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Air Serbia becomes the busiest airline in EX-YU |
Air Serbia has become the busiest airline in the former Yugoslavia in 2014, recording a net profit of 2.7 million euros and handling 2.3 million passengers, the carrier’s audited financial results show. The numbers represent the strongest results ever posted by Serbia’s national airline following on from a 73 million euro loss in 2013. Its revenue rose 87% to 262 million euros, while passenger numbers soared 68% compared to the year before. The carrier’s average cabin load factor increased three points, from 64% in 2013 to 67% last year. The growth in loads came despite a 74% increase in capacity. Aviolet, Air Serbia’s dedicated charter brand, carried over 90.000 passengers. Air Serbia Cargo also performed significantly better in 2014, carrying 2.700 tonnes of freight, up 67% on the year before.
Year | PAX (million) | Change (%) |
2014 | 2.3 | ▲ 68 |
2013 | 1.4 | ▲ 8 |
2012 | 1.3 | ▲ 8 |
2011 | 1.2 | ▲ 14 |
Commenting on the performance, Air Serbia’s CEO, Dane Kondić said, “These results are a great achievement validating the effectiveness of our strategy. We are proud to have been able to deliver on our mandate which was to achieve strong growth, to become the region’s leading carrier and, most importantly, to do so as a commercially viable and profitable enterprise, while becoming a key driver of economic growth in Serbia”. He added, “The profit we have delivered in 2014 is, above all, a great sign for the future, as it lays a solid foundation going forward and is proof positive, of what can be achieved when the right strategies and governance structures are put in place”.
Airline | PAX (million) | Change (%) |
Air Serbia | 2.3 | ▲ 68 |
Croatia Airlines | 1.8 | ▲ 2 |
Adria Airways | 1.1 | ▲ 8 |
Montenegro Airlines | 557.000 | ▼ 5 |
B&H Airlines | 35.600 | ▲ 17 |
In 2014 Air Serbia’s on-time performance at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport stood at 78%, an increase of 4% compared to the year before. Over the past twelve months, Air Serbia has employed some 400 new staff members and now has a 1.900-strong work-force. The airline’s maintenance department employed 44 engineers and a number of new pilots were hired in the first half of 2014, including three of the carrier's first female captains. The airline's largest ever global drive for pilots was launched last September, which resulted in the recruitment of over forty new pilots by the end of the year.
The CEO of Air Serbia’s part-owner, Etihad, James Hogan, said, “We are delighted with the progress Air Serbia has made in delivering on its performance objectives in the very competitive European market. Its continued success amidst these challenges will depend not only on continued investment in its workforce and in innovative products and services, but also on the ongoing and strict financial discipline and focus on cost which have marked its first year of operation”. Air Serbia is yet to release its financial report to the general public, which has been audited by KPMG.
Good job JU... regardless of anything people say on here it was a huge transformation.
ReplyDeleteI am more than confident that the airline will pass the 2.5 million mark this year though I doubt it will go over 3 million.
I like when people begin their comment with; regardless. In other words, I don't care what anyone else writes, my comment stands. What are you worried about? People here will make all sorts of comments 'regardless' of what you say.
Deletekeep it real buddy. ;-)
3 mil pax is granted. that would be increase of 30% more or less. that is nothing comparing to 68% that they had last year.
ReplyDeleteYes but 68% growth is not sustainable in the long run, my guess is that with the planned announcements it should be between 30% and 35%. So who knows, if everything goes according to plan we might even see 3.1.
DeleteIt is easier to jump in higher percentages when the base is low. Once it is bigger, you really cannot repeat it that easily. Unless you heavily increase capacity (pending demand is there to fill it).
DeleteOf course, that's why it will decrease this year but still maintaining decent growth.
DeleteMore frequencies are to be announced in the next couple of weeks.
PS: It is not female captains but FO.
ReplyDeleteGreat job operationally, let's try and ignore the financials for a couple of years.
ReplyDeleteI hope the bots don't reach this blog in significant numbers. 'Digital armies' seem to be the latest craze on the Balkans. The b92 comments sections was massacred yesterday.
I m afraid that is same story such as their Daddy Etihad..the best profit,the best service,the best cabin crew......Funky G...only in my dreams...ccccc
ReplyDeleteHe he... you are funny. :)
DeleteGreat picture with all these planes at BEG
ReplyDeleteAir Serbia should lease one more A320 this summer.
