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Split and Dubrovnik anticipate another strong year |
The airports in Split and Dubrovnik are set to handle a record number of passengers this year, with the trend expected to continue into 2016 as airlines commit to operating more flights to the two cities on the Croatian coast. The former Yugoslavia's third and fourth busiest airports will see additional services from the United Kingdom, Germany and Scandinavia next year, the Croatian Tourism Board (HTZ) said following talks with airline representatives. The HTZ held talks with SAS Scandinavian Airlines, Norwegian Air Shuttle, Germanwings and British Airways over their plans for the Croatian market for next year and 2017. Both Split and Dubrovnik airports have already handled over one million passengers this year and have benefited from the instability in Northern Africa, which has driven more tourists to south eastern Europe.
SAS Scandinavian, Thomson Airways, easyJet, Air Berlin and Aegean are just some of the airlines which plan to expand their operations to Croatia in 2016. In a statement to EX-YU Aviation News, Scandinavian Airlines said, "The Croatian leisure market is very important for SAS and we have seen a growing number of passengers. This summer we had 51 weekly frequencies from Scandinavia to Croatia and over fourteen different routes. We plan to continue serving Split, Dubrovnik and Pula". Thomson Airways' fastest growing market this year was Croatia. The airline almost doubled its number of flights to the country and has announced a new service from Birmingham to Split, as well as from East Midlands to Pula. Furthermore, the airline will continue operating its Boeing 787 Dreamliner into Dubrovnik next year. On the other hand, easyJet will move forward the start of many of its seasonal flights to the two coastal cities. In a statement it reiterated the market's importance. "Croatia is an important market for easyJet. We carried nearly half a million passengers to and from Croatia last year”. In addition, Air Berlin and its subsidiary Niki have announced new flights from Berlin, Dusseldorf and Vienna to both Split and Dubrovnik from May 14. Air Berlin says the new additions to its network are in response to increased demand for holidays on the Croatian Adriatic coast.
Both airports will address rising capacity and traffic issues through the construction of new terminals. The new terminal at Split Airport will stretch over 34.500 square metres and increase the airport’s capacity to 3.5 million passengers per year. Furthermore, the car park and bus area will be expanded by 35.500 square metres. Work on the 59.3 million euro expansion project is expected to begin in autumn or early winter. It is estimated to take just over two years to complete the investment. Meanwhile, Dubrovnik Airport has already begun expanding its facilities. In May it resumed a major expansion project valued at 220 million euros, which will include the construction of a new passenger terminal, storage facilities, access roads, car park and the lengthening of the runway and taxiways. The entire project is expected to be completed in 2019. The new terminal will stretch over 36.500 square metres and have the capacity to handle 3.5 million passengers per year.
Great to hear that the Dreamliner will be flying to DBV next year too!
Deleteand the Thomson 767-300?
Now this is a true development. More clients for the airport and then to develop facilities.
ReplyDeleteThey are on the wave.
Go go Croatia!
These two airports have been quiet achievers without any megalomania or fuss. I think SPU could reach 2 million in the next couple of years.
ReplyDeleteIf SPU grows by at least 6,9% in average during 2015 and 2016, then it will reach 2 mio already in 2016.
Deletethis year there will be just a lack of apr. 50k..
Deleteso next year before Xmas will be a big party ;)
Croatia Airlines might introduce some new flights from Dubrovnik next summer.
ReplyDeleteFinally! Do you know which routes?
DeleteHope they do .... i'll look forward to using their new lounge in both airports, as well as using their onboard wifi product
DeleteI honestly think Dubrovnik is to get a seasonal route to US in 2-3 years!
Delete@ AnonymousSeptember 18, 2015 at 9:11 AM
@ AnonymousSeptember 18, 2015 at 9:36 AM
Give it a rest
From Split OU should start minimum VIE and ZRH year-round, they can perfectly use their DashQ8s! Also DUS and LON would have that potential, as there are no winter season services at all from any of those destinations. However, not sure if they can fill at least an A319 twice weekly...
