Zagreb Airport working on year-round Korea flights


South Korea’s T’Way Air arrived in Zagreb yesterday evening (pictured), marking the start of its new three weekly seasonal summer service from Seoul. As reported yesterday, the carrier boasted a 97% load factor on its inaugural journey, which was operated via Bishkek for operational reasons, with the Airbus A330-300 aircraft. “We are delighted that Seoul and Zagreb, as the capitals of the two countries, are connected again following a five-year hiatus. We are aware that Koreans are in love with Croatia, and we will do our best to ensure all our guests from Korea have a pleasant travel experience at the airport. This year marks the start of direct flights to Korea again, and we will continue to work on additional connectivity to establish a year-round service with even more frequencies in the future”, Zagreb Airport’s Chief Operating Officer, Nicolas Duthilleul, said.


  1. Anonymous10:33

    Apparently the passengers going from Seoul to Zagreb need do disembark aircraft for an hour and a half before continuing their flight.

    If that's true, it's easier for anyone to just transfer via Frankfurt with 1h transfer time

    Yesterday total travel time was 14H 59min; Shocking

    1. Anonymous11:02

      They do not disembark in Bishkek. It's only refueling.

    2. Anonymous11:04

      Considering that Croatia is in Schengen now, so that passengers from Korea have to do the passport check in Frankfurt, I am not sure connection time of 1h is actually possible, but certainly it's not advisable.

    3. Anonymous11:17

      No such thing as an 1 hour layover (not transfer time, no such thing in English either) at Frankfurt.

    4. Anonymous11:22


      That was originally said by the airline but in fact they do have to disembark in Bishkek. The "technical stop" time has also been extended and is now 1 hour 45 minutes instead of initially planned 1 hour.

    5. Anonymous11:29

      I really do feel for the people stuck on that airplane for 15h. It’s inhumane. I used to love traveling on airplanes, sometimes I booked flights with more stops just for the fun of it. Now I dread it.

    6. Vlad11:58

      @anon 11:17

      The MCT at FRA is 45 minutes, so not sure what you're trying to say?

    7. They should be happy to be allowed to disembark the plane on such a long flight. And given there's no IFE system, they should also download an entire season of their favorite tv show onto their tablets/phones/laptops. I do that anyway.

    8. Anonymous12:55

      @11:17 The minimum connecting time in Frankfurt is 45 minutes. Please inform yourself before posting.

    9. Anonymous13:41

      Yes, but it may work in domestic/intra-schengen flights, but on for the intercontinental and the ones with border clearing. So, transfering in Frankfurt or waiting 1.5h somewhere else is the same in terms of the travel time.

    10. Anonymous13:49

      1255, no way anyone can make it there in 45 minutes. Instead, you buy a plane ticket and fly once at least before posting.

    11. Vlad17:21

      I've personally made 50-minute connections in FRA and LH routinely sells such tickets. Maybe try being a bit more informed before calling out others on inexperience.

    12. Anonymous18:53

      Vlad, not calling out anyone on inexperience, calling out on BS and patronizing, you included!

  2. Anonymous10:43

    Bravo Hrvatska!

  3. Anonymous10:59

    Ko i za letove u US.

  4. Anonymous11:10

    The tortured faces of the passengers after 15h in a low cost widebody :)

    1. Anonymous11:17

      Well, they bought the ticket, nobody forced them to do it.

    2. Anonymous11:33

      @ 11:17

      That’s just not an argument whatsoever. If people had nothing to eat and they ate cow shit, would you say, “Well, no one forced them”? It’s up to us, the consumers, to say enough is enough.

    3. Anonymous11:45

      Yeah, so you don't eat cow poop and find something else.

    4. Anonymous12:56

      Koreans are shorter than Europeans on average, so they find it easier to be on an aircraft for so long. Also, the flight went westwards so they are probably not jetlagged either.

    5. Anonymous14:10

      That's different. Food is a necessity, travelling is a luxury. You can't say no to food, but you can decide to not go on an LCC for a 15 hour flight to the Balkans


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