ReplyDeleteHow can company with
ReplyDeletejust 67% LF
yield so low because of dumping, extra low prices of ticket and on top of that 3 days actions per week
be profitable?
Of course by „creative“ accounting.
Direct subventions of Serbia to Air Serbia in 2014 was 14 million EUR
Debt to airport is 15,7 million EUR what was written off.
So that makes 30 million EUR. And still just 2,7 million net profit? So, basically that is real 27 million debt.
Can anybody tell me where they put this Belgrade airport debt written off. In income side? Irregular income side? Selling? And those subventions?
There is nothing creative in the accounting. When your liabilities are written off (as part of the international agreement your government signed), your total expenses go down and it positively affects your balance sheet. Namely, you may turn profitable if written off numbers are good enough. You don't need any accounting manipulations.
DeleteIs it so hard to accept one such simple thing: government of Serbia supports ASL through cash and non-cash incentives in accordance with the agreement signed with Etihad. This will go on until 31 December 2016 and up until then there is really zero point in discussing the company's profitability, liabilities, revenues etc. They were brought back from the dead less than 18 months ago for god's sake. What kind of 'clean profitability' you expect from an AIRLINE over such a short period?
That is the only true! In 2015 gouvernmben will support ASL with 25 million EUR. In 2016 again with 25 million. Till than company is not profitable. The end of descussion!
DeleteAnd yes your are also absolutly right. They were brought back from the dead. For several hundred million EUR from Serbia (old debts, subventions, airport taxes, compensations)
I would rather have my taxes go to fund Air Serbia than Jat Airways or Wizz Air as is the case in SKP.
DeleteAre you serious? Comparing 10 million over 6 years on new routes vs x00 million in one year for an outdated business model?
DeleteAnon 10:16
DeleteThere is something you keep forgetting and I am not sure whether it is due to hatred or political mission. Either way:
1. It is perfectly normal that we cannot discuss profitability during the period of investments and incentives. The goal is to make ASL profitable AFTER the investments and incentives expire (20 months from now).
2. Had the government decided to leave Jat to its doom and let it die, it would STILL cost Serbia hundreds of millions because Jat's debts would not disappear and someone would have to pay them - guess who? On top of that, there would be lost jobs, overnight 45% drop of passengers at BEG (instead of the new MILLION brought by ASL) and many indirect consequences.
Serbia decided to invest in the long-term salvation of its airline. If you think Jat could have been turned around without huge money behind it, if you think Etihad was supposed to pay someone else's debts and then just pump in another billion because they come from a rich place, if you really think such stuff... then... well, what can I say...
"It is perfectly normal that we cannot discuss profitability during the period of investments and incentives."
DeleteAnd yet, they are profitable?
They are profitable thanks to support they receive - and this fully legitimate if there is a coherent plan behind that support and not just plain annual coverage of losses. I would like some of so many 'experts' who comment here to describe how else - except with some help - a small carrier burning tens of millions every year can be turned around and set on a profitable course.
DeleteOriginal poster, you made some fundamental errors. It looks like you failed job interview at KPMG, company that audited Air Serbia. Better luck next time!
Delete@AnonymousMarch 3, 2015 at 3:36 PM
DeleteNo it does not, KMPG has nothing to do with AS, its an internal audit that was just released by AS, no external auditors or audits were ever made or given by AS.
If this audit was done by an external auditor they've get the heart attack from looking at AS numbers for no company can operate like that in a civilized world.
What are you talking about. It clearly says that KPMG audited results. Are you saying that they are lying? KPMG would be all over it to deny such claims.
Delete@ SM
DeleteRemember that one of the first symptoms of blind hatred is... well... blindness :)
DeleteIt would be really nice to see what was the profit from operation. .. this would for sure indicate their success
ReplyDeleteKoliko god pisali o Er Srbiji, kako god pisali, najbitnije stoji. A to je da Er Srbija ide uzlaznom linijom i multiplicira prevoz putnika, kargo-a... Kondic team & staff uspesno plove prema ozbiljnom profit, opstem rastu...
