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Qatar to add services to Sarajevo and Skopje from September and November |
Qatar Airways will launch nonstop flights from Doha to both Sarajevo and Skopje from September and November, respectively. The carrier's CEO, Akbar Al Baker, confirmed the new additions to the airline's route portfolio at a press conference in Berlin yesterday, where a further twelve destinations were unveiled, including a new service between Doha and Auckland, which will become the world’s longest. Flights from Doha to Sarajevo will launch on September 7 and run three times per week, each Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Services to Skopje Alexander the Great Airport will commence in November and will also be maintained three times per week. Flights to the Macedonian capital are yet to be scheduled.
Speaking at the press conference, the CEO of Qatar Airways, said, “Qatar Airways prides itself on being a global connector, and most importantly, providing seamless and convenient connections for our customers, so that we remain their airline of choice. These new destinations are where our customers want to go, and where we see the most opportunity to provide a best-in-class experience at great value. We look forward to growing our network and welcoming new passengers to Qatar Airways". Services to both Sarajevo and Skopje will operate with a 132-seat Airbus A320 aircraft, featuring twelve seats in business class and the remaining 120 in economy.
Qatar Airways has been considering services to both the Bosnian and Macedonian capital cities for some time now. Last year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirmed Qatar's intention to launch flights to Sarajevo, while a Qatar Airways official expressed hope that services to Skopje would begin in 2016. Both Flydubai and Air Arabia (from March 18) offer nonstop flights from the Middle East to Sarajevo and will be competing for passengers against Qatar Airways. On the other hand, only Flydubai runs nonstop services from the Gulf to Skopje. The Qatari carrier will look to tap into both the Bosnian and Macedonian diasporas in Australia, who will now have a one-stop connection to their homeland. The introduction of the new destinations comes two years after the opening of Qatar Airways’ hub at Hamad International Airport in Doha. According to the airline, it currently serves more than 28 million passengers annually, and is set to grow up to fifty million in 2018.
Sarajevo and Skopje will complement Qatar Airways' existing network to the former Yugoslavia, which includes Zagreb and Belgrade. The Qatari carrier will operate double daily flights from Doha to Zagreb on select days from April 3 for a total of ten weekly services. It will introduce a second daily flight on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. All services will operate with an Airbus A320 aircraft. Furthermore, it will also launch new four weekly nonstop flights to Belgrade from March 16, currently served by the airline via Sofia. This year, Qatar Airways started services to Los Angeles in January, Sydney in March, and it is expected to start flights to Boston in the next week, as well as Atlanta in June.
Fantastic news! Who would have thought a couple of years ago that Qatar Airways would be flying to 4 ex-Yu cities.
ReplyDeleteExcellent. It makes sense that they went nonstop to Sarajevo seeing as Fly Dubai and now Air Arabia will offer nonstop flights. There is obviously huge demand between the Middle East and Sarajevo since Fly Dubai and Air Arabia will fly daily during the summer, plus charters to Kuwait.
ReplyDeleteSarajevo will definitely have over 800,000 passengers in 2016 unless there is fog again all through winter.
DeleteGreat new for Skopje and Sarajevo.
ReplyDeleteSo Skopje now has 5 new routes announced - Bratislava, Copenhagen, Berlin, Prague and Doha. Ohrid has new flights to Tel Aviv and Belgrade. It will be a big year for Macedonian airports.
the 3 wizz routes are no new frequencies (they cut off from Malmö and others) but destination wise you are correct!
DeleteThe most SKP can get (regarding new frequencies) is if the rumors for BUD-SKP materialize (with the help of subsidies from the hungarian side).
DeleteNice. My only concern is Skopje. How will they fill these flights? FZ isn't exactly doing great. They have just 2 flights p/w but unlike QR they can count on point-to-point passengers since a lot more people travel to Dubai than Doha. QR will probably take a great chunk of transfers.
ReplyDeleteQatar Airways doesn't really worry about profits so its safe to say they will stay in Skopje regardless. This gives them enough time to develop the route. Also, since Qatar is hosting the 2022 world cup they want to practically fly everywhere by then.
