Split Airport has continued to see its passenger numbers improve in November, with figures growing into the double digits. It handled 39.552 travellers during the month, an increase of 20.5% on last year. As a result, during the eleven-month period, the airport welcomed 2.782.033 travellers through its doors, up 23.1%. Therefore, it has met its target of handling 2.7 million passengers this year and has surpassed its 2016's end-of-year result which stood at 2.289.987 passengers. General Manager Lukša Novak recently said, "We want to be an effective regional airport. We need to work to stimulate traffic in the winter months. Our fees, which have not been modified for the past ten years and should stay the same for at least another two, are fair. No carrier has special treatment".
Split Airport has continued to see its passenger numbers improve in November, with figures growing into the double digits. It handled 39.552 travellers during the month, an increase of 20.5% on last year. As a result, during the eleven-month period, the airport welcomed 2.782.033 travellers through its doors, up 23.1%. Therefore, it has met its target of handling 2.7 million passengers this year and has surpassed its 2016's end-of-year result which stood at 2.289.987 passengers. General Manager Lukša Novak recently said, "We want to be an effective regional airport. We need to work to stimulate traffic in the winter months. Our fees, which have not been modified for the past ten years and should stay the same for at least another two, are fair. No carrier has special treatment".
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 30.423 | ▲ 17.2 |
FEB | 23.932 | ▲ 0.4 |
MAR | 33.828 | ![]() |
APR | 123.230 | ▲ 63.2 |
MAY | 257.445 | ▲ 25.9 |
JUN | 403.586 | ▲ 25.5 |
JUL | 657.056 | ▲ 20.7 |
AUG | 593.709 | ▲ 22.0 |
SEP | 421.053 | ▲ 23.3 |
OCT | 198.150 | ▲ 18.2 |
NOV | 39.552 | ▲ 20.5 |
Bravo Hrvatska!
ReplyDeleteNe zbog prometa na aerodromu vec zbog produljenja turisticke sezone.
jedna Atina ima vise putnika nego cela ex yu
DeleteMožda zato jer do Atene se najviše može dolaziti avionom. Sigurno Nijemac ili Nizozemac neće sjesti u auto i voziti do Grčke.
DeleteFrom 600k in July to 30k in November :D
ReplyDeleteNot a diss, just pointing the obvious.
Sto je to ocigledno?
DeleteThat the market is highly seasonal. OMG shocking, thanks for pointing this out to us anon 2:50 because we had no clue!@
DeleteYes, we all knew it, but 20x times less passengers compared to summer is EXTREME for a city with over 200k people. It is not as if Split is some island where normally 10k people live.
Deleteits not extreme- its comparable to Nish minus tourists.
DeleteINI has more or less the same nr of passengers in a month
I was wishing that INI concluded the year with half a million at least, but alas. I think SKP will be happy to learn that it is not getting any closer.
DeleteNe bas usporedivo s Nisem.
DeleteNis je jedini aerodrom u dijelu zemlje koji mu gravitira.
Split je jedan od 3 aerodroma u dijelu zemlje koji mu gravitira.
Jedina slicnost Splita i Nisa je broj stanovnika. Tu sva slicnost pocinje i prestaje.
which are these 3 airports?
Deleteanon, 4:24,
Deletefyi, estimates for INI for this year is 300-350k.
according to the aiport management, INI will reach 600k in 2021
Taj dio srbije, juzna srbija gdje je Nis kao najveci vrad ima, prema wiki 1 500 000.
DeleteDok Split kao najveci grad u Dalmaciji koja prema wiki ima 850 000 stanovnika.
3 Dalmatinska aerodroma su Zadar, Split, Dubrovnik
Distance between Split and Dubrovnik is some 230 km while Belgrade is 250 km away from Nis. By that logic they are also competing.
DeleteOn top of that, Skopje is 215 km from Nis while Sofia is just 160 km.
All of these are year-round airports meaning that INI is actually in a worse situation.
Ja inace ne vidim logiku u usporedjivanju stvari koje nemaju apsolutno nista zajednicko.
DeleteSto zajednicko imaju 2 aerodroma?
Apsolutno nista osim svoje funkcije sredinama kojima sluze.
Zadaca sredine je da uposli te aerdroma cim vise za opci interes.
Hrvataka je ocito nasla recept kako bi uposlila svoje aerodrome za svoj interes.
U cemu je vas problem?
Ako vec, a vucete te paralele, crte se negdje moraju povuci.
Dubrovacko-Neretvanska Zupanija ima 123 000 stanovnika. Dubrovacki aerodrom je u ovoj godini, do sada, zabiljezio promet od 2 236 000 putinka.
Naravno kako su te brojke impresivne i za daleko mnogoljudnije sredine.
No, zar se te sredine mogu po usporedjivati po icem osim sto u njima zive ljudi?
does Zadar even count here? (is it charter only or they have any year/round flights?
Deletefurthermore many passengers from Nish fly from BEG because the entire distance is a highway (meaning easily accessible, if you decide to drive) whereas this is not the case with the road to Dubrovnik, so I srsly doubt anybody from Split would bother to drive all the way to Dubrovnik (and vice versa) to catch a flight.
