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Zadar Airport to hold talks with Etihad and Air Serbia next week |
Zadar Airport will hold talks with Etihad Airways and Air Serbia in Abu Dhabi next week to discuss possible flights to Belgrade in 2016. According to the “Slobodna Dalmacija” daily, talks will be held between the Managing Director of Zadar Airport, Irena Ćosić, as well as Djordje Najdanović, in charge of schedule planning at Air Serbia and Gyula Prohaszka, Senior Manager for Network Development at Etihad. “We will hold talks as we want to present Zadar Airport and its offer. I hope to return from this meeting with good news for the 2016 season. Air Serbia already flies to four destinations in Croatia - Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik and Pula”, Ms. Ćosić says.
According to the airport, services between Zadar and Belgrade would generate significant interest and would connect the coastal city with far away markets. “This is a great opportunity for Zadar because we know this route would have excellent loads. Today, new routes are secured by offering your product on the market. You can’t sit with your hands crossed”, Ms. Ćosić explains. She adds, “As a result, we have to present our offer to carriers that could be interested in our market and Air Serbia is one of those”. According to “Slobodna Dalmacija”, the airport could offer service discounts to the carrier.
The possible resumption of flights between Zadar and Belgrade next year would mark the first commercial service between the two cities in 25 years. JAT Yugoslav Airlines operated its last service from Zadar to Belgrade on August 3, 1991. In its last year of normal operations, Yugoslav Airlines was already recording a significant drop in passenger numbers across its domestic network. However, in 1990 JAT carried 340.000 passengers between Serbia and Croatia alone. Travel between the two republics accounted for 34% of all domestic air travel. Air Serbia has a considerable presence in Croatia, operating seasonal flights to Dubrovnik, Split and Pula and double daily year-long services between Belgrade and Zagreb, which were launched last December.
ima jedna Balaseviceva zezancija u vezi ovih nasih primitivnih desavanja na Balkanu gde kaze: "sve ce to deco moja doci na svoje za jedno .....100-200god..." :)
ReplyDeleteMozda se opametimo i shvatimo koliko smo ne bitni na ovoj kugli, i sirimo ovakve veze sto vise! :)
I think your comment is misplaced. malo patetika nikad na ometu.
DeleteZašto direktorica aerodroma Zadar odlazi u Abu Dabi na razgovore o liniji Air Serbije? I onda se čudimo zašto EU istražuje Air Serbiju.
ReplyDeletePlanning and scheduling se nalazi u Abu Dabiju.
DeleteGdje se nalazi planning and scheduling? Nevjerovatno!
DeleteI don't get why people here are getting involved were people running companies are having their meeting?! Or is it just a problem that the meeting is not being held in Belgrade?!
DeleteWhat do you know about that reason for meeting in AD, do you have any idea how far the discussions has come? It might be a good opportunity to show Zadar ap something? Get to know more people in ASL? Perhaps the ASL management is in AD for some other reason and it is a good opportunity to meet more people from their organization?
On the contrary to some people on this blog, ASL and other has understood that business is global , borders etc has no meaning anymore.
The only thing to understand here is that Etihad is de facto owner here. 100% not 49%. And EU knows that too.
DeleteCry more.
DeleteOf course planning and scheduling should be done in AD, the nerve center of Ethidad!
ReplyDeleteOr you think that the nerv center is in Belgrade?! haha!
Yeah, the sun is rotating around Belgrade.....
For Air Serbia it is. Finances were recently moved to Belgrade and planning and scheduling should be moved soon.
DeleteTruth be told, the eu regulation is protecting air serbia in this case. Otherwise everything or most of things could be steered from 1 center I.e. abu dhabi. Business wise it would make sense. So tks eu on this one :)
Deleteiko zna, koliko je JAT letjela tjednom ZAD-BEG u 1990.?
ReplyDeletei koje tipove (u ljetnoj sezoni)
Air Serbia and Etihad can offer a faster connection to the Far East and Eastern Europe from ZAD than its current routes.
ReplyDeleteI assume this would be only a seasonal summer route, as winter traffic would be to low to sustain regular flights by AS.
ReplyDeleteToday is the first flight Belgrade to Dubrovnik this season. It will be operated by B737. On Dubrovnik Airport timetable it is also shown Etihad code EY6011, but on Belgrade timetable not. What is correct, do they code-share on this route or no? Is it possible to buy ticket to Abu Dhabi via Belgrade or no?
ReplyDeleteOn the official website of both ASL and ETD it is not possible.
DeleteDoes anyone have loads for today's flight to and from DBV?
ReplyDelete73 to dbv, 57 to beg. on b733
DeleteThank you! Do you have the loads to LJU?