DeleteAnd again nothing to Ljubljana!
ReplyDeleteWe are in the middle of nowhere (with great motorways).
DeleteDo you drive a car or a plane? ;)
DeleteWhat do you mean nothing? Turkish increased to 14 weekly, LOT will come, Aegean will come,... Start using this routes and others will follow. If you're just here to take pictures of aircrafts, airlines don't care.
DeleteSeriously, why do you think they are avoiding Ljubljana? For the vicinity of Zagreb? Or something else?
DeleteZagreb and Venice are so near. Good motorways and everyone has a car or two and do not mind to drive there. There is also a private well organised travel from these airports plus market in SLovenia is smaller.
DeleteOT: LJU in Feb + 7,9% growth
ReplyDeleteMark my words their next destination in ex-Yu will be Pristina.
ReplyDeletePossibly but before that they will probably go double daily to Zagreb, daily to Belgrade and daily to Sarajevo.
DeleteI think they will cover PRN through SKP similar to LJU with ZAG
DeleteI would rather expect SPU/DBV
Could we see them in BNX? Maybe INI? OSI?
DeleteOf course not. Not even in 10 years. But OSI, INI, BNX and TZL should work hard to bring Turkish (especially INI and TZL). That is more than real, it is only company that for sure have interest to come to those airports and with little "motivation" Turkish can open those routes in notime.
DeleteQatar in BNX, are you seriously joking now?That airport can't sustain 3 weekly to BEG without massive subventions to Air Serbia and a return ticket fare of 50 euros...
DeleteHe was being ironic.
DeleteHave JU/EY lowered their fares from BEG to SYD since QR announced their own flights?
ReplyDeleteYeah their whole world depended on the 100 passengers per year they had from Skopje flying via BEG and AUH to Sydney.
DeleteMy question is whether FlyDubai lowered their fares. They are much more relevant in this case.
People, do you even understand that flights from Skopje do not in any way connect on to Air Serbia's or Etihad's flights to Abu Dhabi from Belgrade? There is over a 5 hour wait.
Delete^+1. Same with Sarajevo.
Deletewell for those that only tavel to Abu Dhabi it is relevant, now they have a new option
DeleteOMG you are a bunch of hateful morons. I wasn't speaking about SKP or SJJ but about passengers originating in BEG! Jesus Christ almighty, some people on here really need to take a chill pill.
Deletehahahahahaha for the 4 anons above other than 9:43 of course :D
DeleteFrom what I have noticed EY/JU DID indeed lower their fares slightly compared to December, but QR has kept their prices pretty high for a while. There was a time when QR was cheapest to ALL Asian cities and the Middle East and I can swear there was no promotion then. So in summary, QR fares are pretty high to almost all destinations particularly Doha, while EY/JU have finally decent prices ( 6-8 months back JU was actually way more expensive than say TK, SU, EY, QR, FZ,etc)
Lasly, FZ is probably the biggest rip off of the century when it comes to BEG. I said that QR is expansive above, but man oh man FZ is almost double that. GO check it yourself if you dont believe it.
Skopje schedule will probably be the same as in Sarajevo and all other ex-Yu cities so people can catch onward flights to Australia.
ReplyDeleteVrlo interesantna vijest, i model za zapošljavanje aviona zimi koju su odavno (sa zanemarivim ulaganjima) mogli napraviti u Croatiji, Adriji i Air Serbiji. Nešto slično je najavljivao Sea Air, no mislim da nitko ozbiljan ovdje tu kompaniju ne doživljava kao realnu.
Ryanair je jedna od svojih 737-700 preuredio u private jet kako bi ga iznajljivali kompanijama i sportskim timovima. Avion je potpuno u bojama Ryanaira. Zrakoplov ima 60 kožnih business sjedala sa razmakom od 48 inča i konfiguracijom 2x2. Zbog manje težine dolet zrakoplova je 6 sati. Na zrakoplovu će letjeti najbolji piloti i posade Ryanaira. Ryanair naglašava da će cijene najma biti najniže na tržištu. Uz avion će se moći naručiti šampanjac i gurmanska kuhinja uz dodatnu naplatu.
