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Construction of Dubrovnik Airport's new terminal to begin this month |
Dubrovnik Airport will resume a major expansion project this month valued at 220 million euros, which will include the construction of a new passenger terminal, storage facilities, access roads, car park and the lengthening of the runway and taxiways. The aim of the redevelopment is to increase the airport’s capacity and reduce congestion issues during peak summer months. The Croatian government recently approved the project, with the majority of the funding, some 145 million euros, to be provided by the European Investment Bank (EIB). The EIB included Dubrovnik Airport as the first of four projects to receive loans under the EU’s new stimulus plan to re-boot Europe’s struggling economy, The EU has already provided millions for the preparation of project documentation.
The entire project is expected to be completed in 2019, according to the Minister for Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Siniša Hajdaš Dončić. The Croatian Prime Minister, Zoran Milanović, says the value of Dubrovnik Airport’s project almost equals that of Zagreb Airport’s new terminal, which is currently under construction and scheduled for completion late next year. Preparation work, such as the laying of foundations for the new terminal building, began last year, with the official start of construction scheduled for this month. The new terminal will stretch over 36.500 square metres and have the capacity to handle 3.5 million passengers per year, according to the project outline. Furthermore, it will feature additional air bridges. The future building will be located next to the current terminal and will be connected to it. Future plans call for the construction of a commercial zone around the airport with a hotel and even a second runway.
The first phase of Dubrovnik Airport’s expansion began in 2007 and was completed in 2010. It included the construction of Croatia's most modern passenger terminal stretching over 13.700 square metres. It has the capacity to handle two million passengers per year. In addition, the airport installed two air bridges at the beginning of 2015, becoming the first in Croatia to feature them. However, they have been out of use ever since. As EX-YU Aviation News understands, problems between Dubrovnik Airport and the Chinese manufacturer have delayed the use of the two air bridges. Dubrovnik Airport handled a record 1.584.471 passengers in 2014, making it the fourth busiest airport in the former Yugoslavia and the third in Croatia.

Some of those people are on every photo... How did they menage that???
ReplyDeleteIt's just a render, relax ;)
DeleteIt looks good. The new terminal is basically the expansion of the current one.
ReplyDeleteGood work DBV :)
Kad kreće proširenje ZL Split? Šta nije to već odavno trebalo početi ili i oni čekaju EU novce? Prije su se hvalili kako će samo sve financirati
ReplyDeleteproblemi sa staklenikom,
DeleteI'm kind of confused, I visited DBV 3 weeks ago. The new terminal is there, the new tower is almost completed, of course there's still a lot to do since the project is named Dubrovnik 2020 and is in full works, the confusion is about "that the project is to begin"? It has started years ago and there's not stopping.....shit, I even had coffee in the new terminal!
ReplyDeleteSplit? They just got their permits so they are about to start (2015) the tender process for the construction of the new terminal of 48.000 sqm.
Zadar? Are already using their new terminal and are in the process of collecting documentation in order to move on with the next phase of their reconstruction/expansion.
You are confusing the new terminal opened in 2010 with the new terminal that is being built now.
DeleteYou couldn't have had coffee in the new terminal because like it says in the article they just laid the foundations. This is how it looks
So they are building ANOTHER new terminal?! Sweet! Hats off for the Croats (I live in Belgrade), very impressive progress on the airports, but SKP is still the nicest one! :)
DeleteYes, it's basically an extension of the current terminal (B) but it is considered a different terminal (C). Haven't been to SKP yet :)
DeleteIt's interesting that there were lots MPs in the EU parliament opposed to awarding Dubrovnik the loan but it's great that it got the approval because the entire project depended on its.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Dubrovnik :)
ReplyDeleteFrom June 16 Air Serbia increases Beirut from 5 weekly to daily flights.
Btw isn't Etihad supposed to be back in Belgrade at about the same time?
Da niste i vi culi kako ce doci koji Airbus ove godine.
DeleteEY se vraca cini mi se oko 6 Juna.
To make Airbuses coming, you have to be able to afford that. In fact, you have to pay the deposit and monthly renting fee. The planes can not come on their own. Understood ? If your financial circumstances and performance are bad, then... make a conclusion. It is not so difficult.
DeleteNe ja mislio da ce leasing da placaju krompirom ili secernom repom .
DeleteDa vi znate finansisko stanje ASL i ne kasne ni sa jednom ratom za leasing .
A pitao sam G Nemjee a ne vas .
"Ne ja mislio da ce leasing da placaju krompirom ili secernom repom ." :D INN-NS full power as always
DeleteНисам ништа чуо за Ербасеве али сам и ја чуо неке приче око повратка два Б733.
DeleteДодуше, ја немам проблем са тим Б733 докле год их не шаљу на летове дуже од 2 сата.
Will there be any interest from Air Serbia to fly to Amman. JAT used to fly there and in the current situation in the ME, Amman is the mail airport for many Syrians/Palestinians/Iraqis and it can be a perfect destination to pick up transit passengers going further west.
DeleteB733 nebi bilo lose slati na dobro popunjene regionalne linije .
Ali bi ja uveo za regionalne linije i one way kartu ako je do LJU 100 Eur onda neka je u jednom pravcu 60 Eur i mislim da bi mnogo vise ljudi putovalo .
