With just a month to go until Air Serbia launches services from Belgrade to New York, Nikola Tesla Airport is preparing to handle its first transatlantic flights in twelve years, with Uzbekistan Airways being the last to operate the route in 2004. The majority of the airport's preparations have cantered around improving security measures and technology, with a number of infrastructural upgrades to follow. Earlier this month the airport received eighteen explosive trace detectors (ETD) in line with standards prescribed by the United States Transportation Security Administration. Furthermore, the airport has upgraded its two existing explosive detectors, is in the process of purchasing new x-ray machines for hand luggage, body scanners and security cameras, while its staff have undergone additional training to deal with safety issues, handling firearms, as well as passenger screening.
The airport has completed tender procedures for the upgrade of its cargo storage facility, which it says is necessary due to the upcoming service to the States, as well as increased freight transport. Furthermore, it has completed tender procedures for the installation of a visual docking guidance system (VDGS) for the remaining four gates that do not feature the technology (A6 - A10). The VDGS is an electronic display system placed at the gate, allowing pilots to park their aircraft with greater precision and safety. In addition, the airport has recently begun using the Baggage Reconciliation System (BRS), which has become a critical function for airlines and airports following the September 11 attacks and ensures that no baggage is loaded on to a plane without a corresponding passenger. Additionally, it provides a number of functions to meet the demands of ground traffic control and airlines.
![]() |
Preparations to expand the Terminal 2 building are advancing |
Belgrade Airport's General Manager, Saša Vlaisavljević, has previously said, “We have a long tradition of handling long haul flights. In 1989, five wide-body aircraft were regularly handled during the rush hour period, heading to the United States and Australia. This is not a problem for Belgrade Airport or our logistics”. Despite this, the airport has begun work on overhauling its Terminal 1 building, with construction currently being carried out on expanding the check-in area. Furthermore, the airport plans to introduce a baggage claim area at Terminal1, which has up until now been housed only at Terminal 2. Plans to expand the Terminal 2 building by adding a further 11.000 square metres has advanced. With construction originally planned to begin in December 2015 and completed in August 2016, the airport now says the project is undergoing technical controls and work is expected to commence this year. The new sphere-shaped wing of the terminal will feature four passenger boarding bridges, primarily intended for larger, wide-body aircraft. The construction of a de-icing platform, to be located near the runway, is expected to start soon with all technical checks completed and a contractor selected. The new de-icing platform aims to reduce holdover time and speed up aircraft movement during winter. The platform will cover an area of 20.500 square metres.
Good to know that the terminal extension will actually happen. My guess is that this concerns the arrival of another A330 by the end of the year. If they don't build the extension it means that the C gates will only handle wide-bodies and that will really cause issues.
ReplyDeleteThat's if the two planes are at the airport at the same time. They can always park the plane at B stands and bus passengers to it. Emirates did it with widebodies for years during Dubai Airport upgrades, Qatar Airways did it for years until they got a new airport just recently, Etihad still does it today. Hell they even board and disembark passengers on a B747 at Zagreb Airport via stairs so it's not uncommon.
DeleteIn DXB, FZ uses only remote stands while EK still has many flights use remote stands, however less that Concourse D has opened. IST uses a lot of remote stand parking, FRA, SVO, BKK, MUC too. MLA has no air bridges...
DeleteThey should do everything to improve comfort for transfer passengers seeing they will be the main ones using the flights to JFK. They have done a lot by introducing better wi-fi, quiet seating areas, USB and power sockets in seats, smoking room/cafe and so on but the space is limited. They really need a fast food place straight away.
ReplyDeleteCompletely agree but like you say space is limited. Shame that they didn't build the T2 extension in time for these flights.
DeleteShame they are not building new T3 attached to the back of that T2 extension at the same time.
DeleteWhere is the smoking room at Belgrade Nikola Tesla airport?
DeleteIt's actually a cafe with a terrace where smoking is allowed. At the A gates A6-A10.
DeleteSo, does anybody knows after all what will be the indirect cost for the flights to JFK?
ReplyDeleteRyanair je povečao godišnji profit (njima financijska godina završava 31. ožujka) za čak 43% na 1,24 milijardi EUR.