Cijela regija je sezonalna to je cinjenica, nije lose da u 300km obale od zadra(600k), splita(2.8m) i dubrovnika(2.4m) je proslo 5.8m putnika zracnim putem.
DeleteSplit vec debelo kasni sa ekspanzijom zl
You can’t compare the adriatic with niška or soko banja... nonetheless, the numbers are drastic, just like the temperature between july and november, and holiday season being virtually non existent in many parts of the world.
DeleteThere are 4 airports exactly (and Dubrovnik is not one of them) and those are:
Zadar 108 km
Brač 53 km
Mostar 162 km
Zadar all year routes are to Zagreb and to Pula.
DeleteIt is seasonal airport but it is not true that it is just charter airport. Legacy carriers are:
Aegean to Athens
Brussels to Bruxelles
Croatia to Frankfrut, Pula, Zagreb
Lufthansa to Munich
Luxair to Luxembourg
LOT to Warshaw
+ LCC (Ryanair, EasyJet, Eurowings, Flybe, Transavia and Vueling)
Dubrovnik +40% in November!!
ReplyDeleteGood job DBV!! :)
Delete39.552 so cute :)
ReplyDeletewow! so this is the 3rd busiest airport in ex-yu??? over a half of a million difference btw july and november. haha.. good thing that beautiful Adriatic sea will stay where it is.
ReplyDeleteNe. To je 2.najprometniji aerodrom u drzavi.
Deletejos tuznije
DeleteYYZ BEG, nemamo svi tu sreću da imamo 1 aerodrom u državi i jedan Niš
DeleteIstocni grijeh
DeleteMislis kao Ceska ili Madjarska?
DeleteTaj jedan Nis je utrostrucio broj putnika ove godine. ;)
DeleteDa, mislim kao Češka i Mađarska.
DeleteIrska, Belgija, Slovacka, Danska, Finaka... sve drzave sa manje vise jednim aerodromom
DeleteDa je svijet copy/paste.....ali nije
DeleteElem, Split mora da poradi na "off sezoni". to je evidentno.
DeleteTa off sezona postaje sve kraca i kraca.....
DeleteSo not true:
DeleteCzech Republic
Prague 12,0 million
Brno 470.000
Ostrava 310.000
Karlovy Vary 100.000
Pordubice 60.000
Out of Prague 940.000
Budapest 11,4 million
Debrecen 290.000
Balaton 20.000
Gyor 20.000
Nyíregyháza 35.000
Szeged 20.00
Out of Budapest 385.000
Dublin 28,0 million
Shannon 1,8 million
Cork 2,2 million
Kerry 0,3 million
Knock 0,7 million
Other airports 0,2 million
Out of Dublin 5,2 million
Brussels 22,0 million
Antwerpen 152.000
Ostend 64.000
Cherleroi 7,3 million
Liege 300.000
Out of Brussels 8,8 million
Bratislava 1,8 million
Košice 440.000
Poprad 85.000
Silač 35.000
Out of Bratislava 560.000
Copenhagen 29,0 million
Aalburg 1,4 million
Aarhus 350.000
Billund 3,1 million
Bornholm 260.000
Esbjerg 130.000
Roskilde 22.000
Sondenberg 56.000
Out of Copenhagen 5,3 million
Helsinki 16,4 million
Enontekio 21.000
Ivalo 155.000
Joensu 134.000
Jyväskylä 62.000
Kajaani 84.000
Kemi 56.000
Kittila 227.000
Kokkola 88.000
Kuopio 232.000
Kuusamo 69.000
Lappeenranta 36.000
Mariehamn 59.000
Oulu 983.000
Pori 11.000
Roveniemi 478.000
Savonlinna 13.000
Tempere 357.000
Turku 312.000
Vaasa 282.000
Out of Helsiniki 3,7 million
Istocni grijeh
DeleteEnvy is a biatch.
DeleteBrojke govore same za sebe.
ReplyDeleteAerodrom nije svrha putovanja.....
No, brojke su neosporne.
Hrvatska je uspijela produljiti turisticku sezonu na 7 mjeseci.
Job well done!
Delete+Novogodišnji turisti koji su u značajnim brojkama posebno u Dubrovniku, Splitu, Istri, ali još više u Zagrebu koji ima oko 120.000 turista tijekom Adventa (što je brojka ravna 6. ili 9. mjesecu)
ZAG +12% in November and significant cargo growth! Congrats!
ReplyDelete12% is not that much given the fact that Emirates flies there this year and that some airlines increased capacity. I expected close to 20%.
DeleteThe growth at ZAG was +16% for the first half of the month with great loads. Late November plumented as expected. Even EK flew witj no more than 180 pax on average per leg. It should pick up now for the holidays.
DeleteI say, +12,54% is very good considering that there was a modest growth in # of flights
New flights in November
Delete+5 Emirates
+4 Qatar
+3 Eurowings (Dusseldorf)
+1 Norwegian (Stockholm)
+6 Luftahansa
+2 LOT
But minus than last November
-3 flydubai
-1 Eurowings (Cologne)
-5 Brussels
-2 ČSA
-2 Air Serbia
=+8 weekly flights
Volim ove sto misle kako znaji zbrojiti 2 broja
DeleteA ja anonimne troleve.