ReplyDeleteUskoro ce i Vaskrs i vreme da plovim Er Srbijom prema mojem domu u Domovini ispod Juznog Krsta i Sidnejskoj metropoli po njim. Dabi se uspesno napredovalo jedini pravi put je UZLAZNI. Potezak ali ostvarvljiv. Kako ''svi putevi vode u Rim'', tako jedan jedini vodi prema Gospodu Bogu. U tom kontekstu puteva ima vise, ali samo uporan, pametan rad, voidi
prema radosnom ljudskom bitisanju. Er Srbija sada je uz svoje partnere na putu vaskrsenja putnicke avijacije Srbije. Iz Dejvis Kup, grada Kraljeva, mnogo srece svima. Iz kuce QANTASVILLE II. Rodney & Son.
Air Serbia 2,3 million passengers
ReplyDeleteCroatia 1,8 million passengers
+ 28% for Air Serbia
Air Serbia 1.900 workers (just basic maintenance including)
Croatia 904 workers (full maintenance including)
+ 119% for Air Serbia (+ Jat Technics for maintenance)
Air Serbia 19 planes
Croatia 12 planes
+ 59% for Air Serbia
So 28% more passengers with 119% more workers and 59% more planes, with lower LF for 2% points…
…and still profitable?
Hmm yes but you also have to consider the number of seats offered, number of destinations and weekly frequencies. Furthermore, don't forget that JU also controls several airport services which also count as its own staff.
DeleteAlso, you forgot to mention the cargo transported. On purpose?
Your math makes sense.
DeleteVeličina flote:
DeleteCroatia 12
A.Serbia 19
Air Serbia 59% veća
Broj sjedala u avionima
Croatia 1.380
A.Serbia 2.240
Air Serbia 63% veća
Broj putnika u 2014
Croatia 1,8 milijuna
A.Serbia 2,3 milijuna
Air Serbia 28% veća
Broj tjednih redovnih letova ljeti
Croatia 267
A.Serbia 393
Air Serbia 47% veća
So 119% more employee (and still using Jat Tehika machanics), 59% more planes, 63% more seats for just 23% more passengers? I agree something is wrong here.
Hmm it's actually not bad given the fact that we are looking at first year statistics.
DeleteAnyone remotely educated knows that you need to wait for about 3 to 5 years before being in a position to evaluate if a company is successful or not.
1st year: transition from Jat Airways to Air Serbia.
2nd year: consolidation of operations
3rd year: growth and stability
And so on and on...
Anyway, there is no point to compare JU and OU .
Of course not. OU is not a role model of good working but still number of employees is much smaller. Other normal companies have much less employee per passengers transported and planes in fleet. I just want to mention that it is very strange number of employees especially that company is profitable with so many employees.
DeleteHow many employees did Jat have?
DeleteWages and other costs in Serbia are much lower, that is why no one will take over OU ;)
DeleteWell, the guy considered Jat tehnika as ASL employees, that pretty much sums it up...
DeleteASL's 1900 staff include AScatering and ASGS. The fact ASL uses the services of Jat tehnika has nothing to do with the number of staff. Jat tehnika is a separate entity with its own employees and it invoices its services to ASL.
This crazy need to prove that ASL is a sinking ship makes less sense every day. Though it is still useful because it fully discredits certain 'industry experts' who regularly visit the blog.
For the past year and a half I have witnessed repeated failed attempts to discredit Air Serbia using similar comments. From "JAT can not be turned around" to "Air Serbia will never be profitable", it is now clear this effort to discredit ASL is a complete failure. It does not even warrant intelligent response any more.
DeleteThose who beyond this point continue to believe in Air Serbia failure should be categorized in the same group as UFO believers or Jim Jones disciples. Enjoy your stay at the looney bin!
To further expand on Anon 3:50's message, I have compiled a brief list of reasons why Etihad bought JU, according to a few experts from this very site:
Delete-EY wants control of JU's LHR slots
-EY wants access to Serbia's advanced armaments industry
-EY wants cheap agricultural land
-The Sheikh wants to get rich at the expense of the Serbian tax payer
-Arab men seek Serbian virgins to be their brides
Za Purgera zadatak: Koliko je AS imala aviona u 2014. godini? Na žalost nije 19 već se računa i kad su isporučeni (avioni su dolazili tokom godine, neki su rebrendovani, a skoro svima je promenjena konfiguracija i oprema pa su po najmanje 1 mesec stajali). Prosečan broj sedišta po istoj logici nije dobro odredjen. Umesto broja putnika bolje je računati broj putnika kliometara jer nije isto leteti Split-Zagreb ili Beograd-Dubai. Sve što ste napisali samo pokazuje malu zavist a to nije dobro, Na karju krajeva, ako ne računamo otpisani JAT, država u AS će upumpati manje nego što je Hrvatska platila samo za jedan avion A320 u floti CRO.