Stoga kompanija planira uči u RAT sa cijenama (doslovce su uporabili riječ "rat"), te ozbiljno smanjiti cijene ove zime kako bi povečali udio u tržištu. Cijene će pasti za 7% na razini cijele godine, te 10 do 12% tijekom zime, a zbog čega Ryanair planira imati bitno manji profit u idućoj godini. Kao razultat toga kompanija kani povečati broj putnika za 9% na 116 milijuna. Ovu izjavu treba gledati u kontekstu napada na Wizzair i easyJet koji je krenuo ovog proljeća, a baziranje aviona u bazama ova dva prijevoznika, uz ulaganje osjetnih sredstava u dumping svakako će biti ogroman problem za easyJet, a, bojim se, nepremostiv za Wizzair.
Ryanair se vec poceli sa tom politikom spustanja cena pre dve godine. Ko prati Ryanair primetio je nagli porast LF%, u nekim mesecima i do 10% year-over-year koji je bio finansiran niskim cenama, par meseci posle kupovine third party revenue management sistema (RMS). Napad koji je "krenuo" ovog proleca je cisti PR i expectation management za stock market. Njihov ce se RASK neminovno smanjiti zbog povecavanja dela mreze u low yield trzistima - do sada vec imaju desetgodisnje iskustvo u CEE i znaju koliko ce krvi proliti samo da bi zaustavili Wizz Air-ov strm rast.
DeleteDear Purger
DeleteI have a question for you. (OT)
We have seen a war in Ex-Yu region between FR and W6. There are small airports served by those two airlines. I wonder if there is some serious possibility that either of those airlines decides to start serving Maribor airport (MBX)? What are the chances for MBX to get LCC flights? If any?
Best regards,
If Maribor will pay "advertisement" to them (or huge discount that they fly there almost for free) they will come in second. For sure they will not come just because of market conditions, as they did not in Niš, Tuzla, Skopje, Zadar, Podgorica, Osijek, Belgrade (in first place), as they stop flying in Graz, Zagreb, Maribor... because those airports stop to pay "reket".
DeleteThank you Purger.
DeleteBest regards,
You are welcome.
DeleteT1 getting its own baggage claim area is a good indication that one of the terminals will be used only by Air Serbia and partners.
ReplyDeleteYeah that's very interesting. Where exactly would the baggage claim area be located?
DeleteThere used to be a baggage claim area for domestic flights, it was located between terminals 1 and 2 (in the connecting area). This is nothing new.
DeleteIs that area closed now?
DeleteExactly! Old domestic T1 baggage claim is one possibility, but expansion of check-in areas is going on in that same area. Behind the new check-in areas new baggage conveyors and isles are needed to move those bags, so that further reduces space for baggage claim at T1. With only 30 days to go airport is really late with expansion project.
DeleteThe old T1 baggage claim area now houses airport offices, if I'm not mistaken. However, with new check in desks in front of that area, I'm not really sure how will they manage this.
DeleteAlso, as all flights are now international, this baggage claim area would have to house incoming passport control and customs as well, which wasn't the case when this area was in use prior to 1992 - as these were domestic arrivals.
What is located under T1 check-in? The T2 arrivals extend only under T2.
DeleteNo, it was located on the same level as the check-in. If you look at the BEG map (ground floor/prizemlje) http://www.beg.aero/upload/Putnici/Mapa%20aerodroma/Mapa-zgrade-Aerodrom-Nikola-Tesla-Beograd.pdf
Deleteit was located between 'Baggage sorting', 'A4a/A4b' gates, and Terminal 1 check-in area. It's colored in red.
It seems like Déjà vu, all over again.
ReplyDeletetrue dat.
DeleteNice to hear about all the upgrades going on :) 30 days left.
ReplyDeleteGood news. When the A330 came 2 weeks ago they tested attaching air bridges to the plane. It went smoothly.
ReplyDeleteThey did it at C gates here's proof:
Interesting that the plane won't be at a right angled but slightly curved.
DeleteKoji je vama krasni qrc na tom aerodromu su pristajali sirokotrupni avioni decenijama.
Delete@ anonymous 10,00AM
DeleteBEG has changed since the last time JAT had a base of 5 DC10's at the airport. They waybwe travel has changed and so have the aircraft. The A330 has a larger wingspan than that of the A300's and DC10's.
Odakle vam takve smehotresne ideje, mostovi su pokretni i nije problem parkirati atr72 pored a330. Potrebno je samo iscrtati dobro nove pozicije za parkiranje. Sve ekspert do eksperta.
DeleteOT: today 5 TLV-ZAG flights:
ReplyDeleteOU 320, Arkia 3x 757-300, SunDor 737-800;
Condor training with 757-300 in Pula, D-ABOE.
