Belgrade Airport records strong February growth

Belgrade Airport maintains dream run

Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport has recorded its tenth consecutive month of passenger growth and has managed to handle over half a million passengers in the first two months of the year. In February, Serbia’s busiest airport welcomed 232.061 passengers through its doors, representing an increase of 33.8% compared to the same month last year. The number of flight operations totalled 3.696, which is 965 arrivals and departures more than last year, or an increase of 35.3%. In a statement the airport said, “The growth in traffic and passenger numbers achieved during the month is currently unmatched by any other major international airport in Europe”. It has previously stated it expects to be the fastest growing European capital city airport in 2014.

During the first two months of the year, Belgrade Airport handled 502.845 passengers, an increase of 31.1% on 2013. “These results will allow the management to implement long term development strategies for the airport and finance all planned investments out of its own funds”, the airport says. It adds, “The growth was achieved in a large part due to the expanding business volume and growth in operations by the national carrier Air Serbia”. During the month, Adria Airways suspended its five weekly flights to the Serbian capital while Aegean Airlines replaced Olympic Air on the Athens route as part of a takeover deal between the two Greek airlines.

In February Belgrade Airport opened two additional boarding gates, increasing their number to eighteen. Located on the ground floor, they are the first bus gates at the airport, transferring passengers to their aircraft parked at remote stands. During this month, the refurbishment of 2.304 square metres and the addition of a further 311 square metres to the terminal building will be completed. The project has seen the overhaul of C3 to C6 gates which will mark the completion of its terminal two reconstruction, since other gates have already been expanded.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN270.784 28.9
FEB232.061 33.8


  1. Nikola09:05

    who goes to DUB today? is it Serbian football team?

    1. Anonymous09:14

      Yes, they fly with CSA!?
      Why doesn't Air Serbia fly for our national team, or at least Aviogenex???

  2. Does anyone else think that this:

    “These results will allow the management to implement long term development strategies for the airport and finance all planned investments out of its own funds”

    is the management trying to send a message that they are now capable of improving the airport without selling it to someone.

    1. Anonymous09:59

      It is the message they have been always trying to send. BEG is their party's loot and they want to keep it that way. Of course they cannot improve it to the level JU would require if things go well. Opening Victoria's Secret and repainting gates is one thing, however building a serious facility for transit pax is way beyond the reach of those party soldiers.

  3. Anonymous09:47

    "The project has seen the overhaul of C3 to C6 gates which will mark the completion of its terminal two reconstruction, since other gates have already been expanded."

    Contrary to common misconception, the C gates do not "belong" to terminal 2, just as A gates do not "belong" to terminal 1. Somebody ignorant started this trend, and there should finally be a stop to it.

    Furthermore, I believe that A4A/A4B bus gates are not new, but rather a refurbished part of the domestic area of the airport, from ex-Yugoslav times.

    Most of you probably don't know, but BEG used to have to arrival areas: the current one (which was used for international arrivals), and the domestic arrival area, which is currently not used - it is the area between Terminal 2 and Terminal 1.

    1. Anonymous21:03

      The C gates do belong to Terminal 2, wheress A gates belong to Terminal 1. It´s a classical German styled counting. For instance in Frankfurt tehre is a Terminal one (A,B,C) and Terminal 2 (D, E) and so on. . .

    2. Not quite so, if I remember well, while there were still domestic flights - Terminal 1, they were from gates A4 to A10 (I think A4 and 5 could be both, international and domestic), while for international, it was Terminal 2, gates from A1 to A4 and C.
      Sometimes you can still see former domestic arrivals baggage claim if someone leaves those doors a bit open.

  4. DKinVXO10:28

    Did Aegean take over OAs route ATH-BEG? I thought they would suspend it all together?

    1. Anonymous10:29

      They took it over. It was never planed to be suspended

    2. DKinVXO10:36

      Hm OK... I thought they were feeling threatened or something by AS, but maybe that was just speculations from other ex-YU-ers here

