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Ljubljana Airport posts encouraging trends ahead of sale |
Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport has seen its passenger numbers grow over the first five months of the year as it continues its recovery following the fallout from the global financial crisis. Slovenia’s busiest airport saw its passenger numbers improve almost 6% in the first five months while its net profit rose 5.4% to 857.000 euros. The amount of handled cargo was also up by 8% on last year. The encouraging trends come as a strong incentive for potential investors as the government prepares to sell its 75.5% stake in the airport. “The airport is performing better than last year and above our projected plans”, it said in a statement. It added the airport is looking to exceed its 2013 results in all key areas. The growth is being driven primarily by Adria Airways’ recovery and low cost airlines such as easyJet and Wizz Air.
This summer season, Adria Airways launched services to Warsaw and Prague, both of which are performing well for the carrier. Furthermore, the airport has seen a significant surge in charter traffic this year, primarily to the Mediterranean coast. Greece’s Aegean Airlines has launched flights from Rhodes to Ljubljana which will run until the end of the 2014 summer season. On the other hand, Israel has also emerged as a popular new destination for Slovenian tourists, with Arkia Israel Airlines inaugurating seasonal summer flights from Tel Aviv to Ljubljana today with a Boieng 757. Sun d’Or and Adria also offer seasonal flights to Israel’s largest city this summer season.
So far, more than twenty companies have expressed interest to purchase a 75% stake in Ljubljana Airport. Among them are airlines, airports and pension funds, as well as investment groups specialising in restructuring companies for later sale. Among the interested parties are Asia’s busiest carrier, China Southern Airlines, as well as the Fraport Group, which manages Frankfurt Airport. Others who have expressed strong interest to bid for Slovenia’s busiest airport include Munich Airport, Zurich Airport, French engineering and consulting group Egis, as well as Italy’s SAVE which manages Venice Marco Polo Airport, Treviso Airport, Verona Airport and is the part operator of Charleroi Airport in Belgium. In addition, the French based concession holder and operator VINCI Airports has publicly revealed plans acquire Jože Pučnik Airport. The sale is expected to be finalised later on in the summer. A new owner will have to address the issue of constructing a new terminal building. Late last year, the airport’s minority shareholders, mostly made up of banks, rejected plans for the construction of a new terminal, which was pitched by the state. Regardless of the privatisation process, Ljubljana Airport plans to carry out minor investments this year including the purchase of new conveyer belts, fire trucks as well as devices for screening liquids.
Finally, good news for Ljubljana!
ReplyDeleteSorry for O.T.:
ReplyDeleteThis morning YU-APG flew to Zurich. I guess as of today the second A320 will be flying regularly.
It seems that the two A320 will be flying to Athens and Tivat in the next wave of departures and then in the afternoon to Moscow and Paris.
DeleteShould JU lease more A320, how I see here, there are a few destinations that could be non stop served with A320 (Moscow, Paris, London, etc.)?
DeleteBravo for LJU. I love Slovenia and Slovenians. Regards from Belgrade.
ReplyDeleteI have OTs.
ReplyDeleteToday BUD-BEG had 60 pax...
Btw, EXYU I do not know what who are you nor what you are doing in private life, but Chinese government has blocked you, and Exyuaviation is blocked from Mainland China :))
You are some dangerous spy EXYU :P
I guess you're new to our harmonious country :)
DeleteGoogle Blogspot has been blocked by the Great Firewall of China for years!
Dear admin,
ReplyDeletePlease do something against those not appropriate messages such a daily information regarding load factor on some flights. I understand that some people are maybe interested in but I believe that most of the peolpe who are reading this page dont't want to se expansion of those kind of information.can you imagane if everyone of us would put daily iformation for load factor on flights is Air Serbia, Croata or Adria?
Load factor information
DeleteJU 301 BRU-BEG 23-06-2014 YU-APB
J 0/8
Y 115/120
Total 115/128
LF = 90%
Hhaha, nice.
DeleteThey could make pax happier with some op-ups its seems, though. I guess there must be one or two FFs with status on that flight.
Potpuno se slažem ali ne samo i to. Aerodrom ciji je zaposlenik ovaj lik bi se trebao zapitati kakvo to osoblje radi tamo. Neovlašteno koristi resourse tvrke, ugrozava integritet kompanije i širi povjerljive informacije. Da Air Serbia zaista želi već bi našli način da i ostalima svakodnevno informacije o load faktoru budu dostupne. Zabrinjavajuće ponašanje, a prije svega dosadno i nezanimljivo!
DeleteYeah right drugi put napiši i popis putnika umret ćemo od dosade sa LF svaki dan
DeleteEto mene to baš interesira. A što tebi brani da preskočiš taj komentar?
Deletemene više ti smaraš sa ovim pisanjem...
@ AnonymousJuly 1, 2014 at 2:16 PM
DeleteIsto kao sto EX YU ima saznanja o LF-u Kroacije, Er Srbije, Adrije, a nigde ne vidis zvanicnu objavu od strane tih kompanija...
Neke stvari jednostavno procure.. I ono... Jebiga...
pa meni je lf najznacajniji u aviosvetu.. i veoma mi je vazan lf air serbije, croatije, adrije i sl. sto da ne.. koga to smara, slobodno nek produzi dalje. i primetio sam da ste vi koje to ne zanima bas teski smorovi i dosadnjakovici i hejteri.. aj zdravo..