1x Privilige Style 757-200 EC-HDS i/o Arkia 757-300
DeleteTo be more precise, this is today's "bigger-than-usual-aircraft" list :)
Delete1. KLM: 738
2. BA: 321
3. Arkaia: 753
4. El Al: 752 x 2
5. TK: 321 x 2
Today's flights by TK/KLM are by no means "a rarity", but it's just nice to see 7 bigger planes in one day. Certainly a progress for ZAG.
Zagreb rocks this year and 2017 will be even better!
Delete@ Petar,
DeleteEl Al don't have 757 anymore... May be it's something else.
I think at this moment BEG does not need huge construction project. It would be wise to build by priority:
Deicing zone!!!! It must be finish till October as it is really big problem during winter, and bottleneck of the airport.
2.VERY URGENT - to start immediately in September and finish it till February 2017
Renewal of A6-A10 gates which are in very bad shape
Open at least 4 new bus gates on ground level for turboprops and smaller planes
Modernization and bigger capacity in luggage sorting
3. URGENT (to open till March 2018)
At least 6 more bus gates in ground level (it would be 12 of them at the end)
More space for shops, bars and restaurants in 3rd floor on top of A concourse.
Face lifting of terminal.
4. After all of those urgent and not so expensive constructions I would:
open C concourse extension with 4 more gates (C7-C10), much more space for shops and bars as it should be much bigger than rest of C concourse
Open more bus gates in ground floor within new C6-C10 concourse
Finish 3rd floor from A concourse to C concourse.
In same time it is more than urgent that BEG opens (that is something they should do with private investors, concessions, contracts etc.):
- regular bus lines to:
# Novi Sad - Subotica
# Pančevo - Vršac
# Smederevo - Niš - Leskovac - Vranje
# Kragujevac - Kraljevo - Čačak - Užice
- to open tender for private investor to open hotel inside Airport area
- to solve problem with taxi drivers
- to open new small business terminal for private jets with all luxury they can have (congress area, business center, garage, hangar for plane embarkation to come with car directly to plane indoors...)
Nema problema sa taksistima. Uzmes i vozis se zvanicnim.
DeletePostoji linija iz Novog Sada.
Hotel moze da gradi ko god pozeli. Niko se nije javio.
Postovani kolega, nema se sta dodati i redosled odgovara prioritetima, ali sta ce se zaista desiti verovatno ce odluciti buduci koncesionar koji ce, iskreno se nadam, biti vazduhoplovno pismeniji od sadasnjeg menadzmenta. Slicna je (vrlo losa) trenutna situacija i u MZLZ, ali ce koncesionar sigurno unaprediti stanje.
Naravno da ima problema sa taksistima. Ovi divljaci
Delete# ozbiljno štete imageu BEG koji si isti ne bi smio dozvoliti
# smanjuju prihode BEG
# smanjuju prihode države
Stvar se može jednostavno riješiti sa jednim od dva sustava:
# policija, inspekcije, financijska policija, aerodromsko osiguranje, racije... - nakon par mjeseci intenzivne kontrole divlji taksisti se "obeshrabre" i nestanu
# sustav taksija poput Gatwicka gdje aerodrom ima službu za taksije (kućice gdje unaprijed naručiš i platiš taksi koji ima licencu aerodroma za obavljanje djelatnosti, dobiš voučer i broj taksija, a onima koji tu licencu nemaju ne dozvoljava se ulaz u aerodrom)
Što se hotela tiće ne kažem da je to prioritet, no uz malo bolji angažman (ponude hotelijerima, prezentacije potencijala poglavito od kada je BEG postao transferni hub, bolja lokacija (unutar samog aerdoroma, tj. direktna povezanost sa terminalom), dodatne mogućnosti (restoran, kongresni centar, sobe za odmor posada od nekoliko sati...), smanjeni apetiti (tj. realnost, a ne megalomanija - što ne krenuti sa manjim hotelom od 50-kreveta u prvoj fazi umjesto par stotina), iznači modalitete poticaja (aerodrom na tome ne treba u početku zarađivati, jer je to "must" ako se stvarno želi napraviti tranzitni hub), tj. sa malo više truda pronašao bi se investitor (BEG ima mnogo hotela, pa i privatnih, a neki od njih bi se sigurno upustili u investiciju ako bi ista bila realna).
