Adria to introduce in-flight entertainment options

Adria to offer a “wide variety of entertainment options” in near future

The CEO of Adria Airways, Mark Anžur, says the airline will roll out a new multimedia channel called “In Flight Entertainment”, which will be available across the carrier’s fleet. “Using this new system, passengers will have a simple way to access important information about individual flights and general tips on air travel. The channel will also give access to a wide variety of entertainment options. At the same time, the system will enable more interaction between passengers and the company”, Mr Anžur says. According to the CEO, the latest innovation, which will be introduced “in the near future”, will offer high-quality content on board the aircraft and is in step with the times.

Further details of Adria’s new service are yet to be revealed. Over the past year the airline has transformed into a hybrid low cost / full fare airline, offering cheap tickets in economy class and a pay-on board menu, while at the same time maintaining a business class product for those willing to pay extra for additional services. The airline now also offers low cost car park options at Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport, first minute and last minute fares and encourages frequent flyers to register an online profile where they receive personally tailored offers and notifications on special fares. Mr Anžur says the new approach has proven successful for the airline. “We are pleased to see that our business model, where we are consolidating our position as a network carrier with good connections to many destinations around the world and high-quality services, is being complemented by a model that gives passengers the opportunity to choose really low fares under a range of conditions. Our new approach to online sales with attractive prices has taken off quickly and continues to grow”, Mr. Anžur says.

During the first half of the year Adria handled 549.272 passengers, an increase of 15% compared to the same period in 2014. Adria welcomed 470.397 travellers on scheduled services, up 13%, and a further 78.875 travellers on charter flights, an increase of 27%. The airline, which has an extensive charter network to Greece, says it has not been impacted by the recent financial uncertainty in the country. “This shows passengers trust us and enjoy flying with us”, Mr Anžur says. Last year, Adria carried 1.113 million passengers and managed to emerge from the red. Its net profit topped 921.000 euros, with a net operating profit of three million euros.


  1. Anonymous09:07

    Bravo. Naj bo res tako :)

  2. Anonymous09:11

    Didn't see this one coming. Good on Adria. I'm guessing they will offer ipads and charge for their use.

  3. Anonymous09:21

    but who is gonna use that, seriously ??

    people are already p*ssed off that they have to pay 3€ for water ... I dont see anybody flying LJU-MUC or LJU-FRA in need of an ipad ^^

    1. Anonymous09:29


    2. Anonymous09:36

      Seriously you have to pay 3€ for water? Holly crap!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Anonymous10:44

      It is easy to get the information nowadays. So, please stick to the facts: I like the new model and the fact, that you can find really cheap options with JP not just for the point-to-point but also so called STAR prices with the connections to other * alliance members.

    5. Anonymous10:50

      I took Brussels Airlines a month ago (during the very first heat wave in Europe) and I just had to have something to drink on the plane and since Brussels has the same (crappy) Business model where u have to even pay for a drink, I bought water and the Price was also eur 3 for 0,5L.

    6. Anonymous11:17

      2€ or 3€ it doesnt matter, its just not the same airline anymore.

  4. Anonymous09:24

    I hardly wait the decision about Maribor flights (sometime in august). About the today news: bravo! Greetings from Slovenija

    1. Anonymous10:34

      We are all nervous about it... Cant wait..

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I have bad feeling about this... If they were to continue, they would already announce it

    4. Anonymous23:36

      Letijo iz MBX, ker so v MB dobili denar iz EU skladov za regionalni razvoj in s tem financirajo ta projekt. Ce ne bi subvencionirali vozovnic, Adria to kar je prodala vozovnic ne bi imela za 3 povratne lete MBX - SEN - MBX da placa vse stroske :). Linija brez subvencij ni izplacljiva.

  5. Anonymous09:59

    Voda na Adrii ni 3,0 EUR ampak 2,0 EUR, kar se mi zdi solidna cena. Kar se tiče novega sistema super, le tako naprej za čim več novosti. Se mi zdi, da je Adria skoz bolj podobna Germanwings-u, kar je super, tako s strani cene vozovnic kot tudi s strani servisa. Jaz, če ne potrebujem hrane in pijače do MUC, zakaj bi za to plačeval višjo tarifo vozovnice.

  6. Anonymous10:06

    Admin, could you provide us with JP's CLF for the first half of the year, so we can compare EX-YU airlines.

    1. Unfortunately, Adria has not provided official LF stats so far this year. Over the past year they have usually been in the high 60% or low 70%, actually the best among EX-YU airlines.