Delete^ some of them are true, laugh all you want
Delete@Aleksandar Stojanovic 8:22 PM
DeleteLOL, hvala!!! I remember reading some of those comments, priceless!
AirCEO and Aleksandar,
DeleteI completely agree with you that some of those comments are funny and out of hand but at the same time the land thing is true ( of course completely unrelated to aviation, ASL, and Etihad)!!!!I have said a number of times that it was not a wise business decision to sell agricultural land and now you are making fun of my perception on something.
I didn't say that Jat Tehnika is in number of Air Serbia emloyee. A contrair, Air Serbia use Jat Tehnika so they have just basic maintenace, but in 900 emloyee is full maintenance staff. As you can not understand normal conversation let me make it simple:
DeleteAir Serbia without maintenance staff =1.900 workers
Croatia with full maintenance staff = 900 workers
This is an aviation blog. Leave agricultural land, still mills, computer chips, Chinese bridges, Belgrade waterfront, fast railroads, Ikea and other topics for other blogs.
Deleteaviation is impacted by economy and economy is impacted by agriculture, bridges, chip companies, etc. So focus on aviation for sure, but once in a while some topic can be raised.
DeleteNew York, Chicago and Toronto from the start of 2016.
Holly mother INN-NS will disintegrate now... impossible, Mali must be wrong, A330s on the way... flights just around the corner... HE IS WRONG!!! How can this beeee?????? :-)
DeleteThe way INN was talking, I was expecting a much higher LF performance too.
DeletePostovani Gospodine ja nisam pricao o letovima za JFK-ORD-YYZ a vama ako je to blizu PVG-PEK ja nisam kriv.Zato je Mali upravu
DeleteA330 bi trebao da dodje do kraja Godine i krene sa letovima za Kinu.
What ASL need to do is:
ReplyDelete1. create better night wave which will fill the morning wave from BEG and evening wave to BEG. This will increase LF as we are now that those flight are empty ones. For this ASL doesn't need new planes. They need to have night flights for Sofia,Bucharest ,Tirana also as they have (or they will have ) to Thesaloniki, Athens ,Skopje. It would be great if they have night flights to Sarajevo and Podgorica but those airports doesn't work during night. Also they could put some new destination like Cairo. As we also see they all ready put Tel Aviv to this wave, add Tirana . I will not be supprised if they add second flight to Sofia and Bucharest now when their loads to this cities are much better.
2. Add new destination which can be operate by ATR such as Rijeka,Maribor,Bratislava,Krakov,Brno,Graz or on other side new destination in Rumunia , Bulgaria etc. With ATR they could have lower LF but it will increase pax numbers on other destination. Unfortunately for this they need more AtR or they could be operate by their partners.
3. Adding more frequency to existing destination such as Berlin, Stuttgart. They need more Airbus or they could utilize more B737.
and finale phase
4. Adding more destination such as Hamburg,Lyon, Barcelona, Madrid,Dublin..
This what they need to do before starting flights to NorthAmerica and what we could expect during this year.
I wonder how many pax does other European airlines had before they started flying long haul. 2.3 millions is not enough... Not even if it reaches 2.8 by the end of this year...
DeleteFirst you establish a good load factor and get more pax, and then you start flying to America. Not vice versa.
Also this was mentioned by a politician, thus less responsibility.
Bulgaria's BH Air does not have 2.3 M pax, ditto for SkyGreece. They all want to try even if only seasonal.
DeleteRijeka,Maribor,Bratislava, Krakov, Brno,Graz these airports are dead except Krakov. They have Pula no need for Rijeka. 3 airports on Croatian seaside is enough.
ReplyDelete1. No, night waves are despized in Europe, especially unattractive to business travellers. People avoid them like a plague. Long-overnight flights or long-haul services are a different thing, but getting up at 2AM for a 1 hour connection - will never work.
