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Air Serbia plans New York, Chicago and Toronto service in 2016 |
The President of the Supervisory Board of Air Serbia, Siniša Mali, has said the airline will launch flights from Belgrade to New York, Chicago and Toronto in early 2016. Speaking at a business forum earlier this week, Mr. Mali described the move as the “crowning moment” for the airline, following efforts put in over the past year and a half in its development. "It will mark the return of the national carrier to the position held by JAT in the 1970s and 1980s, when it operated flights to the United States”, Mr. Mali said. He added, “We will continue to consolidate Air Serbia's position by making investments that will allow the airline to continue on its current trajectory of further growth”.
In a recent interview to “The Australian” newspaper, Air Serbia’s CEO, Dane Kondić, expressed his hope that the carrier will launch transatlantic flights within the next twelve to fourteen months. Mr. Kondić said, “In terms of Belgrade and Serbia re-emerging in the world, it’s a natural ambition for the country to want to reconnect to many of the markets and places that they used to fly. However, Air Serbia had no aspirations to fly all over the world the way Jat Airways used to”, Mr. Kondić said. However, the CEO added that the airline will also look at other parts of the world, continuing to build Belgrade as a hub to achieve the critical mass necessary for long haul flying.
Serbia and the United States have reached an initial agreement to regulate air traffic between the two countries. The Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate and the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) made a principle agreement on all disputed provisions in order to modify their 1977 Bilateral Air Service Agreement. However, the new agreement is yet to be signed, despite initial plans to do so in December last year. During 2014, the FAA upgraded Serbia from a category two to a category one status, allowing airlines registered in Serbia to operate flights to the US. The upgrade does not grant the national carrier or any other airline from Serbia automatic rights to operate services to the United States. After revising the Bilateral Air Service Agreement, Air Serbia will have to apply for a license with the US Department of Transport in order to be given necessary permits to launch flights.
This topic was discussed here many times and I have noticed that many people were saying no longhoul flights before Spain, Helsinki, Hamburg etc. which doesnt make any sense. Of course these destinations are important but not for US and Canada flights. What Air Serbia needs to do is expanding toward east in order to feed these flights. So I think Cairo, Aman, Kiev, Ankara,Teheran are must. I believe they had plans for Syria and Iraq but now its a fu..ing mess over there.
ReplyDelete10:18,people here said Barcelona and Cairo from all those listed and they never related those flights to transatlantic. As for Kiev and Amman, Ankara there is no pax. Kiev is is deeps*it while Amman unlike Beirut has RJ which is a strong company and has monopoly on that airport. As for Cairo and Tehran I agree. Also for Baghdad but as you said with current situation no lol.
DeleteI'm more worried about these bureaucratic issues.
ReplyDeleteEvery time they move it by a year.
ReplyDeleteThese constant north American announcements are beyond pathetic and they should stop.
ReplyDeleteAnyone remotely educated knows that there is no way in Hell BEG or JU can make it happen in the next 5 years.
Delete1. The airport simply lacks the infrastructure, not only the separation of incoming and departing passengers but also there are not enough airbridges, especially those that can handle widebodies.
2. Air Serbia's network is simply too modest and they need to have at leas two daily flights to the main regional destinations.
3. Air Serbia can barely replace the B733 fleet, let alone lease an A332. Not to mention that they experience so many difficulties in leasing a freaking Atr from Etihad Regional.
So no. JU will NOT have any north America flights soon.
1. They can park them on remote stands (like you do in Zagreb, might hire some experts on that from mzlzmz). 2. There are already two daily flights to most of regional destinations, if not schedule it right and send a Boeing if there's demand. 3. If they want they'll find a way.
DeleteSo no. YOU are terribly wrong.
Erm... parking them at remote stands is definitely not an option, especially not for an airline like JU which uses airbridges even for its charter flights. So no, remote stands will NOT happen, I actually know that for a fact.
DeleteTo where exactly? You need two daily throughout the year, not just during the three, four summer months. Even Athens or Istanbul are not double daily year-round.
So sorry but you are wrong.
Where will they board the widebodies from? C7, A4a and A4b are needed for regional and lowcost jets.
DeleteYou think regional and low cost jets will have priority over transatlantic and transasian flights?