  5. Anonymous11:14

    Sjajno je osecanje za svakog ko prati a iskreno zeli promene, uvodjenje istinitih medjunarodnih uslovaI i standarda na terminalima, avio-platformama, parkinzima
    ANT-Beograd. Raduje povecanje putnika, kargo, servisa.
    Dobro je sto aerodrom do sada sam finansira svoj rast.
    Nisam siguran dali moze i ima finansijskog kapaciteta da
    ubrzanije nego do sada obnovi terminal 1. Izgradi jos jedan putnicki terminal, dogradi treci nivo terminala 2. Izgradi 4 parking bay-a za sirokotrupne avione. Demontira male objekte u mlaznoj bazi i izgradi nove velike za avio biznis i opsluzivanje aerodroma. Gradnja velikog kargo centra (ukoliko se ne seli na alternativni). Resetovanje prilaza puteva sa auto puta, Busija kao i direktno povezivanja puta sa predgradjem Surcin. Regulacija i primena najvisih standarda prema ucesnicima saobracaja iz ova tri pravca. Pretvaranje parkinga u korisnije svrhe...Mozda bi bila korisna sa-investicija nekog partnera koji bi poboljsao i pomogao u biznisu od konkurencije koja looming fairly fast. Vreme vrlo brzo tece kao i uvek. Borba je za svakog putnika, svaki kontejner, avion... Ne dozvolite sporost. Oponenti u biznisu kao i u zivotu (uglavnom) ne oprastaju. Zasto i bi?
    Uporan rad je deo zivota , a bez takmicenja covek postaje "brzi" slopo mis iz crtaca. Ne sumljam vazdusna luko Srbije da imas concept, kapacitet i mogucnost . Potvrdi partnerima a obraduj nas koji verujemo i volimo.
    CHIRS to future great hub of SERBIA, the Belgrade NIKOLA TESLA INTERNATIONAL!
    Rod.Marinkovic,AME. Kraljevo / Sydney, Serb.-Aus.

  6. Anonymous11:19


  7. Anonymous12:01

    lepo, bravo, samo se iskreno nadam da nam avioni ne lete sa 60% popunjenosti kabine ukupno..

    1. Anonymous17:38

      kako koji. Air Serbia leti sa 50% popunjenosti, Turkish sa skoro 80%.

  8. Bosnian12:19

    Great news for Belgrade airport, keep up the good work :)

    Sarajevo airport also had a 17% increase in February, handling 35.435 passengers


    1. a tek skok kod Banja Luke
      . juce preko 30 putnika iz Beg. do sada rekord. :) bice to sve ok.

    2. Anonymous17:40

      U jebo*t pa to je čak 45% LF!!!! Uuuuu... fascinantno... još malo i Banja Luka će dostići vrtoglav LF Air Serbije od 53%.

    3. И јуче и данас је било преко 30 путника између Београда и Бања Луке.

      02.03.2014 Београд-Бања Лука, 33 путника.
      03.03.2014 Бања Лука - Београд, 37 путника.

      Занимљиво је то што је Брисел једна од популарнијих одредишта за путника из и ка Бања Луци.

    4. Anonymous20:30

      Vlada Republike Srpske ekskluzivno koristi Air Serbia-u za putovanja u Brisel.

    5. Хвала, јел се зна како су летели до сада? Из Загреба?

    6. Anonymous20:59

      Nemjee podaci su samo delomicno tacni. Bas nisi napisao brojke u suprotnu stranu koje su veoma lose. Takvo pisanje je tendeciozno i veoma pogresno te iskrivljuje pravu sliku o LF koji nije dobar.

      JU102 BEG-BNX AT72 33 PAX 50%
      JU103 BNX-BEG AT72 18 PAX 27%

      JU102 BEG-BNX AT72 12 PAX 18%
      JU103 BNX-BEG AT72 37 PAX 56%

    7. Оно што сам написао је одговор на следећи коментар:

      'a tek skok kod Banja Luke
      . juce preko 30 putnika iz Beg. do sada rekord. :) bice to sve ok.'

      Ја сам само писао о великом броју путника који је путовао између Београда и Бања Луке у претходна два дана. Да ме је неко питао о општем стању рекао бих му га... баш као што сам писао о лошој попуњености на одређеним линикјама пре неки дан.
      Притом, ја никада нисам тврдио да је lf одличан тако да...

    8. Anonymous22:09

      Nemjee to sto ti radis je dovodjenje ljudi u zabludu. Povremeno izbacis neki dobar podatak i stvari bi trebale izgledati dobre ili cak odlicne. JU LF je 53%. Na BNX je 28%. To je lose cak i sa subvencijama.

      Jednako je tako dilirijska zabluda da je u ta dva dana na toj liniji putovalo "mnogo" putnika. Putovalo je 100 putnika u dva dana a bilo je 264 mesta. To je vise nego lose i svakako je daleko od mnogo putnika.

    9. " To je vise nego lose i svakako je daleko od mnogo putnika."

      Please allow me to put it into perspective.
      -There are very favorable subsidies.
      -JAN and FEB are the least busiest months.
      -This is the shortest route JU flies and it provides some good transit passengers.
      -The tickets are not inexpensive.

      JU is now in a time of very rapid expansion and even though passenger numbers are very strong, LF has suffered. This is expected since JU is in the process of great change. At least they are adding capacity, unlike other airlines in the region.

      Nemjee never said anything about total LF on that route. He only gave some examples when it was healthy.

