Adria Airawys … soon in Belgrade

Slovenia’s Adria Airways has applied for a license to commence flights from Ljubljana to Belgrade on March 1, 2010. The Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate confirmed the news on Friday. It is expected that Adria will receive the license. It usually takes up to 90 days for an airline to be issued a license. For years Adria has tried to commence services to Belgrade. However, due to a bilateral agreement between Serbia and Slovenia, the carrier of each country is only allowed to operate flights to 1 city in the others country. Since Adria operates flights to Priština, the airline could not receive necessary permits for Belgrade flights, until now.
Jat Airways serves Ljubljana and has had success on the route as travel between the 2 countries has significantly increased over the past few years. Only a few weeks ago Jat signed contracts with Slovenian tour operators allowing them to transport Slovenian tourists heading to Belgrade during 2010. The airline is also negotiating with Slovenian hoteliers in order to bring Serbian tourists to Slovenia during the 2010 summer. Jat is also planning to begin charter flights to Portorož, in Slovenia’s west in 2010.
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ReplyDelete^ I believe from the UN which used to regulate traffic at Pristina Airport at the time.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone else get the sense that many airlines are expecting JAT to stagnate or go belly up in the next few months, hence trying to get a slice of market share in BEG that has been denied for many years?
ReplyDeleteIn terms of full-cost carriers heading to BEG within the next 12 months: RO, MA, OU, and now JP; & some low-costs too. Who else will we see?
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ReplyDeleteThe issue for Pristina is not the issue - it's the fact that the Serbia-Slovenia bilateral agreement states that Jat can fly to one destination in Slovenia, and Adria can fly to one in Serbia - and for bilateral purposes, Pristina is in Serbia - still.
ReplyDeleteNot "still", but always.
ReplyDelete@ frequentflyer
ReplyDeleteI think we will see a BEG-Sofia line in the very near future. Either by Bulgaria Air or by Jat.
Here's my speculations for incoming airlines in the next 2 yrs:
Probable new airlines:
-Wizzair: Probable
-Belavia: Possible, Visa-free travel between Serbia and Belarus already established.
-Aegean: Probable
-Ukraine International Airlines: Possible; Aerosvit's frequencies to BEG are so pathetic and expensive that this would leave a good opprotunity for UIA to beat them out
-Transaero: Possible
-Aer Lingus: Possible; they have shown they can succeed in east europe, they serve quite a few destinations in that region that are actually smaller than Belgrade
-Emirates or Etihad or Qatar. Jat needs to either make BEG-AUH nonstop or work up the frequencies to reduce their price, people are getting tired of their monopoly on this sector. Plus they should offer more flexibility for connecting pax who want to go to AUH from other cities aside from BEG.
-Skyservice. Their flights to BEG and ZAG were a success thanks to the utilization of a less costly narrowbody a/c. But why have they not returned?
any more ideas people>?
@ Anonymous:
ReplyDelete'Kosovo' will soon have it's own control over bilateral agreements, which won't mean much anyhow... for Albanians, moving from donkeys and horse+carriage to planes is generally a bit too much.
@ Bosnian
ReplyDeletethe Belgrade government would like to have more control over PRN than what it has now, but it doesnt. Apparently flights bound for PRN which wasnt approved by Serbian aviation authories dont fly into Central Serbian airspace, rather, fly around it to enter Kosovo airspace.
@ frequentflyer
newspapers here, however reliable, predict a passenger increase of 500.000 just at BEG. RO, Ma and OU are all coming in with regional aircraft, something expected too with JP. Its been a long long time since Adria had flights from BEG.
@ veliki puzic
EK i doubt would work here in BEG. EY need to work on their Australian schedules to make BEG work. As for QR, they dont have much to off Belgraders so i dont expect their entry into the Serbian market. I think a new agreement with EK should be made, JAT flights to DXB daily, hour to 2 max connections in BEG for SKP, TGD and SJJ and we could see something. 2 out of my 3 JAT flights to DXB were full, with 1 being about 70% filled. EK and JAT had excellent scheduling and were amongst the cheapest tickets available (ex MEL). The EY/JAT deal is a joke, and the SQ/JAT tickets are pricey. Flying TK/EK BEG-MEL via IST and DXB is 300 euros more cheaper compared to JAT/SQ BEG-MEL via ATH and SIN!
Aviation in Republic of Kosovo from 1 January 2009 is completely regulated by the Civil Aviation Authority ( and the Ministry of Transportation. As a result, all powers in issuing permits and agreements are with these bodies.
ReplyDeleteAdria has two daily flights to Prishtina. One A320 and one CRJ900. But it seems like Beligrad is also catching up fast.
Serbia does not allow overflights of traffic also passing though Kosovo causing unnecessary emissions and waste but as it gets closer to EU it will be forced to rescind this policy.
ReplyDeleteJust be happy it doesn't choose to shoot down those flights going to that gypsy nation (Pristina)...
@ niti
ReplyDeletethe EU cannot force Serbia into recognising Kosovo institutions nor its independence nor anything the Pristina government puts forward etc. Spain, Romania, Slovakia, Greece and Cyprus are examples of this, all 5 are EU members and all 5 dont recognise Kosovo independence and the EU cannot force them to recognise Kosovo nor its institutions etc. Also, LJUPRN arent double daily. Currently JP is serving PRN with 11 flights pw.
Nuk ka pavaresi per Kosoven. 10 vjet "liri", 1 vit i pavarasise, 0 dite e demokracise! Gezuar, Qeveria e Kosoves!
Jat should fly to prishtine at least 2 a day with the atr planes.What are the waiting for
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, it's quite simple. Politics.
They can't operate them as domestic flights because both sides don't see it that way. And if they operate them as international flights, then that is seen as an admission of Kosovo's independence.
That's the only reason why JAT would be crazy enough to try their hand at Aeromak - they want to keep their (otherwise sliding) business and feeding their hub, BEG, with two markets (with significant historical links) crying out for those flights: Pristina, and the Skops...
And yes, I completely agree that the ATRs should be put to better use within the region
Bro is Immigration required in kosovo for european union country's citizen.And is it possible to go from pristina to uk by domestic flights?