UPDATED at 19.10
Jat Tehnika has extended its strike action and Jat’s flights have been cancelled until further notice. Jat’s only flight which will depart today is to Moscow. The flight has been made possible as it will be operated by Aviogenex’s Boeing B737-200 which is not serviced by Jat Tehnika. Talks are currently being held between Jat Airways, Jat Tehnika and the Serbian ministry for infrastructure.
Speaking on national television Jat Airways’ CEO said that the professionalism on behalf of Jat Tehnika’s technicians has been appalling this year. He said that the 1.100 employed in Tehnika are nowhere to be seen whenever Jat’s aircraft are are in the hangers. He also goes on to say that 2 aircraft could not depart for over a month when they received a new cabin interior because Jat Tehnika did not want to paint the airline’s livery on the aircraft. Talks between Jat Airways and Jat Tehnika resume at 19.00 (7pm). Radovanović said that Jat would be more than happy to form its own technical division although this would see the end of Jat Tehnika which only has 2 other customers, according to Radovanović.
Jat’s technical division, Jat Tehnika, has gone on strike. Jat Tehnika said the strike will last until 15.00 (3pm). As a result all of Jat’s flights until 15.00 have been cancelled. Jat’s technicians will go on strike because Jat Airawys owes its technical division millions of Euros. Jat blames Jat Tehnika for poor maintenance which caused a string of safety incidents this summer. Jat’s CEO, Srđan Radovanović says that he is upset with Jat Tehnika’s decision to go ahead with the strike and calls on passengers for understanding.
Yesterday evening, flights to Monastir, Skopje, Abu Dhabi and Larnaca were cancelled because they did not receive safety clearances from Jat Tehnika. Jat Airways was paralysed when 3 years ago trade unions from Jat Tehnika went on a month long strike. Many flights were cancelled with Jat forced to hire Tunisian technicians to somewhat normalise its schedule. The airline lost numerous amounts of passengers and suffered a huge financial hit. Jat’s management hopes that the government will resolve the problem. The Serbian government owns both Jat Airways and Jat Tehnika. Jat Tehnika was separated from Jat when the strike occurred a few years ago. Radovanović said that the separation was a bad move. Flights should be normalised today after 15.00 although the strike could be extended.
Updates will continue throughout the evening.
Navijam za propast Jat Airways-a u svakom pogledu! Dosta je bilo dugovanja, pljackanja i laganja ljudi! Dole JAT!
ReplyDeleteI hope something is done soon. The bad thing is the amount of bad media attention around JAT in the past few months. Hope something possitive will finally come from JAT...
It was wrong for the goverment to separate Jat Tehnika from Jat in the first place it was obvious at the time of the future consequences
ReplyDeleteAll flights for the remainder of today on Jat have been cancelled, apart from Moscow and Donetsk (?) operated by the Aviogenex "Scud" (B737-200)
ReplyDeleteAlthough I love the history of Jat I hate what it has become today!
ReplyDeleteJat was Yugoslavia's airline. It was BiH, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia's airline.
When Yugoslavia failed, Jat’s assets should have been equally shared between all republics but we all know what happened. What has become of today’s Jat is pathetic and the sooner we put this once great airline out of its misery the better!
Jat has been founded in Serbia and registered in Serbia from very beginning. It had attribute Yugoslav, and national airline but continued the history of Aeroput which had been founded in Serbia as well. The history facts.
ReplyDeleteThe airplanes bought for JAT since the 50s were bought from the government of Yugoslavia with the money from Slovenia-Macedonia-Croatia-Serbia-Montenegro-Bosnia. If jat was serbian asset (since Aeroput and all that) it's airplanes never were. They were common property bought by all the people in Yugoslavia and they should have been divided equally (or if people were smarter JAT would have still existed and would have been the largest regional airlines serving the whole Balkan).
ReplyDeleteWhat we have today...is not worth discussing.
@ Q400
ReplyDeleteand what about the debt JAT had at the time Yugoslavia fell apart? none of the republics wanted to take on the JAT debt, it was just left to Serbian tax payers to fund.
To the comments being made about JAT being a Serbian airline...JAT and Aeroput was always a "Yugoslav" airline, Aeroput after all was formed in the days when the country was known as the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Even its first flight was from Belgrade to Vienna via Zagreb, and Aeroput from the beginning had bases both in Belgrade and in Zagreb.
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ReplyDeleteWhy don't you start sourcing the articles that you translate and respect copyright rules...??