Many flights cancelled

B&H Airlines’ network wide cuts were scheduled to begin in March. As it stands now, over the next month all flights to Amsterdam and Copenhagen will be cancelled. Services to Zurich will operate only once per week while many flights to Istanbul, the carrier’s signature route, will also see cancelations. In November 2011 the airline similarly suspended flights to Amsterdam and Copenhagen for a month. In December it launched services from Banja Luka to the Danish capital, however, they were suspended after only four flights.
In late 2011, the CEO of B&H Airlines, Altan Buyukyilmaz, said the carrier was looking to stretch its wings in 2012 and open new routes. However, as of Monday the airline’s planned new flights to Vienna, Skopje and Dusseldorf have been removed from global reservation systems while ticket sales have been blocked since early February. Meanwhile, the government of the Bosnian Federation approved a 1.3 million Euro cash injection for B&H Airlines yesterday. The bulk of the money will go to covering airport fees, purchasing jet fuel and to Euroctonrol.
thats how it finishes when turkish airlines buys small small airline company.. say NO to turkish!!!
ReplyDeleteTurkish wants LOT. They are obviously bored with B&H and are looking elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteI think the Turks need to pull out of BIH....The airline should then just focus on flying passengers to Croatia and from Croatia. It would make things profitable for them. Bosniaks can use Croatian Airports as hubs. Let's face it, bih is a Bosniak Airline.
DeleteOh so now even the commercial enterprises must have a national sign as if that will help them survive in the supercompetitive EU market.
Let's face it, you have no clue abut the business in general and should stick to commenting articles dealing with smalltime politics of the Balkans.
Can't stand people who always try to find anything to promote their nationalistic stupidity
Delete+1 sam
Deletethis is going nowhere, cancell it all, sell the planes and ceep the airport running with airlines that come to it from other country's :/
ReplyDelete" launched services from Banja Luka to the Danish capital, however, they were suspended after only four flights." -- long therm planning
ReplyDeleteThe truth is that only 1 flight operated SJJ-BNX-CPH-BNX-SJJ.. So even worse
ReplyDeleteEven though I wish BH Airlines the best, this is very very bad..
I have a lot of sympathy for both Bosnia as a country and B&H Airlines as an airline, but I really would like to ask this question to Mr. Büyükyilmaz: "Why fly B&H Ailines?"
ReplyDeleteThis is heading the way of Malev and the dodo... bye bye, JA, you won't be missed. Please close the door on your way out.
ReplyDeleteNo clue how to advertise, plan for the future, operate the 'right' fleet for your destinations. Big dreams as usual from a small player in the region, sadly the mentality is that it's always someone else's fault.
A great opportunity for TK, OU, OS and JU to extend their influence into SJJ - double daily for TK would be cheaper and consistent using their own metal.
Could OU go to triple-daily on the route? JAs old-but-hardly-used AT7s would be a great bargain for JU to expand its shorthaul network too.
This looks to be the end for the airline I think. Once Turkish pull out (which they probably will very soon) the airline will be closed down.
This is idiotic. If passengers cannot depend on their flight leaving and departing then what is the point. This should be a warning to any other airline being courted by Turkish Airlines.
ReplyDeleteStarting routes and then cancelling after only a few flights and little advertising is idiotic.
Also to the anonymous calling this a Bosniak airline and saying that it should only fly to Croatia, you are obviously a moron. Furthermore, why would someone (anyone on any airline) fly to Croatia and then connect onwards when they can fly directly to other EU countries and save a connection.
Airline travel in the end is about getting to your destination safely, at a reasonable price, and with decent service. For most people it is not about politics. That being said, the name Air Srpska for the planned new airline dooms it to failure.
I have a feeling the days of national airlines are numbered throughout Europe. Look at all the recent failures...
Does anyone have any conrete information about why the situation seems to deteriorate at B&H?
ReplyDeleteInstead of: 'I think' 'probably' 'I assume' 'look at me I am a nationalist'
The company has debts dating from several years back. And, as far as I can remember from the news that in June or July, the partners sat together and decided on a certain capital increase plan in order to clear this debt and put the company in a financially stable position so that the new management could start working properly.
DeleteBut, they have not been receiving the promised injections from the federation government part.
And I think they do not even have money to clear previous debt let alone invest in new destinations. And thats why I think they are cancelling newly planned destinations and chopping down existing ones.
But, once again, this is my deduction from what I could learn from news and some people close to the company.
This is just a joke...
ReplyDeleteOff Topic
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to Indian Airlines flying via Ljubljana to the US?
LOLz :) weren't they supposed to fly via Maribor (and Vienna and London)?
DeleteThat Air India thing was just a joke brought up by some Slovenian newspapers.
DeleteOT: JAT changed summer timetable for Croatia flights:
ReplyDeleteSplit Mon and Thu 8:45-10:15 / 10:50-12:20
Pula Tue and Sat 8:45-10:15 / 10:50-12:20
Flights to Dubrovnik remain the same (Wed, Fri and Sun)