Ako postoji linija za Novi Sad, što se ne produži za Suboticu? Konačno, što ista nije promovirana na stranicama BEG? U autobusnim linijama navodi se linija A1, GSP linije 72 i 607 (za 607 još uvijek nema reda vožnje), ali baš nigdje se ne navodili linija za Novi Sad!!!! Kako ću ja ko potencijalni putnik to znati? Aerdrom mora napraviti sustav linija, nači koncesionara (koji preuzima i rizik), napraviti perone uz sam izlazak iz aerodroma, promovirati linije na svojim stranicama i bilbordima na aerodromu, te svim publikacijama (v. primjer Beča). Ovako neka stihijska linija nije rješenje.
BEG lacks alot, something I have mentioned many times here.
DeleteWhat interests me is if renovating BEG would be too expensive and if its not more viable to just build a new terminal and demolish the old to use the space to extend the new terminal, ie having the new terminal built in phases with the possibility to extend. BEG was never intended to be a transfer hub. Times have changed and in peak times the transit area can get busy. Arrivals is a zoo, and the low ceilings give a bit of a claustrophobic feel.
A hotel I would not worry about for many years. New Belgrade is close to a variety of hotels, some closer than those say around CDG. Many hotels off complimentary transfer. It takes 10-15 mins to get to hotels such as Crowne Plaza, Hyatt, Holiday Inn, Radison Blu. Arrivals needs to be expanded to allow better short term bays for busses and taxi's, which would also accomodate these hotel shuttles.
Something that has been talked about is extending the rail line to the airport as its roughly 7km of new track needed. BG:Voz would be a very convenient thing, allowing quick transfer to other services (new bus terminal in New Belgrade, Belgrade Central Station) as well as other areas of Belgrade. The services would be frequent and just an addition to existing services.
Taxi I agree is a huge problem. Regardless of the police presence, the illegal drivers carry on with business as usual. Voucher system sort of works, however this can be misused ie expensive vouchers given for short drives etc.
DeleteNe poznajete dovoljno situaciju sa divljim taksistima na BEG. Oni su jači od grada, od države, od svega. Kada bi Srbija sutradan postala članica EU ili 51. članica SAD oni bi opet ostali i opstali na BEG i niko ne bi mogao da ih ukloni. Jedan od najvećih fenomena u Srbiji koja je inače zemlja fenomena.
nema linije za NS. ukinuta je pre par godina
DeleteZnači te linije za Novi Sad nema? To je stvarno nevjerovatno. Toliko velik grad koji je blizu aerodromu i gravitira njemu a da nema linije? Doslovce nevjerovatno. Iskreno mislim da je to jedan od večih propusta za BEG. Poglavito što za tako što aerodrom ne treba imati nikakav rizik (niti profit), nego doslovce to da zainteresiranom prijevozniku uz koncesiju od dvije-tri godine. Mislim da linija za Novi Sad-Suboticu, te Niš-Leskovac ne bi bila nikakav rizik, a isto bi dovuklo dodatne putnika da koriste BEG umjesto SOF, SKP, BUD...). Konačno, i ostale dvije linije sa minibusevima ne bi bile neki velik rizik. No, bojim se da se ovdje radi o čistoj inerciji po načelu "ti putnici će i ovako koristiti BEG pa nek se sami snalaze sa automobilima i redovnim linijama preko BEG" što je više nego pogrešno.
DeleteOvo sa taksi vozačima mi je apsolutno katastrofalno, iako nije nevjerovatno, poznavši situaciju u srbiji. Mislim da je ovo vruči krumpir i stanovita mjera socijalne politike (žmiri se na sivu ekonomiju da bi se omogučilo ljudima da preživljavaju). Ali, iskreno, baš je vrlo neugodno kada navale na tebe i vuku te za rukav i kada doslovce bježiš sa terminala da te ne gnjave. U tom prostoru ne stajem ni za živu glavu koliko su naporni. I to ne jedan-dva nego deseci njih. Ako se trebam iole zadržavati na aerdodromu bježim na prvi kat ili na parkiralište pa se tamo pozdravljam sa prijateljima ili odradim neki kraći sastanak. A o tome što sada mislim nakon ovog natpisa "da su jači od države" bolje da ni ne govorim. Nimalo motivirajuće za mene da dođem u državu i tamo se osječam sigurno ili poželjno za poslovnjake i investicije ako su taksisti jači od države i to se ne može riještiti. Pitam se onda, koliko državom "vladaju" bitno jače lobističke grupacije i veliki trgovci, te ozbiljnije i organiziranije kriminalne skupine i mafija, ako su taksisti toliko močni.
bio je prevoz, JGSP Novi Sad je imao liniju 92 koja je išla na nekih 60-90 minuta ceo dan, i u 90% slučajeva je bio prazan autobus (bukvalno, bez i jednog jedinog putnika, i to u midi busu), pa su posle neke dve godine odlučili da ukinu liniju.