Spomenuti avion nije na dispoziciji tijekom top ljetne sezone, no nije jasno jel već potpuno bukiran ili se ova usluga neće davati ljeti kada će avion biti maksimalno iskorišten za redovne linije. Vjerovatno je ova druga opcija, tj. na ovaj način Ryanair pokušava svoju flotu zaposliti tijekom sušne zime. Kompanija razmišlja i o tome da više aviona tijekom zime koristi za ovu namjenu.
Rayanair naglašava da je ovo dio napora da privuku poslovnu klijantelu. Kao dio napora da privuku poslovni putnike 2014. su pokrenuli fleksibilnu buisness tarifu sa nizom usluga poslovnim putnicima među kojima i rezervacija sjedala.
Još 2010. sam Croatia Airlinesu predlagao da tijekom zime nude ovakvu uslugu, tj. da ponude avion za sportske chartere koji bi imao mogućnost:
- većeg razmaka za noge, tj. manje putnika u kabini na način da se pojedini redovi izbace iz avion kada se avion koristi za ovu priliku
- nabava nekoliko sjedala business klase koji se pretvaraju u krevete (njih 8 ) koji se ubace u prednji dio aviona u konfiguraciji 2+2 za najviše poslovnjake umjesto ovih 3+3 sjedala ekonomske klase
- samim time dolet bi se povečao
- probrane posade najviše kvalitete
- mogućnost da kabinu djelomično preurede u boje naručioca (npr. napljepnica Hrvatskog nogometnog saveza na zid aviona, umjesto standardnih uniformi stjuardese u majcama HNS-a)
- video prezentacija naručioca (na ekranima se vrte filmovi HNS-a, nogometne utakmice isl.)
Nešto slično sam prije par godina prezentirao i Cvijinu (CEO i vlasnik Trade Aira), gdje sam mu rekao da izbaci par prednjih sjedala, ubaci oznake HNS-a, odjene stjuardese u odječu HNS-a, ubaci u posluženje domaće rakije i delicije. Potom sam nagovorio glavnog tajnika HNS-a da dođe na prezentaciju u avion i čovijek se toliko oduševijo da su godinama putovali sa Trade Airom (suradnja je stala kada je Trada Air zaposlio svoje mašine u Libiji za Petroair, pa više nisu bili "stalono" na dispoziciji).
Honestly, who cares about Ryanair today when u have this big news about Qatar Airways. Geez!
DeleteThis example is very good one to show to companies (JU, JP, OU) how they can utilize their fleet in winter time.
DeleteIf not today, when would be good time to write about it?
If you are not interested you are free to skip this comment. Just don't read it at all.
Ovaj primjer je više nego indikativan i zorno pokazuje kakav rizik ima Air Serbia sa pokretanjem linije sa samo jednim širokotrupnim avionom.
Eurowings neće donijeti odluku o daljem širenuu long-haul flote dok potpuno ne srede probleme koje ima sa operacijama. Naime, nedavno su imali tehnički problem na Kubi zbog čega im je let kasnio preko 60 sati. Kompanija trenutno koristi 2 širokotrupca (još dva njihova aviona leti Cityline i TUI), a isto će tijekom ove godine proširiti na 7. No, o povećanju flote preko 7 zrakoplova će razmišljati tek kada srede probleme operacija. Iz istog razloga Eurowings kasni sa pokretanjem letova prema Miamiu i Bostonu, a neke rute će letjeti Lufthansa dok Eurowings ne sredi svoje probleme sa širokotrupnim linijama.
Lufthansa planira Eurowings u kratko vrijeme napraviti 3. LCC prijevoznikom u Europi, odmah nakon Ryanaira i easyJeta, a plan im je u prvoj fazi prevesti 20 milijuna putnika (Ryanair ima 100 milijuna).
