Etihad extends Air Serbia equity partnership

Etihad Airways has officially confirmed it will remain Air Serbia's minority shareholder, after the latter posted a record sixteen million euro net profit for last year. However, the Etihad-appointed management will stay on only until the end of 2018, in line with earlier reports. In a statement, the national carrier of the United Arab Emirates said, "Air Serbia and Etihad Airways have agreed that the equity partnership between the two airlines will be continued. Etihad continues to own 49% of Air Serbia and remains a fully committed and supportive shareholder in the partnership with Air Serbia’s majority shareholder, the Government of Serbia". Interim Chief Executive Officer, Duncan Naysmith, and Chief Operations Officer, Declan Keller, will stay on in their current roles until December 31, 2018.

Etihad Aviation Group’s Chief Executive Officer for Equity Partners, Robin Kamark, said, “Etihad is honoured to have been able to help build Air Serbia into what it is today. We are looking forward to the next phase of our equity partnership as an engaged and supportive shareholder and cooperation partner”. Serbia's Prime Minister, Ana Brnabić, noted, "Five years since the start of the successful equity partnership with Etihad Airways, Air Serbia is now standing on its own two feet under the constructive supervision of its two shareholders, the Government of Serbia and Etihad. We are excited about Air Serbia’s perspectives and the continuation of our successful equity partnership with Etihad“.

Commenting on the airline's financial and operational results, which were released yesterday, Air Serbia's CEO, Duncan Naysmith, said, "2017 was a pivotal year for Air Serbia that saw the airline implement fundamental changes to strengthen the business, which have already positively impacted on many key operating metrics. This is a fantastic sign of things to come. Air Serbia managed to maintain its strong passenger numbers from the year before. Both financial and operational performance in 2017 have set a strong base for us going forward". He added, "Despite intensified competition and other unfavourable circumstances in the market, ever since 2013 we continue to improve our results. We started 2018 with the same goal - to push forward on all the fronts, which will hopefully lead us to even better years ahead”.


  1. Anonymous08:24

    People were writing comments here how JU would post a record loss and that it would be used by Etihad to announce they are leaving. So much for that.

    1. Anonymous08:28

      Usually the opposite happens of what people write in the comments.

    2. Anonymous08:30

    3. JU520 BEGLAX09:05

      For the size of JU a loss of 4.8 mio is not to underestimate. Of course EY does not care about governmenr subsidies as their model bases on the same, so for them it looks like a 16 mio profit. Wondering where we will be 18 with the higher fuel costs

    4. Anonymous09:09

      With all those "not so used becasue they didn't fly during the war" 737s it's not going to look nice.

    5. Anonymous09:28

      @JU520 BEGLAXJuly 3, 2018 at 9:05 AM

      If Serbian government can afford to subsidize Air Serbia on scale as reported by you, I don't know how that airline can become profitable, ever!!!

      You're a professional who works in the industry, so I respect your opinion. FYI.

      As to Etihad, Abu Dhabi Government is floating in oil revenue right now, they can afford to subsidize Ethiad till oil runs out, Dubai Government on the other hand isn't that rich, sure Dubai is flashy place to go, but the emirate has only fraction of oil of its much larger kin.

      I wonder will Etihad gets half of €16 million in supposed profits, or State subsidies? I can't but laugh or cry, to think Serbia one of the poorest European countries, subsidizes UAE, one of the wealthiest nations on the planet.

      The irony of this.

    6. Anonymous11:02

      You do not have to wonder at all cause the decision was already made and all the profits will be spent to lover the previous years losses.

      So no no one is subsidizing UAE but thanks for your concern and irony.

    7. Anonymous11:54

      what losses of previous years? Air Serbia was "profitable" previous years. So, what losses your are talking about?

    8. Anonymous12:55

      Pa da si citao finansijske izvestaje znao bi ali posto lepo komentarises nesto o cemu ne znas evo predocicu ti.

      2014 godine nisu otpisani dugovi Air Srbia-je vec su pretvoreni u dug same kompanije za koje ona prima novac. To su te famozne subcencije o kojima ti ovde pises.

      Pa je sledeca situacija (u hiljadama dinara):
      2014 dug 30.540.622 dobit 319.942
      2015 dug 30.220.680 dobit 473.561
      2016 dug 29.747.119 dobit 105.838
      2017 dug 29.641.281 dobit 1.903.203

      Kao sto vidis svaka dobit od prethodnih godina odgovara smanjenju duga iz pretfodnih godina poslovanja.