DeleteAnd why replace the Boeings? They are still perfectly operational, and are an asset, unlike the leased aircraft. They should stay and be exploited as long as possible, in line with common economic sense. They are good and reliable machines and the cabin configuration is far from being uncomfortable. My last flight on one of these was at the end of 2013 to Tel Aviv, and I found it a satisfactory journey all round. So stop hogging onto recycled stories and pretend some form of concern.
DeleteModerator can you delete Aerologic comments as he is a troll and causing a fight for no reason?
DeleteBecause B0eings won't have wifi, internet, streaming content and mobile phone service. You know what they say, because B0eing puts zero (0) in Being. I love Boeing, but they are not Douglas... sorry, Airbus.
DeleteI think all C-Gates in BEG can take a widebody aircraft, don't they?
DeleteC gates can take them but a widebody needs two airbridges which reduces the airpor's capacity a lot.
Delete@ Anonymous
DeleteMarch 6, 2015 at 1:54 PM
Sve, sve...ali kad se krene sa lupetanjima kako BEG ne može da primi širokotrupne avione...
Kada su takvi avioni u pitanju, onda se koriste udvojeni gejtovi C1 i C2, C3 i C4 i gejtovi C5 i C6. Trebalo bi da se radi segregacija putnika po redovima tako da se sa neparnih gejtova pune zadnji delovi aviona, a sa parnih prednji. Tada se parkiranje vrši na pozicije C1A, C3A i C5A.
you make no sense whatsoever.Like please read your reasons and post something that would make sense. It is not that hard to start schedule flights to USA and Canada. Belgrade airport has done it with way older and smaller facilities.
DeleteI still don't get this need to expand to the US when you still don't cover places like Tel Aviv and Beirut with daily flights.
ReplyDeleteYes because people from Tel Aviv will really transit through Belgrade to go to New York when they have 4 daily nonstop flights from their own airport.
DeleteYap also from Kiev.
DeleteWeren't people here saying how this will never happen now that Etihad had bought Alitalia,...
ReplyDeleteWell there are still good chances this will never happen...
DeleteDid u read todays post? Mali and Kondic recently confirmed it.
DeleteI read todays post. Kondic didn't confirm it - he spoke about it with lot if's, very conditionally, and as a remote possibility. Mali is politician, faithful to his boss, he has absolutely no knowledge about civil aviation, and would say just anything to collect few more political points. Enough for me !
DeleteI see what you are getting at. If there were other discrepancies regarding Air Serbia announcements between the two I would find it easier to believe your point. Other than PRN announcement that Mali made last year, I did not notice many significant discrepancies, and PRN delay was most likely political decision outside of both Mali and Kondic's scope.
DeleteIf, on the other hand, Mali promised outrageous things like 20 new planes, or flights to Australia or China or something else that Air Serbia officially never mentioned, I would take it as a hot air and trying to score cheap political points. North America flights are a common theme whether it comes from Hogan, Mali or Kondic. There's no discrepancy there, so it's unlikely they would keep pushing this item if probability for USA/Canada was very low.
Hope this happens but not so optimistic.
ReplyDeleteWell Kondic clearly states that their aim is to first achieve critical mass and I'm assuming they will do so by connecting the region; They will fly double daily or over to Ljubljana, Zagreb, Podgorica, Tivat and Skopje this summer. If they had the planes they should have taken over B&H's Sarajevo flights as well and there is still a possibility Pristina will be opened towards the end of the year.
ReplyDeleteThe region is not exYu region. They need better coverage of northern Greece, Bulgaria, parts of Turkey, Kisnjev, Pristina, dva puta dnevno Budimpestu makar leteli poluprazni. Wien airport is very close to BEG
DeleteNorthern Greece? Other than Thasaloniki what other city do you mean? Bulgarian coverage is good, east & west.
DeleteSolun svaki dan i u zimskoj sezoni. Stizanje pre let preko Atlantika. Bugarska i Burgas leti ne samo Varna. Treba jos puno i da se radi i da stigne jos aviona.
DeleteFinally some smart voices on the blog.
These flights will only be possible when they split arrivals and departures. So let's first do some progress towards that.
ReplyDeleteBut they are split.
DeleteThat is why you have police and scaners in all the gates.
When they say that departures and arrivals need to be split they dont mean a new terminal but not allowing pax that landed to have the opportunity to mix with pax who are waiting for the flight.
