Adria Airways Flight School sold for €7.500


The Adria Airways Flight School has been sold for 7.500 euros as part of the former flag carrier’s bankruptcy procedure. The purchase was made by Slovenia’s former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Peter Jambrek who joined forces with Chinese investor Kai Dai. Their Institute for Constitutional Systems and Human Rights formally acquired the school. Mr Jambrek told the “Finance” daily that his plan was for the flight school to become the biggest in the world. "We are targeting a large pool of countries - in China for instance there is a tremendous shortage of pilots, and the same is true for India and Indonesia", Mr Jambrek said. The school will be run by his son Boštjan. The plan is for the school to start operations next year, once all bureaucratic matters are settled. The flight school’s biggest asset is a still valid but inoperative ATO (Approved Training Organisations) license, enabling the buyer to continue training future pilots. Adria’s bankruptcy interrupted the training of around thirty future pilots at the academy. The Adria Airways Flight School registered a net loss of 339.000 euros in its last full year of operation in 2018.


  1. Anonymous10:42

    For the napkins they ware asking 100k ,and the flight school sold for 7500. :D love it

    1. Anonymous11:08


    2. What are you talking about..
      They bought a flight school certificate and that’s it.

      There was a public auction and starting price was 7.500€. Nobody else wanted to offer more, so it went for that price.

      It doesn’t include planes or the sim, there’s gonna be a separate auction for that and the starting price for the sim alone is 50.000€.

      So no, it’s not a bargain..

  2. Anonymous10:44

    That's a bargain.

  3. Anonymous11:19

    Daddy i want my own plane.
    Sure son, let me buy you a flight school so you can play with it.

  4. Anonymous11:37

    Finally some good news!

  5. Anonymous13:29

    "there is a tremendous shortage of pilots"?!?!?!?! There are multi-thousand pilots who get fired in world, and they will not find a job in another 3-4 years, maybe even 5 or more years (if this pandemic will get worst in future). So there will be no need for new pilots in that time for sure. Also most of companies this days have their own flying schools in which they invest huge amount of money (Wizz Air flight Academy for example). When they will need more pilots first they will start with their own education. So there will be no need for new pilots even more then 5 years, god knows for how long.

    If his business plan was based on premise "tremendous shortage of pilots" he will be bankrupt in no-time.

    1. Anonymous14:02

      Sto bi se reklo "ludjak do ludjaka" ili lopov do lopova ako je kupio za 7500e a proda za mnogo skuplje! Sve ce to narod pozlatiti ...

    2. Anonymous14:26

      Pa samo gume na avionima vrijede više od toga...

    3. Anonymous14:45

      Exactly! Anyone considering becoming a pilot, don't do it! It's a waste of money for years to come. As an experienced, unemployed captain, I have no prospect of finding a job in the next couple of years.

    4. Anonymous16:41

      Cisti ludaci kao da skolovanje pilota traje sest meseci.

    5. TM1921:37

      So what are you going to do? Change profession or try to find a job as a bush pilot?

  6. Someone just publicly made a fraud. They will use a corporation, sell the remaining assets in a shady deal and then file for bankruptcy incurring no personal loss. Typical corruption we see every day in the EU.

  7. This is treason
    But s***t greedy people exist everywhere.
    Those chinese....

  8. probably the price was 7500EUR + all its debts...


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