      Tako da kmpanija jeste bila profitablina a ne "profitabilna" i svoj profit je uplatita za pokrivanje prethodnih gubitaka koji nisu otpisani vec su ostali a subvenicje nisu ulaganja u kompaniju vec otplata prethodnog duga Air Serbia-je od strane drzave u 10 ili ko zna koliko godisjih rata.

      Tako da ocekuj jos subcencija sledecih godina dok broj ne dodje do 30.540.622 koliko ukupno srbija duguje.

      A sledeci put vise citaj manje pisi i samo ce ti se kasti.

    9. zaboga. najgore je što se još predstavljaš da znaš o čemu pričaš.

      to o čemu pričaš nije dug kompanije nego akumilirani gubitak iz prethodnih godina. relativno nebitna kategorija, čija je jedina realna posledica tzv "tax shield" zbog kojih kompanija ne plaća porez na dobit i pored iskazanog godišnjeg profita.

      dug je sasvim druga kategorija. ono što duguješ dobavljačima, bankama... i njega je preuzela vlada srbije i isplatila ga kome je bilo dugovano ili je otpisala ono što je bilo dugovano budžetu.

      JU je oslobođena svih dugovanja i data etihadu kao "čista" kompanija, a subvencije uopšte nisu uplaćivane u vezi sa tim akumuliranim gubitkom niti imaju ikakve veze sa njime.

    10. Anonymous13:51

      Kako je oslobodjenja dugovanja a u bilansu pise dug!?!?

      I gde se trosi profit ako je u svakoj odluci o raspodeli profita bilo da se vrate prethodni dugovi sto se vidi i u bilansima stanja???

      I kako se to cisti bilans i ostaje dug u isto vreme???

      I znas li ti cemu sluzi bilans uspeha u izvestaju a cemu bilans stanja?? U bilansu uspeha se ne vide prethodne godine ili se vide? I ko ce da vrati stari dug ako se ne vodi u bilansu uspeha? Po tebi niko jer se ne vidi?

      Molim te objasni mi kako je to u svakoj odluci o raspodeli dobiti odredjeno da se vrate stara dugovi koji su za toliko i smanjeni a kompanija je cista????

      Aj procitaj jos jednom bilans stanja i bilans uspeha i molim te objasni mi gde su pare od profita ako nisu koriscenje za vracanje starih dugova sto bise i u odluci o raspodeli dobiti i o bilasnu starog duga...

      I jos meni kazes da se ja pretvaram da znam o cemu pricam???

    11. prijetlju moj dobri,

      to o čemu pričaš se u bilansu stanja naziva "Губитак ранијих година" i tako je označen u bilansu stanja. to niti je dug, niti je tako označen.

      ne deli se profit jer postoji taj akumuliran prethodni gubitak (ne dug) i zato se ne plaća porez.

      dug ćeš dobiti kada u bilansu stanja pregledaš dugoročne i kratkoročne obaveze.
      stavke kao "Дугорочни кредити и зајмови у иностранству" gde ti je stoji oko 11 milijardi dinara.

    12. Anonymous14:28

      "Ne deli se profit jer postoji akumulirani prethodni gubitak" i gde su te pare?

      I pitam te ako su za tacno onoliko koliko je dobitak a to se slaze u dinar smanjeni gubici iz prethodnih godina a u odluci o raspodeli dobiti pise: Dobit utvrdjena redovnim poslovanjem za 2017. godinu u iznosu od 1.903.203 hiljade rasporedjuje se za pokrice gubitaka iz ranijih godina.

      Sta to pokrivaju objasni mi?

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Pokrivaju akumuliran gubitak iz prethodnih godina, koji je samo racunovodstvena kategorija (dakle postoji samo da bi zastitio buduce kompanijske profite od poreza ili raspodele, a realno ne postoji)
      -koji si pogresno oslovljavao sa "dug,
      -za koji si pogresno tvrdio da je nastao pretvaranjem duga pri privatizaciji
      -I na kraju za koji si pogresno tvrdio da drzava uplacuje subvencije zbog njega

    15. Anonymous18:34

      Petar Celik je apsolutno u pravu. Ovo mi je posao i covek zna o cemu prica. Akomulirani gubitak iz prethodnih godina nikad ne moze biti sklonjen osim izrazenom dobiti na kraju godina koje slede, pa se samim tim tako i smanjuje za iznos dobiti.

