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Skopje Airport continues to outperform Ljubljana in 2015 |
Skopje Alexander the Great Airport has again handled more passengers than its traditionally busier counterpart Ljubljana, maintaining a lead over Slovenia’s busiest airport so far this year. Ljubljana and Skopje were the former Yugoslavia’s sixth and seventh busiest airports in 2014 respectively. In February, Skopje Airport welcomed 80.079 passengers through its doors, an increase of 22.8% compared to the same month last year. Macedonia’s other international airport, Ohrid, handled 818 travellers during the slowest month in the aviation calendar. So far this year, Skopje Airport has seen 168.354 passengers use its services, up an impressive 31.5% compared to the same period last year. Macedonia’s busiest airport estimates that its average passenger growth will amount to 25% this year, with Wizz Air to launch five new routes from the city this summer.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 88.275 | ▲ 41.6 |
FEB | 80.079 | ▲ 22.8 |
On the other hand, Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport handled 72.265 passengers in February, down 3.8% on last year. The decline came despite its main customer, Adria Airways, registering more passengers during the month than the year before. The number of operated flights, which stood at 2.043, also declined, by 2.1%. In a recent statement, the airport operator said it had recorded a net profit of 3.6 million euros in 2014, down from 5.2 million euros on the year before. The fall in profits came as a result of necessary investments in maintenance company Adria Airways Tehnika, which is partly owned by the airport. Adria Tehnika is up for privatisation, with binding bids to be submitted by March 20. So far this year, Ljubljana Airport has handled 145.361 travellers, down 3.4%, while the number of operated fights decreased 1.5%.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 73.096 | ▼ 2.9 |
FEB | 72.265 | ▼ 3.8 |
Despite the negative trends, Ljubljana Airport expects to see its numbers improve, with Adria to launch new routes to Berlin and Stockholm, while Swiss International Air Lines will introduce services from Zurich at the end of the month. Adria Airways’ CEO, Mark Anžur, is confident the new destinations will prove successful. “As part of our new strategy, Adria Airways is establishing more routes between Slovenia and European cities. Following the inauguration of flights to Prague and Warsaw last year, Adria will connect Ljubljana with Berlin and Stockholm starting with the 2015 summer season. Following Frankfurt and Munich, Berlin will become the third German city directly linked to Slovenia. Germany is Slovenia’s largest economic partner and the key factor in its tourist market. In close cooperation with Ljubljana Airport and the Slovenian Tourist Board (SPIRIT), Adria Airways expects these new routes to be a success story”, Mr. Anžur said.
Congratulations to Skopje. Excellent growth. I'm expecting a lot of hate for this comment now but I am genuinely wondering. How will the political chaos in the country affect this concession with TAV and Wizz Air subsidies? Last night it was revealed that the Macedonian government fixed parliamentary elections, stuffed ballet boxes, even went to lengths to stop old people from going to vote by cutting off electrcity on election day, intimidating voters.... The transport minister seems to have been the main one in organizing all of this. Also there have been recordings of ministers discussing the the economy, megalomanic projects that make no sense... So just wondering how all of this will affect the airport and wizz when this government has to resign.
ReplyDeleteКаков торко си ти дечко, што замараш со политики, овааа е авијација, и не туку кенјај што како... доста по цел ден слушаме на ТВ. Позз и не паметувај многу!
Delete+1 for ObedinetaMKD.
DeletePlease keep politics out of this. It won't affect Wizz Air ops in the slightest. As a reminder, subsidies for the first two aircraft just phased out. It's all proper business.
no revelations yet regarding TAV and Wizz deals... but we will see , so stay tuned haha.
From what I know W6 will increase some of the frequencies for the existing routes so I guess they are here to stay, hopefully for good.
Delete@Anon at 11:36
DeleteDidn't know subsidies for the first two planes were phased out. How much is W6 paying for airport services for those aircraft now?
TAV is your best bet for precise info, especially since the contracted price would not have changed in the past couple of months (subsidies were coming from the government and did not involve TAV directly). This is as much as I can publicly disclose.
DeleteOT : Today's OU460/1 ZAG-ZRH-ZAG is operated by Montenegro's E95 4O-AOA. Shortage of fleet or usual practice ?
ReplyDeleteYeah, 9A-CTH and 9A-CQE miss for weaks.
DeleteC check or something else?
DeleteWhy are the numbers going down so much at LJU?
ReplyDeleteReally surprised by all this growth in Skopje. Well done.
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody know were all these passengers to Ohrid comes from? Are they all from the Zurich flights?
ReplyDeleteZurich plus private flights I guess.
Delete3rd flight in 3 days from BEG to Cairo A300F, any info?