Ovaj primjer je više nego indikativan za rizik koji ima Air Serbija sa jednim širokotrupcem. Eurowings koji iza sebe im:
- prejaku Lufthansu (Lufthansa grupa ima preko 160 širokotrupaca što je daleko više nego što Etihad ima aviona sveukupno),
- ostale partnere u Star Alliance koji mogu "uskočiti": za Varadero lete LOT i Air Canada, a za 100-njak km udaljenu Havanu lete još i Air Canada i Edelweiss, te još niz drugih partnera sa kojima surađuje Lufthansa (TUI, Condor, Air France, Virgin, Finnair, Cubana, KLM, Iberia, Meridiana...)
- četiri širokotrupna aviona u floti od čega Eurowings koristi dva, jedan je u sestrinskom Citylineu, a jedan u TUI-u (a ne jedan kao Air Serbija),
- koristi najveći sustav servisa u svijetu Luthansa Techink (i to ne samo u Njemačkoj, već diljem svijeta jer Lufthansa Technik ima 12 pogona u Europi i 9 izvan Europe sa 25.000 zaposlenih)
- sve to se desilo zimi kada Lufthansa ima "rezervnih aviona" i kada partneri imaju više slobodnih mjesta na svojim avionima, što znači da bi ljeti bio još veći cirkus i kašnjenje
Pa im je svejedno trebalo 60 sati tj. 2 i pol dana da prevezu putnike sa Kube, a troškovi smještaja, prehrane, kompenzacija i osposobljavanja aviona su bili astronomski.
DeleteSa koliko sirokotrupnih aviona Vi mislite je optimalno pokrenuti letove? Koje je to resenje koje vi predlazete?
Purgeru, napisali ste sve lepo ko je sve mogao priteci u pomoc ali ocigledno niko nije. Da je Lufthansa odmah poslala rezervni avion ne bi kasnjenje bilo 60 sato. Dakle pustili su ih da sami rese problem tako da je slaba uteha sto iza Eurowingsa stoji Lufthansa kada ustvarine postoji plan unutar Grupe za ovakve situacije.
DeleteAman te covece LH se zahebava sa starim avionima koje daje eurowingsu pre germanwingsu. Ko leti sa njima je budala.
DeleteAnon @11:54
DeleteAl' ga opravi, svaka čast!
Ja se ne secam da je LH ikad pomogla nekom kad se tako nesto desilo da salju rezervni Avion.
DeleteEW nije imao od pocetka srecu sa Sirokotrupnom flotom .
A budite sigurno da ce EY da pomogne ASL da se desi tako nesto .
Anonymous 11:07:
DeleteStvarno ne znam koliko bi bilo optimalno aviona da se pokrenu takve linije, niti sam kompetentan da iznosi ikakve takve procjene ili mišljenja. Ni izblizu. Tako nešto bi bio čisti diletantizma. Činjenica je da bi Air Serbia puno previše riskirala da je išla i sa dva aviona i tri linije u samom početku. Očito je da i dva aviona ne znači mnogo u slučaju večih problema. A to bi značilo još veći rizik, još veću potrebu za financiranje neprofitabilnog dijela operacije (sama kompanija kaže da će to biti 3 godine, a nije isto financirati 3 godine neprofitabilnosti jednog ili dva širokotrupca). Znači, razumno je ići sa jednim avionim i 5 frekvencija, te se nadati najboljem i imati nekakav back up plan za izvanredne okolnosti koji neće dovesti kompaniju na rub bankrota. Ja osobno smatram da Air Serbija mora imati rješenje izvan svoje grupacije, jer realno na A340 ne može računati, na rerutiranje putnika preko svojih partnera također ne može računati u top sezoni, znači mora imati rješenje sa ACMI short lease parnerima poput Titana i drugih.