  2. Anonymous08:27

    Good news.

  3. Anonymous08:27

    It seems that Luka Tomic has replaced Sinisa Mali as president of the supervisory board.

    1. Anonymous08:31

      Who is he?

    2. Anonymous08:32

      Mali's sidekick.

    3. Anonymous08:38

      I certainly hope they don't name him as the airline's CEO next year.

    4. Anonymous09:32

      Why not ?

  4. Anonymous08:29

    Any plans for fleet renewal?

    1. Anonymous09:06

      There are those neos but no body knows are they coming or not.

    2. Anonymous09:12

      Even the president doesn't know

      "Commenting on the 2013 order for ten Airbus A320neo aircraft secured as part of a major fleet order by its equity partner, Mr Vučić said he would "have to check" whether the aircraft will be delivered to the Serbian carrier. The delivery of the neos to Air Serbia has been slated in between late 2018 and 2020. "

    3. Anonymous19:29

      I really hope they do not buy these A320neo. So unsuitable for their needs.

  5. Anonymous08:32

    2019 we will see a start to Air Serbia's new expansion phase.

    1. Anonymous08:40

      My guess is that we will see Tehran, Toronto and Nis launched within the next 9 months.

    2. Anonymous08:45

      But with what aircraft???

    3. Anonymous08:49

      There are rumors tjey will get a second A330 next year.

    4. Anonymous08:51


    5. Anonymous08:55

      But with what money?

    6. Anonymous08:58

      With the 16 million they made in profit :D

    7. Anonymous08:59

      They will use €16 million profit they had. Hehe

    8. Anonymous09:05

      State aid of course.

    9. Anonymous09:07

      you mean -4.8€

    10. you mean -17mil€

      (additional 12 mil€ of the state aid they received they used to lower the expenses)

    11. Anonymous10:11

      The 12 you made up?

    12. Anonymous10:14

      Sad sedi i razmisli da li je novac na njihovom racunu. Smaras.

    13. i don't have the imagination of these accounting people.
      read it yourself

      "Tokom 2017. godine, Društvo je primilo RSD 1.431 milion od republike Srbije, a na ime podrške razvoju saobraćajne mreže, a u cilju podsticaja i razvoja turizma i opšte povezanosti Srbije u skladu sa Strategijom razvoja turizma. Navedeni iznos je prikazan kao umanjenje već nastalih povezanih troškova."

    14. Anonymous11:16

      Licemerje Petar Celik-a je zaista zadivljujuce.

      Kada je Croatia prezentovala svoje rezultate on je bezmalo 10 puta upisao u komentarima engines overhaul.

      E sada kada mu to ne odgovara zasto ovde ne napise svaki drugi komentar rekonfiguracija sedista u avionu...

      Ne nego sada vec 2 dana 10 puta pise isto...

      Da li je 2016 pisao gubici Air Serbia-je su zbog engines overhaul i konfiguracija kabine za A330 ne...

      OK je svako navija za svoje i ja to podrzavam ali izvlaciti samo iz konteksra ono sto coveku odgovara je po malo licemenrno.

      Ako citas finansijkse rezultate citaj sve i uvek ili ne moj nista.


    15. bogte vido. hrvati su "moji" koliko i zimbabevljani. dakle nimalo.

      al deluje mi da mi je greška što pokušavam objasniti šta se kuva iza brojeva, jer je ubijanje glasnika ekstremno popularan sport.

    16. Anonymous11:59

      Nije ubijanje glasnika nego kada glasnik prezentuje samo sto njemu odgovara... Sta god, pises da se kuvaju knjige i da se lazu ljudi a sve je javno objavljeno i cak i ti mozes sve da procitas i komentarises. Nemoj onda da pricas da se nesto krije jer sve kompanije u press release samo izbace konacne rezultate a ti citaj kursne razlike subvenicje ili bilo sta.

      Znaci nesporno je da su dobili dodatne subvencije od 12 miliona eura jer su oni to napisali a nisi ti nekim posebnim istraznim sposobnostima otkrio. I ne krije se nista ocigledno za svaku stavku sve lepo pise na sta se odnosi i o cemu se radi.

      Da li je poslovanje idealno nije da li je bolje nego prosle godine jeste. Da li ce biti jos bolje sledece godine videcemo.