Delete3rd flight in 3 days from BEG to Cairo A300F, any info?
ReplyDeleteNajverovatnije zbog Zastava Oruzija.
Не, није оружије. Јучерашњи лет је отишао са 42 тоне сувих кајсија.
DeleteSunce ti žarko, kad god nešto vanredno sleti na BEG ovaj mali taliban počne da mašta o nepreglednim pošiljkama oružja...
DeleteAnonymous at 2:21 PM
DeleteDa a vecina Kargo Aviona dolazi u BEG zahvaljujuci Zastava Oruziju.
Нетачно. Ниједна од редовних карго линија није због оружија.
DeleteJa nisam rekao za redovne linije nego npr oni letovi od EK 74Y.
Погледај још једном шта си написао па пробај да протумачиш зашто и даље ниси у праву.
Mali taliban... hahahahahahahaha.... e uljepštao si mi dan... umro sam od smijeha!
Deleteevo smijem se čak i na ćirilici:
DeleteMozda sam se pogresno izrazio ali svi veci Kargo avioni vecinom dolaze zbog oruzija.
Dolazi jedan od deset otprilike, ali tebi je to dovoljno da odmah doneseš konačan sud primenom tvoje nadaleko poznate ITG* formule za donošenje zaključaka u avijaciji
Delete(* Innsbruck Taliban Gastarbeiter).
Bas me zanima kad pocnu letovi sa INI dali ce se i malo smanjiti broj putnika u SKP.
Šta lupetaš... Bas će ovoliki porast broja putnika biti ometen od strane niških putnika... Velika većina i onako koristi Sofije i Beograd
DeleteZavisi koliko ce W6 linija na kraju otvoriti iz INI niko ne zna a sigurno ce se mozda smanjiti za 2%.
Real funny : "...sigurno...možda..." keep commenting, please....:)
DeleteAnonymous at 2:53 PM
DeleteNi ja se ne smejem ovde ljudima kad ne znaju da A330 ima ogromni kapacitet za Kargo ili kad ne znaju gde se nalazi IST ili za ostale stvari.
INN-NS Routine Fail
DeleteSerbian Government has sold a great deal of used weapons as tanks, gun machines, rifles and bullets in Africa, that's the reason why cargo flights are rather frequent lately at Belgrade Airport.
ReplyDeleteThis business was a real bargain
SilkWay cargo flights with the B748 were in Belgrade because of Zastava. They are making pistols and other light weaponry for the police force in Afghanistan.
DeleteOT: We didn't have Load Factor discussion here for a couple of days already, time to get back to perpetual topic! For a change, lets talk about really low LF on other airlines. For example, just heard from someone onboard DLH630 that's currently in the air (744 FRA-DXB) that plane is disastrously empty! How to they make money on this route with massive EK competition and horrible LF?
ReplyDeleteI traveled with AirFrance every year 2 times per year from Riyadh to Paris and then BEG. During summer time the flights were so full that sometimes people were upgraded to business, while sometimes when business was full they transferred some pax to Saudi airlines. At the same time during winter flights were almost empty ( 30-40%) in airbus 330. They once gave me double breakfast lol since there were so many left.
Deletejedni prodaju motore drugima se otpisuje dug
jednima se raspadaju pozajmljeni avioni drugi parkiraju pola flote zimi
mrtva trka za nacional-soviniste sa obe strane
Great pic from Zagreb, new terminal in the background!
what is that weird steel construction that is being mounted on top?
DeleteHave you seen the renders for the new terminal?
Can't wait to fly qatar to JFK from Sofia...
DeleteThis picture give a very clear perspective on how large the main building is going to be.
DeleteShow be a very impressive structure once completed.
'should be'
DeleteNe verujem !!!! Otisao easyjet sa linije za Milano, a Air Serbia astronomski podigla cene karata !!! Uzas... stop monopolu !!!!
ReplyDelete+1, but then again you have to understand that ASL is not Serbian airline really. So yea I hate when they dump prices to Israelis and Turkish nationals and rip the poor Serbian people. DERU SVOJE JEL TO NIJE OCIGLEDNO. POLGEDAJTE KARTE ZA MOSCOW IZ ZAG I POREDITE CENU IZ BEG. IMA DA VAM KRV PROKLJUCA
Delete@2:52 "deru svoje"... hehe, tebi prijatelju izgleda nije nista jasno oko tarifnog sistema?
Delete@1:55 hehe, po tebi bi verovatno bilo normalno da nastave sa tarifom kao da easyJet leti? ;) Najbolje da sami sebe dampinguju. Realno...
DeleteEasyjet teraju iz Italije.