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Vinci ups bid for Ljubljana after Fraport lowers offer |
Fraport’s takeover of a 75.5% stake in Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport is facing growing opposition after the German operator slashed its initial offer. The move has prompted French concession and construction company Vinci to up its initial bid. Fraport’s takeover of Slovenia’s busiest airport was due to take place last Friday, however, the process has been delayed. Vinci has now offered 55 euros per share, up from fifty, for the majority takeover of Slovenia’s busiest airport. “We are confident that with this revised offer we are back in the competition, which will make the sales process more transparent and effective. We also believe our offer is in the national interest”, Vinci said in a statement.
Despite arguments that the German conglomerate Fraport, which manages one of Europe’s busiest airports, Frankfurt, among others, will turn Ljubljana into a peripheral airport in its growing empire, the company is a firm favourite to take over Slovenia’s busiest airport. A signing ceremony for the purchase of a majority stake could take place tomorrow if the European Commission approves the takeover by then. According to Slovenian media, Fraport has committed itself to turning Ljubljana Airport into a major cargo hub, however, it has not outlined any plans to build a second terminal at the airport. Fraport is yet to make any official comment on its plans for Jože Pučnik Airport.
On the other hand, Vinci Chairman, Nicolas Notebaert, recently said he was confident his company can contribute to the development of Ljubljana Airport. He explained the airport would keep both its name and location if Vinci was successful in its quest to purchase a majority stake. “We are confident that we can contribute to the development of Ljubljana Airport. If we purchase it, the airport will retain its name and location and will not become French overnight”, Mr. Notebaert said. He added the company’s main acquisition model is through Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and the goal is to establish a decentralised system in which Ljubljana Airport is at the centre and not a branch of Vinci-owned airports in Paris or Lisbon. He explained one of the company’s key objectives would be to grow traffic at Slovenia’s busiest airport, and growth in traffic and investments “go hand-in-hand”.
Really think they missed the opportunity here with the Chinese. They could have tied it all up and sold Adria at the same time.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't they have problems with the European Comission if Adria was owned by the same company that runs their hub?
DeleteFriedmann Pacific is not China Southern but it is a Chinese company so they wouldn't have problems with the EC but at the same time they would be enough to attract China Southern to LJU. Look at Zagreb for example. Owned by French and now Air France will start flying two daily over there. Or look at PRN and SKP owned by Turks. Now Turkish will become something like the national airline in Macedonia. Plus Friedmann doesen't own other airport in Europe so they would genuinely be interested in investing unlike Fraport which has another 3 airports (Frankfurt, Burgas and Varna) in such close proximity to LJU.
DeleteSo when Air France starts doubles flights to an airport owned by French (Air France) or Turkish wants to become the national airline of Macedonia at an airport owned by the Turks (Skopje) that's fine. But when Arabs want to take Belgrade Airport which is a hub to an airline owned partially by Arabs then its a monstrosity. Double standards everywhere.
Delete+1 for last comment
DeleteSo Air serbia finally payed its debts to the Airport, no privileges whatsoever?
Delete1. Air France pay full fee to Zagreb airport.
Delete2. Air France does not have any privileges in ZAG!
3. It is not same owner of Zagreba airport and Air France.
1. Zagreb is not Air France's hub and home base airport thus paying full fees there.
Delete2. With 7 or 14 flights weekly in ZAG, nobody would receive any privileges anywhere, ZAG included.
3. That explains all the above mentioned.
More flights than Air France in ZAG:
Delete1. Croatia Airlines
2. Lufthansa
3. Germanwings
4. Turkish
5. Austrian
DeleteOtkud vi znate dali AF placa sve takse aerodromu ili ne ???
Znam, zato što su podaci o ZLZ transparentni i javno dostupni. Tako je to na zapadu... u Europskoj Uniji.