Deleterešenje je voz, i to tunel Bežanija-Aerodrom-Batajnica, s tim da svi međugradski vozovi idu tim putem
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteDa Vozio je JGSP Novi Sad svaka 2 sata Pa se preko zime ukinula linjija pa opet preko leta vratila ali se opset stopiralo.
DeleteSad ce biti resenje kada Flixbus dodje u Srbiju verovatno ce imati i stop na Aerodromu.
Vlak znači veliku investiciju. Autobus bi bio dovoljan da pokriva valove Air Serbije (i usput i druge prijevoznike), tj. da ide 4 puta dnevno. Naravno, uz ozbiljniju propagandu i sustavno oglašavanje samog aerodroma.
Deleteo ne, u Beogradu je planirano dupliranje tunela i pruge koja već postoji ispod Bežanije kao deo projekta pruge Beograd-Budimpešta. moj predlog je samo da se pruga skrene ka aerodromu
Deletema dajte ljudi, BEG treba rješenje odmah, a ne za par godina. Konačno ovi planovi nisu za sutra, a i ako bi se mijenjali svi znamo što to znači i koliko traje.
DeleteRoughly 7km of rail is needed to connect the airport to the railway network. However, the line should have potential to extend to Surčin. I think it was in Beobuild or SSC where there was a discussion on this and the investment would only be a few million euros.
DeleteThe train will in this case link New Belgrade, Tošin Bunar and Zemun. New Belgrade station will be where the new central bus terminal will be located which would be convenient. Belgrade Central Station is the next stop after New Belgrade. In New Belgrade they could connect people to Novi Sad, Šid, Sremska Mitrovica, Indjija, Pazova and Subotica, while in Belgrade Central to Niš, Užice etc
Next to New Belgrade station there is a couple of hotels as well as Kombank Arena is within walking distance.
Currently the GSP bus is slow, going theough Ledine, Bežanijska Kosa and New Belgrade before getting to Zeleni Venac market (~45 mins). The bus can be quite full and is I think every 20 min.
Neko treba da objasni Purgeru da taksisti divljaci sluze da uhvate putnike koji putuju i po 500 km da bi leteli malo jeftinije za sve ostale tu je pult sa
Deletetacno odredjenim cenama do Beg koje su inace 30% vise od onih koje meri taksimetar. Toliko gradske vlasti misle o dobrobiti gradjana.
Ja stvarno ne znam čemu oni služe, ali znam da me ozbiljno smeta kada sletim u Beograd i ovi me siluju i vuku za rukav. Ne znam ni jedan drugi aerodrom gdje se tako nešto tolerira ili dešava.
Delete"Ne znam ni jedan drugi aerodrom gdje se tako nešto tolerira ili dešava."
DeleteI can immediately think of at least three (SOF, OTP, SJJ). And that's just the immediate neighbourhood.
Speaking of which, I also think that it's a legalised rip-off that passengers arriving at ZAG can only take taxis from Velika Gorica and therefore pay much more for a ride to Zagreb than in the other direction.
Never, but never had that experience in OTP and SJJ, and I was flaying from there more than several times. Wasn't at SOF.
DeleteI never take Velika Gorica taxi. Because of principles, I hate someone rape me. I order one of Zagreb taxis, usually one driver I always use (and he pick me in front of terminal with all signs) or just wait 2-3 minutes for one to show (bring passenger from Zagreb) and get in (he usually make one more circle and take all signs out) what I don't care. But you will not see me in VG taxi.
Opcija za Zelecnicom je previse skupa bolja opcija bi bila kad bi Poste Srbije nabavile nekoliko buseva novih i obavljaje to.
I have one question. For those who are familliar with situation in BEG, what will be better option for A330:
ReplyDeletegate A1
- it is on corner, more space,
- maybe in same time A2 or C1 gate can be use and there is no need for them to close, especially if they reorganize space and put this gate of 45 degrees parking position
gate C5-C6
- that would close one gate,
- but it is one space, and one big waiting room,
- in same time it is at the end (C concourse is not very wide) and you don't want biggest plane at the end but at the center of airport not to move too many people around and not to let them make crowd
Na mnogim aerodromima su letovi za Ameriku na krajevima veoma dugackih concoursa iz bezbednosnih razloga.