DeleteFrom Dubrovnik FRA and MUC should also work with a Dash in winter season for sure!
Croatia and Austrian tried VIE from SPU year-round several years ago. Planes were empty all winter time and they cancel it next year.
DeleteI dont recall it - when was that?
DeleteAnon @ 9.48am ... why should i or anyone else give it a rest ? My national carrier is doing nothing to keep in step with regional rivals, who are investing in their product and leaving a sad and broken Croatia Airlines far behind ....
DeleteWe should ALL be keeping pressure on OU's management to keep with the times.
They were once far and away THE best regional airline. Now they are very far behind the one airline who they rightly used to mock ....
I hope for DBV-SJJ and SPU-SJJ. There is big potential especially in summer.
DeleteThere never were scheduled winter flights VIE-SPU
DeleteDalamtia is a strong turist destination. I would not be surprised if in the near future SPU will be the no.1 airport in exyu. Heraklion on Crete has over 6 mio pax
ReplyDeleteNo. 2 ok, but No. 1? Not in the next decade. Besides, we'd need a whole new airport for such traffic.
DeleteNo. 1 next to ZAG and BEG? You must be crazY...
DeleteWas Dubrovnik traditionally busier than Split in the past or was Split always ahead?
ReplyDeleteDBV was busier in YU time
DeleteWhat happened to the Split-Skopje route????
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletecut :)
DeleteU neku ruku si iritantan jer si tu samo kad se spomenu Skopje i Ohrid, ali u drugu ruku si manje više najviše okej na ovom blogu, jer gledaš svoje dvorište... ;)
DeleteSkopje-split cut? I know it was a seasonal line, but I did not know it was cut..
Deletethe fare was ridiculously expensive and i was not surprised at all when they cut it middle in july!
DeleteI wonder what strategy OU had with this flight and pricing!
@anon 11:04 he is iritantan for macedonians as well
Croatia Airlines Fail
DeleteAegean announced its preliminary summer 2016 schedule and DBV flights increase by 4/W to 6?W.
ReplyDeleteA 50% increase means this route did great this summer.
Dubrovnik is popular with Greek tourists plus those flights were timed so as to offer connections to places like Istanbul, Amman, Cairo, Alexandria, Tel Aviv, Beirut...
Delete+ OU 3/7, but interesting there won't be IST flights.
DeleteCroatia benefits from instability in Muslim countries, Split is becoming very popular among travelers, therefore Split Airport is really overcrowded in summer time, ney year it will grow 10-15% for sure..
ReplyDeleteFew more widebodies in LDSP would be great too. I think only Condor sometimes operates 767s to Split.
ReplyDeleteI think airlines don't like that.
DeleteYou don't have taxiways and a small apron.
They announced adding a taxiway in SPU parallel to rwy 5/23 - does someone know what happened to that plan? It seems this will be urgently needed as in summer there are many delays due to low capacity as taxiing in both directions need to be done on the rwy,
ReplyDeleteHas ex yu carrier bookings increased since the closing of Croatian and Hungarian border?
ReplyDeleteBatrovci nisu zatvoreni.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteImam dojavu da ce napraviti monopol kao sto su napravili ovi iz ASL na BEG pa ce tako resiti problem konkurencije.
Delete@2:39 znaci kad na jednom aerodromu, koji je i tvoj bazni aerodrom, imas 50% saobracaja onda se to zove monopol?
Deleteko? kako?
DeleteDa DL EK SU svi imaju monopol pa to je odlicno =D
DeleteAnonymousSeptember 18, 2015 at 2:54 PM
DeleteZivi bili pa videli sledecu godinu. Sve strane kompanije se bune zbog diskriminacije i pokusavanja da se prebace u stari terminal...
My company alone booked 35 tickets ZAG-BEG for next week. No chances taken.