Those US and Canada flights have been announced before so the question is what has changed since the last announcement? or why announce them again?
ReplyDeleteNo one responded to my question, so I have to conclude: unfortunately nothing has changed since the last time.
DeletePredsjednik nadzornog odbora Air Serbie g. Mali (inače gradonačelnik Beograda i Vučićev najbliži suradnik) javno je objavio da će letovi za
ReplyDelete- Chicago
- New York
- Toronto
krenuti u prvoj polovici 2016. Iz svih najava da se isčitati da će se isto desiti početkom ljetnog reda letenja i da stići dva A330, što znači da će Air Serbia ostvariti 12-14 tjednih letova u top sezoni, i vjerovatno nešto manje izvan ljetnog reda letena, tj. da će svaka od tih destinacija imati najmanje 3 tjedna leta (logično bi bilo da JFK ima svakodnevni let, a ORD i YYZ po 3 tjedna leta).
Istovremeno CEO Air Serbije g. Kondič nije toliko "siguran" u priopčenjima, no optimistično je izjavio je da se nada da će (i da jako rade na tome) u roku od 12 do 14 mjeseci krenuti sa letovima prema Sjevernoj Americi. Čim Mali tako sigurno izjavljuje o pokretanju linija (već 3. puta). očito je da je ovo politička odluka (koja će kao takva biti i financirana od strane politike) i zato je gotovo sigurno da je isto već dogovoreno i u fazi realizacije.
Prije dva mjeseca u Beogradu je potpisan i sporazum o uspostavi linije
- Peking - Bograd
kojeg će obavljati Air China uz code-share Air Serbije i konekcije na let u regiji (dakle na svih 19 sadašnjih destinacija koje su feeding). Vrlo je realno da se ova linija realizira sa početkom ljetnog reda letenja, dakle kada i ovi letovi za Sjevernu Ameriku.
Tome treba dodati i kako Beograd ima skoro tri puta više letova prema Bliskom Istoku na čak 5 linija (Zagreb tek 3 linije*)
- Abu Dhabi (dva dnevna leta Etihada i Air Serbie)
- Doha (Qatar)*
- Dubai (flyDubai)*
- Tel Aviv (Air Serbia)
- Beirut (Air Serbia)*
a da je realno da u dogledno vrijeme krenu sa letovime Air Serbie prema Cairu
Mislim da je ovime ZLZ definitivno izgubila svaku bitku za intekontinentalne linije, a što će se manifestirati i sa feeding linijama, a samim time i sa daljim linijama prema destinacijama u Europi kojih može biti samo manje ako će biti manje feeding linija. Jedino kako bi ZLZ mogla na ovo odgovoriti je da uspije dogovoriti letove Air Canade (ili Rougea) i Uniteda uz konekcije na Croatiu Airlines, te da dovuče Hainan na liniji za Peking, ili da Hainan kupi Croatiu i pokrene letove iz Pekinga i via ZAG za New York i Toronto uz konekciju na CTN u regiji. Sve ostalo znači još veću minorizaciju Zagreba spram Beograda i to da će jedini ozbiljan hub na području bivše države biti Beograd, a Zagreb će se svesti na P2P promet i umjesto čvorišta postati lokalna zračna luka poput Skopja, Sarajeva, Graza ili Hanovera.
Zasto stalno poredis zrakomlatnu luku Zagreb i Surcin? Vi uvek mozete imati par letnjih linija samo vam treba bolja uprava koju sada mozda imate.
DeletePitanje je da li Surcin moze imati stalne godisnje veze koje niko vise u regionu nema. Cak i Rvati za to trebaju navijati. I Kairo ima svoje direktne linije sa Amerikom i Kanadom tesko ce se ko uputiti preko BEG.
Da li ce BEG razvijati linije sa Severnom Afrikom Maroko, Alzir, Tunis, Aleksandrija kada se otvori pored Kaira ili ce se ici preko Al Italie.
Zagreb can't be a hub because the catchment area is not great enough, and what population that lives near is being lost to the several airports near Zagreb. Belgrade has a catchment area of 5+ million people in Belgrade, towns around Belgrade, Vojvodina, Banat, and Central Serbia.
DeleteOther than the most Northern tip of Vojvodina, BEG is the closest major airport to all of these areas.