Anonymous 11:54:
Ja stvarno ne znam ima li Lufthansa svoj rezervni širokotrupac. Iskreno malo kompanija to ima. Preskup je to hobi. Konačno, vrlo je skup slati avion prazan prema Kubi da vrati putnike, a onda i još jednom vratiti prazan onaj avion koji je u kvaru. Naizgled to izgleda izvedivo, ali sve je stvar troškva. Ako je smještaj, prehrana i kompenzacije putnika bila jeftinija opcija + veći troškovi za hitan popravak izvan baze (a to košta) onda su se odlučili za tu opciju neovisno o tome koliko to ruši image firme.
I upravo zato sam dao taj primjer. Jer to se Air Serbiji može desiti, nedaj bože. I tako što će koštati kao Svetog Petra kajgana. A slanje rezervnog A340 iz Abu Dhabia, pa čak i kad bi bio na dispoziciji (a to je vrlo nerealno i teško) bi značilo još daleko veći trošak koji je doslovce vrtoglav.
Anonymous 12:05
To naprosto nije istina. A330 Eurowingsa imaju u prosjeku 11,7 godina, a najstariji ima 13 godina. To nikako nisu stari avioni.
Ne lupetaj bolje pogledaj koliko su im stari germanwings avioni.
DeleteAko se već ne možete suspregnuti da prikažete nedostatak odgoja, onda bolje da ne pišete na ovom blogu. Ovo je blog zrakoplovnih entuzijasta, a ne birtijaška rasprava gdje ljudi "lupetaju".
DeleteGermanwingsova flota je prosječne starosti 14,2 godine (62 aviona). Najveći dio flote su A319 (43 aviona) prosječne starosti 10,1 godinu. To je više nego prihvatljivo.
Eurowingsova flota je prosječna starosti 4,8 godina (27 aviona), A319 flota je starosti 2,0 godina, a najveći dio flote su CRJ-900 prosječne starosti 5,6 godine. Po svim standardima ovo je vrlo mlada flota.
Kada spojite ove dvije flote zajedno (a to Lufthansa radi kao prioritetan projekt) flota im je u prosjeku stara 11,3 godine (89 aviona), što se u zrakoplovnom svijetu smatra više nego prihvatljivim.
Germanwings + Eurowings 11,3 godine
Lufthansa 11,0
Air France 11,7
Croatia 11,9
British 12,7
Air Serbia 17,3
Dakle Geramanwings/Eurowings je bolji od prosjeka, a u usporedbi sa Air Serbiom ima vrlo mlađahnu flotu.
Još uvijek mislite DA JA lupam gluposti?
Naravno da lupas. Ebo budale koje putuju sa Aviolet avionima i koje ih racunaju u prosek starosti flote. Tako i sa Germanwings koji imaju preko 20 godina i brdo sletanja.
DeleteThe aircraft had accumulated about 58,300 flight hours on 46,700 flights.The original Design Service Goal (DSG) of the aircraft was 60,000 hours or 48,000 flights. In 2012, an optional Extended Service Goal (ESG1) was approved, extending the aircraft's service life to 120,000 hours or 60,000 flights, provided a required package of service and inspections was performed before the DSG was reached.
Zvuci poznato?
Još jednom vas molim da kafanski jezik ostavite za svoju privatnu komunikaciju u obitelji ili među prijateljima. Ovdje to nije primjereno.
DeleteAvioletovi avioni su dio flote Air Serbije koju Air Serbija koristi u svojim redovnim linijama (u top sezoni redovna je praksa da koriste po dva od četiti 737-300, a koji puta i više), te kao backup za avione koji im ispadnu iz prometa (poglavito starih ATR-ova). Dakle, ovaj avion je u uporabnoj funkciji i to poprilično.
Ne kažem ja da Germanwings nema aviona starijih od 20 godina, malo je koja firma koja nema takvih aviona u svojoj floti.
Ne neupitna je činjenica da im je prosječna starost flote tek 14,2 godine, sa Eurowingsom 11,3 godine. I time spadaju u mlađe flote u Europi.
Dakle mislim da je jasno da ja nisam taj koji ovdje lupa!