      Koji su tvoji afiniteti prema Croatia Airlines-u stvarno ne znam ali ih ocigledno branis pa sad da li su tvoji ili ne...

    17. Petre,
      Kako nikad nisi objavio ili komentarisao cinjenicu da je OU primila iz EU fondova novac za osavremenjivanje navigacionih sistema na Q400?

    18. Cuj. Ja recimo ne sporim to sto si pomenuo za troskove ubacivanja novih sedista. To je recimo nesto sto sam ja prevideo. Za troskove overhaula nemam pojma koliki bi mogli, da li je toga bilo u 2017 i da li JU to uopste placa odjednom ii odvaja mesecno.

      I to su sve tacke o kojima mozemo i trebamo raspravljati i to bi doprineo kvalitetu diskusije.

      Ali stvarno ne razumem odmah to gadjanje kvalifikacijama da sam licemeran, Hrvat ili nesto gore(sic!).

    19. @nebojsa
      Pa zato sto ne znam. I ok, sve su to pitanja za raspravu, kao sto sam naomenuo u postu gore.
      Samo shvatite da ja nemam nekih navijackih pretenzija u ovim rasravama.
      Cak sam posle Insajdera i serije zlobnih clanaka i branio JU

    20. Anonymous13:02

      Iskreno stvarno nemam nista protiv hrvata zelim im sve najbolje i na svetskom prvenstvu i u aviaciji ali je cinjenica da si 10 puta na vest o dobiti Croatia Airlines-a napisao engine overhaul samo to predocavam tada nisi gledao ni kursne razlike ni prodaju slotova ni redit kod banke za isti taj posao. To sam jedino predocio ali da imam nesto protiv hrvata nikako i zaista im zelim sve najbolje. Ovde govorim sta ti pises u razlicitim situacijama na slicnu ili istu temu. Dva razlicita ugla gledanja sto mi jedino smeta.

      Ne kazem da nije to tvoje pravo ali nemoj se ljutiti ako ti neko na to skrene paznju.

      Sve najbolje i nadam se i dalje tvojim komentarisanjima svakako su jedni od najboljih na ovom forumu i svaka cast za primecene dotacije za razvoj mreze Air Serbia-je. Nastavi tako i sa ostalim kompanijama kao i sa Air Serbia-om

    21. Petre, ne znas jer nisi kopao da nadjes kao sto u slucaju JU jesi kopao da nadjes informacije o 12 mil evra koja btw nigde drugde nije objavljena.

      O tome se radi, ljude ovde pogadja da citaju jedan te isti post objavljen mali milion puta pokusavajuci da ih ubedis u svoje stavove dok se istovremeno ne ulaze isti napor da se objave dodatni izvori finansiranja kod konkurencije koji nasoj avio kompaniji nisu dostupni.

      Jedino istim pristupom datoj tematici se moze ostvariti objektivnost diskusije

    22. pa onda zapravo zagovaraš da bih ja trebao postati odgovorni analitičar svih kompanija na tržištu sa obavezom da za ništa para analiziram njihove godišnje izveštaje?

      zar nije ovo mesto gde svako iznese svoje informacije i onda debatujemo?

      drugo, 12mil, na ovakav način skrivenih, subvencija od države nije isto što i znatno manja donacija za navigacionu opremu iz EU fondova

    23. Ja ne zagovaram to, ti si sebe tako predstavio kad si neumorno ponavljao engine overhaul kao uzrok njihovog (OU)slabijeg ekonomskog rezultata.

      Iz tog razloga je za ocekivati da se predstavi i druga strana medalje a to je dodatni izvor finansiranja dostupan iz regije u ovom slucaju samo njima i eventualno JP.

  6. Anonymous08:33

    Anyone know how their passenger numbers are so far this year? It is a shame they don't publish monthly statistics like good old Jat did in the past.

    1. Anonymous08:39

      I'm also interested to see how their numbers are performing this year. Also are they operating fewer flights this summer than last year?

    2. Anonymous08:43

      I don't know for sure but I think there are more flights this summer. On average they operate 8 charter flights per day, on some days even more.

    3. Anonymous08:48

      I think the charters are the ones that will push their to having more or the same number of flights as last year. It really is one of the booming sector for JU. If they were smart, they would focus more on Aviolet.

  7. Anonymous08:34

    Isn't it a requirement by Serbian law that a CEO of a majority state owned company is a Serbian citizen? I highly doubt Naysmith has Serbian citizenship.