The best course of action for the development of civil aviation in Croatia is to completely abandon all hopes of having any hubs, but rather take all measures to increase the number of incoming tourists.
Just as an example of what must happen in Croatia, here are a list of active Bulgarian airlines catering to tourists:
-Air Via (five A320s)
-Bulgarian Air Charter (11 MD-80s)
-BH Air (3 A320, 1 A319, 1 A330, 2 767)
-During the summer also Bulgaria Air
Not all of these aircraft are active all the time, such as Bulgarian Air Charter's MD-80s. This isn't important because these aircraft are already rather worthless on the second hand market, so utilization doesn't matter much.
Considering how much potential Croatia has as a major tourist destination, it is a shame that Croatia Airlines can't seem to cater to all these tourists.
Last year they returned a A320 back to a lessor and it was immediately scrapped. Croatia Airlines should have just bought the plane and kept it for summer traffic, and either charter it out or store it during the winter.
Admin, please delete 7:00 PM comment, it's insulting and unnecessary!
Delete@PurgerMarch 6, 2015 at 1:10 PM
DeleteCome on Purger, you can sometimes talk real nonsense, this is how real world works, if you have a great idea, and you know how to sell it with a great business plan than you're in for a bright future, you can't buy pax with dumping prices and offering all sorts of nonsense that doesn't work in long run, it never does, history is our witness.
What Zagreb management is doing is smart and measured approach, attract many EU based carriers create a demand and market, in conjunction with Zagreb Tourism Board, Croatian Chamber of Commerce and Croatian Government things should slowly start to move for the better.
Croatia recorded high rate of growth in exports, industrial production, employment is on the rise and unemployment is falling first time since 2009, and GDP grew for the first time since late 2008, not forgetting FDI also showing significant increase in 2014, $1.7 billion, in year of recession these are remarkable result, Croatia is finally building a macroeconomic picture that will ensure if pursued great results in coming years, with export dominated economy and not based solely on Turisam and trinkets, Croatia must have a sold industrial base, with these exports will grow and with that investments and business opportunities, which in fact generate growth for all, including Zagreb airport.
This is how you build a stable future based on economic principles and stable macroeconomic base. What others are dong Purger is their business, you can't be critical of things if you barely understand the basics, you got to look at the bigger picture and being critical of Zagreb and OU is really false negative, there are reasons why OU and Zagreb airport are doing stuff they're doing, sure OU could do a lot better but for the first time this airline in its history is making a commercial profits, after all liberties are included airline has made a remarkable turnaround.
If you going to talk about airline business plz understand one basic economic principle, supply & demand, once you understand that principle you'll understand why and what and who,.
Of course unemployment fell, all unemployed people left... the same scenario that occurred in Romania back in 2008.
Delete*softly chuckles*
DeleteYet another deluxe outburst that I can save to my personal archive.
You mean it is impossible to artificially grow traffic like it was with Turkish in just 10 years, or with Air Baltic, Lufthansa in Munich, Etihad, Emirates, Qatar, Hainan, IndiGo…
DeleteAnd you want to say that this unreal grow of Air Serbia will not have harm to Zagreb? Even if it is based on dumping, financed by Serbia, doesn't meter. That will kill connections via ZAG and routes which were connected. Like Turkish kill so many companies including Lufthansa. And look just example of MEB3 what they did. The same shit will happened on our little region from Air Serbia, most harm will be on ZAG.
In about this nice economic results in Croatia which shows light on end of tunnel. Yes, sure, maybe someone will believe that on this blog but I live here so don't tell me those nonsense please.
@PurgerMarch 7, 2015 at 12:14 AM
DeletePurger, first of you can artificially grow everything, including the demand, question is what happens when bubble bursts?!??
What air Serbia is doing is highly ridsy strategy that at least from past experiences never works and always ends up with airline going bust, as soon as tap starts to run dry. We live in a 21st century, state airlines no longer can afford to live off subsidies and must change, Croatian Airlines, LOT and other airlines in the EU have and are learning this the hard way, they must change and must adopt to new market conditions, earn money and be commercially viable, some Air Serbia isn't as evident from latest financial reports, airline received what $90 million in subsidies in 2014 to keep it going, this simply isn't affordable for Serbia which is facing deep economic crisis with no end in sight, uncommunicative economy and low productivity.
