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Sea Air adds VIP-configure B737 and a Saab 340 to its fleet |
Sea Air has leased an additional two aircraft and revised its planned operations just over a week after launching commercial services. The Croatian start-up recently took delivery of a VIP-configured Boeing 737-300 aircraft. The jet can accommodate up to sixty passengers, has a 5.5 hour range and can hold up to five tonnes of cargo. It can also be configured in a 48-seat layout with sixteen club four seats and 32 rear cabin seats. The aircraft has been wet-leased from the Maltese aircraft management, charter, sales and maintenance company Maleth Aero. It is based at Osijek Airport. The airline has already leased a passenger-version of the Boeing 737-300 from the Maltese company, with the aircraft currently used on flights from Croatia to Germany. Furthermore, the carrier has taken delivery of a thirty-seat Saab 340, which will be utilised on its flights between Osijek and Mostar.
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Sea Air Saab 340 at Mostar Airport |
The start-up carrier has also revised its planned operations. Flights from Osijek to Mostar launched on September 1, while services from Sarajevo to Kuwait City, which will now run via the Georgian capital Tbilisi, will launch on September 15. The sector from Sarajevo to Tbilisi will take five and a half hours. Flights from Mostar operate on Sea Air's behalf by Ukrainian airline AeroJet, while services between Sarajevo and Kuwait will be run by the Georgian carrier Luftline. The airline will run a promotional flights between Mostar and Osijek tomorrow. Sea Air has previously said it sees great potential in the Bosnian market. The airline does not hold its own Air Operator's Certificate (AOC) and runs all of its services under flight numbers held by other airlines. In a statement, the start-up said, "Sea Air will do its best to obtain a new Air Operator's Certificate within the next year from the Croatian Civil Air Office".
Sea Air says it will use its corporate B737 jet for VIP and business charters across the Balkans. "Sea Air is chartering modern Boeing aircraft and a Saab 340 which guarantee modern travel with all necessary comfort. Beside our small schedule network, these aircraft also serve for various charter operations all over Europe", the carrier said. Start-up airlines across the former Yugoslavia have had difficulties in launching operations and almost all have failed. Only this year, Air Croatia, which began services from Zagreb in April, suspended services shortly after. Despite plans to resume flights on June 18, it has not done so. Common to most start-ups is the use of foreign AOCs.
The Saab to Mostar makes sense but the VIP 733 does not. At least they survived their first week.
ReplyDeleteVIP 733 makes sense between Sarajevo and Kuwait!
DeleteTrue they lasted longer then Air Croatia.
DeleteAir Croatia Fail
DeleteIsn't this the VIP733 that Robbie Williams went on tour with and landed in BEG in?
ReplyDeleteWhat the f.....?!?!?!? Those guys are mad, could somebody call ludnica to make them comfy there?
ReplyDeleteThe 737 actually looks good inside.
ReplyDeleteI agree.. Saab 340 make sense for regional flights.. Boeing VIP is just stupid idea!
ReplyDeletewow they actually put their logo on the Saab
ReplyDelete"The sector from Sarajevo to Tbilisi will take five and a half hours."
ReplyDeletefive and half hours? which route do they want to take? across Ukraine and Russia??
The maximum speed of the Saab 340 is 502 km/h (271 knots, 312 mph)
DeleteI don't think they are flying to Tbilisi with a Saab :P
DeleteThe flight schedule on Sea Air's website is not adjusted for different time zones. Flight will take about 3h30 with +2 hrs time difference. ExYu copied directly without adjusting the error
DeleteOT: Dubrovnik August 2015
ReplyDelete8/2014 317184
8/2015 335585
And Zadar?
DeleteVery interesting you are so curious about Zadar, which has some 10 percent less passengers and operations this year. I wonder why you didn't ask about Rijeka which has some 40 percent more?
DeleteI know Rijeka is growing in the passegenger, but that was not the question ;). in the website of Zadar Airport I can't find the actual stats: http://www.zadar-airport.hr/en/traffic-statistics
DeleteTotalno je glupo uzeti 733 VIP. Ako su to vec planirali trebali su uzeti 738 i ja ne znam gde ce sa Saabom da lete .