DeleteWhat about yesterday flight to SPU?
DeleteLJU 25/53 this morning on AT7, 69/50 in the afternoon on 733.
DeleteYesterday SPU 111/39 on 733.
Wow Split is on fire! We are mid-May and they already have 100+ passengers! That's fantastic.
DeleteI guess it's mostly connecting passengers, especially those coming from Asia via AUH.
Last summer both SPU and DBV had rougly 250 passengers coming in each month on the Etihad code-share.
Deletebtw DBV put the Aviolet B737 on the new jet bridge today :)
DeleteWould be great if there were some pictures. :)
DeleteOn a Serbian aviation spotter's page there are some truly fantastic pictures from ZAG.
Airserbia should change it's name to aircroatia, since they are flying to almost every airport to croatia. When they will fly to nis? I think it is unfair that they don't connect with regional airports and kickstart those airports. With current situation all other (slovenians, croatians, bosnians, macedonians, albanians and so on) are using transfer discounts and serbians that are flying from beg are paying more. Serbians pay for those to fly cheaply.
ReplyDeleteJao da li vi ljudi mozete da se sklonite lepo sa bloga o aviaciji kad ne znate nista o istoj vec jednom?!
DeleteShvatite da potraznje NEMA dovljno niti se Air Serbiji isplati da leti odatle. Eventualno bi mogli da uvedu let BEG- INI - BEG, i lepo presednete u Beogradu pa lepo gde hocete posle.
Toliko kompanija je otislo iz Nisa, cak ni obican charter za vreme leta ne moze da se napuni, pa kako ocekujete od Air Serbije da dodje tamo?!?
A vidis za sezonske letove BEG-ZAD-BEG ima potencijala jer bi ljudi ono kao isli na more tamo. Ne poredite babe i zabe ako se vec ne razumete.
Usput, veoma ti je glup komentar, sam po sebi. Ako sam ne mozes da shvatis zasto, procitaj ga opet i shvatices.
Wizz otvara dve destinacije iz Niša i govore kako su zadovoljni prodajama karata(a letovi su u prodaju i za zimsku sezonu, tako da nece biti samo sezonalni). Jat je svojevremeno leteo iz Niša i let za Cirih je bio profitabilan, na primer. Montenegro je otišao jer nisu dobijali subvencije, ali to je druga prica.
DeleteJa mislim da su destinacije bile pogrešne i da zato nisu opstali letovi. Videcemo kako će biti sa Wizzom, ali je glupo reci da nema potencijala. Putnika ima, samo što oni koriste druge aerodrome.
Air Serbiji je cilj da od Beograda napravi hub i nije im u interesu da se izgube putnici iz tog dela Srbije. A i AS nije poželjna ni na jednom srpskom aerodromu, ako očekuju discount kakav dobijaju u Beogradu
Ima potencijala kada bi povratne karte bile 30-40-50e, a kompanija aerodromu plaćala 3e. Kome se to isplati, sem Wizzu koji ih natrpa 180 u a320?
DeleteJAT je ukinuo Cirih iz Niša jer su bili poluprazni, a gubili su avion ceo dan i vukli posade kombijima iz bg, ili im plaćali hotel tamo. To je čist gubitak.
DeleteCTN has ZAG-ZAD-PUY, Trade Air connects ZAG with OSI and RJK, RJK with SPU and DBV. These lines have really bad LF but are financed by state. Serbia needs something similar, to lease small turboprop like EMB-120, they could've used Aviogenex to make these flights and save jobs, not to mention jobs at smaller airports. This would be much smaller cost than pumping loads of cash to asl, and since protection of it's brand is in full swing, it could be operated by aviolet.
DeleteAviognex to use it's Boeing 733 to fly to Niš, Kraljevo, Sombor, Vršac ... are you serious?
DeleteDaj citaj malo post iznad, napiso je da se iznajmi mali avion kao sto je trade air iznajmio emb120 i leti slabije trazene linije (trade air leti cartere ko i aviogenex i ima taj mali avion u wet lease za te libije). Naravno da ne leti sa svojim f100.
DeleteSeems like the summer fever has already begun. Air Serbia is already experiencing fleet shortage as today's BUD flight is delayed until the Atr returns from TIV.
ReplyDeleteHope YU-ALV enters service ASAP.
According to beg.aero tomorrow in the morning wave it will be five ATRs. Maybe YU-ALV will enter services in the morning .
DeleteDoes anyone have Swiss's loads on the Geneva-Sarajevo/Zürich-Sarajevo routes for this or past weeks? Thanks in advance!