As to Zagreb and Air Serbia harming Croatian market, I have no idea what you're talking about Purger, EasyJet has more passengers in one year out of Split alone than Air Serbia had out of entire Croatia since they've launched flights to Croatia.
How can that harm Zagreb or OU is beyond me, Air Serbia has no market share in Croatia and despite them dumping prices they have little to offer. Most Croats who travel today travel with major airlines such as Lufthansa and EasyJet, Croatian Airlines barely transported 1.82 million in 2014, out of 6.8 million passengers in Croatia, less than 27% of market share and this %g will only get smaller in 2015, 16, 17....
I am not worried about Air Serbia or fear they might take few more passengers from EasyJet or some other carrier, for most Croatian travelers have many choices, Lufthansa, Air France, Austrian, Swiss, EasyJet, RyanAir, KLM, BA, OU....
Vast majority of travelers out of Zagreb fly to western Europe, only small %g of passengers fly to eastern destinations and Turkish, Qatar and FlyDubai all contribute with far better network of destinations than air Serbia could ever hope to achieve, so I don't know how AS can be a threat to OU when OU isn't even flying to these parts.
If you're arguing that Belgrade might take spot from Zagreb as a regional hub, I really don't think you need to worry about that either, regional hub for Croats and Slovens is Frankfurt, London and Paris, so your assumptions hold no water there either.
As more carriers come to Zagreb, there'll be ever greater choice of destinations, this can only benefit Croatian travelers with lower prices for all concerned, which ultimately is what we all want.
Gospodine OU ima ozbiljnu pretnju od OS-JU i ostalih Star alliance prijatelja i sve nove Aviokompanije uzimaju putnike od CTN i sve ce uzimati vise u narednim godinama.
few grammar/misplaced typo in my reply to you above, as never look what i type, couldn't see what i type till i finished and posted my reply, but you can figure out what i am tying to say.
Deleterepost :
What air Serbia is doing is highly risky strategy at least from past experiences never worked and always ended up with airline going bust, as soon as tap started to run dry. We live in the 21st century, airlines can no longer afford to live off the state subsidies and must change.
Croatian Airlines, LOT and other airlines in the EU have and are learning this the hard way, they must change and must adopt to new market conditions, earn money and be commercially viable.
Air Serbia on the other hand from the latest financial report received what $90 million in subsidies in 2014 to keep it going, this simply isn't affordable for Serbia which is facing deep economic crisis with no end in sight.
As to Zagreb and Air Serbia harming Croatian market, I have no idea what you're talking about Purger, EasyJet has more passengers in one year out of Split alone than Air Serbia had out of entire Croatia since they've launched flights to Croatia.
How can that harm Zagreb or OU is beyond me, Air Serbia has no market share in Croatia and despite them dumping prices they have little to offer. Most Croats who travel today travel with major airlines such as Lufthansa and EasyJet, Croatian Airlines barely transported 1.82 million in 2014, out of 6.8 million passengers in Croatia, less than 27% of market share and this %g will only get smaller in 2015, 16, 17....
I am not worried about Air Serbia or fear they might take few more passengers from EasyJet or some other carrier, for most Croatian travelers have many choices, Lufthansa, Air France, Austrian, Swiss, EasyJet, RyanAir, KLM, BA, OU....
Vast majority of travelers out of Zagreb fly to western Europe, only small %g of passengers fly to eastern destinations and Turkish, Qatar and FlyDubai all contribute with far better network of destinations than air Serbia could ever hope to achieve, so I don't know how AS can be a threat to OU when OU isn't even flying to these parts.
If you're arguing that Belgrade might take spot from Zagreb as a regional hub, I really don't think you need to worry about that either, regional hub for Croats and Slovens is Frankfurt, London and Paris, so your assumptions hold no water there either.
As more carriers come to Zagreb, there'll be ever greater choice of destinations, this can only benefit Croatian travelers with lower prices for all concerned, which ultimately is what we all want.
PS, forgot to mention, but out of Zagreb only 350 000 OU travelers were Croatian passport holders, this should be telling you something, the vast majority were from Germany, the UK and Benelux.
