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Now you see it now you don't - Dalmatian vanishes without a trace |
Croatian start-up Dalmatian, which is to inaugurate services in less than a week, has taken down its website and can no longer be reached as passengers who purchased tickets with the airline warn their flights have been cancelled without being refunded. Passengers who booked tickets with the low cost airline have taken to social media. One deceived passenger said, “My aunt booked tickets to Stuttgart and they cancelled the inaugural flight and now we can’t even contact them”. Another user said, “I was looking for tickets to Warsaw. Their website is not working, then I called them but their phone is off and then I called Zagreb Airport which said they know nothing about them. Be warned”!
The issue has reached across the border with Slovenian media warning “Be careful! Dalmatian is turning out to be a hoax”. Following years of planning, the low cost Croatian start-up was to launch operations on June 30 with its inaugural flight from Zagreb to Stuttgart. It was to progressively introduce flights from Zagreb to Hamburg, Rome, Milan, Prague, Warsaw, Sofia, Geneva, Dusseldorf, Zurich and Larnaca. Tickets were put on sale on June 12 and could be purchased until late last night through Dalmatian’s website.
According to Hamburg Airport, “Dalmatian is an Anglo-Croatian company registered in the Republic of Croatia. All services operated by Dalmatian are provided by its airline partners on an ACMI lease basis in the interim period before the company begins flight operations with its Austrian based AOC during the latter part of summer 2014. The company also intends to apply for its Croatian Air Operators certificate (AOC) during the summer period”.
Dalmatian was founded by Željko Romić, a Croatian expat living in Australia. The airline’s official contact is +385 060 222 555. EX-YU Aviation News attempted to contact Dalmatian but all calls have gone unanswered. Furthermore, the airline’s press department is also not answering e-mails which have been sent to them. Since the airline is unreachable at this point in time, take this news with caution.
Dafiment Airlines
ReplyDeleteHahahaha. Bravo. This reminds me so much of Dafina and Gazda Jezda :D
DeleteFeel sorry for the people that booked tickets though
ReplyDeleteI have been trying to contact them since this morning and I can't get through!!!!
ReplyDeleteTacno sam znao.. Toliko mi je bilo sumnjivo posebno zbog tako sirokog spektra destinacija i nikakve reklame. Posebno mi je bio cudan let zag-lca?? Koji je razlog vazdusne linije na relaciji hrvatska-kipar??!! Zelim svima koji su kupili karte da povrate novac i ubuduce vode racuna..
ReplyDeletepa zar i u EU ;)
ReplyDeletetreba ih(ga) raščetvoriti. Ovo će na žalost da odjekuje još dugo ovim našim prostorima i da ima vrlo negativne posledice ukoliko neko pokuša da napravi avio kompaniju sa najboljim namerama
Dalmatian Fail
ReplyDeleteThis is terrible. I hope people will get their money back.
ReplyDeleteIt seems it was another Balkan business style company. Or another Kroatovanje.
It was obvious since the very beginning that nothing good's gonna come out of that Dalmatian venture. Pure fraud. So many destinations planned without a single plane should have range the bell. Hope those people who bought tickets will be compensated, but doubt it. And all that in a country which is in the EU. Wonder how (and if in the first place) Croatian authorities issued the permits to that scum of the owner?
ReplyDeleteit was obvious from a start, launch date June 30th and not even a website to show for, let alone the aircraft.
DeleteI've posted this on Jun 12th, when this blog posted the original article.
"AnonymousJune 12, 2014 at 3:55 PM
@admin blog
Sorry m8, but can we stop this Dalmatian nonsense, please, No Croatian here believes for one second that Dalmatian is an airline or that its about to start operating out of Zagreb.
I am offended when i need to defend Croatia and Zagreb in front of stupid nationalist trolls who use such bombastic headlines without any substance or evidence who use these sorts of stories to attack Croatia, Zagreb and anything Croatian.
Until first airplane lands at Zagreb and they actually have flights out Zagreb can you please stop writing about Dalmatian, for its a figment, not a real thing, and unless you can prove the other please do not post such stories, there are few nationalist trolls here who love to use these sorts of stories to undermine Croatia and Zagreb.".
This was a con job from a let go, sad to hear that some actually bought the tickets for first flight. Croatian Agency for aviation normally grantees tickets so passengers will be refunded, on the other hand guy behind Dalmatian will have some serious questions to answer. Herceg Bosna anyone?
Someone offering you a great deal from Hercegovina, you should know better, don't ever trust a Hercegovac, for its to your detriment, they'd sell their mothers for a con.
I wonder what Purger has to say now
ReplyDeleteI can only guess "I told you so". He was mocking Dalmatian from the start and was right to do it.
DeleteToliko brdo gluposti koje je nabacivao Dalmatian tijekom godina nije mogao izreci nije jedan profesionalac u struci. Smrdilo je to do prvog dana. Posljednji dogadjaji sa brdom linija samo su povecali sumnje. Sve je smrdilo na kilometre.
Greetings from Czech Republic!
Purger even said:
It was rather obvious to anyone with interest in the aviation industry that Dalmatian was not going to take off. They had no experienced management, no big investor, no partners, etc.