DeleteJust wondering about AF A319 flight, it will be landing at ZAG at 14:25. I don't know, but I am assuming AF will open another route from ZAG, staying on tarmac is expensive, and there is a plenty of time for flying!
DeleteNemojte meni pricati o EU Hrvatska je usla juce ja zivim u Austriji od 99 :)
I to bi trebalo predstavljati sto? Sine dragi ti kao pojedinac i Hrvatska kao drzava ne mozete imati znak jednakosti. I to sto si ti u Austriji od 99 niti povecava niti umanjuje obveze Republike Hrvatske spram transparentnosti kao pravnoj tekovini EU i samim time obligatornoj reguli clanice Hrvatske.
DeleteVi ako imate pare u Hrvatskoj ste bog ko i u svim bivsim republikama EX-YU. Sve mozete na Carini preneti meso i jos stvari i preko HR i preko HU . A za razliku od HR u Austriji Policija ne prima mito ;) sto bi ja prvi voleo .
Dobro, pobogu sinko kakve ovo ima veze sa transparentnošču plačanja taksi u ZL Zagreb? Ispadaš stvarno smješan, ovo nije čak ni mržnja spram Hrvatske, ovo su dječje gluposti. Čovjek bi očekivao da ti je Austrija ipak usadila neke civilizirane ususe, ali eto nije.
DeleteDovoljno je bilo samo reči: OK shvačam kako znate da AF plača redovnu cijenu na ZAG.
Niko od nas nezna dali Kompanije placaju sve na Aerodromima ;)
They have alredy agreed with the Gernans. Now they are trying to get a better price
ReplyDeleteVinci offer seems better to me
ReplyDeleteThey should have included Portoroz in this deal
ReplyDeleteTwo massive companies vying for relatively small Ljubljana. Good job LJU :) obviously worth something
ReplyDeleteSomebody asked yesterday but I'm gong to ask today. Is there a chance LJU could overtake PRN this year passenger wise?
ReplyDeleteWell, if PRN keeps this downward spiral who knows... especially if LJU numbers keep on improving.
DeleteFraport ce kupiti LJU zbog JP da ga nebi ugasila EC .
ReplyDeleteZa Gospodinu od juce hocete samnom u Banja Luku da vidite ko je moj stric ;) i koga poznaje sve.
Koliko imate godina?
DeleteHahahaha... koja karikatura!
DeleteDzaba se smejete Gospodine ja pricam istinu ;)
Pun si sebe, malo skromnosti bi bilo ok. Ili ne?
Deletema pun je on ...da ne kažem čega.
DeleteKolegin tata je nešto sitno - ma koje je to njegovo postignuće
Stric poznaje Dodika - ma koje je to njegovo postignuće, a pazi i bitne face, pa ni predsednik Srbije ili Hrvatske nisu ništa u svetskim okvirima, a Dodik je predsednik poluautonomne državice koja broji stanovika manje od Makedonije ili Vojvodine.
Kad se ovako netko hvališe tuđim uspesima to znači da se nemože da se hvaliti sa svojima, a to zapravo znači da je... (upišite sami)
Ja juce kazem da JU nece ukinuti letove za BNX od veze , vi se meni smejete.
DeleteA to je otac od mog druga a ne od mog oca a on nije nista sitno nego je Menedzer za Route ;)
A Vojvodina nije drzava nego deo Srbije !!! Dodik je veliki gospodin!
A sto morate sami da pisete dva komentara hahahah ?
O boze... ne bi li deca trebala da se igraju u pesku?
Pa gde si ti procitao da sam reko da je Vojvodina drzava. Samo sam komparirao velicine. I kao sto Vojvodina nije drzava bogami nije ni Srpska.
Sto vama smeta ako nesto komentarisem prodjite komentar.
DeleteSrpska jeste Zemlja ;) za razliku od Vojvodine .