I also don't find that these 2 flights per week in Zagreb is such a big treat. Not also in Split. But when you combine that all it is Air Serbia that stole some passengers from Croatia
Delete- few thousands in Zagreb
- few thousands in Split
- few thousands in Dubrovnik
- few thousands in Sarajevo
- few thousands in Skopje
- few thousands in Banja Luka (most of them flew from ZAG before)
- few thousands in Pula
- few thousands in Slavonia (with car to BEG instead to ZAG)
- few thousands in Boka Kotorska (lot of them flew from DBV before)
Let me just remind you about Skopje example. Last year Air Serbia in Skopje attracted 16.000 more passengers. Croatia, Adria and Austrian lost 15.000. Get a point?
And then it is not so small deal. What when there will be long-haul. They will stole even more. Less passengers will fly with Croatia via MUC, FRA, VIE, ZRH, BRU, LHR, CDG, AMS…
@PurgerMarch 7, 2015 at 11:18 AM
DeleteYou're now talking 16000 pax lost to Belgrade and Skopje, sorry but that is just silly, I'd be worried if OU lost 200 000, but when you start talking figures of 16-20 000 pax per year that is all with in tolerance and market fluctuation, actually 100 000 is with in market fluctuation.
OU to remind you in 2013 had what 1.75 million pax, in 2014 1.825 million, with same number of flights/operations. Now this is what I consider a market fluctuation, even if OU transported 2.0 million which is expected to do this year, I'd consider this market fluctuation cause OU already transported same number of passengers in 2012.
A Real growth would be 2.25 million+ anything above, for than I can say ok with so many number of flights airline had this number of pax. This would be considered a growth, but as things are any new carrier that comes to Zagreb and or Croatia and if it doesn't take more than 5% of the market isn't really denting the market, only creating more offers, to remind you OU's share of Croatian market is 27%, and mostly foreign passports flew with OU in 2012, 2013 and 2014 and same trend is seen this year, so far, Croatian passport holders representing 15% of the OU's business.
When you start to add Croatian market potential and bring it to the western standards say Austria which has very similar air transport infrastructure map and diversity, than you get the idea where Croatian air travel market can be and eventually will be, also when you add number of pax per aircraft example Austrian has and implement on OU, you get the real market potential, right now OU is small fish, with 2 million pax barely has any impact on Croatian market let alone EU market, same goes for all the regional carriers, OU should be carrying 3+ million to be even halfway of what Western Carriers carry per plane, (i am referring to utilization of each aircraft and productivity).
So Air Serbia in my mind is a small fish in a big ocean, if they ever get a go ahead for intercontinental flights, this is big if, than sure they might have something to offer to someone who lives in Osijek, but Zagreb, Split and Dubrovnik are really well connected with western Europe for them to really matter if AS has intercontinental flights. KLM, Air France, Austrian, Lufthansa, BA, Swiss, SAS, Iberia all of whom have far better and larger network of destinations and offer better service, and are cheaper too.
I think you're panicking too much Purrger, the only way to develop a market conditions in Croatia is to bring in more carriers and create a demand, this demand can be created only if Zagreb and Croatia start to produce something relevant and are competitive enough to attract significant FDI, which Croatia is doing now, Croatia attracts more FDI than entire ex-YU combined, but should be attracting twice as much and largely in to Greenfield, Brownfield and manufacturing sectors.
With investments you'll see increase in business travel and thus more pax for Zagreb, OU must change and allow for business class on its planes, all A319s should provide for at least 8 businesses class seats from next year on, as economy recovers more and more business travelers will come to Zagreb and Croatia in general, OU must offer better choice of seats and packages. Average Business travelers will spend twice as much per seat, this is where OU should be looking to make more money, potential they've failed to utilize so far.
Anyways, you get the idea where I am coming from.
Dude... what Purger wanted to say is that JU is slowly pushing OU out of different markets and the most notable one is SKP which is performing catastrophically.
DeleteAs for JU in ZAG, the flights are doing fine. This February the average loadfactor was 59.8% which is fantastic given the poor night traffic.
@AnonymousMarch 8, 2015 at 8:55 AM
DeleteI know what he is saying, but i have replied that loosing few k in ex-Yu is totally irrelavant considering Airlines (OU's) core passangers are from the EU, not ex-YU, i'e only small portion of overall number are ex-yu travelers, less than 250 000, most are EU nationals, some 1.25 million in 2014, and around 1.4 million are expected this year.
You go where the money is, not where you think money might be, WizzAir is already doing that in Skpj, SJJ.... no point competing with LCCs that get massive subsidies, just concentrate on core business, especially now that Recession is on.