    1. Anonymous08:36

      What difference does it make?

    2. Anonymous08:39

      Well the difference is that in one case you are enforcing the laws of your own country and the other is that you are completely disregarding them.

    3. Anonymous08:39

      You mean what difference does it make if they are following the law or not?

    4. Anonymous08:46

      I was talking about the business itself. Citizenship makes no difference.

    5. Anonymous08:54

      It does if you follow the laws of Serbia.

    6. Anonymous09:08

      So citizenship is more important than the qualifications for the position. Very Balkan mentality...

    7. Anonymous09:10

      I know there was an issue when they named Dane Kondic as CEO and they had to expressly issue him with citizenship. Of course he had the right to it due to his heritage. Not sure what they did with Naysmith.

    8. Anonymous09:29

      Anon at 9.10am - what you just wrote is total B.S. regarding "express citizenship" given to Dane. I know him personally and he received his citizenship 5 years before he arrived in Serbia to do his job in 22013. I went through the process with him and we both received our citizenship around the same time in 2008, as Australians with Serbian heritage. We were both living in Hong Kong at the time - he from Sydney and me from Perth - and we submitted all our paperwork at the Serbian Embassy in Beijing.

      It is a small matter of total irrelevance in the greater scheme of things, but I hate how people write so much shit on this blog in the hope that just because they write it, that somehow it might be seen as a fact.

      Irrespective, whether or not the previous, current or future CEO does/doesn't have Serbian citizenship, is irrelevant. WHat matters is their ability to do their job and deliver the results that the Board expects.

    9. Anonymous13:56

      The issue was about who has effective control of the airline (Europeans vs non-Europeans), Serbia being in Europe, and part of European Common Aviation Area.

    10. Anonymous18:11

      Duncan is UK citizen, if I remeber correctly. And no, Serbian citizenship is not a requirement to be a CEO of a Serbian company, unless noted otherwise

  8. Anonymous08:37

    This was expected. With Etihad recently starting a new cargo line to Belgrade, hiring people in Belgrade for their "Shared Services Center" and increasing frequencies of BEG-AUH route it was unlikely they were planing to leave any time soon.

    1. Anonymous08:41

      Not only that but their cargo line was increased from 1 to 2 weekly a month after it was announced.

    2. Anonymous08:42

      And they just introduced their extra frequencies yesterday :)

    3. Anonymous08:46

      Anyone know what they are exporting on those flights?

    4. Anonymous19:36

      As we could all hear in the media Etihad will not be managing JU any more. That is a significant change and they are practically leaving. This was a good compromise not to damage any party.

  9. Anonymous08:40

    Second day in a row BEG welcomes three widebody aircraft: UJ A332, JU A332 and IR A300.

    Impressive to say the least.

    1. Anonymous08:50

      Nice. Someone posted in the comments yesterday the full list of widebodies at BEG this week. There will be several each day except Sunday I think.

    2. Anonymous09:09

      I don't see the comment, shame. It must have been deleted for some reason.

      Imagine how cool it would be if TK was allowed to send their own widebodies.

    3. Anonymous09:11

      Look better. It's there

      Anonymous July 2, 2018 at 12:41 PM

    4. Anonymous09:31

      It's no surprise about Iran Air. In May when they were pretty much the only airline operating from IKA, there were 1.597 Iranian tourists. So far this year there were 6.057.

      Some other numbers in May:

      - China 11.908 (30.438) +82%
      - India 782 (2,330)
      - USA 4.348 (12.159) +25%
      - Spain 1.678 (4,209) +68%
      - Sweden 2.410 (7.679) +14%
      - Switzerland 3.106 (9.175) +30%
      - Croatia 8181 (34.505) +10%
      - Turkey 13.002 (33.381) +19%
      - Slovenia 9.620 (30.847) +13%
      - Russia 4.782 (16.863) +7%
      - Romania 5.601 (25.663) +24%
      - Poland 4.728 (11.613) +36%
      - Germany 8.672 (26.044) +21%
      - Italy 5.136 (18.656) +24%
      - Greece 5.045 (22.780) +42%
      - Bulgaria 7.489 (38.189) +8%
      - Belarus 298 (857)
      - Austria 3.722 (11.532) +12%

      There are some very interesting things here. Spanish arrivals in May were probably strong because Vueling extended their flights.

      Belorussian tourists started to appear in official statistics which makes sense since Belavia did introduce a non-stop flight to BEG.

