-ZAD route?
ReplyDeleteDa, fenomenalno :)
Delete+1 :-)
DeleteBeograd na vodi... is the oeoject Bg na vodi finally launched. Or still lot of noise about a few?
I am just facetious here with my name...
DeletePlanning and scheduling se nalazi u Abu Dabiju zato idu tamo.
DeleteI guess teleconferencing did not reach them...
Pa mogli su i pismom, mailom, fax-om.. verovatno se toga nisu setili. Nećeš verovati ali poslovni svet nekada mora i da otputuje negde.
DeleteAh...poslovni svet manjih aviokompanija koje poreski obveznici doniraju?
DeleteOk.. sudeći po tvom imenu mnoge srvari ti u svetu vazduhoplovstva nisu jasne. Preuzimanjem ASL od strane Etihada, mnoge službe su centralizovane bas u svrhu manjih troškova kako za ASL tako i za druge kompanije iz "bratstva" (Air Berlin, AlItalia, Etihad regional...)
DeleteIs Zadar open 24h? The only way they could launch this route is if they schedule it overnight.
ReplyDeleteJU doesn't have the aircraft to operate it during the noon wave and I highly doubt this route would be viable without connecting passengers.
Completely agree! Leave Belgrade a little after 24:00 (So passengers can transfer from the W. European arrivals), and arrive back around 05:00 so that passengers can transfer to the W. European wave.
DeleteRight now, Tirana is the only ATR destination that has such a schedule, to my knowledge. They should have at least 3-4 ATRs doing such runs, if it is possible operationally. Lots of connectivity, and it is the only chance to save some poorly performing routes because if a route can't be full with this type of connectivity, it might as well be dropped.
ZAD is open from 0600 to 2200, but can be open 24h upon request, according to their website.
DeleteVenice would be a much better option than Zadar or any Croatian destination.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes you say that? Any unserved markets with high demand from/to VCE that JU can lucratively serve - in a sense better than any croatian destination, even on seasonal basis?
DeleteAny market counter-clockwise from Cairo, Beirut, Istanbul, Moscow, South&East Balkans...
DeletePretty wide area then. Why do you think JU management ignores those in your opinion obvious choices in favour of current deployment of aircrafts?
DeletePretty much the whole network then, i'm surprised you need me to teach you that. As for the reasoning of the JU management, you might actually want to send them an e-mail and ask them?
DeleteI am asking you, since you are the one saying VCE is better than current deployment. You still haven't provided any fact or meaningful insight yet. As usual, if I might add.
DeleteFallen in love with me or what? Honestly, you sound like a wounded girl seeking for attention from her newest love interest, pulling by a sleeve like a slobbering kid, nagging about demonstrating the obvious. So you're either brain-dead, of you're f***ing weird my friend and you seem to be the receiver type. Sorry to disappoint you, i'm not of that orientation. Good luck ;)
DeleteDoes anyone have the loads for today's BNX flight as they sent the B733. Tnx
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, they sent B733 as ALN and ALT are not in use right now, while ALV has not been prepared yet. On average, BNX has 30 PAX per flight.
DeleteWhat do they need to "prepare" on ALV, so it can finally come into the service?
DeleteALN and ALT are on maintenance?
ALV needs to clear customs like all 'new' aircraft did.
Deletebnx today 24/46
DeleteAND to BNX has 138 seats for sale, normally 6 seats in the first three rows are blocked.
DeleteThat is not bad for BNX, for this morning flight. Those three daily flight must be even much better as both direction has much better connection.
DeleteHow many of those 46 are p2p and how many are transit?
maintenance should usually be at night, are there no lights?
DeleteBeograd - Vršac bi bila najegzotičnija linija. Verovarto i ne bi bila toliko beskorisna koliko se čini zbog blizine Rumunije. Minimalna pista za AT72 pri MTOW je 1400m, ali u nekoj konfiguraciji verovatno bi mogao da poleti za 1000m koliko je dugačka vršačka pista? Beograd - Niš takođe bi trebalo da uvedu čim budu imali uslova za to.
ReplyDeleteVršac se nikada neće desiti.
DeleteBEG - INI bi bio red uvesti, mada, bez 2 leta dnevno ne bi ni trebalo počinjati. Ali jednostavno za takav potez nemaju pogodan avion.