Ma tako je cicko, sve ti to lepo objasni Nemcima koji stoje iza ovog projekta i ulazu milione. Oni sigurno nista ne znaju i bacaju pare onako bezveze. Ali zato ti sve najbolje znas, ti si najpametniji i Bogom dan i mirodija u svakoj corbi i eto bas si mi opet danas ulepsao dan svojim brilijantnim komentarima
DeleteTo sto vi se ne razumete u takve investicije nisam ja kriv i ja nigde nisam rekao da znam sve niti tvrdim.
OT: Beg u avgustu nesto vise od 574k, prvi pad nakon duzeg vremena. Sudeci po smanjenju broja operacija do kraja letnjeg reda letenja od skoro 10%, tesko da se mozemo nadati vise od 4,7m na kraju 2015
ReplyDeleteThere surely won't be 10 % decrease in the number of operations until the end of summer season, where did you get that ? Has BEG August statistics been published yet ?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAerodrom Nikola Tesla je 1. avgusta koristilo 20.973 putnika, te ga to čini rekordnim danom u istoriji. Ekspanziju u prošlom mesecu imao je i robni avio-saobraćaj.
DeleteKako saopštavaju iz Aerodroma Nikola Tesla, u proteklom mesecu je broj putnika i avio-operacija na ovom aerodromu bio na prošlogodišnjem rekordnom novou. Kargo saobraćaj zabeležio je visok rast, sa povećanjem od 53 posto u odnosu na avgust prošle godine.
U 2015. godini je do sada kroz beogradski aerodrom prošlo 3.276.772 putnika, a to je 6 odsto više nego u istom periodu prošle godine. U toku ove godine je 85,6 posto letova bilo realizovano na vreme, što je visok nivo redovnosti poletanja po međunarodnim standardima, kažu iz aerodroma.
U suštini lose je za aerodrom što nije imao nikakav rast, ali dobro za ASL koka je smanjila broj operacija, a opet povećala broj putnika. Nadam se da ce biti objavljen LF uskoro, pa se nadam da će mo tada moći da koemtnarisemo prave rezultate
DeleteAhahahha nema 5 miliona pre 2017. izgleda.
DeleteAt Anon 11:38
DeleteBaš su ti ulepšali dan...
JU might have chased away some foreign carriers but they will be back once Air Serbia is forced to raise their fares. Foreign airlines have gotten used to them and they developed immunity so the honeymoon phase is almost over.
DeleteSve ce to biti popravljeno kad krenu letovi za JFK ima naglo da rastu brojevi prece i preko 5.
Mali, ne iritiraj ljude svojim pametnim komentarima..
DeleteOno sto je najbitnije je da je ukupan rast jako solidan
Delete2014/2015: 3.104.848 - 3.276.772 (+6%)
AnonymousSeptember 2, 2015 at 1:11 PM
DeleteUpravo tako, ali pitanje je sta ce biti kad krene zimski red letanja i velika smanjenja, mada ne bi trebalo ta dva meseca bitno da uticu na ovaj procenat od 6 posto.
Prece? Šta prece, ne razumem... Perece?
DeleteNe verujem da će dostići tih 5 mil ni sledeće godine sa obzirom da je planirana flota dosta manja, takođe frekvrncije i uopšte plan je loš. Ako planiraju da avion ne leti prazan, onda će pored tog A330 morati da dodju 4 Q400 i 2 A320.
Avgust 2015: 574.654
DeleteAvgust 2014: 576.461
= -0,3%
Prvi put nakon dugo vremena Beograd je u minusu. :-(
Da nisu izvodili razna sra*a sa carterima iza kojih stoji Aviolet, a i sama Air Serbia Avgust bi bio u plusu.
DeleteNije problem sto nece biti 5 miliona ove godine nego sto su planovi bili mnogo veci na 5 do 5,5. Aerodromom se ne upravlja na svetskom nivou i nesposobni su da naprave novi terminal pre poletanja Er Srbije za Ameriku. Traze da im investitori daju pare na ruke umesto koncesije koja bi dovela profesionalni menadzment.
Delete@1:40PM Sta lupas? Mislim da si pobrkao, nije ti ovo Zagreb i JU nema Q400 niti planira da ih uvodi.