DeleteGate A1 is not certified to get anything bigger than a B767.
DeleteThey could always park it on C6 and C7 stands and board passengers from gate C6. The Atrs could be moved to the B position plus C9 and C10.
That's what they did 2 weeks ago I think.
DeleteOf course it is possible to put it on B position and than to drive passengers with bus, but that should be strange and totally unnecessary when you have 16 air-bridges. You can dedicate 2 of those for only intercontinental route 5 times per week for few hours.
DeleteOne can see that on present situation A1 can not be used for anything bigger than B767. But that can be change. I am not familiar with regulation, but common sense and experience from other airports show me that usually gates on corners are on 45 degrees and on that way they make space for bigger plane on position like that.
Problem with BEG is that the gate areas are small, intended for narrow bodies and are closed. Gates A7-A10 should be done to handle widebodies as well as the extension to C7-C10. General aviation could easily be moved to a new apron that is quickly built. The widebody stands could also be used for narrowbodies and should br more than adequate for the next several years.
DeleteCurrently the best gates for the A330 is C5/C6 due to the larger gate area. BEG isnt a large so going from A10 to C6 isnt such a long walk, as can be the case in other airports. What is good is that the transfer desk is in the middle, located between gates A1 and C1.
I know, I had experience walking from A10 to C6 and that is not long walk.
DeleteBasically I also agree that in this moment C5-6 is the best option. As I said it is one area enough for A330 when you use it as one gate. Of course new C6-C10 gates (as today C6 is basically extension of C concourse and should be removed in case of "new" C6-C10 gates) should be long-haul gates. That should be enough for BEG in next several years (5 gates + one more possibility in A1). But till then BEG should use C5+C6 and should try to change A1 into long-haul gate (more space for waiting + 45 degrees position what should open possibility to park long-haul without closing A2 and C1. Two long-haul gates should be enough for next 2 years, shouldn't it?
But I wonder why BEG did not do that earlier. To change A1 into long-haul and to open 4 more bus gates in ground level (what should open possibility to use C5+C6 combined for long-haul) is so small investment and simple solution that I can not understand why they did not do that few months ago, especially that they knew long-haul route will start this summer.
The problem with A1 is that anything bigger than a B767 would block the taxiway to the right, the one that was built some years ago.
DeleteSure it it stays like today. But if they reorganize space and put this gate on 45 degrees angle. Is it possible for finger (air bridge) to reach door of plane in that case, and is it possible at all to put gate on 45 degree angle.
DeleteThe only way it could work is if you block A1, A2 and A3 and if the A332 uses all that space. The A gates are pretty tightly packed.
DeleteThe easiest solution would be to expand the A10 area. That whole part of the airport is an extension that rests on columns. There is room behind to expand the terminal building so as to create a normal widebody gate.
Unfortunately BEG wasn't built to handle a great number of transfer passengers. It's layout is the main problem.
Deletewhich goes back to my question,
is it more cost effective in the long run to just build a new terminal in phases where the new terminal replaces the old one, the old terminal is demolished to make way for another phase to extend the new terminal.
One way of doing it would be to move the cargo area somewhere far away, maybe even behind the runway and to use that extra space to expand and develop the A gates.
DeleteHowever, nothing major will happen until the airport is privatized. That said, no private investor will be willing to spend millions of Euros until Air Serbia is stable and independent. The honeymoon phase is over and now we are going to be seeing first, independent results. I think that will also be a good indicator at how fast the government will find an investor for the airport.
Why A2 and to block A1 and A3?
Delete1. Why they can not put A1 gate on 45 degree like in other airports?
2. Why they can not put Long haul plane in middle of A1 and A2 and use it as one gate (air bridge from A2) but space for A1+A2 combined
The issue here are the taxiways. The A330 is way too big for that area, not only is it long but it has a massive wingspan. The C gates are much more spacious which is not surprising given that's where DC-10s used to be parked.
DeleteThe taxiway that would be blocked by parking the A330 at A1 is crucial when it comes to linking the C gate area with the rest of the airport.
Though A1 is one of the best gates, unfortunately it lacks the necessary space.
BEG is quite small and it lacks the space it needs to cater for all this growth.
DeleteI think this table will be of help for you to get an idea of gate spaces.
Here is as well charts for BEG, although most is not relevant for this conversation.