Kada Er Srbija bude u stanju da makar jednom dnevno napuni avion veličine A330-200 za Abu Dabi, tada ću verovati da letovi za SAD i Kanadu mogu imati neku realnu prespektivu i održivost na duži rok.
ReplyDeleteOdakle ti takva ideja Beograd je punio DC10 sa i bez Zagreba, Abu Dabi su drugi ljudi. Bez letova u okruzenju ima sada vece sanse.
DeleteSlažem se da je punio DC-10, ali pre 25-30 godina na jednom potpuno drugačijem tržištu. A da li bi punio danas? Uporedite prisustvo Austrian-a, Swiss-a, Lufthansa-e i naravno Turkish-a na Balkanu danas i pre 25-30 godina. I kako očekivati uspeh kada su se na letovima ka Americi opekle i veće kompanije iz mnogo većih zemalja poput CSA. Maleva, Taroma, Olimpika?
DeleteOsim Turkisa koji nije prakticno postojao svi ostali su bili tu. I bas Turkis daje pravac kako treba postupati. Procitaj na Wiki o njima.
DeleteUpitaj se da li je ijedna od pomenutih kompanija razvijala saobracaj putnika preko svog aerodroma? Pitanje je da li to i ASL dovoljno radi iako ima centralni polozaj?
Koliko puta dnevno je Austrian leteo za npr.Sofiju 1990, a koliko puta dnevno leti danas :-)? Koliko puta dnevno su Adrija i Kroacija Erlajns 1990. leteli za Minhen, Frankfurt, Cirih i Beč? Koliko puta za Prištinu, Sarajevo, Skoplje? Suština je da se mnogo toga promenilo u odnosu na period od pre 25 godina, putnici imaju više alternativa i pitanje je da li Er Srbija ima to "nešto" što bi privuklo dovoljno putnika da bi letovi ka Severnoj Americi mogli da opstanu na duži periodi i bili isplativi, što je valjda i cilj?
DeleteOlimpik je imao mnogo drugih problema osim letova za Ameriku, donekle slicno sa Malevom. CSA, Tarom i Malev nisu imali dovoljno razvijenu mrezu regionalnih letova.
DeleteEr Srbija sigurno ima "nesto" sto bi privuklo te putnike ali nije blesava da ovde otvara karte pred svima. Recimo ako planira da pola kabine hermeticki odvoji i u tom delu dozvoli pusenje, to bi bilo jako popularno za Ex Yu putnike, ali jos nece javno da kazu o takvim iznenadjenjima!
DeleteKoliko si ti puta tada dnevno piskio u pelene pa ti ja ne kazem da ne mozes da radis neki posao? JAT je leteo za Ameriku i Australiju kada je bilo daleko manje putnika i opet ce ASL sada kada se dobija desetogodisnja viza za SAD i kada vise ljudi iz regiona zivi tamo. Letece i iz Zagreba iako im je Bec blizi celih 20 km.
SKP&OHD 80.897 +23%
(Jan-Feb 171.480 +32%)
Info taken from a member from build.mk
#flights 924 +13%
No "Happy Friday" today?
ReplyDeleteBecause there is a big promotion on March 8 (Sunday) - international women's day
DeleteIn all this story important to consider is that the CEO’s of all major airlines in the US are lobbying hard against the further expansion of the MEB3 . Yesterday they had a big press conference about this and couple of months ago they had a private meeting with high ranking DOT officials. All union leaders are involved and we all know how influential they are. So the fact that the agreement hasn’t been signed yet is I think very much connected to the outcome of this story. They might be able to get the feed and planes and everything else they need but they Etihad (and not Air Serbia) manages to the clear regulatory hurdles not much will happened. And the outcome of this, in today’s protectionism ridden US is bleak.
ReplyDeleteI zaustavice letove Alitalije i Er Berlina? Kada nasi drzavni organi ispune sve sto treba dobice se dozvola i pored Deltinog glavnog i slicnih glavojnja. U SAD ako si na drzavnim parama ne smes da letis sa neamerickom kompanijom osim ako nije jedina linija, ali svi moraju dobiti dozvole ako ispunjavaju uslove.
