Air Serbia is increasing frequencies between Belgrade and Tivat this August due to high demand. The Serbian carrier plans to operate up to 26 weekly flights between the two cities, up from 21. "We are fully committed to the development of air traffic with Montenegro, which is a very important market for Air Serbia. Tivat and Podgorica are our most frequent destinations by far, with 216 return flights to be operated in August alone. Both cities are well ahead of Zurich with 84 and London with 71 return flights. The increased frequencies to Tivat come as no surprise, taking into consideration that it is a popular tourist destination in close proximity to numerous other favourite vacation spots for our travellers. We are certain that this will make travelling easier for a greater number of passengers flying for business or leisure, using our network of more than sixty destinations to reach the Montenegrin seaside via Belgrade", Air Serbia's CEO, Duncan Naysmith, said. The Serbian carrier handled over 245.000 passengers between the two countries in 2018. It recently launched three weekly seasonal flights between Niš and Tivat.
The other day JU had 12 business class passengers on the A320 and they were not upgrades. On the way back there were 6 I think.
ReplyDeleteWhen an airline has consistelnly high business class demands they need to introduce wide body aircraft. On all routes shorter than 5 hours, the decision on whether to use wide body aircraft or not depends primarily on business class demand. YU-ARA has 18 Business class seats.
DeleteWhatcha talkin' about?
Delete332 is busy flying to the Big Apple.
DeleteLH puts 50 or even more business pax in an A320!
DeleteThey don't put anything, they just move the curtain.
DeleteCrazy demand ... milk that cow, JU :)
ReplyDeleteIs this the first time JU will have more flights than YM?
ReplyDeleteWhat are the new times?
As far as I can remember (and I pretty much can:) in the summer of 1992. JAT once Had a record 34 daily flights to Tivat.
ReplyDeleteYou mean weekly??
DeleteNope, on the one specific day:) That was the beginning of the sanctions, they could not fly anywhere else, all those people who used to spend hollidays in Croatia now headed for Montenegro, and... there you go.
DeleteToday at Croatias coast it is difficult to find people from Ex Yu except Slovenians.
DeleteIts even rare to find locals. More and more leave for Germany so that they have to employ people from Slavonia.
In Yugoslavia in the 60ies it was no problem to meet Macedonians living and working in Dalmatia even on Slovenian coast.
To better utilize the one aircraft, Nis - Tivat should become daily !
ReplyDeleteIt is JUs best performing route from Nis ..
Yes, but their goal in Nis is neither to increase passenger numbers nor to earn money.
DeleteWhat are you taking about!? It would definitively not hurt them to earn extra money!
DeleteIf JU does not increase Tivat then YM could start flying to Nis -
Deleteand this would mean for JU adio profits !
What I'm talking about is that, with the government subsidizing their losses in Nis, they are not in any way motivated to increase their passenger numbers.
DeleteIn other words, why would you work to earn money if someone is giving it to you for free?
"In other words, why would you work to earn money if someone is giving it to you for free?"
DeleteAre you talking about government subsidies Wizzair is getting in Budapest to fly to Sarajevo, Podgorica etc?
I don't know the details of that scheme. But if the Hungarian government is covering all losses Wizzair makes on those routes, then it's the same principle indeed.
DeleteThe only difference would be that the Hungarian government wants to increase passenger numbers at BUD, while the Serbian wants to limit them at INI.
You have double standards buddy: JU subsidy bad, W6 subsidy good. It doesn't work like that. But there's more: Wizz is getting all those subsidies at SKP for years, does that also make them "why would you work to earn money if someone is giving it to you for free?"
DeleteWell INI recorded 12% growth in July so I doubt JU is flying empty out of there. Number of flights increased by only 3% btw.
DeleteAnon 20:54, I really don't want to speak about BUD and SKP because, frankly, I don't know enough about those two schemes. And I never said they were good.
ReplyDeleteWhat I do know, is that the Serbian government covers all Air Serbia's losses in INI, unconditionally, and that doesn't stimulate Air Serbia in any way to grow the routes or make profit. And we know that the government does that in order to control the growth of pax at INI, so it stays below the numbers prescribed by the Vinci concession at BEG.
Now, if you allow me my personal judgement - I do not think any of this is normal or good.
You seem to be missing the part where cities from INI are regulated by a public call to which only JU applied. Frequencies were also regulated. So any further increases or changes would have to be either covered by JU or the government meaning it would be a complicated bureaucratic procedure. Also JU's A319 is used to the full extent in INI so where would they find extra space to schedule flights?
