M-NAV management sacked after incident


Two of the three-member management team at Macedonia’s air navigation service provider M-NAV have been dismissed by the government following a violent incident last week and plans for air traffic controllers to go on strike over corruption and nepotism inside the company. Fahrudin Memedi, who has been at the centre of the scandal, and Ljube Stamenkovski, who resigned ten days ago, have been dismissed. However, the third member, Hasim Deari, who has also been embroiled in the scandal, has kept his post. Hekuran Asani and Milan Korać have been named as their replacements. M-NAV’s finances are now also being probed by authorities. The prosecutor’s office in Skopje has opened an investigation into eight people, including Bekim Neziri, a former government minister, adviser to the director of M-NAV and a prominent member of the junior ruling Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) party for assaulting an on-duty air traffic controller and endangering overall air traffic safety. However, a court in Skopje had failed to order the arrest for four of the alleged perpetrators, saying that the prosecution did not present evidence that they had endangered air traffic. The prosecution is now filing a complaint.


  1. Anonymous10:44

    This is in Europe lol

  2. Anonymous11:19

    Ethnonationalism causing disgusting politics. The four DUI members should have been in jail since the day of the incident as they have most definitely endangered thousands of lives (30+ planes in air at the moment of the incident).

    1. Anonymous11:27

      It's about money. It's always about money.

    2. Anonymous12:18

      This is how Perica thinks things work around.. idiocracy of those 4 lunatics and everyone else around them.

    3. Anonymous13:38

      @11.19 stop with the fake news . Tere are never +30 planes at any moment over the macedonian sky.

    4. Anonymous15:57

      Yes, that was a lie. Somewhere i also saw a comment that those 36 planes diverted from our airspace 😂😂 and that when they fly one above another there should be 1500 meters space in between. Thats also a lie as 1000ft is totally enough to continue with safe flying. Nobody was at risk at that time, those planes were just overflying our airspace on their corse. All pilots do when they enter new airspace is check in with ATC and nothing else. If they need to change altitude then the atc controll will tell them to do so, otherwise there is not any other communication. So everyone were safe, but this incident should be considered as terorrism because there could have been an incident in the air. Thanks god that at least they got suspended and now we will have another curruptet albanians as directors who wont even bother speak in macedonian 😃

  3. Anonymous14:29

    Now they will move to Germany and bring their talents with them there.

  4. Something doesn't make sense to me... how does one get dismissed (Ljube Stamenkovski) if he quit on his own 10 days ago? In addition, didn't he quit because of the dysfunction he was witnessing, but nothing was being done to correct? Sounds like he deserves a promotion.

    Someone please correct me if I am wrong in any of my assumptions above.

    1. Anonymous17:07

      I think that even if he quit he can still be suspended from the position. This means that he can no longer be on such postition in the future if he wants cause he is suspended. I think this is the only logical explanasion, maybe i am wrong idk.

    2. Anonymous19:07

      I don’t intend to go ethnic/political with this, but the fact is that entire government and rulling system in Macedonia is on a very shaky ground, helped put together by the US embassy, and very unstable, hanging only by this minority corrupt party, whose participation in power coalition is essential for any government to be formed. I think they even demanded that ethnic affiliation be put into state ID cards for all citizens, for sole purpose of ethinic model assigned employment troughout the state. I know some Macedonian people in the west who left the country because of things like these.

  5. Anonymous17:04

    Had to read the article twice to kinda believe this is real and happening in Europe and not Guatemala or Niger.
    "However, the third member, Hasim Deari, who has also been embroiled in the scandal, has kept his post."
    This is also more than obvious.
    Honestly, this news section about the SKP incident is literally criminal news even though they are related to aviation. What a big shame for the image of the country. Now imagine if QR or FZ want to return to SKP how bad this will be. Those type of news fly super fast in the aviation industry.
    SKP should work very hard to improve this image and avoid this ever happening again. Air traffic is no child game or gangster mafioso stuff....

    1. Anonymous17:11

      You are right for everything, but this is not SKP fold. ATC is not under SKP Airport, they are different community lets say. Thats why the government was suspending them not SKP Airport. This is terorrism i still dont understand how can somebody even think of going there, enter in the buliding and do such a scene, thinking that its okay and normal and that nothing will happen. Imagine the situation in the country if they managed to corrupt the ATC tower. No words for this.

    2. Anonymous18:44

      Man, whoever is responsible for this should be severly punished. You are damn right, this IS terrorism, murder and a very serious crime. Do you know how very hard an air-traffic controller job is? They are responsible for many souls and always have to speak to pilots, look at the weather, report weather, wind, fog, etc, etc. They coordinate with the ground personnel and they are usually under a lot of pressure.
      What happened is prison for life. Those people should rot in jail forever. I dunno wtf is going in MK, but allowing politics in a control tower is just not good. Come on, not even Moldova or the "worst" place in Europe allows such an act....one of the most surreal news "aviation" section ever read. At least the Slovene ones are more telenovela style and more fun and "harmless" to read.

  6. Anonymous19:27

    The problem is that the DUI party is installed and protected by the US and the EU as part of their ethnic minorities inclusion policy.
    Even if they are criminals they are thus untouchable.