ReplyDeleteYesterday Geneva -BEG with easyjet was full, only 4-5 seats left
DeleteLoads on both routes are great, on Wednesday's flight from ZRH to SJJ this week Swiss used A320 instead of regular RJ-100
DeleteZurich-Sarajevo-Zurich 80%-95%
DeleteGeneva-Sarajevo-Geneva 65%-75%
Slow news day... okay, so couple of things. Just read on a.net that oldest planes still flying in regular service in the USA are Delta 757 reg N750AT from 1984 and Southwest 737-300 reg N694SW from 1985. Both planes are older than Aviolet 737! Next time you get complaints about Aviolet 733 age, please direct them to fly those Delta jets or feel the LUV!
ReplyDeleteNext, reading about Montenegro Airlines "losing" 700k EUR at BEG. Last time I checked, Montenegro had 9.5MEUR loss in 2014. So even if we do this:
-9.5M + 700k = -8.8M EUR
they are still 8.8MEUR in the hole that needs to be covered from the GoM budget.
Third one: as you all know, USA and UAE have OpenSkies agreement that allows unlimited 5th freedom. UAE and Serbia got their agreement, including 5th freedom, ratified just over a week ago, after a six year wait. And Serbia-USA signed what appears to be OpenSkies agreement (but I have no info on 5th freedom) within days of UAE-Serbia agreement. Even if timing is completely coincidental, does this setup now allow for UAE carriers to operate UAE-BEG-USA flights?
I do not think that Etihad would take that risk even if it would be 'legal.' Because of potential bad press in USA, and because big USA carriers would then lobby USA Gov against ME3. And all this for who's benefit? BEG? I don't see this scenerio materializing anytime soon.
DeleteWe all want Air Serbia to fly to the couple of destinations in the US/Canada with their own/leased metal, with YU registered planes, with ASL livery and crews.
DeleteHowever if LH & friends decide to “nuke” Air Serbia TATL service (and they have overcapacity to do it) then I would agree with scenario of Etihad sending 10 daily A380 via BEG across the pond.
DeleteCanada-Serbia bilateral agreement is a bit old, last update was in 2007 (now defunct Skyservice is still listed). Apparently not a showstopper, but are there plans to update it to reflect new realities? Why it hasn’t been done so far?
I love 757s! And those DC9s that flew for delta were pretty old, but I still loved them - it's like a peace of history flying. :)
DeleteYes, Aviolet 733s are 5-9 months "younger" not yet 30 yrs old. http://www.planespotters.net/
DeleteYU-AND B737-300 JAT 31.Jul 1985
YU-ANI B737-300 JAT 17.Dec 1985
N694SW B737-300 Southwest 11.Mar 1985
Air Ceo is twisting the reality. No one is having a problem with the age of the B733 but with their state.
DeleteAUH-BEG-USA probably won't happen because AUH has preclearance facilities, which are quite an investment.
DeleteBefore several days I flow with one of them B733. There is more space on seat than in ASL A319 even it has more seats (probably seats are narrower) ,and it seems that there was some kind of general cleaning as plastic was white like new one. On some details you can see it is old but i would not said that they are in bad state just opposite. Maybe that was only on one of them.
DeleteWas it YU-ANJ?
Delete@Anon at 7:39
Delete"Air Ceo is twisting the reality. No one is having a problem with the age of the B733 but with their state."
Not really, most h8ters here just complain how old those planes are. There are older planes out there even from world class airlines.
Aviolet 733 are in a great shape for their age. If you travelled a lot around the world you certainly saw much, much worse. Here's what I mean, from Northwest Airlines (now merged into Delta), picture made in May of 2006 of a plane that had a first flight on Dec 3, 1968. That would make it 37 years and 5 months old at that time. Please take a closer look at this picture, this will shut up every Aviolet h8ter:
JAT treated their planes well. The first fully owned DC-9, YU-AHL, would see service with Delta until it was retired in 2010, at the age of 40.
..."Air Serbia will phase out all of its Boeing aircraft, most of which are now over 25 years old, on scheduled passenger flights by April 2014....". - See more at: http://www.balkaneu.com/air-serbias-boeings-flying/ All YU- 733s should be painted in full ASL livery as they fly all year round scheduled ASL flts.
DeleteBice jos vise pojacana u regionu pred 2016 zato ce i doci jos vise od jednog ATR 72.
Da budem prezican, 2 ATR-500, i 1ATR-200
Korean air A330 LF 100 % upravo poletio iz Zagreba za Seul, super je što će dolaziti svake subote.
ReplyDeleteSezonski carter?
Deleteda, charter.
DeleteDanas sam se mislio, kako bi moglo biti redovnih letova. Pa eventualno sa triangle flight 2-3/7?
Ha Good news for Zadar Airport, I'm hoping for some new destinations like from Rotterdam or Eindhoven