A320 was a pretty poor choice anyway. A320 is not supposed to be used as a regional jet. 300 mile flights are not ideal. Q400 would have been a much better choice for Dalmatian considering that all of their proposed routes (besides Larnaca) were less that 600 miles.
Purger said:
DeleteProdaja počinje za letove od 30.6, tj. za 20 dana, a mi, koji ipak imamo pristup informacijama, još nemamo ni najmanju ideju kojima avionima, koji ljudi rade na tome...
Može li kompanija biti profitabilna ako pokrene prodaju samo 20 dana prije početka letenja i to za toliko velik broj letova?
Nakon svih gluposti koje traju već skoro 10 godina, te još jednog prolongiranja početka letenja, kad se i otvori prodaja tko može imati dovoljno velika muda da kupi kartu preko njih i nada se da neće biti fijasko kao i sa onom kompanijom iz SAD-a koja je prodala karte, a onda ljudima objavila da ne mogu u avion i da su bankrotirali?
Cijene su od 70 do 90 EUR povratne u top sezoni. Previše savršeno! A savršene stvari su vrlo rijetko kada ostvarive. Meni ovo definitivno djeluje kao totalna prevara! Ja kartu sigurno ne bih kupio.
And he also said:
DeleteOtvorio sam nasumičan datum u kolovozu (vjerovatno će "početi" i prije) i red letenja im je, sve samo iz ZAG, ništa iz Jadrana:
DUS -2-4-6-
GVA -2-4-6-
HAM 1-3-5-7
LCA -----6-
MXP -2-4-6-
PRG -2-4-6- ujutro i -2-4--- popodne
FCO 1-3-5-7
SOF -2-4-6-
STR 1-3-5-7
WAW -2-4---
ZRH 1-3-5-7
pri čemu konkuriraju:
Germanwingsu na liniji za HAM i STR
Croatiji na liniji za ZRH (gdje ona ima 22 dnevna polaska)
te Croatiji, Velingu i uskoro Alitaliji na liniji za FCO
36 tjednih letova sa A320, što je 13.000 putnika tjedno, a prodaja 20 dana prije?
Tolika masa letova bez reklame?
Konkuriranje velikim i jakom prijevoznicima, posebno Germanwingsu i Vuelingu?
4 leta dnevno 1-3-5-7 je OK sa jednim avionom?
Ali 7 dnevnih letova u -2-4-6- ne mogu obaviti jednim avionom. Znači li to da za te dane dolazi još jedan avion koji će odraditi dvije frekvencije? To svakako nije ovaj avion iz Praga koji ima dvije dnevne frekvencije te dane, jer se odmah vrača za PRG i u jutro i popodne. (kad ulovim vremena baš ću pogledati red letenja precizno, pa vidjeti koja je brija)
Larnaca iz Zagreba?
... jako sumnjivo!!!!
Samo se nadam da to neće biti još jedna prijevara, jer i ovako ljudi imaju dvojbe nakon svih gluparenja koja su se desila u prošlosti.
I was just waiting for this news. It was so obvious that it will never work out.
ReplyDeleteBtw what happened to todays article about Banja Luka?
There has been a technical glitch which should be worked out during the night or early morning and the news will be back immediately. A similar issue happened recently but was resolved much quicker. Unfortunately it is out of my control.
ReplyDeleteThis is hilarious :D (regarding Dalmatian enthusiasts)
ReplyDeleteStill I am sorry for the people who booked flights,
And huge BRAVO for Nostradamus (or more likely Stephen Hawking) of Balkans airline industry, Mr Purger.
DeleteLjudska pohlepa nema granica. Prodavali karte ,pojedinci kupovali, a nadlezna vazduhoplovna vlast nije reagovala, za aviokomapniju koja nije dobila AOC?
ReplyDeleteU ovom slucaju sledeci treba iz svog dzepa da nadoknade troskov eostecenima :
1. Direkotor CAA jer nije sprecio ocito krsenje zakonskih odredbi iz svog resora
2. neki od zamenika drzavnog tuzioca jer nije reagovao po sluzbenoj duznosti
3. Neki od sefova iz tajne policije jer nije reagovao po sluzbenoj duznosti
ostalima za nauk.
aviokompanija registrovana u maticnoj zemlji.
Idealno bi bilo avioni registrovani u zemlji dobijanja AOC-a
kompaniaj vlasnica aviokompanije lsitirana na berzi.
Sve ostalo ej prevara, manja ili veca .
ReplyDelete24 June, 2014
Dear Customers,
It is with great regret that Dalmatian has made the decision to stop selling its tickets due to one of its investors leaving the company. This departure has affected our ability to provide you, the customer the proper support and services to launch Dalmatian and unfortunately, we do not expect this issue to be rectified in the short term. We have therefore made this decision now to safeguard our customer’s interests.
As such, we have notified our bank (PBZ) to issue FULL REFUNDS to all passengers who have purchased a flight ticket with Dalmatian, to be effective immediately. Our bank has processed the refunds today and customers can expect their refunds to be deposited on their credit card account with which they made their original purchase.
We, at Dalmatian, must sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this has caused you.