      What are you going to complain about when JU's LF increases? Perhaps go back to cheap agricultural land or maybe some Vucic jokes?

    10. Anonymous23:52

      Well, if you are at least serious you should never put just good numbers and "forget" bad number on same day. That is at least sensationalism and tendentiously.

      And we can see how Nemjee is impressed and blind with Air Serbia which is almost like God for him. God which is unmistakable.

      And yes for sure I am also the HATER ! Actually more then just a hater, I'm SUPERHATER. Actually when I think better, I'm ex-JAT jealous lazy communist hater who doesn't even speak english.

      I like that last sentence and we who are "haters" should repeat that every time to show how stupid that is.

    11. Anonymous00:06

      Nemjee, don't mind about AS haters, keep working as usually. A large number of us appreciated your efforts!

    12. Anonymous01:54

      Advertising on this blog brings revenue to the owner based on number of visits. In the end, all fans of this blog should be pleased with financial support even haters provide to EX-Yu Aviation News. Thank you (haters too) for your support and keeping this blog alive!

    13. It's ok, I find the guy quite entertaining. He is constantly bashing us for calling him a hater just because he speaks against Air Serbia but the moment we say anything remotely positive about JU then we have issues and Air Serbia is our religion, our God. lol

      Regarding the Banja Luka flights. To be frank, I am really happy about the loads primarily because I have the numbers for their last adventure there. Back then it was the norm to carry three to seven passengers and at times when there would be 10 it would be considered a major success. What makes me even happier is that Air Serbia has become the first airline to successfully operate out of there. After all, we remember how many carriers failed there, with or without subventions.
      Ever since Etihad came into play, so many of you here have been bashing us who believed in the project. As time goes by, Air Serbia has been turning out to be a pretty decent carrier. I for one hope that this will continue.

      That said, I will be the first one to admit that there are still a LOT of things that need to change before JU becomes a stable carrier.

    14. dobri je da si im objasnioo. mrzi me da kucam sa telefona. 50% lf za lqbk je mnogo,jako mnogo. a bice bolje naravno. pozz

  9. Nikola15:54

    it seems there will be 3 A320s

    1. It is replacement for 8th A319, so AirSERBIA will have 7 A319, 3 A320, 4 ATRs, 3 (4) B737 for charters

    2. Anonymous18:53

      5 ATRs and 4 B737s...

    3. Anonymous19:16


      Jel si siguran da su samo 7? -> APA (F-ORAH), APB (F-ORAJ), APC, APD (A319LR), APE, APF, SAB, SAA = 8

      Meni ovo vise lici na 8x A319, 3x A320 i 5x ATR...

    4. Како сам ја схватио биће 8 А319 и 3 А320.

    5. Anonymous19:49

      Tako sam i ja...

    6. Између осталог, А320 су им потребни посебно сада када ће имати чартер летове. Да не спомињем то што од како расте број трансферних путника, А319 полако постаје премали на одређеним линијама.

    7. Anonymous20:22

      Oh, so now it's 320 which will be operatng charter flights, not 733 anymore, as announced few days ago.

      Ok, that's more acceptable than introducing bigger and more expensive type/variation on scheduled flights which have LF 53% with promotional low-cost prices.

      With 320 instead 319, LF would probably be 43%. Not even gastarbajteri during 2 months of peak season could help improve it much.

      And I will now save you trouble (not necesarilly Nemjee, there are plenty of others) of labeling me : Yes, I'm the HATER ! Actually more then just a hater, I'm SUPERHATER. Actually when I think better, I'm ex-JAT jealous lazy communist hater who doesn't even speak english


    8. Anonymous20:24

      A320 will not be performing charters

    9. APD nigde ne postoji, to je onaj cuveni Kingfisherov zna se gde je, zato mislim da su odustali od njega i da ce EY opsluzivati jednu destinaciju umesto njega da ne cuci u BEG do poletanja za AUH


    11. AnonymousMarch 3, 2014 at 8:22 PM

      So just because the overall loadfactor is around 50% it means that there are no routes which can sustain the A320? I am sorry to disappoint you but there are. Routes which see healthy loads will, most likely, see even more passengers once additional routes are launched. Naturally, no one can know for sure so we will have to wait. However, looking at the current numbers I can understand why they are going for the A320.

      Regarding the A320 charters, I totally forgot. Thanks for correcting me. It will be interesting to see how many B737-300 are kept in the end, three or four.

    12. Anonymous20:50

      3 B737s will be used but 4 will be kept. The one will only fly if one of the other Boeings has a mechanical problem and needs to jump in

    13. Anonymous23:59

      Sure there is. At least 327 routes are so good that needs A320. That is why LF is 53%. And maybe they should immediately change those A319 with A330.