DeleteOT: Er Srbija se ozbiljno sprema za letove za SAD
That b92 report shows that airport has been dragging their feet for over two years now and Air Serbia had to escalate to get attention. Airport is not ready for for US flighs, expansion is being delayed.
DeleteA opet izjavu dala gospodadja koja pojma nema ni o poslu koji obavlja ni o zivotu koji zivi..
DeletePotpuni hit kako napadaju aerodrom a satro fol je JU spremna sa 10 mlaznih aviona i slabom regionalnom mrezom. Budimo realni.
DeleteBudi ti malo realan, ne postoji potreba za A320 izmedju Beograda i Bejruta. Ali posto mnogo putnika nastavlja za Pariz, A320 jeste potreban. Da bi napunio jedan A330 treba otprilike dva A320. JU je spremna.
Delete"Moraju da se steknu uslovi za koje mi smatramo da već delom postoje na beogradskom aerodromu". Alternativna interpretacija: "mi smatramo da postoje uslovi ali Air Serbia ne smatra da postoje.
Delete"Ono što, za sada, možemo da kažemo je da zaista radimo na tome i učinićemo sve da ispunimo naše obećanje". Alternativna interpretacija: Do sada nismo radili na tome i nismo ispunili obecanje.
Narodu smanjili plate, penzije, koga bre jos briga za te letove za ameriku? vecini ljudi je svejedno leteli za ameriku ili na mesec..
DeleteINI je sigurno imao uticaj na pad na BEG aerodromu... Broj putnika nije veliki, ali svakako se osetio na BEG.
Delete@7:42 ovo je vazduhoplovni forum prijatelju, ovde ne raspravljamo o penzijama..
DeleteAll in all it's a mess and will be an even bigger mess in the future...
ReplyDeleteNamesto starog semafora za dolaske postavljeni ATM na BEG. Problematicno za osobe slabijeg vida.
Mislim, 737-300 VIP nije ni toliko glup ako pucaju na cijelu regiju. Osijek dušu dao za baziranje takvog aviona jer je svega pola sata leta i od Beograda i od Zagreba i od Budimpešte, te 45 minuta od Sarajeva i Ljubljane, a pristojbe u ZLO su vrlo niske. Zapravo idealna luka za takav aviona. Pitanje je samo ima li u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, BiH, Mađarskoj i Sloveniji kruha za takav avion. 60 mjesta sa takvim VIP-om nije loše za sportske chartere, uvjeren sam da bi i Dinamo, Hokejski klub Medveščak (igra HKL ligu i angažiraju avione nekih 20-tak dana godišnje) i Hrvatska nogometna reprezentacija to rado koristili (istina manje putnika, ali veća udobnost), bojim se da je za sve ostale to preskup avion. Političari to mogu koristit kao alternativu, ali teško da će ga itko pored vlastite flote koristiti, poglavito što je prevelik, tj. dobar je za neke veće posjete možda jednom godišnje (ako i toliko). Iskreno bojim se da tu nema kruha!
ReplyDeleteTo je još jedna Air Croatia.
ReplyDeleteSea Air nije "start up airline" nego obični zakupac, charterer avioproijevoza (touroperator).
Malteški Malteh Areo, Gruzijski Luftline i Ukrajinski Aero Jet avioprijevoznici, od kojih Sea Air samo zakupljuje prijevoz avionom, moraju pored urednog AOC i OL, imati i prometna prava za te letove.
A Malteh Areo i organizaciju i službe za prijevoz putnika u javnom prijevozu (ne samo VIP charter usluge).
Osim Malteškog (EU) ostali moraju dobiti prometne dozvole od CCAA.
Da li CCAA to su dobili i kakve operativne licence i AOC imaju da lete 7. i 8 Slobode po Europi ?
You are correct that they are not an airline with their own AOC but they are not a touroperator either as they dont sell any packages, seat only
DeleteIts no problem for airlines outside EU to put their flights under EU airline and then the problem is solved, I dont understand why they should apply for a own AOC in Croatia
They are also starting flights from Tirana to Frankfurt and Stuttgart
Leases are done between airlines and Sea Air is not an airline.