A nebi bilo lose takodje sa njima leteti i za KPB .
A bio dsam cuo pre nekoliko meseci da treba doci vise od 1 Airbus
These two additional flights were scheduled one and a half month ago, JU1826/7.
DeleteAirbuses will not come on their own. You have to pay for their coming. Understood ?
Delete@5:43 a ATR daju za krompir?
DeleteVidelo se na onom videu da je DBV preko potrebno jos mesta , ali dali nije postojala bolja solucija neki dogovor sa BY :
koji dogovor?
DeleteDa naprimer BY avioni dodju u razmaku od 30-45 min da ne bude tolika guzva nebi bilo lose.
OT: where is YU-ALO?
ReplyDeleteOn maintenance, planned to enter the service on monday morning to BUD
DeleteThx :-)
DeleteSvaka čast Dubrovniku, još jedna lepa vest u nedelji u kojoj su dobili Drimlajnera. Još samo kada bi mogli nešto da urade sa onim vetrom, ono nije normalno, kad krene da duva drob da ti se izokrene dok sletiš :-P
ReplyDeleteAny plans for Air Serbia to add more flights to Dubrovnik this Summer? They cut number of flights and seats pretty much comparing to last Summer. This season they plan to fly just 4 times per week (2 x ATR, 2 x A319) what is not enough even for point to point passengers.
ReplyDeleteThey obviously cut it for a reason. That reason being not enough passengers. I don't know why there is this notion that Air Serbia should fly everywhere daily. There are simply not enough passengers. Air Serbia rekys more and more on transit passengers. I don't know if you realized but our economy is in a recession for a third year, GDP fell 1.9% in the first quarter and wages have been cut. Buying power has decreased significantly and people aren't traveling. The IMF says Serbia will be the only country in Europe where unemployment will increase this year and next. That is something you have to take into account and that has a big impact on Air Serbia and all other airlines flying here.
DeleteLast anonymous, please, don't spread any misinformation.
DeleteDubrovnik was reduced because JU doesn't have enough aircraft. The demand is there.
This year they are starting DBV earlier. PUY will also get the jet, or at least that's planned.
Dubrovnik is not starting earlier, unfortunately. It starts May 16, same as last year.
DeletePula is getting more seats because they will fly A319 on some days and Split will be 4 times per week all on A319.
Basically, only Dubrovnik has less seats this Summer. Hope they will at least fly with A319 / B737 on every flight during peak season.
Numerous flights have been announced to be launched between Europe and Brač by Express Airways, starting from 15th of May. Does somebody know is this gonna happen, or better to say realize? In addition, what gonna happen with charter flights between Belgrade and Brač which were also announced some 2-3 months ago? tnx.
ReplyDeleteOT: danas je letio prvi charter let 2015. SEL-ZAG sa KE 332, HL 8276
ReplyDeleteSEL - Where is that?
DeleteSouth Korea
DeleteNije SEL nego je ICN:
DeleteJel ima slika ili video :)
Jos jednom pokazujes da nemas pojma, i to upravo sa onim sto spocitavas drugima i sto se hvalis da jako dobro znas : Isto onako kako je YTO IATA oznaka GRADA TORONTA a YYZ oznaka aerodroma Lester B;Pearson u Torontu, tako je i SEL IATA oznaka gGRADA SEULA, a ICN oznaka seulskog aerodroma Incheon. Toliko o tvom znanju.
DeleteIli naprimer LON oznaka za London, a LHR, LGW, LTN, STN, LCY oznake londonskih aerodroma, ili NYC oznaka za Njujork, a JFK,EWR,LGA oznake aerodroma. Ali ipak si ti sveznajuci ovde, ko smo mi drugi da ti nesto pricamo
DeleteAnon 9:56 I completely get what you are saying, but you are wrong since both Toronto and Seoul have only ONE airport which has long haul flights. The only airport for across the pond flights is YYZ, while Billy Bishop airport has only US and Canada flights so it would be pretty dumb to say YVO. Common sense and kudos to you INN-NS since the guy is obviously trying to act like a smart ass.
DeleteDa Seoul ima dva Aerodroma odakle leti KE za EU ili mozda sa ulice polece za ZAG.
DeleteA to sto ja pametujem sa pravom u vezi IATA oznaka ste sad vi opravdali vasim postom.
nije bitna informacija, da je KE letio u ZAG iz ICN (Incheon), nego da su stigli iz Seoula.
DeleteJAT still lives in memories of many people worldwide: http://www.glasamerike.net/media/video/fil-timajer-jat-kao-nesvrstani-avioprevoznik/2761337.html Thanks Ex-YU for support with JAT and Yugoslav history photos!
ReplyDeleteI really do wonder what will happen with loads of the Skopje route which Croatian Airlines and Air Serbia operate. Last few days intense protests and now this. Unfortunately I feel as if those kind of attacks will happen more often. I will try to keep away from politics, but I personally think that Macedonian aviation will suffer and so will ASL and CA loads on the Skopje route.
ReplyDeleteWhat the airport really needs is a new runway so that planes can land in winter when the bura wind blows. Winter activity at this airport is almost inexistant...with a new runway, it could at least operate as a hub for transit passengers.