ReplyDelete2. ATR fleet cannot handle more flights. Its ageing and reliability reflects its age - just look at BEG.aero and see how many changes occur... new(er) aircraft are necessary for greater utilization - which I agree with you is a must.
3. Boeing flying affects the product consistency. While I sypmathize that ownership costs outweigh additional Airbus leases, they need to stick to what they promote - and that is the Airbus.
4. Get the house in order first regionally, this is something for the future, with a larger fleet.
BEG announced outstanding financial results for 2014. Hm.
ReplyDeleteThey need more aircrafts, do anyone know if something points at that direction?
ReplyDeleteWhat a demagogy ....I cant believe it!!!
ReplyDeleteHow they are profitable when:
Subventions of Serbia to Air Serbia in 2014 was 14 million EUR
Debt to airport is 15,7 million EUR what was written off.
So that makes 30 million EUR. And still just 2,7 million net profit? So, basically that is real 27 million debt.
Plus approx. 40 million debt to NIS we are coming to 67 million loss
Yes the airport debt is written off + subventions + NIS
Silly report from JU...very silly and false :)
Can you provide a source to back your claims because without them this is just slander and vicious wishful thinking.
Delete67 million does not sound big enough, keep inventing it until you reach at least 400 million!
DeleteHello Anonymous March 3, 2015 at 11:51 AM,
DeleteI agree with you pretty much. It's all about the demagogy of course. Serbia has no any national airline any more. What is not your 49%, you can not say it belongs to you, or what is worse, represent you.
@AnonymousMarch 3, 2015 at 11:51 AM
DeleteHow dare you question the validity of Mr Kondic and AS's financial reports! It is really offensive to read your post, totally disappointed with your questioning.
This is how things are done in UAE, and its fine time Serbia joined the club, paying taxes, fuel and landing and handling charges is so last year, this year and from now on until further notice.
You don't like it, don't pay your tax or even better move out of the country!
Reality check: Delta Airlines not happy with proposal to lose fuel tax break:
Delete"Representatives for Atlanta-based Delta Airlines say it’s a tax increase that could hurt the airport’s competitiveness."
Source: http://fuelfix.com/blog/2015/03/01/lawmakers-may-end-tax-break-on-jet-fuel-to-deltas-dismay/
OT: Zagreb Airport
ReplyDelete2014: 128.410
2015: 141.833
cute growth
DeleteWould be interesting to see how much OU's share dropped.
Deleteljudi, propade BEG zbog oprosta duga Er Srbiji:
jel ovih 15 miliona EUR otpisano po nalogu vlasti ili se još uvijek vode kao napodmirena dugovanja pa ulaze u profit?
DeleteOtpisano. Saučestvujem u tvom bolu zbog toga što je aerodrom imao dobru godinu.
DeleteSrpska nacionalna aviokompanija i glavni Srpski aerodrom su, sto se tice profita, imali najbolju godinu do sada, i najbolju u ex-YU, od svog osnivanja. Dezurni duzebriznici nek se sad osvrnu na svoje "zracne luke" i uporede takve cifre, pa da podvucemo crtu na finasijsku godinu.
DeleteWhy your goverment give money to ETIHAD? It's ridiculous..
ReplyDeleteThe government does not give anything to Etihad. The government gives money to a joint venture company in which it owns a 51% share. Any further questions?
DeleteProfit po karti 1.17 eur . Ubili su posao!
ReplyDeleteKoliko bi ti hteo da imaju ovako stisnuti između LH i TK? 50 evra po karti?
DeletePa da stave sesir na pod aviona dace im putnici po euro da uduplaju dobit
DeleteDa li je tako OU postala profitabilna?
DeleteSad se kao trebamo nasmjati? Ja jednako volim avione kao i ti, i drago mi je zbog AS kao price, jednako kao i OU . E sad, nervira me kada se pocnu izvlaciti racuni dobiti i gubitka iz price koja je napravljena iz svih drugih razloga osim profita. 10 airbusa kosta brat bratu 100 miliona jake strane valute, ovim tempom su taj novac bacili niz rijeku. O tome govorim
DeleteTaman je krenula dobra šega ovde kad me ti sa ovim bacanjem niz rijeku podseti na prerano otišlog Kemala Montena, pa sam skoro zasuzio.