      India could be the next big market to be attracted to Belgrade. Despite there not being any direct flights or any kind of promotion of Serbia in India, we managed to increase their numbers from 500 to 700 per month.

      Chinese are Turks are still going really strong. I guess other airlines are making the most of Chinese arrivals since Hainan is being static.

    5. Anonymous10:10

      Things are looking up for Belgrade.

    6. Anonymous11:25

      So Belgrade had 345 000 visitors in first 5 months and 100 000 in May alone?

      do you have link to statics website ?

    7. Anonymous11:33

      I think brackets are so far this year. Belgrade should have around 1.500.Foreign visitors this year.

    8. Anonymous11:52

      @AnonymousJuly 3, 2018 at 11:33 AM

      I don't think so, It might have 1.1 million at most. I need to look at statistics, to make any assumptions but if in May Belgrade had 100 000 foreign visitors, they'll need to have 150 000 visitors for remaining 7 months, on an average. Not possible when May is indicating limit of around 120-130 000 visitors in June-September period.

      From what I can see, from above statistics, Belgrade will have around 1.1 million foreign visitors. if you add Serbian visitors, yes 1.5 million is possible.

    9. Anonymous12:07

      Belgrade had 1.3 million last year. Growth is really strong this year.

    10. Anonymous12:13

      A total number, including Serbian visitors was 1.3 million.

    11. Anonymous12:33

      How much have other cities outside Ex-Yu such as Sofia and Budapest?

    12. Anonymous14:18

      So, Bulgarians top the list?? Very interesting.

    13. Anonymous14:35

      Yes, they overtook Bosnians a few months ago.

    14. Anonymous15:41

      How much major European cities (major such as more than 1 million inhabitants) host tourists annually? Is there a list?

    15. Anonymous02:56


      Yes there's a list of most visited cities in Europe, world...

      Og major cities in Ex-Yu Zagreb is most visited city. Number of visitors is around 1.35 million last year, this year around 1.5 million.

      So far this year city had 445 000 foreign visitors in first 5 months, data for June isn't out yet. Number of nights is also good, 820 000 nights, on average a visitor stayed 1.85 nights.

      However, Vienna had 5.8 million visitors, and 11.5 million nights.
      Budapest had 4.4 million visitors last year, and 9.2 million nights
      Prague had 7.2 million visitors and 12.4 million nights.
      Munich had 4.7 million visitors,
      Rome had 11 million visitors
      Paris 15 million
      London 17 million visitors
      Berlin just over 5 million

      and so on.

      Bangkok is king of the Hill with 22 million visitors.

    16. Anonymous02:59

      Data for prague has changed a bit, my data is somewhat old,

      7.6 million visitors and 19 million nights.

  10. Anonymous08:43

    I hope they become a much more proactive partner than the one they have been over the last 5 years.

    1. Anonymous08:49

      Actually I hope that from 2019 they will let JU do their own thing and become a silent partner. I think JU would do much better that way.

    2. Anonymous08:56

      +1 last anon

  11. Anonymous08:44

    Basically Air Serbia is Etihad's only "successful" equity partner.

    1. Anonymous08:46

      I think Jet Airways is doing well.

    2. Anonymous09:05

      successful is something else

    3. Anonymous09:14

      I think Air Seychelles also has profit.

    4. Anonymous12:03

      Jet is totally autonomous. They don't want to listen Etihad (when they instruct them to make stopover in Berlin, Dusseldorf or Rome to USA and Canada). Instead they did it in Amsterdam. Also on plane order they did not do it under Etihad order. And that is why they are successful.

      Air Seychelles is not profitable. They enter new restructuration again.

  12. Anonymous09:05

    I find it hard to believe that this hybrid model has been working.

    1. Anonymous10:50

      Why? Almost all major European airlines uses hybrid model on short routes.

  13. Anonymous09:20

    Congratulations on the partnership renewal.

  14. Anonymous09:23

    So is it for another 5 years?

    1. Anonymous09:27

      They can sell their stake whenever they want.

  15. Anonymous10:12

    Etihad ostaje vlasnik svog udela, ali izlazi iz ugovora o upravljanju. Mozda je to i najbolji scenario za JU.
    Najveci problem JU jeste preveliki broj zaposlenih, ovoliko zapolsenih imaju kompanije koje imaju duplo, pa i troduplo vecu flotu.