DeleteTrebalo bi otvoriti forum za load factor onda, a ne da svi nalazimo informacije u nekoj objavi vezano za LF a koja nema veze sa tom temom. Uostalom load factori koji se ovdje objavljuju su ionako od AS samo i eventualno neka kompanija vama susjednih drzava koja ljeti leti za BG. Jasno je da informacije koje ovdje dobivamo su sa Beogradskog aerodroma.
DeleteKome smetaju te Informacije nemora ni da cita
DeleteAnonymous at 4:36 PM je 101% upravu
INN-VIE BEG 37 Srba je odletelo Danas sa jednim letom u 11:10h sa AUA =D
INN :))
@ 7:18 PM
DeleteU skorije vreme nije bilo pozitivnih vesti za hrvatske aerodrome.... Zato pricamo o Er Srbiji...
Hajde dodaj nesto na ovu temu? Mislim da je bolje da se i ovako neke informacije razmenjuju nego da mesto za komentare bleji prazno...
A ima dosta slucajeva kada neka vest koja se tice Slovenije ili Makedonije bas zbog nedostatka off topic-a ima mozda samo 10ak komentara...
...i Hrvatske...
DeleteI'm very interested in load factor. Just don't be boring and skip the comment if you don't care about it. You don't need to write a novel each time about it.
DeleteJel Korean leti za LJU?
Ne, ne leti za Ljubljanu, samo za Zagreb u ex-YU regiji i to sezonski ali moguce of sljedece godine da leti dva puta tjedno cijelu godinu.
ReplyDeleteI'd appreciate if someone could clarify what recent FAA grant of CAT1 means in the context of Air Serbia's potential code sharing on flights to US. DoT's rejection in January was based on 'ownership and control issue'. Given that these decisions tend to have political angle as well, Will Air Serbia be re-submitting application, perhaps this time with Air Berlin cited as code share partner ( as opposed to Etihad)?
In line with this OT, one comment from June 28 mentioned that Serbia finalized ASA with Canada 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately none of the official sites confirm that info. There are no published updates to previous bilaterals. The only potentially related info was news flash about meeting last week with Serbian Deputy PM and Canadian Ambassador.
DeleteEX-YU Admin could look into this info further as it's critical for Air Serbia's plans to fly to YYZ, #2 market in North America.
2006 ASA agreement allows for code sharing and direct flights. It didn't however list JAT. I guess the recent negotiation were aimed to correct this.
DeleteExactly, that’s what I was referring to. For example, web site still lists Skyservice (now providing only corporate jet services) and it’s not updated with whatever the outcome was of new negotiations.
DeleteOn the other hand, not too many people saw this concern so I think it’s worth mentioning key points:
UAE and Canada had a bit of a dispute regarding air agreement few years ago, with EK + EY being limited to 6 weekly flights. EK wanted to fly daily but was turned down so they continue to fly only 3x week into YYZ, same as EY.
Air Serbia A6-SAA and A6-SAB planes encountered issues in some countries in Europe, which I understand helped with re-registration to YU-API. Can the same issue repeat with A6 regs on Air Serbia flights to Canada?
If A6 registered A330 with Etihad crew does fly BEG-YYZ one day (assuming it would also carry EY codeshare on this route), and with Etihad’s 49% ownership of Air Serbia, it may be viewed by some as an attempt to circumvent UAE-Canada air agreement which has been strictly enforced so far.
If there were no objections and this item has been fully agreed upon and finalized in latest negotiations, there should be no reason A6 registered A330 couldn’t be used for future Air Serbia flights to Canada.
ReplyDeleteSta kazete =D
Not a conspiracy theory kind of a person, but its a bit symptomatic how suddenly now that LJU is set to be sold the numbers are great
ReplyDeleteGreat news, my friends!
ReplyDeleteBEG in June had 451.324 passengers! A welcome increase of 29%.Operations also increased 29%.
Year to date, Belgrade has handled 1.988.564 passengers.
Forgot to include the source. Here it is:
wow, 2 mil. a whole month before last year
ReplyDeleteSarajevo airport had 74.976 +3,00%
YTD 320,438 +5,46
BH Airlines will start flights from Sarajevo to Kuwait from July 25 to October 15, 3x weekly with leased Boeing 737
Are there more details of the aircraft? Will they use it for another routes? will they start any new routes?
DeleteThey can use it for Istanbul route. How is their Belgrade route performing?
DeleteThe information is only available on the Kuwait Airport website.
DeleteThe timetable shows the flight originates in KWI, and not SJJ. As JA can barely keep their ATR7's running I doubt theyll take a B737 for 3 weekly flights.
JA's flights to Belgrade have considerably improved. In the last two months I have never seen a flight depart with less than 50% loadfactor.
DeleteOT: Montenegro signs code share agreement with Air France
Adria Airways to Warsawa and Prague.
ReplyDeleteDo you know the load factor?
tnk yu :)
State Aid ruling for the Adria AIrways case it's taking long...
ReplyDeletejust blogwalking.. nice post :D