Cleaning up the mess – Jat’s CEO hopes for better days

Srdjan Radovanović was named Jat Airways’ new CEO in July 2009, much to the surprise of those employed in the company as Radovanović has no experience with working in air travel. He has now spoken out about the state Serbia’s national airline is in. He has been asked about his first impressions of Jat. He states “I wish I could give a positive answer to this question and say that everything is in excellent order, however this isn’t the case. On the other hand the problems can be fixed. Jat is a serious and safe airline. We are talking about a national carrier with a very long tradition and potential. We want to position the carrier as a regional leader and I believe we will succeed in this goal. If I thought that together we couldn’t change the state in which the airline is in I never would have taken up this position. All employed in the company need to work hard to improve our situation and understand that we exist for the passengers, Serbia as a country and its people. However, I can gladly say that I have met numerous employees which understand that we have to change. The company’s reputation has been tarnished in recent years and this must also change”. Despite all its problems Radovanović says that the airline’s positive attributes are its safety and quality.
Questioned about the airline’s fleet renewal Radovanović says that his main objective is to get the airline’s entire fleet in the sky. Jat struggled this summer because 4 of its aircraft are non operational. Thus, the airline had to lease Boeing B737s from Air Slovakia for a few weeks. Radovanović believes that if all 16 aircraft are in the sky some money would be made.
In regards to the upcoming winter season there will be no major changes except the usual frequency reductions. Jat will keep its services to Tripoli, Malta and Gothenburg which were introduced to the network this summer. The airline will end its seasonal services to Pula and Ohrid in late September. The airline’s most popular services this summer were to Moscow, Paris, London, Vienna, Zurich, Stockholm and Frankfurt. Jat managed to make the greatest profit from its New York office which took leading position over from the airline’s Sydney office for the first time in 3 years.
Hope some changes are made soon and quick. Blic writes how a passenger from one of their charter flights to Greece had take a pic of a Boeing 737 wing where you can clearly see that the wing was missing a few screws. As for the Sydney office not being as profitable as it once was, it doesn't come as a surprise since JAT and Emirates ended their agreement and the Australia-Serbia connections are not as convenient as they once were. Turkish Airlines now connect passengers from Belgrade to Dubai onto Emirates flights to Australia, are cheaper than what JAT are, and i can imagine the service is ALOT better than what JAT offered on the same flights.