Delete@3:12 naravno da se sve strane kompanije ne prebacuju na T1 tako da je odgovor na tvoj komentar izlišan.
DeleteI am surprised they got T1 and not just curbside checkin. Look at how some of their governments "supported" BEG in getting EBRD to invest in airport, while investing billions in airports in the region, including non-eu countries.
DeleteDBV i SPU su eksplodirali od kad je HR usla u EU bice zanimljiva trka LCC i ostalih Evropskih kompanija ne daj boze biti u odboru CTN sledece godine.
Maybe SAS will use Airbus A330-300 on Stockholm-Dubrovnik/Split? Is it possible?
ReplyDeleteSAS je kupio nekoliko novi Airbus A330-300 a vec ima jednu 4-5 aviona te vrste ako sam upravu, takoder imaju i Airbus A340-300 i jos su neke velike ptice kupili.
Ako bude puno prodani karata na nekom letu, mozda doleti neki wide body u Dubrovnik ili u Split.
Sto se tice SAS, bili dole mogao biti novi JAT? Zajednicka kompanija za sve drzavice. SAS je i danska, i norveska i svedska kompanija sa sjedistem u Stockholmu i sve tri drzave stoje iza SAS-a. Ja nisam siguran dal bi Svedska, dobro ipak je jedna od naj bogatiji drzava u Europi sa mnogo vise turizma nego naprimjer Hrvatska i ako nema mora za kupanje kao jadransko i narod ovdje ima para za putovanje nema veze sto nas nema ni 10 milijona, ali ipak mislim da je najbolje ovakva kompanija kao sto je SAS.
Lijepo su se avioni podjelili i na ARN dva wide body imaju svoju bazu plus brojni Boeing 737 i vjerovatno i Airbus A319/20/21.
Ali dole je drugaciji mentalitet i kultura, ako BEG bude glavna baza onda ce ZAG biti krivo i ako SJJ bude domaci aerodrom (feeder za BEG i ZAG) nama bosnjacima ce biti krivo a slovenci bi sigurno htjeli imati svoju posebnu kompaniju. Ali je lijepa ideja, moze svak imati svoju drzavu i ako se ima zajednicku kompaniju.
Ovako kako je sada imamo jadne i bijede kompanije kao Adria, Croatia, Air Serbia (nemaju para za kupovinu aviona nego Etihad placa nove avione i uglavnom je sve na leasing osim stari aviona od JAT vremena koje su i bosanci i hrvati placali sa svojim porezom) i BH Airlines koja nije kompanija nego samo se Ex Yu i BiH politicari usuduju nju zvati "kompanijom".
Neko ce mozda reci da Adria nije bijeda i da Croatia takoder nije bijeda, pa da je tako zasto se onda trazi partner koji ce njih "podici" i rijesiti probleme? Sto se tice i terminala, drzave sirom regije nemogu sami napraviti moderan terminal pa zato mole strance da nesto izgrade.
Sve je to bijedo i jadno, Air Serbia ce postojati sve dok je Etihad tu i dok ima sta zaraditi i izvuci od srba, kad Etihad ode onda se i Air Serbia, i Aerodrom Nikola Tesla, i Zorana Mihajlovic i Aleksandar Vucic mogu slikati.
Ja napisah da je jedina sansa za CTN da ih kupi ASL umesto Avioleta, ali exYu brise.
DeleteNisu nista Bosanci i Rvati placali svojim porezom JAT je bio dobra kompanija sa 5 miliona putnika. Da se nekad naprzala cela privreda SFRJ je druga prica.
Pre ce biti da te brise jer pises "Rvati" i vredjas sve koji se sa tobom ne slazu nego sto si napisao da Aviolet (sto je ista firma kao ASL) treba da kupi CTN). Aviolet je samo brend. To bi bilo kao kada bi rekao da Coca Cola Zero treba da kupi Pepsi.
DeleteNebi bilo nista gore nego da se vrati JAT to je najlosije resenje.