With flights to SJJ and SKP Air Serbia, for sure, will have less passengers on SJJ/SKP-BEG-AUH route. More passengers will use QR 1stop routes to Asia and Australia now, than 2 stop via BEG and AUH. Even passengers to AUH will use more QR then JU, as QR has dumping on AUH connection via DOH. Of course we are not talking of 20.000 passengers per year from those 2 cities, but Air Serbia will loose some passengers for sure.
ReplyDeleteI don't think so. JU's SKP and SJJ flights don't connect to either one of the AUH flights. AUH departs at around noon and midnight while SKP arrives either at dawn or at around 16.00, SJJ arrival is at around 16.00 as well.
DeleteIf anyone will be affected by these flights then it's flydubai and Turkish Airlines which was offering two stop connections to Australia from both Skopje and Sarajevo.
of course, but 6-7 hours in hub for connections to Australia or Far East is not so much. Especially when one does not have so many alternatives. So, I am sure some passengers did use those connections.
Delete6-7 hours is huge especially when you can connect with Flydubai within less than 2 hours to Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Auckland and Christchurh rather than wait 6 hours in Belgrade, then 2 hours in Abu Dhabi where you can only connect onto Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.
DeleteTreba mu sve to nacrtati.
DeleteIt is not. 6-7 hours is huge for intercontinental connections just if you are business traveler. For rest of as connection to Australia would be OK with 6-7 hours connection time if price is OK. Of course one would choose alternative if price is same and connection time shorter.
DeleteProblem with flyDubai is that it is not listed in Emirates promotions (like time-table, actions, even on their web page). There is possibility, but Emirates does not find that as their prime option or regular connection. Even when you want to book flights by Emirates they will show you connections via IST, MUC, VIE etc with 2 stops, and just one of options is FlyDubai (sometimes not even one), and for sure Emirates does not put that one in first or second option. So, for them flyDubai is just one option that they don't prefer.
But of course that all counts at the end and every competition takes few potential passengers (better connection, one less stop, better price, better service, preferred hub or company...). And when you have options by Turkish, Qatar and FlyDubai/Emirates even less passengers would use Belgrade/Abu Dhabi option.
SKP/SJJ has barely any of those passengers. DBV and SPU are far more popular each having more than 300 pax per month during the summer months.
DeleteI don't have reason not to believe you Nemjee, but can you give me source of those data, please? It would be logical that out of 132 seats per day from SJJ and SKP at least some of those would connect to AUH route and further to Middle and Far East, Indian Subcontinent and Australia. Especially that alternative was not that good (TK 2 stops, flyDubai not in Etihad system as regular connection and not everyday connection, OS and LH too much to North and 2 stops).
DeleteMy prediction for near future : Emirates starting operations to BEG and ZAG. Flydubai switching from ZAG to LJU and DBV or SPU. Qatar introducing DBV. Deadline : 2018
DeletePurger, a friend of mine works for an EU institution that deals with aviation so he got me the numbers. Those I listed are the passengers carried on the Etihad code.
DeleteI don't recall the exact numbers but SKP and SJJ were extremely modest. I remember that even BNX had more passengers! DBV and SPU performed really well from what I remember. It's a shame that JU can't expand in Asia, I think it would make far more sense than JFK.
Thanks Nemjee.
DeleteI know companies that can provide you number of passengers between destinations (there are 3 companies to do so and those are very expensive tools usually used by airports and airlines), but I didn't know there is EU institution who deals with those numbers. Especially in non EU countries such as Serbia. Can you tell me what is the name of that institution. Thanks in advance.
DeleteBefore moving back to Serbia I used to work for the European Parliament in Cyprus. My friend's dad is one of the top people in EASA so he pulled some strings to get us the numbers. Actually, we needed some other statistics for a project in Cyprus so I asked for some other ones. A good example is the total number of passengers between LCA and ATH which is 960.000 per year.
OK... very cool, but for sure EASA is not the one having those precise numbers. That should be strange. But anyhow I am happy that you share those numbers with us.
Delete@Nemjee at 5:37
DeleteI like your honesty: My friend's dad is one of the top people in EASA so he pulled some strings. Not even EU can kick "veze" out of Serbians, LOL
Yup Nemjee, you've told us a whole lot about yourself. Once again.