Trebalo bi da postoji isto kao u Hrvatskoj kompanija koju pomaže država za domaći saobraćaj. Embraer 120, Let 410 ili Dornier 328 ili nešto sl. izmedju Bora, Niša, Ponikava, Kraljeva, Sjenice, Sombora i Novog Sada ili izmedju ovih mesta, U perspektivi možda čak i onaj aerodrom Zlatibor.
DeleteTaj aerodrom doduše sad izgleda kao zaravnjena gomila šuta na planini, i to dugačka jedva 500 metara, a na nadmorskoj visini od 1000 metara ne znam da li i jedan komercijalni avion može sa njega da uzleti, mada postoje tvrdnje ljudi da bi odatle mogao da ide L410.
Deleteseriously? Novi Sad is 80km from BEG! Bor, Sjenica, Sombor?!? Nis is still waiting for regular commercial flights, let alone Sjenica. What do you think Serbia is, Switzerland? Im sure tourists are desperate to holiday in Sjenica and Bor. Look at how BNX is doing next to all those subsidies.
Croatia is different as they have a hugely better developed tourism industry compared to Serbia. Even still, ZAG-OSJ flights seem to do poorly, with a recent trip report showing all of 3 pax!
Srbija se ne može usporedjivati sa Hrvatskom pošto su geografski drugacijeg oblika. Beograd je praktično u centru (osim dela ispod Niša). .Sledeće godine kad se završi autoput do Čačka,putnici iz Kraljeva i Čačka će brže dolaziti do Surčina nego neki gradjani u Beogradu. Isto kao što sada novosadjani brže dodju do Surčina nego neko iz Mirjeva,Karaburme. Osim aerodroma u Nišu ne vidim da u Srbiji može da radi neki drugi aerodrom bar ne u narednih 5-10 godina. I Niš za početak treba prvo da počne sa LCC letovima,a onda sa razvojem grada u ekonomskom smislu eventualno letovi do BEG i to minimum 2 puta dnevno za potrebe tranzita i to će ASL da uradi više kao preventiva da ne dodje OS ili LH.
DeleteZa početak prvo Niš da se razvije.
Šta sve neću pročitati ovde. Poredite Srbiju i Hrvatsku. Dva glavna grada u Srbiji su udaljena 80 km dok je u Hrvatskoj mnogo više. Postojao je saobraćaj sa Prištinom ranije dok se nisu odvojili. Niški aerodrom se nalazi pored auto puta. Šta vam je ljudi. Turizam je slabije razvijen nego u HR.
DeleteTreba forsirati Niš, da bude bar upola aktivan kao što je Tuzla, a Kraljevo ako bude imalo 6 letova nedeljno, to je uspeh.
Mađarska tek od skoro ima drugi aerodrom aktivan (Debrecin). Nije to nikakva sramota.
Na zvaničnom sajtu ATR-a piše da za ATR 72-600 let od 250 nm košta oko 2500USD - znači BEG-INI-BEG sa ATR 72-200 ne bi trebalo da ima troškove iznad 35 EUR po putniku za oba pravca (procenjeni su svi troškovi uključujući i takse). Ako se na to doda porez i njihova rocenjena profitna stopa, sve ukupno cena karte 45 EUR.
DeleteАеродромске таксе?
DeleteOT: Yesterday i flew Beg-Zrh with LX and I've seen
ReplyDeleteYU-APH coming out of the hangar with the antenna on the top.
How was the load on LX?
DeleteAs I was sitting in the first row and I heard the dispatcher saying 91, so we were 91 out of 108. It was a Helvetic Embraer 190. For the inbound flight i don't know. Regards from Basel
DeleteThat's a nice load for E190. Was it a morning flight? How was the Helvetic Embraer? I really like to fly on it, but always got A320 with Swiss or Edelweiss when transiting through Zurich.
DeleteIt was the afternoon flight LX1417.
DeleteThe Embraer is much better than the Fokker they have. The Crew was young, three pilots in the cockpit. Compared to Swiss, Helvetic and Edelweiss is allways better, out of my experience.
YU-APH had last flight on 7 May, 16 days ago. Too slow just for wifi.
DeleteFokkers are old, I'm glad they are replacing them with E-Jets. I wonder why 3 pilots, maybe a training for one of them... I never got a chance to fly with Helvetic, although I love flying on airplanes other than A320 family.
DeleteU ASL cockpit-u na A330 ce isto biti 3 pilota.