DeleteSea Air just contract airline product and all responsibility for operations, including pax rights claims, is on airline whose ticket stock is solved by agent, in tis case Sea Air.
So simple trading only with other rights and certificates.
Well, someone behaved like a gipsy today. JU was definitely out of line here.
Why? Are basketball players somehow better than the rest of us?
DeleteJU is the national airline carrying the national team. According to that logic, JU shouldn't get any special treatment at BEG and they should pay all the taxes just like teh other airlines do.
DeleteFurthermore, the scum working at ASGS could have later on contacted KSS and asked them to pay.. without making the whole fuss at the airport.
Seems like JU couldn't give a damn about our medal winners. Water polo players flew on SU. But hey... at least Albanians and Lebanese can fly for €170 via Belgrade to most places in Europe.
DeleteWe are talking about players who are playing professional sport and who earn salaries many many times more than the average Joe and they can't afford to pay their own excess baggage ... that is the shame here. Why is it the obligation of a commercial business to give anything for free ?
DeleteBTW, isn't the guy heading the Basketball Federation the same guy who bankrupted Belgrade City Council ? Great to see that they have a sound guy heading their sport - no wonder they are asking for free excess baggage.
If he was any sort of sound leader, he would have had enough commercial sponsors to cover the needs/requirements of their sport. As it is, they find themselves in the same position as the City Council - no money in the bank
It was not the luggage that was the problem but medical and sport equipment. Huge difference.
DeleteAs it was mentioned earlier, JU could have sent an invoice to the federation and gotten it over with.
On the other hand, we can only assume how bad JU's financial situation is if they forced them to pay like €200. I guess it was expected given their price dumping.
As for the head of the federation, please, leave politics out of it because there is no such thing as a competent politician in this country, even among the SNS. ;)
Why is it the fault of the airline that the sport of basketball doesn't have money in the bank to pay its way ? Why are they even travelling anywhere if they can't afford to travel ?
DeleteThe leadership of the sport has much to answer for
Just to add, so it wasn't these super wealthy basketball players that had to pay for it but the assistants to the coach as well as their doctors and neither one of these two groups earns that much money.
DeleteJU mishandled this situation. In stead of saying ok, we will check you in and we will sort this out with KSS tomorrow... No, they went on creating a problem at the airport.
DeleteIn the end, if other's don't get preferential treatment then JU shouldn't either. Hypocrisy.
But that's why Sheikh's apples and kajmak fly for free. ;)
Deletewhy use the word gipsy ???
DeleteTHis is a rasist thread and should be deleted!
Anon @ 10.01pm - the guy wasn't just an incompetant politician - he is also an incompetant businessman and and even more incompetant sports administrator.
DeleteAfter becoming runners up in the last world championships, the sport should have had enough sponsors wanting to get involved with the sport, that they should have generated enough money to last the next decade. Instead, what happened ?? They have to ask the airline to give them free excess baggage
That is the shameful thing, not the fact that the airline is simply doing what it does with all its passengers - no exceptions
Actually, that's not what happened. The federation paid in the end. The problem was that this wasn't resolved before they went to the airport. So both sides are at fault. The Federation for not dealing with this earlier and JU for not being more professional and for not simply sending an invoice to the federation after checking-in the passengers.
DeleteSo the issue here wasn't money but organisation, on both sides. However, I guess for you bots that's not of relevance given that your job is to trash Djilas no matter what.
The thing is that there are passengers who are exempt so...
Eh moji ljudi... ovo je najmanji problem. Pre neki dan sam bio u nocnoj kada je Dane doleteo iz AUH-a. Popeo se gore (vec nadrkan, ofc) i onda je poceo da urla na zaposlene zato sto tepih ispred biznis klase niej bio sveze usisan. Covek se drao nenormalno... naravno, zivimo u Srbiji tako da je antimobing politika samo formalnost.
DeletePosle se cova cudi sto su nazvali lutalicu kraj letacke po njemu. :D
Anon @ 9.41pm ... how stupid are you ?