As I said I am not familiar with this but just I know situation in similar airports. It looks to me that A330 can park in A1 on 45 degrees angle, but we should leave that to experts. One should say if it is possible they would do that already, but also, we all know that BEG is not that expeditious. For now there is no problem and C5-C6 gate is good option, but if second long-haul will come there would be a problem.
DeleteFor when its flights Belgrade to Pristina?
ReplyDeleteDepends on political deal in Brussels.
ReplyDeleteIt is not convenient that there have not Belgrade to Pristina links
I often go to Belgrade.
yes I say.
ReplyDeletethat's not cool his
OT: As there are no objections so far, Air Serbia is likely to get US approval for Etihad codeshare on JFK for AUH-BEG-JFK passengers, among other things (Dockets 78&80). I wrote about importance of EY feed on this portal on June 20, 2014: “…way is to have Etihad „top-up“ Air Serbia’s passengers with its feed from Abu Dhabi on their way to North America. Etihad would need to commit to this coordinated feed effort to preserve their investment in Air Serbia and channel more passengers through BEG to North American destinations.”
ReplyDeleteIt took two years but it’s finally coming to life. Small but important step to keep LF higher and BEG-JFK route sustainable.
Sorry but I realy don't understand how this codeshare agreement will help since etihad has 2 daily direct flights to JFK? Unless the price is much cheaper via Belgrade.
DeleteEY codeshare helps in the sense that EY will through its network assist in selling tickets for JU flights. It also offers its pax more choice. EY also sells JFK flights via AB hubs. It also gives EY Guest pax flexibility in travel. Its not uncommon to see pax travel via 1 or more cities to other destinations.
DeleteJATBEGMEL please stop with these aviation terms, let's get to the point. I am a passenger in Abu Dhabi 3800 km away from belgrade, why do I wanna have to travel to JFK via Belgrade??
DeleteSo why not Etihad themselves flying Abu Dhabi - Belgrade - NYC ?
DeleteAs Emirates does with stopover in Milan.
3x a week would be enough with feed from Air Serbia.
i dont understand how the most simpliest solution is always the one that is refused the most.
Do those with Etihad have brain cells at all ?
DeleteWhat aviation terms were used?
You can travel via Hong Kong if you want to JFK, point is that the choice is there. Remember that JU and EY share their frequent flier program, which is linked to AB and AZ. Its a huge customer base once the codeshares come in. This will leave options for these frequent fliers to keep to the respective programs rather than go to say LH because they had more options.
Abu Dhabi - New York via Belgrade is only 0.4% longer than nonstop so it makes perfect sense for cost sensitive passengers. Its great news for Air Serbia if it adds few dozen passengers per flight. Etihad has been doing the same with Air Berlin so this is a win win for everyone.
DeleteTHANK YOU anonymous 6:07 P. !! That is want I wanted to hear, It's all about the MONEY and not all that stuff that JATBEGMEL says. If it's cheaper to fly Abu dhabi-BEG-JFK than Abu dhabi-JFK, then I certainly prefer it.Talk simple not like politicians do!
DeleteAir Berlin had horrible yields from EY's codes so let's not get ahead of ourselves here. JU should generate its own passengers.
Deleteevery business is there for the money. why else do you think airlines do what they do, add features. for more money. but there is more to it, just i didnt know I needed to bring colour pencils and paper to draw the explanation.
As for AB, I dont think their yields were low because EY was funneling them pax rather more their general bad situation and a lack of or crappy business model. JU has been generating its own traffic for JFK for now, and im sure their frequent flier base has help a bit but it needs codeshares and a boost from its partners which I think will hear more of soon. I wouldnt be surprised to see A3 and AZ to add their codes.
Again JATBEGMEL you understood wrong, I did't speak about the money that airlines earn, I don't care about that, I spoke about the financial possibility of the average serbian to travel by air and pay its ticket as cheap as he can find it. But you probably are some rich kid that don't care about that.
DeleteJATBEGMEL - you will not see AZ code on JU's flights to JFK, because AZ are bound to the DL/AF/KL JV across the Atlantic which doesn't not allow any of these airlines to have any other code on these flights.
DeleteAlso, you will not see A3 code on JU's JFK flights, because STAR alliance only allows each of its carriers up to 5% of its ASKs (ie. capacity), to have codeshare on carriers who are not STAR Alliance carriers. Given the distance involved, it would take up too much of A3's ASK allowance.