Ha zemlja je i crljenica u Zagorju, a Zemlja je i Hercegovina, bar u pjesmama ("ponosna moja je Zemlja, Hercegovina..."). No, država nije ni Vojvodina, ni Srpska, ni Hercegovina. Ni po kojem kriteriju, niti međunarodnog prava, niti običajnog prava, niti je to politički. Kao što to nije ni Texas, Škotska, Katalonija, Korzika, Svalbard...
DeleteČudna je ta tvoja mržnja prema sugrađanima iste države u kojoj živiš, Europske unije. I to ne samo prema Hrvatskoj, nego i prema Njemačkoj, a vjerovatno i prema samoj Austiji. Ako ništa drugo trebao bi barem imati poštovanja obzirom da si stranac u mojoj državi, u Europskoj uniji. U njoj se školuješ, lječiš, koristiš sve blagodeti. Dakle ne u Srbiji, nego u Europskoj uniji. Gdje ja, Hrvat, plačam porez za tvoje školovanje.
DeleteVi placate skolovanje za decu u Austriji pogresno shvatate to placaju drzavljani Austrije. Ahahhahahahahahahaha
DeleteBas me zanima cim se bavite ?
Sto morate 2 razlicita komentara da pisete stavite svu u jedan. Vas dotiraju drzave EU. Meni nesmeta Hrvatska prosao sam kroz nju kad sam isao pre dva dana u okolinu Banja Luke :)
Zaboravio sam reci ja nisam gradjanin civilizovane EU ko vi nego sam gradjanin Srbije;)
Dragi INN, ti si prije svega osoba kojoj nije mjesto na ovom forumu jer svojim neznanjem i glupostima smetaš svim normalnim i razumnim ljudima. Ajde lijepo čitaj što drugi civilizirani ljudi pišu a pokušaj se suzdržati od doista nepotrebnih i prije svega bezveznih komentara. Veze s vezom nemaš o ničemu. Ni o avijaciji a rekao bih ni o životu.,
DeleteOT: Split in August
ReplyDelete8/2013 344492 passengers
8/2014 392071 passengers
+ 12%
Isn't that +13.8%?
DeleteI was expecting more than 400k, it seems that Ultra had a strong impact on July numbers, so August doesn't look that "strong" as it should be...
I expect around 1.75mil pax for 2014. which is around +10%
Looking forward to September and next summer season!
Good job Split!
Anyone knows why the OS flight from VIE to BEG returned to Vienna after take off?
ReplyDeleteNesto tehnicko u Cockpitu se desilo vise nzm :)
Čudna je ta tvoja mržnja prema sugrađanima iste države u kojoj živiš, Europske unije. I to ne samo prema Hrvatskoj, nego i prema Njemačkoj, a vjerovatno i prema samoj Austiji. Ako ništa drugo trebao bi barem imati poštovanja obzirom da si stranac u mojoj državi, u Europskoj uniji. U njoj se školuješ, lječiš, koristiš sve blagodeti. Dakle ne u Srbiji, nego u Europskoj uniji. Gdje ja, Hrvat, plačam porez za tvoje školovanje.
ReplyDeletepogrešno mjesto, stavio sam gdje treba, molim izbrisati ovdje... Hvala
Delete"... mojoj drzaci EU" LOL, no comment as this is still an aviation forum.
ReplyDeleteBetter check some facts like the fact tbat EU is not a country on its own. Also, education, health care etc. are individual country jurisdiction.
Yes, but I have to pay V.A.T. now even in Austria, as citisen of EU. For example whan croatian bus with croatian passengers travel via Austria into third country i pay V.A.T. in Austria for every kilometer, on price of the bus (netto price + Austrian V.A.T.). It was not like that before entering into EU. Than I did not have V.A.T. for traveling out of Croatia.
DeleteAlso I don't have right to ask for V.A.T. back on exporting goods to Croatia, like before. So, on those examples I pay taxes in Austria (and other countries).
SM upravu ste ispada da oni finansiraju EU ahahha