DeleteOf course JU pay all the taxes that they are supposed to be paying. How else would the airport be making and reporting the record profits and results that they are making ?? JU has 55% of traffic at the airport, meaning that foreign carriers have the remaining 45%. If they weren't paying what they owe, how on God's earth could the airport be making super ordinary results on 45% of the traffic at Belgrade airport ?
Are you really that big a donkey ?
Šta misliš, da je njemu lako? Vučić mu je saopštio još pre godinu dana da država jednostavno ne može da finansira JU dok sa druge stran Etihad ih takođe pritiska posebno sada kada je nastao problem sa AB i AZ. Kako se situacija sve više pogoršava u AB, biće većeg pritiska na JU.
DeleteNaravno, ima tu još dosta da se radi. Lepo bi bilo kada bi određeni ljudi u firmi bili malo realniji... barem bi nas manje ljudi napuštalo.
Dude, it's a public secret that the government is paying its share not through direct cash injections but through airport fee subsidies. The airport is making so much profit partly thanks to the increased passenger numbers and the taxes they are collecting from them. Let's also not forget that they increased the charges for Wizz Air and Montenegro Airlines- both airlines have a considerable presence at BEG.
Delete"Nismo se bunili kada je menadžment Er Srbije prekinuo dugogodišnju praksu da nacionalna avio kompanija bude kroz kompenzaciju sponzor
Deletekošarkaških reprezentacija."
WTF, where is this sense entitlement coming from. JU is a business and should be treated accordingly. It would be better if KSS was treated in the same way.I'm wondering if LH was the the airline they use, would they go to Novosti and complained as well?
Didn't JU send YU-ANK to pick them up?
Delete'Nismo se bunili kada je menadžment Er Srbije prekinuo dugogodišnju praksu da nacionalna avio kompanija bude kroz kompenzaciju sponzor košarkaških reprezentacija. Nismo se bunili ni prošle godine kada smo posle osvajanja srebra na svetskom prvenstvu dva sata sedeli na aerodromu u Madridu i gledali u parkiran avion Er Srbije. Avion u koji nas nisu puštali i pored toga što ga je po košarkaše poslala Vlada Republike Srbije koja je je preuzela plaćanje troškova na sebe.
U avion smo pušteni tek kad smo sa računa Saveza uplatili novac koji nam je kasnije Vlada refundirala.'
DeleteMany countries have special deals with airlines as a form of sponsorship. I think the US team has a deal with Delta which has special flights for their own basketball team.
Many are still stuck in communism mindset, thinking everything belongs to a "society", free for everyone to use. Shameful to have that kind of expectations decades later. National team does not entitle you to walk into the bank and just grab money as you please, same with product from any other company including Air Serbia.
DeleteSo if I understood it well, the government was supposed to pay for their flight out of MAD but it didn't so JU refused to fly them back?! And then some people on here attack Djilas.
DeleteGood point SM .... Moreover, isn't it a good thing that the airline is being consistent with all its passengers and no longer making exceptions for the "privileged class" ?
DeleteI heard stories of well known singers who completely lost it, when they were told they had to pay for excess luggage.
Funny how those who have the ability to pay, are usually the ones who scream like stabbed pigs, while the poor working class guy who travels once every 2 years or so, quietly opens up his wallet and pays his dues ...
As you said, it says much for the sense of entitlement that exists in today's society ...
Yet the team paid a full price for their TXL flight, no discount. ;)
DeleteGuys, anon 10.42 is Dane. Just so that you know.
DeleteI'm sorry guys I read this story again and still can't believe.
DeleteImagine actor like Bata Zivojinovic gets up one morning and decides to go to his local grocer. Before he does that he texts him to ask for free milk and bread that day. When he gets there, friendly grocer (now ahole) says NO. Furious Bata on his way home calls his friend at Politika, friend he drank many coffees with to complain about this incident. How would we all react?
Should they charge them or not is besides the point. You can make arguments both ways. But to have a courage to complain about something not being given to you for free is unbelievable to me.
There is that old saying"sta se budala dici, pametan se ponosi" or somethig like that. Everybody normal should try to keep it quiet that they got to that point that they have to beg for charity.
They paid the full price of the fare and then at the airport they realised that they had excess luggage, that is that the equipment and medical supplies were considered as extra. In stead of ignoring it JU decided to create a whole situation delaying the whole check-in process.
