Adria announces fleet expansion

Adria to add “five or six jets” by 2016

The CEO of Adria Airways, Mark Anžur, has announced plans to expand the carrier’s fleet in the coming year by “five or six jets” while continuing to phase out its gas guzzling Bombardier CRJ200 aircraft. Speaking at the General Assembly of the European Regions Airline Association (ERA) in Barcelona this week, Mr. Anžur said Adria will record a 10% increase in passenger numbers this year, with additional aircraft needed in order to accommodate the growth. Adria currently operates a fleet of eleven aircraft with a pair of Airbus A319s, a single A320, six Bombardier CRJ900s and two CRJ200s. The CEO notes Adria will need higher capacity aircraft in order to keep up with expected growth trends next year.

In the short-term, Adria plans to wet lease several A320-family aircraft in 2015 while a total of five or six jets will join the fleet by 2016. Mr. Anžur says Adria is also considering leasing aircraft larger than the A320. Meanwhile, by March next year, the Slovenian carrier will phase out its two remaining CRJ200s from scheduled service. The airline will scrap one of the jets while the other will be used for charter flights. Ealier, Adria’s CEO said the carrier’s fleet will consist of sixteen CRJs and Airbuses by 2020. Adria has been a long time Bombardier customer, ordering its first aircraft from the Canadian plane manufacturer back in 1997. Adria Tehnika, which was once a subsidiary of the Slovenian carrier but is now an independent company, serves as the regional Bombardier maintenance centre.

Earlier this year, Adria purchased and then sold two new CRJ900s through a sale and leaseback arrangement. “Our Bombardier CRJ900 regional jets are providing excellent cost efficiency, network flexibility and have been very well received by our passengers”, Mr, Anžur said. As the carrier’s fleet grows so too will its network. Adria plans to hit two million passengers and see a 220 million euro turnover by 2020, supported by an expanding fleet and several new bases across Europe. Mr. Anžur is confident the airline will reach its goal within six years by reducing frequencies, increasing capacity and serving “unpopular routes”.


  1. Anonymous09:04

    Adria is the only airline in this part of Europe that has its shit together and knows what it is doing.

    1. Anonymous11:50


      Croatian Airlines has a sound financial strategy, I assure you.

      Mr Kucko is going to ensure Croatian Airlines remains unprofitable, noncompetitive, small and insignificant, so he can benefit as long as airline remains unattractive as an investment opportunity.

    2. Anonymous17:04

      In that case, we should be commending Mr Kucko for such expert execution of this strategy ... he man is without peers .... Clearly THE best CEO in ex-yu countries !

    3. Anonymous18:15

      @AnonymousOctober 3, 2014 at 5:04 PM

      Don't forget the bonus, for his hard work and efforts through the harsh times! After all we must reward the ineptitude, incompetence, corruption and embezzlement with right sorts of incentives.

  2. JU520 BEGLAX09:13

    Not really bro....

  3. Anonymous09:45

    Go Adria!!! They seem to have some sort of strategy and I really hope it works for them. They seem to have found a nice niche now that JU has stepped into the transfers market and I really hope it works for them!

  4. Malo sam tanji sa matematikom, pa me ispravite ako gresim.
    16 a/c 2 mil putnika. Sa load factorom ( cuveni ekspertski podatak sa exyu aviation blog ) od 80-tak procenata. 450 dostupnih sedista po svakom avionu svaki dan u proseku. Odrzavanje i ostale elemente kad uracunamo 500 sedista nam treba dnevno?
    Crj 90 sedista, pet ipo letova dnevno.
    Imate pet i po destinacija sa 80 putnika svaki dan za svaki avion?
    Jel da? ;)

    1. Anonymous00:57

      Daj ne kenjaj. VIdi se ti da si tanak sa matematikom a i logikom. Adria siri svoje baze i kupuje vece avione. Vrati se u skolu pa kad naucis matematiku vrati se

  5. Anonymous10:25

    "Mr. Anžur says Adria is also considering leasing aircraft larger than the A320."

    I wonder which one? A321 maybe? I doubt they will go Boeing.

    1. Anonymous18:00

      Perhaps a cargo plane larger than A320?

  6. Anonymous11:16

    No Boeing, maybe Airbus A330. Go Adria Go,Go...

    1. Anonymous13:52

      I doubt about A330. It is never mentioned that they will need (or that they even think of) widebody. It makes no sense for Adria.
      Just wrong interpretation. By higher capacity aircraft they think according to that what they have now, So more A320 like it is mentioned.

    2. Anonymous14:05

      The CEO says they are looking to add aircraft bigger than the A320. So my guess is a single A321.

  7. Anonymous11:23

    does anybody know how adria is doing in Skopje?
    Good luck adria and Slovenia!!

    1. Anonymous11:52

      average LF on LJU SKP LJU is 76,57% on CRJ900, 66 passengers per flight

    2. Anonymous12:51

      Pretty good numbers, but I thought that it would be more...

  8. Anonymous13:17

    SPU September 243,761 pax +9.6%.

  9. Anonymous17:01

    This guy is onto something .... 2m passengers flying to "unpopular" routes .... I guess we'll see them flying to Iraq and Afghanistan soon ....

  10. Anonymous17:12

    Pa ,oraju da nabave jedan A321 da sluze DLH na rutama po Poljskoj i Ukrajini ;)

    1. Anonymous17:13


    2. Anonymous23:53

      Ma naravno, u pravu si, kao i juce za LOT koji ce zbog LH bankrotirati. Imas na danasnjim vestima na Routesonline udarni clanak o lotu koji se ove godine vraca u profitabilnost, a od sledece godine raste mreza linija, ukljucujuci long-haul, prosecno 2 nove linije godisnje kroz narednih 5 godina. Toliko o tvojoj "ekspertizi" i objektivnosti. I nadam se da @ex-yu nece izbrisati ovaj komentar jer u njemu nema ni kantica ni lopatica.

    3. Anonymous00:08

      Ja nisam rekao da ce LOT bankorotirati gospodine nego se sprema napad na LOT od strane DLH ;) ja 100 puta vise volim LOT nego DLH. LOT je jedna od mojih omiljenih aviokompanija i imao sam priliku da letim u Cockpitu njihovog 788
      Jako dobar strucnjak vodi LOT a to je Gospodin Sebastian Mikosz =D
      Pa nema potrebe da brise komentar posto se niko nevredja ko juce

  11. Anonymous17:18

    Good news Adria!!! Go Go I can't wait S15! :)

  12. JU520 BEGLAX19:38

    8 CR9 2 319 and 320 or 321 for charters are more than enough. Primery goal shld be increasing yields, loadfactors and expand existing routes. Anzur positives vibes are ok but i think he s lit eggagerating. Especially if u hear JP internals.

    But it good to hear more and more good news from Slovenia. Who knows maybe JP wants to connect Adriatic Coast with some EU destinations like they did in good old Yugoslavia... for sure the future remains exciting
    GN da Zurigo

  13. Anonymous08:57

    Ako ginem, ginem junački!

  14. Nice post,, i'm very enjoyed to visit this site :D


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