DeleteNiz rijeku je otislo nesto iz neke druge pjesme, neke druge grupe. Cuvaj suze
DeletePlacu Indexi za Kemom!
DeleteI have a technical question, if someone could help me - how is average Load Factor calculated?
ReplyDeleteIs it the average of all LFs, or is it the number of all occupied seats/number of offered seats? To me it seems it can make a huge difference: e.g. two flights with ATR72 and A320
(30/66)&(134/155) = LF 45% & LF 86% = av.LF 66%
(30/66)+(134/155) = 164/221 = av.LF 74%
(66/66)&(42/155) = LF 100% & LF 27% = av.LF 64%
(66/66)+(42/155) = 108/221 = av.LF 46%
Thank you.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI believe it should be this:
RASKM = revenue air seat kilometers, it is one seat sold for one kilometer
AASKM= available air seat kilometers, it is one seat offered for sale for one kilometer.
Does anyone have any idea how to estimate JU's ANNUAL bill at BEG. Some of the comments above and yesterday are mentioning 15M figure. That's 6% of their total revenue. It can't be that high just for one airport especially considering that they are doing their own ground handling.
ReplyDeleteAnother question is what is actually written off? ASL is supposed to enjoy a 50% discount at BEG so if the airport writes off that discounted payment it would mean ASL's full commercial (non-discounted) liability towards BEG would take 12% of its total revenue.
Delete@AnonymousMarch 3, 2015 at 3:26 PM
DeleteMaths who needs it, a good PR department is far more important ;)
I am slightly confused, so if someone could elaborate it would be great...
ReplyDeleteCapacity got increased 74% and pax number went up 68% and at the same time LF went up 3 percentage points? It makes no sense...
If you increase capacity and your pax number does not match the capacity increase the LF should go down, ot at least that is what I thought it should.
Thanks for clarification
@AnonymousMarch 3, 2015 at 3:42 PM
DeleteU need to adjust for quantum field theory, otherwise you get really confused ;)
Svaka cast Gospodinu Kondicu i svim zaposlenima na ovako dobrom uspehu .
ReplyDeleteJa mislim da bi trebalo da lete i BEG-YYZ-YUL-BEG ako u YUL ima dosta ljudi iz bivse YU ko u YYZ.
Pa ima mnogo exyu-ovaca i u LAX-u pa nikom nista. Nije to tako jednostavno da tek tako letis na nekoliko interkontinentalnih aerodroma...
DeleteMislio sam sa stop overom u YUL meni je jako zao sto ce dobiti A332 nazalost.
INN smorio si i nas kojima si u pocetku bio zanimljiv
Delete@AnonymousMarch 3, 2015 at 4:16 PM
Deletei nama je jako zao sto moramo da citamo tvoje gluposti po 100 put...
Niko vas ne tera da citate to sto ja napisem zaobidjite jednostavno
Naravno, zaobilazim vrlo cesto... skapirali smo da ti se A332 ne svidja i da si zbog toga nesretan. Ajd sad malo nesto drugo... ponavljas se ko dementni deda a ne tinejdzer.
DeletePa bolje da pisem o tome nego da fantaziram kako je neko dosao do profita i da kudim samo Direktore nekih EX YU Aviokompanija.
DeleteNaravno da bi voleo da uz 2 332 dodje i 1 A346 ili 2-3 789 za letove za LAX i SIN sto mislim da je pametnije nego da pisem druge gluposti.
Aha... cool... samo tako, napred, ko pokvarena ploca...
DeleteI had that "premature comment" moment yesterday, commenting on today's blog post day before it was actually posted. So here's an update with today's developments:
ReplyDeleteSinisha Mali unofficially (re)announced USA/Canada flights in TV Pink interview from "Serbian Davos" at Kopaonik. He seems to know more about the status of US bilateral than us mere mortals, so he deserves +1 for perfect timing of that announcement.
On the other hand, he did not need to talk about airport debt write-off. Help actually came few hours ago from completely unexpected source: Transparency Serbia NGO. Their fb page contains new post that completely exonerates Air Serbia from any wrongdoing regarding BEG airport discount/debt write-off by shifting the blame game away from Air Serbia to other players. Fingerpointing may continue but without Air Serbia, for them this case is now closed once and for all.