DeleteWhy didn't JU let it go and then discuss it with the federation at a later point? Seems like JU wasn't even polite when their refusal consisted of a single sentence. There is probably more to this story.
Anon 10:37
DeleteYes that's true. So what?
Are you saying that JU should sponsor KSS just because they exist. WHy not FSS, VSS, every otehr for that matter. If they don't see the bussines sense in doing so tehy shouldn't be sponsoring them. If you spend marketing $ you should only do it if it brings you benefit not because it's a right thing to do. Even though Iike socialism unfortunately it failed
SM, are you illiterate or just stupid? You do realise that KSS paid the full price for their tickets? Plus, our national team is a frequent flyer with JU so this is not the way to treat them.
DeleteMaybe our basketball federation should learn a thing or two from the water polo one. Next time fly on a foreign carrier. I am sure Adria could have flown them for the same price, if not cheaper.
DeleteAnon 10:57
DeleteProbably stupid becouse I don't see your point. Why the fact that they paid full price (I don't know how you know this but doesn't matter) would automatically mean free excess luggage.
Anon 11:02
DeleteExactly. If you find a better deal somewhere else why wouldn't you go for it. Treat KSS purse like it's your own-strange concept I guess
I know for a fact that they paid the full price, they didn't get a single % off.
DeleteSecond of all, the whole issue with excess luggage happened at the airport, once the team arrived. Why did JU burden the sportsmen with that when they have nothing to do with it? The main issue here is not that they were forced to pay (my issue that is) but that JU forced the coach and the rest of the delegation to pay for the equipment.
Why didn't JU simply send an invoice to the federation? Why does Vucic send his kajmak and green apples for free? Shoudln't he pay for that too?!
Listen I agree wiht you. I would've handled it differently, you would as well.You could also ask yourself who the hell is organizing their travel when they allowed htis to happen. You don't expect JU to know how much cargo they cary.
DeleteBut all of this is besides the point. Who the hell goes to the local newspaper and complain that they weren't given something for free! Not for the fact that only found out about it at the airport.
You would be surprised what kind of people work at ASGS. On top of it all, check-in represents the lowest of the lowest positions in the hierarchy so the least competent people end up working there.
DeleteThen, these things are decided directly by Dane (upgrades too) so I wouldn't be surprised that the one line reply came directly from him. Let me say that his e-mails are ... hm... special. I work for JU so I am used to them but they might have been a bit surprised when they saw it.
Also, Dane is SNS and KSS is DS so I am sure there is something there.
And also, if it true that they paid full fare and I have no reason not to trust you, isn't that creazy too. When did they figure out taht arround Sep 1 they'll be going to this championship. For at least a year they knew they'll be taking 12 players + coaches + support staff. Who left it until the last moment when all other classes were sold out to buy the tickets should be in jail now. No wonder they are in debt and have to ask for charity
DeleteIf they knew they were going to have excess bags before travelling, then why didn't they contact their airline well beforehand ? Did they suddenly just wake up on the day of travel and realise they had to take all this equipment with them ?
DeleteThings are never as black and white here in Serbia. That's why I told you that both sides are at fault and that there is more to this story. :)
DeleteAs always, politics is involved.
Adria or any other foreign airline would not give them 500 kg extra baggage for free. They still have to pay!
DeleteDelta might have a contract, but Air Serbia does not, so what's the point?
If they are frequent fliers, does their FF status allow for that much extra baggage? It doesn't.
SM and I both live in North America and we get it as a normal thing - pay for it! No entitlement!
and to anon @10:20 who said: "naravno, zivimo u Srbiji". That's your problem right there. You don't live in Serbia. Wake up every morning and say to yourself "I live in Singapore". Then you will notice that dirt on carpet in a horror and clean it up before anyone else notices. If everyone in Serbia does the same thing for a year your salary will start to catch up with Singapore.
Just like they paid a lot of money to JU they would have paid it to JP which would be more generous with luggage. Simple as that.
DeletePeople on here write as if the team didn't pay a single Dinar for their tickets.
As for your Singapore analogy, please, be realistic.