  7. Anonymous10:38

    it would make much more sense that they offer WI-FI on their flights instead of Ipads or whatever

    1. Anonymous12:27

      Does anyone know, what is total cost of installing WIFI on a singlw plane?

    2. Anonymous17:03

      Depends on the aircraft. For a CRJ900 it would be around 100.000€ for the installation, 65.000€ for the STC and then you need a subscription with one of the providers which is usually based on size of the fleet, plus you have to pay between 1.5 and 2.5€/Mb traffic to the said provider. After you have all services in place, you have to get Slovenian CAA approval, which again will cost you several months to modify your appropriate manuals and several thousands EUR for these manuals to get approved by the CAA. In short, you need the amount of money, Adria currently doesn't have.

    3. non expert17:26

      Looks like Adria will go for something like AirFi solution, quick and easy way to get some infotainment for passengers without internet connection.

  8. Anonymous13:07

    Da se za primetiti da vecina Ex Yu Aviokompanija ne zna sta hoce i kako pravilno da promeni neke stvari koje bi trebali .

  9. Anonymous13:53

    Vrlo zanimljiva vest :
    EK ce da leti od kraja godine 3 puta dnevno LGW i 5 dnevno sa A380 toliko o tome kako ce Arapima zabraniti nesto tako da ste se za dzabe radovali da ce to doci glave ASL.

    1. Anonymous14:17

      3 puta dnevno ,od toga 5 puta sa A380? To može samo EK... :)

    2. Anonymous14:23

      Oops 5 puta dnevo LHR zaboravio sam da dopisem.

  10. Anonymous19:18

    Air Serbia / airberlin Applies for Germany – US Codeshare Service

    Air Serbia on 05AUG15 has filed an application to the US Department of Transportation, seeking permission to offer US service through codeshare partnership with airberlin. Although no estimated launch date being given, the file included planned codeshare routes, listed below.

    Berlin Tegel – Chicago
    Berlin Tegel – Miami
    Berlin Tegel – New York JFK
    Dusseldorf – New York JFK


  11. Anonymous20:17

    Ako nekoga zanima celokupna dokumentacija koja je podneta za obavljanje codeshare letova (u aplikaciji stoji da se Air Serbia nada da će jednog dana i samostalno obavljati letove), istu može skinuti sa sledeće adrese:!documentDetail;D=DOT-OST-2015-0163-0001

    Što volim Amere kako je sve lepo transaparentno i ažurno. Jedino se ne mogu videti finansijski izveštaji (dostavljeni su) jer je Air Serbia tražila da se na njih primeni izuzetak zbog poverljivosti podataka (niko drugi ih nema).

    1. "Što volim Amere kako je sve lepo transaparentno i ažurno."

      to bi bilo super, samo da to nije selektivna transparentnost. Znaju oni jako dobro da ne objave ili objave da niko nemoze da nadje samo kad im treba.

      Sa druge strane, koliko se ja razumijem u sve ovo, ovo je posljednja regulatory prepreka da bi mogli poceti da lete za US samostalno.

    2. Anonymous20:50

      Pa ja pricam od kad da letovi za USA pocinju i nadam se da ce u JFK imati saradnju sa B6 .

    3. Anonymous00:16

      Isto onako kako si pricao da pocinju letovi za peking pa se sve zavrsilo kod-serom JU do Beca, tako ce se i ova prica zavrsiti kod-serom JU od Berlina za Ameriku. A smao za tvoju informaciju, OU vec 4 godine ima kod.ser na letovima SK iz CPH za Ameriku. Toliko o tvojim najavama i regionalnom lideru. Cao!

    4. Anonymous01:09

      Pa proverite u ASL sami da su se trebali desiti ti letovi ako mi neverujete ;)
      Pa ASL jeste regionalni lider u mnogo polja kad bude OU leteo u regionalne gradove gde leti ASL onda mozemo pricati.

  12. Anonymous21:01

    Zapravo ne. U samom dokumentu koji su podneli stoji da neke dokumente ne dostavljaju iz razloga što su isti neophodni samo ukoliko bi kompanija sama obavljala letove. Budući da je reč o code-share letovima, isti nisu neophodni.

  13. Anonymous21:04

    A da, nigde, nigde, nigde, se ne spominje saradnja sa Jetblue.

    1. Anonymous21:10

      Pa sam EY ima saradnju u JFK sa B6
      A najbolje bi bilo u ORD sa AA.


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