DeleteYes, they don't have them themselves but they know some people who have access to them. :)
lol the only 1s who complain about veze are the 1s that dont have them.
DeleteWhen you have integrity you dont want "preko veze" like Nemjee
ReplyDeleteOd 1 Jula EK salje 7 pw A380 za VIE ostalih 7 pw letova ce obavljati sa 773/ 77W .
FZ uvodi i 4 let za BEG i sto daje veliku sansu da ce EK doci u BEG uskoro.
FZ ce leteti daily za Sarajevo. Jel im to daje veliku sansu da ce EK doci u SJJ usoro?
DeleteEto ih odmah sutra krecu da lete za BEG, samo kad si ti kako rekao!
DeleteEvo kazem im da vas caste jednom kartom da smanjite dozivljaje .
DeleteAko ne znate BEG je jedna od buducih destinacija EK.
Koliko god se cesto ne slazem sa INN-NS-om mislim da je ovde u pravu i da ce EK poceti najkasnije za 2-3 godine da lete i za BEG i za ZAG. EK se strasno siri na sve strane, ima ogromne porudzbine novih aviona i negde ih treba uposliti. Putnika ima, sto iseljenika, sto turista, vidimo da EY-u dobro ide u BEG-u, QR-u u ZAG-u, i nema apsolutno ni jednog razloga zbog kojeg EK, koji je, svidjalo se to nekome ili ne, br.1 od MEB3, i sire, ne bi dosao u nasa 2 najznacajnija grada i aerodroma. Takodje predvidjam da ce u roku od 2-3 godine Flydubai poceti da leti i za LJU i za DBV ili SPU a da ce Qatar doci u DBV.
DeleteEK has been coming to BEG for the last 10 years.....
DeleteNo hater, would love to see EK A330 or B773 but yea...
@Anon March 10, 2016 at 1:28 PM
Emirates bi mogao da šalje A380 za Beograd i bio bi pun ali ako je let samo jednom mesečno.
DeleteWould it not have been better to go daily right away and connect these two destinations
ReplyDeleteThen it wouldn't fit into QR Australia depatrture or arrival wave...
ReplyDeleteTK received an award from ATH, among other things, because it recorded a 25% increase in passenger numbers! Pretty impressive. They have also applied for a forth daily flight to JFK.
Let's see if JU manages to capture a share of the ATH-JFk market.
Certainly not!Athens has too many options for this route,even except turkish airlines.
DeleteWell maybe they could pick up a tiny portion of the market. However the market became even more competitive now when Lot returned to ATH.
DeleteMaybe you have some point.There are 3 million greek-american in usa,so you never know.
Delete"subject to gvt approval"
DeleteI think United airlines this year will be flying from ATH to New York. Delta and American already fly to JFk and Philadelphia.
DeletePlus of course all the one stop options through FRA, MUC, ZRH, CDG, AMS, BRU, LHR, FCO, etc.
But it is a pretty large market the USA-Greece one and JU would better get even a small slice of it.
Restarting flights to LCA is also very good for feeding the JFK flight.
Yes, you are right. United is launching EWR flights which used to be operated by Continental. I remember they even used to send their B764 a few years ago, pretty exotic!
DeleteDelta will have up to 12 weekly flights on the A333 and AA will have their seasonal ones to PHL.
The thing is that TK, SK, LX, OS, LH and LO all work with Aegean so fighting a war against them is not easy.
As there is so many seasonal flight to ATH from USA I can not understand how at least one route could not survive in wintertime?
Delete@ Nemjee
DeleteDL will fly 2 daily 333 on JFK-ATH
For me the strangest is that there are currently no ORD-ATH flights! The yearly market between Greece and the US is estimated to be around 800.000 passengers while Chicago has around 85.000! Maybe United will jump in now that they are finally launching flights to Greece.
DeleteHowever, I am sure that when Aegean launches its own US flights the first two destinations will be New York and Chicago, followed by Toronto. However, ATH will need to expand its terminal before this happens.