Anon at 11.07pm ... I guess you have never travelled before, so let me help you out here ... Excess baggage is something which is always dealt with at the airport. The airport doesn't visit your place before you travel to check out how much stuff you are going to take with you. So here is how it happens ... You pack your bags, get to the airport and then checkin your baggage, where the checkin agent weighs your bags and only at that point, do they determine whether or not you have more weight than is permitted, or less. If you have more, then you have to pay according to the airline's rules. If you have less, then good for you.
DeleteNo surprises then that the airline dealt with the basketball team at the airport ....
Napadate coveka za dzabe koje nisu ni istinite a kao drugi savezi ne placaju nista za svakoga postoji zakon njima svaka cast na medalji ali ne mogu ni oni poneti 100 kg prtljaga.
Last anon, seems like you never experience a sports team preparation for a match abroad. You know that each and every one of us have their own stuff BUT then there is the extra stuff which belongs to the team as a whole and this is not included in no one's personal luggage but as EXTRA. So yes, even before the airport they know how much extra stuff they will have so they can request for more luggage... airlines do offer that option, that is to get more kilos in advance.
DeleteMAybe JP would give them more, maybe not. But that's not the question here. Would they ask JP or LH or anyone else to give them a break on luggage just before the flight and also would they complain about it.
DeleteListen guys i know in Serbia not everything is black and white and that politics plays a role. That's why I'm not saying much about the actual issue (I'm sure both sides played the role). What bugs me that you are so incompetent that you have to ask for charity and also that you have the courage to go and complain about not being given something for free.
INN, sta se mesas u moju diskusiju? Ja tebi ne pisem tako da nemoj ni ti meni. Aj zdravo
DeleteAnonymous at 11.14pm ... I thought Dane was Australian - isn't he ?
DeleteGiven how often he goes to BNX I think he is more Bosnian than Australian. ;)
DeleteCan we pleaase have this discussion deleted as it attacks JU?
DeleteBut if he is Australian, i don't understand how he can be in the SNS. also, isn't he from Etihad ? another reason i don't understand how he is in SNS
DeleteIt was all over the media that he was rapidly given a citizenship like two years ago, so...
DeleteNo, he isn't from Etihad, he didn't work for them before coming to JU.
Ja cu se mesati gde god ja hocu i kad hocu napadate coveka bez veze .
DeleteNe moze ni u Taksiju da se poveze koliko ko hoce prtljaga a ne u Avionu.
Vazno da ti sve znas i da si u sve upucen.. pozuri, pocinje ukrcavanje za PEK.
DeleteJesam i ne mozete zemljaka tako da mi vredjate .
DeletePa ima ako hocu dalje preko VIE ili AUH ;)
This would not happen if Jat was the carrier, perhaps some delay, but not this kind of problem. Vote for - bring Jat back!
DeletePa mogli bi i sunku i rakiju poneti u kabinu i koji tompus .
Reply should have been more professional, they should have expressed regret at least. Regardless of that, JU was spot on when they said no - why in the world should anyone, except for frequent travellers, feel entitled to any privileges over the other paying passengers? KSS even goes on listing what kind of equipment they were carrying - juice, socks, bandages... Why should anyone care?
DeleteBy the way, they said it was 500kgs - I'm sure cargo is not that expensive, and if this was divided into regular bags, that's say 25 bags - 3,000 euros both ways. They could've also sent this cargo by a bus or a truck directly to Berlin two or three days ago and it would have gotten there for a lot less money.
So, ask yourselves this. You frequent a restaurant in your neighborhood. You know waiters by name, you tip them every single time, and they know you. Then, one day a single table is open, you come in and a famous singer comes in. KSS logic dictates famous singer gets the table, even though it is their first time there. I say - no, you get your table as you have been loyal to the place for years and will come back again tomorrow.
If the players or KSS staff had used Air Serbia before in any significant way, they would have had at least Silver, which would effectively allow an extra bag to each pax. The fact this didn't happen is saying a lot.
