Iran Air reschedules Belgrade launch


Iran's national carrier has rescheduled the introduction of flights between Tehran and Belgrade. After cancelling the initial inaugural service on January 13, the airline now plans to commence operations on Saturday, January 27. As previously reported, flights will run twice per week, each Tuesday and Saturday, with further details available here. On February 1, Qeshm Air will also introduce two weekly flights between the two capitals.


  1. Anonymous16:53

    Nice to hear that they are sticking to BEG flights despite some on here claiming otherwise.

  2. Anonymous16:59

    TK dislikes this. I am sure they are hoping to take a share of the new market.

  3. Anonymous18:34

    That is why TK is launching double daily flights including A330.

  4. Anonymous18:47

    BEG is truly becoming a serious player especially when compared to Budapest.

    1. Anonymous21:16

      Dude, c'mon man.

    2. this article explains the Budapest changes. While BEG is only slightly below half way to the Budapest stats, you can see where BEG is headed if they do what Budapest does. Until 2012 Budapest had ~20K more movements with about the same figures of passengers YOY. Insert Wizzair from 2012 and movementes remain the same but passenger numbers increase, YOY those figures are aligned and seem to be consistent. What to point out here is that a private vs government run company is a much better option for growth and driving inbound and outbound figures. Governments shouldn’t run airlines, but the country.

    3. Anonymous06:16

      That's why with Vinci will be God sent for BEG. A professional management to run the show. BUD carried 13 million passengers while BEG is at 6. Unlike BUD, BEG actually has a national airline with a hub meaning that the overall ceiling is much higher.

    4. Anonymous08:48

      Seriously comparing BEG to BUD? lol

    5. Anonymous10:33

      Yes, seriously. BEG needs to work on overtaking BUD. Look at the success of the PEK route, around 3.500 passengers flew into BEG on it in November. Not bad. In summer we can expect this number to exceed 6.000.

      But of course, for people like you who just attack BEG with no arguments these things don't matter.

  5. Anonymous23:12

    Ima li kakvih vijesti od code share ugovora IR/JU na ovom letu ? Nece valjda IR sam biti na letu ?

    1. Anonymous00:46

      IR moze i bez JU da puni ove letove. Iranci malo gde mogu bez viza a Srbija je jedina u Evropi koja to omogucava, na sve to interesovanje za Srbiju je veliko. Iran je drzava od +78 miliona stanovnika. Gruzija kada je ukinula vize Iranu imala je porast broja turista of +400% Sara je taj broj manji a Gruziju he tokom jedne godine posetilo nesto vise of 300.000 turista iz Irana.

    2. Anonymous06:18

      Како Аркиа опстаје без кодшера?
      Као што је Анон 12.46 написао, Иранер ће једноставно пунити ове летове са туристима који долазе у Србију.
      Потражња изгледа да је огромна чим ћемо током зиме имати четири лета недељно!

      Ако се не варам, Београд добија везу са Техераном чак и пре Будимпеште, Софије, Прага и Варшаве.

    3. Anonymous08:47

      Serbia is the only country in Europe to grant visa-free travel to Iranians.

  6. Anonymous08:45

    Again. These are charter flights. They are not bookable!

    1. They’re not charter flights they just haven’t been properly launched yet. Iranian airliners are pretty poor at implementing these kinds of things.

    2. Anonymous09:08

      Exactly. The flights will eventually be opened for sale. For example Iran Air scheduled CDG launch in November 2017 and just this week put tickets on sale.

    3. Anonymous10:52

      Ticket being sold via agencies makes flights "charters". Sorry for destroying your dream.

    4. Anonymous22:55

      Flights being ran 3 months in a year are called charters. Flights by legacy carriers year-rounds are called scheduled flights, no matter how they're sold, be it on the street market. Sorry for destroying your illusions.

    5. Anonymous06:56

      Аман људи када ћете схватити да Иранер не може да продаје карте путем интернета када не постоји платни промет између Србије и Ирана. Да он постоји и те како би продавали карте по истом принципу по ком су Атласџет и Аркиа продавали када су кренули са летовима.

      То је разлог зашто су приморани да продају карте преко туристичких агенција у Ирану. Крајем јануара проблем банкарског система би требало да се приближи крају тако да ћемо видети шта ће бити на крају.


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