Good news and Godspeed ASL!
@AirCEOMarch 3, 2015 at 5:08 PM
Deleteti i ovaj INN ste ista osoba, vi radite za Air Serbia PR ili ste najgluplji ljudi ikad, ili oba.
Pa idiot vidi da AS ne plača račune i da sve to ide na račun Srpskih poreznika, ali tebi samo da AS ide. Glup so ko stup.
Hi Anonymous March 3, 2015 at 6:04 PM, I like your comment.
Delete@AirCEOMarch 3, 2015 at 5:08 PM
DeleteDa, ne placa i nece ih placati do 2016. Naravno, samo glupani nisu do sada skapirali da Srrbija na taj nacin kompenzuje svoj deo sa Etihadom...
Izvinjavam se @AirCEO ;) gornji post je namenjen @Anon6.04
DeleteAnonymous at 6:04 PM
DeleteKao prvo ja ne radim nazalost za ASL a sta je vas problem u ASL.
@Anon at 6:04 PM
DeleteЗа медаљу, насмејао ме коментар јер је #dno и #blato.
Нисам ИНН-НС, не радим нити сам плаћен од стране Ер Србије, Етихада нити држава УАЕ и Србије. Just a regular ASL fan.
OT. Belgrade Airport 264.816 +14%
ReplyDeleteTwo flights to Istanbul today, wtf?
DeletePeople always forget to mention the cargo and post which is 30 and 52% more respectively, those figures seem even more impressive to me.
Delete@Aleksandar StojanovicMarch 3, 2015 at 6:56 AM
ReplyDeleteHere is the answer to your question : In 2014 on route BEG-ZRH AirSERBIA had 145.000 PAX, while Swiss had 174.000 PAX.
Thank you very much sir. Greatly appreciated.
DeleteSwiss is winning on this route. Most likely because of their North American connections.
Taking their proportional network, i'd say Air Serbia is the clear winner.
DeleteDon't forget that LX has A321 and much more A320's in their fleet. So, during the summer season, they have much more capacity then JU. During winter season, JU has probably close to double the pax that LX has. In the end, ZRH-BEG is a big market and both carriers are doing very well. As a regular traveller on that route, I would say that the LX ticket prices generally are cheaper than JU.
DeleteDa pojsnimo neke stvari čisto računovodstveno:
ReplyDeleteFinansijski izveštaj se sastoji iz:
1. Bilans Stanja
2. Bilans Uspeha
3. Izveštaj o novčanim tokovima
4. Izveštaj o promenama na sopstvenom kapitalu
5. Napomene
-Ukoliko van neko odloži plaćanje obaveze npr. Air Serbia ne plati aerodromske takse to NE utiče na poslovni rezultat JER se obaveze beleže u trenutku fakturisanja, a ne u trenutku plaćanja -> čim primite račun za aerodromske takse on se odmah beleži na računu "Rashodi". Znači time NE možete ulepšavati Bilans Stanja i Bilans Uspeha, jedino Izveštaj o novčanim tokovima. Međutim, ni to ne može da se uradi bez traga jer se sve beleži u "Napomenama".
-Ukoliko vam neko otpiše dug, to utiče na rezultat, ALI zbog računovodstvenog Načela jasnosti takav prihod se NE može mešati sa prihodom od osnovne delatnosti. Prihodi od otpisa duga se beleže na poziciji "Ostali prihodi", a prihodi od prodaje karata i prevoza tereta na poziciji "Poslovni prihodi".
-To znači da čak iako otpis prevagne i bude zbog njega profit to se jasno vidi čim se pogledaju pozicije: Prihodi, Rashodi, Ostali Prihodi i deo Napomene.
-Pošto su oni rekli da im je Neto profit 2,7 mil. nije moguće da im je otpis duga prevagnuo rezultat JER Neto= Bruto - amortizacija - porezi. Avijacija je takva delatnost u kojoj je amortizacija vrlo velika stavka => da bi prihod od otpisa bio veći od troška amortizacije morali bi da im otpišu 100 godina dugovanja!
@Anon 7:56 hvala na objasnjenju.
DeleteSutra A3 dolazi sa A320 a TK sa A321 Mart pocinje odlicno.