The Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), which manufactures the Superjet 100, says it cancelled an agreement to supply Adria Airways with fifteen aircraft of the type due to the Slovenian carrier's poor finances. In a statement, which disputes Adria's claims, SCAC said, "In November 2018 there was a preliminary agreement achieved concerning the delivery of fifteen aircraft to Adria Airways in 2019. The agreement was supposed to be transformed into a firm order. The institutions that were to provide the financing, after studying Adria Airways' financial report for 2018, recommended to SCAC to cancel the deal in order to factor out the losses. The recommendations were accepted and the deal was stopped. The delivery of the aircraft is impossible without a firm order". Adria Airways has previously said it would post a "significant" loss for 2018. The airline responded to SCAC's statement this afternoon labelling it as "misleading". "We reject all of SCAC's misleading claims relating to the SSJ arrangement. Negotiations were suspended on our part for reasons already stated in the press release", the Slovenian carrier said.
Things fall apart ...
ReplyDeleteGood luck Adria stay away from Russia.
ReplyDeleteTo me it seems like the situation in the Slovenian company is so bad that even Russians decided to stay away.
DeleteRussians learnt their lesson in Croatia with Agrokor
DeleteAdria will crumble like a house of cards
ReplyDeleteMalo morgen ....
Deletenajverovatnije übermorgen :-)
DeleteWell said SCAC!
ReplyDeleteIt is sad that they had to come forward with this statement, but I guess they had to in order to save their credibility. Adria should have stayed silent or gave a very diplomatic one sentence statement.
ReplyDeleteWhat a joke. Looks like they are saving the face. I dont think Sukhoi is in that demand of selling planes that they will say we dont sell our planes to you because you have less money. And if they do that not at such stage after allocating planes. It means they either dont know how to make business or they are just answering because they have to answer.
ReplyDeleteThey realise that essentially giving the planes to Adria would most likely hurt their company financially, they're making the same decision here.
DeleteSane* decision
DeleteWorse than kids :) At the end, does it really matter? Only things that matter are facts: Sukhois are not coming and Adria is in deep sh*t.
ReplyDeleteNo money - no service...
ReplyDeleteIli sto kaze narod: "Nema ni kod babe dzabe"
DeleteNo money, no honey :D
ReplyDeleteПолитика неможе да лети, али може да порекне дил.
ReplyDeleteСловенија не зависи од Русије. Може јој се. Адрија ће купити
Од другог произвођача. Има капитал и мпже да бира. Сухоју остаје "добра успомена" и покварена политичка коректност.
Тешко да преко Алпа прелети супер џет. Можда ово мало ћирилице изглади односе у куповини путничких авиона.
Поздрав из Сиднеја.
Rodney & Co. Kings Park, NSW. Australia
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DeleteIzvini Rodney, koji kapital ima Adria? Večina aviona koje sada ima su na leasing. Sve sami dugovi koji naraštaju. Tužno ali istinito. :-(
DeletePozdrav, Danilo!
Поштовани Данило 2:50, незнам колико капитала има Адриа, али је очигледна прљава политика која је и у авијацији пре свега путничкој, до сада жели да продаје Русима. За узврат настоји да се по могућству не купују производи Русије. Авијације посебно. По могућству да Русију изиграва... Очигледно да се то потврђује отказивањем дила са Сухојем. Зашто Руси настоје да на тржиште Словеније? То је питање за Русију... Игра се наставља. Ко је следећи? Тешко да их има између Атланика и Карпата. Можда то већ је јасно и Руским произвођсчима путничких авиона. Словенци су имуни на Руске производе. Сухој је то осетио. Адриу није брига. И зашто би?...
ReplyDeleteПоздрав из Сиднеја.
Радован. ☺✈��✈✨✈☺✈
Ah, dragi moj Rodney. Nije u pitanju uzeti Suhoj ili ne. Kod Adrie je u pitanju sve. Od kada je bila od strane države prodana nemačkoj grupi 4K, ništa ne ide kako bi trebalo. Početak 2018 godine bio je stvaro opimističan (otvorene nove linije, obečanja za nabavku novih aviona,...) a u zadnjoj polovini te iste godine jedva su slagali linije, da su odradili letove. Nije sve samo u nekakvoj skepsi do ruske aviacijske tehnike nego je puno viuše u tome sa koliko novca se razpolaže. Ajde, možda je otpozadi još neki plan, da se spreče ruski uspjesi na tržištu generalne avijacije, kako si ti pomenuo, ali o tome se kod nas ne govori.
DeleteMeni osobno je svejedno dali letim sa A320, Q400 ili Su S-100. Samo želim, da letim od tačke A do tačke B. A kako idu stvari, verovatno če to za nekoliko godina biti avion neke druge avio kompanije a ne Adrie.
Pozdrav iz Ljubljane.