DeleteAlso INI is growing quite fast and it will most likely reach 400.000 this year and maybe 600.000 next year. Vinci doesn't care about INI as long as it doesn't affect BEG.
You can have whatever personal opinion you want, for example that UFOs use Nis airport, but that won't stop me from pointing out how wrong and ridicoulus your opinions are:
Delete"What I do know, is that the Serbian government covers all Air Serbia's losses in INI, unconditionally"
Absolutely incorrect. Subsidy is capped at 5mil eur per year, and this site as well as others reported on that.
"we know that the government does that in order to control the growth of pax at INI"
Absolutely incorrect. INI growth in July 2019 has been almost 12% and is expected that growth will continue, with 2019 results expected to be at record level.
"so it stays below the numbers prescribed by the Vinci concession at BEG"
Absolutely incorrect. Govt didn't publish concession contract yet and "prescribed numbers" were never confirmed.
"I really don't want to speak about BUD and SKP because, frankly, I don't know enough about those two schemes"
You should, because you should see how common subsidies are before you start ctiticizing only one airline. Adria gets state subsidy to fly to BRU, Croatia has PSO lines and "joint marketing" etc.
I didn't miss that part at all. I am fully aware that they made it intentionally difficult for any uncontrolled growth to happen.
DeleteAnon 21:55, yes, it's capped at 5 mil per year. Which is way more than enough to cover the losses of ASL's INI network.
DeleteSecondly, yes, INI grew in 2019. It comes conveniently so the government can say how it was the right move to take it over from the city. But let's see how the growth will continue over the coming years.
At the third point, you lost me. You can repeat 'absolutely incorrect' as many times as you want, but when you pretend not to know something that's common knowledge, that even Vucic didn't deny, then I lose further interest in arguing with you, as you are obviously not open minded about this.
Aman you do realize that FR and W6 are free to launch new flights and no one can stop them?! How can the government limit flights if it doesn't have the mechanism to do so. Some things we will read on here, crazy stuff.
Delete@Anon at 22:01 Look, I can't cure insanity. You are denying clear facts pointed out in posts at 21:55 and 22:42. If you don't get it, please seek help.
DeleteAnon 22:42, the government can't limit flights, but the airport (which is own by the government) can.
DeleteAs in, no more slots at INI for you Wizz and Ryan? What a comedian!
DeleteEven our beloved Zoka guaranteed the €3 charge for the next five years.
DeleteThe government should let get INI over a million pax a year and instead let more money over for Vinci in Belgrade.
ReplyDeleteИма ли нека теорија завере где мрачне владе не дају Марибору, Осијеку или Мостару да имају по милион путника годишње? Ало, па једно Сарајево од пола милиона становника, главни град, раде све могуће да јачају везе са Турском и Блиским Истоком, па су први пут у историји прошле године једва прешли милион путника на аеродрому. Пловдив, још већи град од Сарајева и то у ЕУ, аеродромски терминал леп и огроман у односу на Ниш, а једва накупе преко 100 хиљада. Бања Лука може само да сања милион путника још деценијама. Већина ових аеродрома никад неће доћи ни близу милиона, колико год се трудиле управе, владе, авио компаније, субвенције. Па ко нормалан може да помисли да Ниш има тако моћан потенцијал да бре неко мора да га спутава да не би ишао преко милион? Ниш ни са 3 евра није могао ни до пола милиона. Виз и Рајан се боре за Софију али у Нишу их баш брига да се кољу за тако минијатурно тржиште. Ниш НЕМА потенцијал за милион путника ни на дуге стазе. Лудило, овде ни разум ни објашњења не помажу. Још само електро шокове нисмо пробали...
DeleteПа сад... не бих баш рекао да нема потенцијал да стигне до милион путника. Можда не одмах али у наредних 5 до 10 година што да не. Не заборавимо да је много, много људи са југа емигрирало а Ниш може комотно да опслужује и источну Србију. Дакле два региона са великим број људи у дијаспори. Нека се аеродром полако али сигурно развија. Ја сам уверен да ће неке линије Ер Србије из Ниша попут Љубљане, Тивта, Гетебурга... бити профитабилне и без субвенција. Надам се да ће Будимпешта бити укинута како би се та два лета преусмерила на неке друге дестинације. Колико ја знам у овом тренутку у плану су неки новитети у Нишу наредне године. Тако да ова прича није баш сасвим готова.
DeleteА што се теорија завера тиче, слажем се да су људи постали досадни. Додуше више мислим да су то неке њихове жеље неко реална ситуација на терену.