      And, I am also SUPERHATER communist nonspeaking english ex Jat employee...

    14. Anonymous01:45

      Industry experts know that in 2006 Etihad had a load factor of about 60%. It has been going up significantly after that. If Air Serbia's load factor is 53% in the low season, chances are they will exceed Etihad's 2006 LF number by the end of 2014.

    15. Nikola08:14

      @Anon 11:59

      why are you so annoying?

  10. Anonymous18:30

    OT: Adria will receive brand new CRJ900NextGen a/c until the end of March. This is a/c reg. C-GZQM :)

  11. By the way, since they opened the bus gates, A4a and A4b (pretty stupid codes if you ask me), most of the smaller aircraft are using, either, the remote C or the B stands. Opening these gates was probably one of the smarter things the airport authorities did in a long time.

    1. Aэrologic01:32

      Completely agree. I would call those gates 5, 6 and just push the others in the subsequent order (like in any other airport) so that in total the A gates would be numbered from A1 to A12. Other option would be B gates: B1, B2 or B8, B9 (cause B1-B7 are reserved for remote stands).

    2. I agree with you, they should have gone for B1 and B2. They do look nice though, I will give them that.

    3. Nikola08:16

      don't even bother. I asked them why A4A and A4B, and they told me it's because they are part of A4 ?!?

  12. It is funny how the BNX flights receive so much criticism here. Does anyone understand that those flights are subsidized? JU is the one that is winning here. They get transit passengers, a few OD passengers, and some money to operate those flights.

    It would be nice if JU had ATR 42-500, since CASM of ATR 42-500 is lower than ATR 72-200. The ATR 42 would be great for routes like BNX, Varna, and Cluj.

  13. Anonymous23:00

    Has anybody had a look at Etihad Financial performance numbers which came out today? They posted a 62 USD million profit: thats a +48% on 2012. For those complaining about Etihad management - these people do know how to run an airline/business - Air Serbia is in excellent hands.

    1. Anonymous23:02

      financial performance numbers for 2013 - I meant

    2. SUPERHATER communist nonspeaking...00:01

      Free government petrol including. Upssss... sorry, they do pay 0,2 EUR per l of petrol.

    3. Anonymous01:37

      They probably pay even less when they refuel for return flight at London, New York and other destinations, LOL

    4. SUPERHATER communist nonspeaking00:51

      They fly to London with 100% full tank having patrol to come back to Abu Dhabi.

      And to New York. Still 50% of that rotation is almost for free... Much more than competition have.

    5. Anonymous02:52

      Patrol, petrol, gas, diesel... nope, jet planes use Jet A fuel, LOL!!!

    6. Anonymous22:07

      Etihad only uses patrol and diesel fully tanked in AUH ;)

  14. The best is if belgrade Make just a new airport insted of just make one terminel more

  15. Air Serbia couldn't be luckier with choosing a partner. Etihad is rocking in every aspect of business. Can only imagine what are they going to do with Belgrade airport if they buy it. The mixture of their millions and Serbian/Arab superiority complex is a guarantee for the funkiest airport in Europe that is going to make our EXYU neighbors airports look like cattle markets.

    1. Stratospheric01:20

      +1 :D

    2. Anonymous01:21

      lada kinderlada great as always!!!

  16. Anonymous17:39

    BEG je, koliko se meni cini, jedini aerodrom na svetu koji "ime" osobe koje nosi stavlja ispred grada kome pripada. To dovoljno pokazuje o citavom urusavanju naseg drustva i avijacije, jer je to zapravo medjunarodni skandal. Rim je npr. Roma - Fiumicino - Leonardo da Vinci. CDG je Pariz - Sarl de Gol itd. Dakle moralo bi biti Beograd - Surcin - Nikola Tesla, sto jedino i ima smisla, a ne Nikola Tesla - Beograd.

    1. Није истина и ево ти примера:

      Vienna International Airport, то је званични назив бечког аеродрома на енглеском. На немачком је додат Швехат из очигледних разлога.

      Athens International Airport "Eleftherios Venizelos", званични аеродром у Атини који исто тако нема име места крај којих се налази.

      Prague Václav Havel Airport, ето и Чеха који су заменили Ружине са именом Вацлава Хавела. Они су исто поступили као и ми Срби када смо заменили Сурчин са Николом Теслом.

      Наравно могу да наставим али претпостављам да си схватио да нисмо једини и да то што смо избацили Сурчин из званичног имена нашег аеродрома није страшна ствар.

    2. Anonymous19:35

      Procitaj prvo sta je covek napisao. Potpuno je u pravu.

  17. Agreed, It would be best is if Belgrade make just a new airport instead of making new terminals. valet parking Gatwick

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