  16. it is good that EY is staying. this means JU will have access to latest technologies and better service and equipment deals.

    hopefully, EY will recover in couple of years and there will be more benefits for JU.

  17. Anonymous11:32

    Good news for Air Serbia and Belgrade Airport.

  18. Anonymous12:41

    Sa ukidanjem viza sa Ukrajinom mozda ipak bude letova tamo?

    1. Vize za Ukrajinu su ukinute jos 2011.

  19. Anonymous12:53

    After months of negative news from JU, it is good to see some progress.

  20. Since Air Serbia has basically gone through what you could call 2 intense restructuring periods under the guidance of Etihad, the first being Jat to Air Serbia and the second from traditional full service to hybrid carrier. What are the real benefits of this this partnership continuing for Air Serbia? Would it not be better for them to separate and allow Air Serbia to join an alliance like Oneworld or Sky Team?

    1. Anonymous13:30

      Pitaj to svog premijera kad bude ponovo pokusavao da proda OU.

    2. OU can't receive state aid for another 8 years so they can't be compared. Etihad clearly isn't what or where it was even 2 years ago and they are busy focusing on themselves at this time and there is also a reasonable question mark over their own future so its a legitimate question.

      My point is that Air Serbia is in much better shape and position compared to where they were 5 years ago and with the situation Etihad is in, Air Serbia might be better off now being part of a larger alliance which has limited presence in the region especially since they are in a position where they can rely on continued support by their government.

    3. Anonymous14:10

      Ma vraga su u boljem sa tolikim novcem sprzenim na njih ne od strane Eihada, ali ponavljam ti pitaj svog premijera.

      Opstanak kompanija je u pitanju.

    4. if ey stays they will have more access to top notch tech systems which are highly important nowadays and better contracts with suppliers.
      if JU goes to alliance, they would loose those advantages

  21. Anonymous17:39

    Air Serbia needs to grow destinations, passengers and fleet, both long haul and narrowbody.

    1. Anonymous19:47

      There are two mid-term options for them.
      1. Either to shrink to reasonable size of 1.2-1.4 passengers with no or minimal state aid (like old JU). That would be a reasonable scenario.
      2. To try to have 3-5x more passengers if they want hub concept to work. Hopefully they do not go that way.

    2. Anonymous20:02

      That was the most stupid comment to be read in a long time. One question, are you trolling us?

      Double of current passengers would be enough for JU to gain critical mass and be profitable on its own. i don't see how shrinking would help if the year when Jat recorded such loads it recorded a 70m Euros loss despite not paying for aicraft leases.

      Idiotic comment.

    3. Anonymous20:03

      They're already on minimal state-aid.

    4. Anonymous20:39

      anon 7:47
      Shrinking could help once state aid is not longer allowed. 20.8 mil is probably not the real number but financial forensics is yet to be done.
      Growing is good but risky and would involve further substantial state expenditure.
      70 mil in 2013 is spend on AirSerbia project, nothing to do with running Jat.

    5. Anonymous22:06

      Financial report was already audited by KPMG. Governments (please note plural) were desperate to find a buyer for jat in the years leading up to 2013, spending hundreds of millions just to keep them afloat. Anyone not knowing this well known fact and instead suggesting reducing JU to pre-2013 1,2 mil pax as a "reasonable" is either insane or a troll. Pick one.

    6. Anonymous09:01

      Insane trolls are attacking xD

  22. Anonymous19:10

    Sta je sa A320neo za JU?

    1. Anonymous20:01

      Evo samo sto nije ...

    2. Anonymous20:40

      Sta da rade sa tim? Ni ova dva uglavnom ne mogu da napune, pogotovo od kada su dodali sedista. (Mada su im nova sedista odlicna)

    3. Anonymous22:10

      What kind of training is required for pilots to go from A320 to A320NEO? Is it simpler than switch from 320 to 330?

    4. Anonymous07:47

      No formal training required, aircraft is more or less the same except the engines...

  23. Anonymous22:14

    Are Air Serbia check in kiosks at Belgrade airport finally operational? Anyone tried to use them and is it easier than online check in?

    1. Anonymous09:04

      They seemed operational on Monday evening. I just do not get it - is it for free or for a fee? If it is free and it seemed that way, why do they confuse people that payment is needed with "white tariff"?

  24. Anonymous10:07

    Payment is needed if you go to check in counter.
    If you go online or to kiosks, it is free of charge.
    At least, it is how I understood it.


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