DeleteNe mislim da ce se ista promjeniti u vezi vec postojecih linija. Medjutim gdje ce biti zanimljivo je bilo kakvo sirenje od strane i jedne kompanije koa ima ikakve veze sa MEB3. Glavni argument koji oni imaju je da GDP raste 3% a capacity 11-12% zahvaljujuci MEB3 koji primaju subvencije, beskamatne kredite itd.
Delete^^^ Kada nasi drzavni organi ispune sve sto treba dobice se dozvola
DeleteSta to jos treba da ispune?
Da zatraze liniju sa kompanijom koja ima odgovarajuce avione i koja je iz Srbije?
DeleteLupas, kakva kompanija iz Srbije koja ima odgovarajuce avione? To nije uslov, JAT je svojevremeno dobio dozvolu i hteo da lizuje 767 ali nije uspeo zbog finansijskog stanja.
DeleteNe verujes u INN ove izjave, a verujes u te JAT price o 767? Cccc....
DeleteМожебит има неки тајни услов типа ухићење амбасадорских пиромана или да се одрекну Трепће или тако то. Само да није да се Тома накачи на твитер, то неће да може!
DeleteMožebiti has a secret type of condition arrest ambassadorial arsonist or to renounce Blinking or whatever. Only it's not that Tom hooked on Twitter, it will not be !
DeleteAli ovaj cirilicni hrvatski je za LoL i Rofl
DeleteDrago mi je da ima ovoliko strucnjaka ovde sto rade za najvece Aviokompanije na Svetu i savetuju Gospodina Kondica sta treba prvo da uradi da bi mogao da leti za USA-CAN da bi se isplatilo.
ReplyDeleteI na vasu zalost doce A332 do kraja Godine i sta cete onda izmisliti .
Puni ste mrznje prema jednoj Aviokompaniji koja vam nista lose nije uradila.
Ja sam ovde od jednog strucnjaka procitao da stize A330 u martu ili aprilu da leti za PEK i PVG tako da gresite gospodine.
DeleteJa nisam strucnjak tako sam saznao iz svojih izvora ali je doslo do kasnjenja zbog Americke dozvole.
DeleteI ja ga nisam savetovao koje linije treba da uvede da bi mogao da leti za PVG-PEK.
Znaci izvori sad kazu da ce biti do kraja godine? Znaci kasnjenje zbog americke Dozvole je sad reseno i Dozvola je dobijena, da li to kazu izvori? Danke!
DeleteDa trebao bi doci do kraja godine.
DeleteA i ja mislim shvatili smo da mrzite ASL zbog ne znam cega.
Jok bre ja volem Er Srbiju odakle ti ta ideja?
DeleteNego treba mi tvoja pomoc oko ovoga: 1978 u Jat boingu 707 na letu za Australiju porodila se zena koja je zbog Jata sinu dala ime Jatko. Jatko Todev i dalje zivi u Australiji, ali mene sad zanima kad krenu letovi Air Serbie preko okeana i ako se ponovo desi porodjaj u avionu, kakvo bi ime ti predlozio za dete, a da podseca na Er Srbiju?
INN-NS Nobody hates ASL, the issue is that nobody here likes how you post info which is not true. You could say "there is a chance that"or "maybe" or point out " this is my wish", but instead you claim its 100% true and that we are all fools for not listening to you. You have to change your attitude.
DeleteINN-NS Fail
DeleteNjuz even better than Onion.
DeleteEasy... they would name him Srpko.
DeleteAnd if it's a girl?
DeleteAko sam dobro povezao tvoju Innsbruck formulu, A330 nije počeo ovog meseca da leti za Kinu jer je došlo do problema sa američkom dozvolom? To si rekao? Čini mi se da jesi.
DeleteNije doslo do problema nego jednostavno nesto kasni i sigurno zbog toga kasne letovi a sad su glasine da treba doci predkraj godine.
^ I couldn't decipher your Innsbruck formula. How did you do it anonymous 8:00?
DeleteHe decoded it himself:
Delete- something is SIMPLY late
- this 'simply something' MUST BE the reason there are still no A330 or their longhaul flights
- new RUMOURS are, it will happen in late 2015
So, we have something that simply must be - and it is backed up by new rumours. This is how the Inssbruck Formula works.
Air Serbia has officially introduced the A319 to Sofia, it's loaded into the system as three times per week.
ReplyDeleteThis is just the beginning of some exciting news.
yeeeeee that's more like it