It does not however, prevent both carriers from having an interline agreement with JU - which they both do
@Anon at 7:18
Delete"JU should generate its own passengers"
That's the plan, O&D and JU regional feed will generate most passengers. EY and AB codeshares are just to add more passengers. Hopefully future AA codeshare could add a few more. Yield is not a top priority for a first year of operations mate, and will be dealt with in subsequent years.
@Anon at 8:57
Purchasing power of "average serbian" does not matter much. Financing for most tickets will come from diaspora, for both trips originating from JFK and VFR (visiting friends and family) trips originating from BEG. Diaspora will send money and pay to have relatives fly (direct) from BEG to JFK. Add cargo revenue, add business passengers, diplomatic traffic, some tourists, Ey/AB codeshare transfer passengers and thin but rich class in Serbia (and the region) that can afford it, and your concern for purchasing power of "average serbian" as a key for success of this route is largely irrelevant.
okay rich kid I give up once again you understood wrong, once again you speak about profits of air serbia which I don't care.
DeleteAccording to anonymous 3:46 AM writings, only the elite of serbian people has the privilege to travel with AirSerbia to New York, well with these prices he is probably right ! Okay then anon 3:46 AM live in your own richy world!
DeleteYou got that wrong Anon 8:15. Airline's job is not to make travel affordable for everyone.
DeleteFlight Pristina to Nis or Pristina to Belgrade her would be beautiful
ReplyDeleteOT: Croatia Airlines flights to Lisbon huge success
ReplyDeleteOn inauguration flight to LIS there was 97 passengers, Croatia CEO said that sailing is much better than expected, they plan to have 12.000 passengers on route, and that OU is reconsider to make that route all year instead of seasonal.
Really happy to hear that, though I think Milan will be successful as well.
DeleteNice touch by Lisbon!
Danas saznao da trebam iduci tjedan za Lisabon i odem na CA stranicu rezervirat kartu i nađem slobodan let iz 4 pokusaja XD XD ispada da su skoro svi letovi manje vise u iduca 2 tjedna bukirani...
DeleteGreat news for BEG. Can;t wait for 23 JUN :)
ReplyDeleteAnyone know what's with YU-APH? Not flying for a while..
DeleteWas YU-APA really grounded due to engine shutdown on the flight from MXP?
DeleteBy number of C-checks mentioned here it looks like all 20 Air Serbias' planes have C-check every month.
Delete1 mention of c check and one aircraft in the hangar - so it sounds about right - BRAVO !
DeleteLets see some good figures in July after the launch of the service. Zagrab and Skopje are doing great with their figures!
ReplyDeleteAlso maybe in winter we see BEG to TYO or PEK!!
with what plane?
DeleteTalk is that JU will get a second A330 by the end of the year. Supposed to come from 9W but it looks as if 9W want to hold onto their A330's.
DeleteSa novim Avionima Gospodine doce A330.
INN-NS i ostale Srbende (doduše ne na ovom sajtu),
Deletekad ćete više naučiti da su "doći će" dve odvojene reči, a ne "doce"...
Ne volim da ispravljam ljude i da se pravim pametan, ali ovu greškuj INN ponavlja bar 10-ak puta...
Good point on direct bus links! Someone traveling from outside BG still doesn't have the best connection. Some buses going via Ibarska magistrala can go via BEG to Belgrade, adding some 25min to the route.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there are some private shuttles, but this as Purger said is not visible on the website.
Odlicno je sto ce BEG opet da raste .
ReplyDeleteBilo bi odlicno kad bi se uskoro pocelo sa gradnjom novog Terminala da ASL moze da se siri dalje .
I dont see this coming in the next hundred years but if Emirates for example would start flying via Belgrade to Chicago - that would be the end of Air Serbias long haul expansionist dreams.
ReplyDeleteAlso Emirates is probably the only airline in the world that could make such a route work.
Dont forget that many of EKs flights are only profitable because of freight loads.
If you can fill a 747 400 three times a week with meat package only like with Tuzla then you can imagine what options there are else in freight business.
EK does not have and will not get approval for it
DeleteFreight loads BEG to ORD not sure if they would really help to boost flights.
Deleteworldwide load factor og IATA airlines was 41 and 43% in Feb and March. We are faced with massive overcapaciy on too many routes. For example Europe-North Americas during SUTT. WITT different picture as all the extra seasonal capacity disappears and US carriers cut add frequencies in Nov, Jan and Feb
EK is probably making some good money on Pharma shpts in general plus freight to Australia plus CAI IKA and some Africa destinations
But big parts of Asia are just moneybreakers