Samo Purgera zovem skrbavi, jer jeste skrbav sa svojim podmetanijma u vezi cene karata i voznjom od 500 km zbog jeftinije karte.
DeleteI nauci malo o srpskom jeziku
kad Etihad ode onda se i ... Aerodrom Nikola Tesla, i ... mogu slikati.
DeletePre nego sto je dosao Etihad, Aerodrom Beograd se obnavljao i renovirao godinama: novi stakleni avio mostovi, novi gejtovi, hodnici. Nema veze sa Etihadom.
Why don't you try to take back one of those B737 during one of their visits to Zagreb? I guess that applies to Atr as well.
DeleteVeoma dobro pratim ovaj blog i svaki dan ulazim ovdje vec od pocetka 2012 godine. Znam da se BEG obnavljao i renovirao i lijepi su mi novi stakleni avio mostovi a takoder je lijepo i sto su se izgradili novi gejtovi i hodnici.
DeleteMislio sam na sve kompanije koje su napustile ANT i kompanije koje lete za BEG ali koje su smanjile letove, zelim reci da nije dobro da broj putnika zavjesi od Air Serbia naprimjer ove godine su se neke kompanije povukle od BEG a neke smanjile letove ali opet ce biti u plusu sto se tice broj putnika ali to je samo zato sto je Air Serbia prevezla vise putnika ove godine (ne znam tacno koliko u %+) ali ako se Etihad povuce jednog dana i povuce sve Airbus A319/A320 onda ce ostati samo stari Boeing avioni i ono ATR aviona od prije rata i vjerovatno bi Air Serbia propala kao naprimjer Malev.
Air Serbia trenutno prevozi vise od 50% (ako sam upravu) putnika sa BEG i ako bi kompanija propala i ako bi ostalo ovako kako jeste sto se tice strani kompanija, onda to ne bi bilo dobro za aerodrom i zato kazem "BEG bi se mogao slikati".
Ali naravno moze biti drugacije, Malev je propao ali BUD je opet u plusu sto se tice broj putnika i ima mnogo kompanija. Ja kad sam za SJJ sa GOT preko BUD letio 2011 sa Malevom, tada je BUD imao oko 8 milijona putnika 2010 godine a sada bez Maleva ide na 10 milijona. Mozda bi i BEG mogao u takvoj situaciji postati kao BUD, jer mislim da bi se brojne kompanije kao Air France i British Airways mogle vratiti kad ne bi Air Serbia bila prisutna.
Prijatelju, kakva ti je to hipotetika"ako se Etihad povuce jednog dana" !? BEG ima istorijski rast i to ne bi postigao bez ASL i transfernih putnika. A sta bi bilo kad bi bilo mozemo u nedogled. Air France i British su se povukli pre ASL.
DeleteOT: a black out in Novi Beograd, Zemun, Surcin just earlier left BEG with no power. Not sure if flights are effected. Power outage was short, maybe 20-30 mins.
ReplyDeleteIt was more, like 40 mins.
DeleteOne more reason why new terminal and associated infrastructure is needed at BEG. Power generation is required for reliable airport ops if BEG is to become serious hub.
DeleteDete, ne lupaj, rikno je trafo na Bezaniskoj kosi..
DeleteOT - OTP-BEG today 67/70 pax, trip report coming soon.
flied few times that line..even with tarom but air serbia flights are more busy
DeleteI wonder whether Air Serbia might reconsider the suspension of Budapest now that road/rail traffic has been closed-off.
ReplyDeletePut nije zatvoren moze se preci preko Kelebije naravno ko zna put.
Radi Kelebija.
DeleteINN zna put, to je glavno, jer on je glavni baja :DDD
DeleteGermania flight London - Heraklion was diverted to Belgrade, departed minutes ago. Airbus A321, reg D-ASTE
ReplyDeleteBNX is preparing for busy winter season too. Three flights per week to Belgrade.