Yes, it was a training flight.
DeletePa posto nemaju web check-in verovatno ce uvesti "flajt inzinjera" - to se vremenski nekako poklapa. Govorim naravno o 319/320, jer ces 330 videti samo u tvojim mokrim snovima
Ja mislim da ce reinkarnirati DC10 pa ce ih biti troje. Nas drug je verovatno pobrkao ova dva modela.
DeleteTo nisu mokri snovi nego istina kad dodje za nekoliko mese i mocete da ga gledate svaki dan.
Joj dete koliko ti lupas, nisi ni sam svestan.
Deletejel o maketi govoris, ko za BGnaH2O?
sooo PRN and a seasonal ZAD looks like is set for the bext expansion phase. CAI i am sure is there, but rumours from over a year back was of a Spanish city as well as MUC. Looks like 2016 will be the second year of expansion. Hope they iron out everything this year.
ReplyDeleteAir Serbia ironed out everything last year. They are now waiting for effing airport to move its behind and for all approvals for USA flights. Everything else including fleet expansion and new destinations will fall into place once those two things happen, which is late 2015 or next year.
DeleteC concourse extension with new C7-C10 gates should have been started last year and completed by now. Airport needs capable professional management. Can't wait for sale or concession!
DeleteThey probably don't have the funds. They still haven't paid their shareholders (2013 and 2014 dividends). They have only paid the majority owner, the Republic of Serbia, and only once the Government disbursed them the Air Serbia subsidy (so the money effectively returned to the RoS budget).
DeleteIn ironed out i meant the internal issues. The new website still hasnt been launched, with it needs to come online check in. Etihad guest miles dont always get added to automatically for its members which from feedback looks frustrating. Wifi is still being installed and implemented into the fleet, another 8 ac to go. The Aviolet fleet is still holding together the schedules, which needs to be sorted out. Just a couple of things from the top of my head. Thats not talking of BEG which has shamefully taken too long to bring it to a decent standard especially for what it is.
DeleteThe mileage issue won't be resolved any time soon because the woman who was in charge of it quite the airline... she is one of many to do so over few months.
DeleteYes, you are right. The airport doesn't have the funds, just look at the level of tenders in both 2014 and 2015. Almost none existing. Strange accounting maneuvers, dividends not paying paid out (against legislation)...insufficient infrastructure at the airport to meet the demand of ASL....claimed investors that obviously has walked away, setting up Airports of Serbia.....the list is very long, long enough for an intelligent journalist to start asking questions.
DeleteBIRN anyone?
Delete+1, and then they could start with who is "kum" with whom out there....
DeleteThis winter there was a flight that arrived with only 3 passengers. ;)
DeleteMy BUD comment was for way below!
DeleteWhat I don't get is how don't they fly to MUC? Everytime I flew there, LH was full (but mostly overpriced), also Wizz is doing great on the FMM route.
ReplyDeleteLH relies on transit pax. MUC is a major European hub with countless connections to Europe and the rest of the world.
DeleteLinija ce se sigurno desiti kad budu dosli jos oni planirani ATR-ovi .
OT: Limitless 320 9A-SLA leti:
ReplyDelete1. service 23.5.: ZAG-VAA-SDL-KOK-RJK
OT: YU-ALV is ready for takeoff!
ReplyDeleteYes, first flight to BUD with 53 pax
DeleteThank God, it was needed. The situation was getting really bad.
DeleteDo you have the loads for the return flight? They must be quite bad given the number of flights departing tonight.
9 :)
Delete9/70 ( atr 72-500 have 70 seats, and 200 66 seats)=14% LF
DeleteThat is the second wort LF I ever heard of after JA flight to BEG with 2 or 3 pax. In term of foreign carrier the worst LF was my flight with AF with around 70 pax in a 240 seater.
Since a few LF's were mentioned, going back to 1985, at the beginning of May, I flew YYZ-ZAG aboard JAT. On the DC10 there were only 75 passengers onboard. Back to YYZ at the end of the month, about half full. Each time I travelled to visit family, I always kept a diary for myself
DeleteNice to see YU-ALV flying, congratulations ! Does anybody know has ASL kept 70 seats in the plane, or the number if seats is reduced to 66 ?
Delete70 seats. :)
DeleteThey should start some new routes from Eindhoven or Rotterdam to Zadar