As regards Dane, I'm personally disgusted with people who act out that way - yelling in a terminal, that's just rude. If I was there as a pax, I would approach him for sure. But make no mistake, he was mighty right about the carpet - people using C counter have paid A LOT of money to have the privilege to do so, and a hefty portion of that money goes for salaries of JU staff. So, that carpet should be squeaky clean at all times and staff should be super nice to every single paying pax, and go an extra mile for those who are frequent fliers or paying C pax. Because, without them, they are out of job. That's capitalism.
@10.21 ..upravu je čovek, puno vas je zalutalo tamo.. pa i ti izgleda kad ti je smesna reakcija šefa koji ne može da skapira da neko ne radi svoj posao..
DeleteUzrok je agencija Top Travel Centar, Rige od Fere 6. Agencija je organizovala putovanje za KSS i agencija (verovatno Stefan), a ne KSS, je or Er Serbije zatrazila izuzece od placanja ekstra prtljaga da bi vise para ostalo u dzepu agencije, mozda se tako uci na FEFA. Zahtev agencije je suprotan sa stavom 11 Opstih Uslova Putovanja ("Višak prtljaga putnik plaća prema važećim cenama avio-prevoznika") koje potpisuje direktor agencije Miroslava Spiridonovic. Ako postoji slobodna stampa, neka pita TTC po kom osnovu su podneli zahtev suprotan njihovim ugovorom Opsti Uslovi Putovanja. KSS je posle toga zloupotrebio ocekivani odgovor za politicki pamflet.
DeleteMa dajte ljudi. Kad vam je neko stalna mušterija i to tako velika onda im tolerišeš tih par kilograma prtljage. Gde češ da se inatiš za to malo para i rizikuješ da ti tako velika mušterija ode kod konkurencije. Ja da sam na njihovom mestu poslao bi ih dođavola i uzimao druge kompanije.
Delete@8:46 o tome je i reč! Da su "stalna mušterija", imali bi status i nikakvog problema ne bi bilo jer sa statusom dolazi i dodatni komad prtljaga za svakog putnika... Ja se sve bojim da su JU izabrali samo sada jer su jedini koji imaju direktan let za TXL, a da uobičajeno biraju druge.
DeleteAnon Sept 3, 5.26AM. Niste u pravu, govorite neistinu, a radi istine evo i dokaza pisma KSS a ne doticne agencije: http://sport.blic.rs/Kosarka/Evropska-kosarka/278541/NEVEROVATNO-Orlovi-moraju-da-doplate-za-prtljag-nacionalnoj-aviokompaniji
DeleteNe radi se o "par kilograma" nego POLA TONE! Nisu stalne musterije. I najgore od svega Anon at 11:55, blic nije preneo istinu. Istina je na web stranici Kosarkaskog Saveza Srbije, gde su postavili screenshot sa zahtevom koji je stigao sa Top Travel Centar email adrese. Blic nema m**a da postavi pitanje porodici Spriridonovic zasto su postupili protivno sopstvenom ugovoru koji je obavezujuci za sve putnike.
DeleteFor the record, objavili su i slip sa POS terminala za račun za overweight - 190.000 dinara, odnosno 1.580 evra. Da li je moguće da Košarkaški savez Srbije nema hiljadu i po evra i da je to za njih neki veliki novac zbog koga ulaze u otvoreni sukob sa JU ili bilo kim drugim preko javnih saopštenja?
DeleteDa ne ulazimo uopšte u to da su oni zapravo dobili uslugu za novac koji su platili...
Pitam se samo kakav je javašluk bio u prethodnoj kompaniji kada su sportski savezi i klubovi u pitanju, šta je sve prolazilo i ko je leteo besplatno tj. na račun poreskih obveznika kada se sada diže ovakva frka za 1500 evra...
DeleteOT: Airtransat will fly to ZAG next year - one weekly
ReplyDeleteThat would be great. Source?
DeleteRoutesonline, published today
Deleteyou must be all kidding all non serbian readers of this blog - or you dont give a sh** about them. 15 comments on the main topic and about 95 off topic about a little, single OT issue. there is a special forum for other JU topics - stop ignoring the forum and post such stuff there. this is an abuse of the main articles section of this great blog and admin should imho not accept this kind of OT discussions.
ReplyDeleteWhy is there no any information about Tuzla Airport efforts on getting an airfreight permit especially for transport of goods of animal origin?