Anon 17.28
DeleteThanks! I wasn't sure but I was too lazy to check. I remember that initially it was supposed to be 11 but great that they have finally decided to have double daily flights. New York is conveniently located so they can offer connections to pretty much anywhere in the US.
"New York is conveniently located so they can offer connections to pretty much anywhere in the US."
DeleteFor a moment I thought comment was a praise of Air Serbia for interline with American Airlines from JFK, but then I saw it's posted by Nemjee...
Kad je vec tema Grcka bila du 2 Q400 od OA/ A3 na servisiranju kod Tiyrolean Tehnike i da ce stalno dolaziti na servisiranje u INN. Cudi me taj postupak od strane A3.
DeleteCan you undetstand the difference between interlining and codesharing?
Yes I undetstand.
DeleteHahahahhhahahhaha decko fail.
DeleteOT: YU-APA is now modified with Wifi antenna. The last a/c YU-APG is now undergoing the mod.
ReplyDeleteWifi does not mean anything if you fly Air Serbia from Banja Luka to Beograd on noisy Atr72-200 then connect from ugly A gates with old 737-300 to Podgorica. Experience is the same as 10 years ago with JAT except younger crew. When is this going to end?
DeleteThey probably still didn´t announce SKP date as they might link it to either ZAG or BEG and maybe SOF, who knows? I doubt it´s going to be a non-stop flight.
ReplyDeletethey have only announced schedules of 9 of their new 14 destinations
DeleteFor sure they won't link it to ZAG. ZAG numbers and LF's are such that they are increasing frequencies, maybe even upgrade equipment on nonstop flights, so it's out of question for ZAG. Concerning pax numbers SOF or BEG could be linked, but I highly doubt it'd happen cause QR tend to operate nonstops only in order to have one-stop-only for vast majority of its pax
DeleteIt will be ZAG. You can try to book a ticket and will see it...
DeleteA friend of mine flew a few days back and told me that on the outbound flight from DOH to BEG that there were more pax on BEG flight than Sofia. On the inbound flight on the other hand a bit more pax in Sofia. Anybody care to share their experience and try to make a trend here. Also Zagreb is killing it when it comes to QR and the people who said it will be connected with Skopje are just funny
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly is funny? ZAG can end up with 2 daily flights, and 3 of the flights to be paired to SKP - maybe 5th freedom rights. QR used to link OTP to SOF, ZAG to BUD, BEG to SOF again. SKP's market is just too small to receive non-stop flights. SJJ only will have Air Arabia which is much smaller than FZ in SKP.
DeleteWouldn't it make more sense than to link SKP to SJJ?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI booked Qatar for my flight to Sydney from Zagreb in July. Total flight time is about 21 hours including about 1 hour connecting time in Doha which is pretty good!
DeletePrice was very competitive too, probably the cheapest option (unless flying business class).
I'm sure Qatar is going to do really well from Zagreb this summer and I wouldn't be surprised to see closer to 14 weekly flights soon.
OT: At ZRH till 26.03 we have a CS100 C-FFCO based, performing test flights. Until now it was in HAJ, BRU, BUD and DUS.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it will go aswell to an EX-YU Airport
It will not fly anywhere to the EX- YU...
DeleteOT: Limitless Airways canceled charter flights from Dubrovnik to Teheran.
ReplyDeleteOrganizers of the flights "find" that there are problema with visas and administrative problems... Hahahahahahahaha... congratulations!
DeleteIt is not about Limitless, they just would operate those flights.
Yeah, verry poor planning.
DeleteOT: Adria take ex. Air Mediterranee A321 F-GYAZ. It's already in LJU and waiting on C-check and full Adria's c/s. :)
ReplyDeleteDoes Adria needs A321? I think this is a bit big for them...
DeleteIts the time of cheap money - you can borrow with zero interest.
ReplyDeleteThe Fed does it to grow the economy.But in the end it only will lead to a bubble economy/aviation.
A lot of routes make no economic sense.