Niš Airport surpasses passenger record


Niš Airport surpassed its all-time annual passenger record yesterday by handling its 422.256th passenger of the year. The milestone was achieved on an Air Serbia flight between Niš and Ljubljana. It came on the day Air Serbia inked an agreement to continue operating Public Service Obligation flights from Constantine the Great Airport for another four years after previously winning a tender for the upkeep of year-round services to Cologne, Hahn, Ljubljana, Istanbul, and Belgrade, as well as sesaonal operations to Athens and Tivat in return for subsidies. Air Serbia's CEO, Jiri Marek, said, “These are routes of public interest, extremely important for the economic and social development of this region in the Republic of Serbia. This morning an agreement was signed with the Ministry for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure which will ensure the continuation of air transport between Niš and these cities. These flights have carried a significant number of passengers and it’s no surprise that the record-breaking 422,256th traveller in 2023 checked in on an Air Serbia flight between Niš and Ljubljana. In our wish to support our partners and celebrate this success together, we have rewarded this important passenger with two tickets to a destination of their choice within Air Serbia’s network, currently covering over eighty cities. Our best wishes to Constantine the Great Airport and even better results in the future“. Niš Airport’s new 7.160-square-metre terminal is set to open next summer, increasing its annual capacity to 1.5 million passengers.


  1. Anonymous14:24

    Well done ! If we add the numbers from INI and KVO to those from BEG we get 8.5 this year! Next over 9.5! Very good, let's hope the airport gets closer to 1 million as soon as possible!

  2. Anonymous14:30

    Well done East and South Serbia need more traffic, I expect Ryanair to announce more new destinations soon! INI needs new connections with the world especially in Europe!

  3. Anonymous14:33

    Although controversial I think Air Pink would suit INI better. The E145 would be ideal for all destinations in Western Europe (which is operated by BEG, they would be operated by INI). I am glad that the subsidies continue, including for domestic flights.

    1. Anonymous14:40

      What is going on with this project?

    2. Anonymous14:57

      I believe in year or 2 they will start flying those routes on behalf of AirSerbia, that we'll have additional call for new routes and that they will jump in directly, but in tight cooperation with AirSerbia, not as competitors

    3. Anonymous16:18

      In two years? Hopefully they will not exist in two weeks.

    4. Anonymous16:40

      Air Pink has existed for 20 years and is a very successful Air Taxi company.

    5. Anonymous18:25

      They have over 20 planes, subsidiary Air Emeralds, maintenance base, one of the biggest lessor of planes for serbian small airlines...

    6. Anonymous20:07

      Is Air Pink owned by Mitrovic?

    7. Anonymous10:24

      Yes, it is.

    8. Anonymous13:44

      Yes it is, but that doesn't mean it's bad company and certainly it that it should disappear in 2 weeks, quite opposite.

    9. Anonymous05:40

      Politics and this forum should not mix. Who cares who owns Air Pink… may they operate at least another 50 years further expanding the economy and tourism in Serbia.

  4. Anonymous14:34

    We are waiting for more subsidized routes! Hopefully this will happen soon as reported.

  5. Anonymous14:35

    The new terminal is progressing, great! 1.5 capacity is not bad!

    1. Anonymous14:38

      It will definitely be much more spacious and not like it is now (although my opinion is that now something is at a very good level). I wonder what shops there will be and if you will see something more interesting in the style of "Nikola Tesla"?

  6. Anonymous14:40

    Bravo Niš

    1. Anonymous15:46

      Bravo Air Serbia 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸

  7. Anonymous14:42

    How come? The "analiticar" told us INI is stagnating an the old management was better?

    1. Ми код "аналитичара" имамо податак да је 34 милиона за четири године више од 13 милиона годишње (13*4) као ПСО. Свашта он напише.

    2. Anonymous15:49

      „Analitičar“ je trenutno preokupiran predizbornom kampanjom - pazi sada: U Srbiji! Glavne mete JU, INI i KVO ali i BEG.

    3. Anonymous16:19

      Well, almost the same number of passengers with and without PSO suggests that those who did it without PSO did a better job, doesn't it?

    4. Anonymous16:22

      Kad dolazis iz zagrebacke Kaludjerice - onda sigurno znas sve o zrakoplovstvu

    5. Anonymous20:42

      Ja dolazim iz prave Kaluđerice i znam dosta više o vazduhoplovstvu nego moja HR kopija. Znam i da pišem pravilno. Imam i statuse po FQTV programima. Ne mrzim ceo svet. Itd itd

    6. Anonymous08:47

      The problem.was that old managrment had to be changed because not part of SNS Mafia party

    7. Anonymous08:50

      ^ ne da je bio iz SNS nego je direktor aerdroma bio sekretar partije u Nisu, kao i direktor razvojne agencije Jug koji je bio iz SNS-a.

    8. Anonymous09:56

      We are all aware that things are not rosy in Niš; you can see it by the dwindling number of low-cost airline routes. So, let's wait a few months after these pre-election celebrations to see what the results are like. I would say, as a layperson, that things don't seem to be going perfectly according to the statistics.

  8. Anonymous15:21

    So Niš-Ljubljana route is doing well if they said that its no surprise that the record came on this route.

    1. Anonymous15:29

      any idea how many pax there is on this route?

    2. Anonymous19:21

      I think by that he meant “of course Air Serbia flight”, not “of course Ljubljana flight”.

    3. Anonymous09:51

      @anon 15:21 The record on this flight is so obviously rigged that only a blind person couldn't see it. It's event for the directors to be photographed and show that they have achieved something. For two consecutive months, the traffic has been declining, and everyone is silent about it. To make matters worse, in the coming months and beyond, we will only see a decline, as there are only a few low-cost airline routes left.

  9. Anonymous17:40

    Would be interesting to see if INI reaches the 1 million passenger mark and how will Vinci react then. After all, there is a restriction by them.

    1. Anonymous17:56

      There is actually no proof whatsoever that there is any restriction placed. This nonsense was spread by the former INI management who were clinging onto their positions at the time. Why do you think they are building an airport for 1.5 million passengers if there is a restriction?

    2. Maybe the same reason why are they building football stadia in Loznica, Leskovac and Zaječar?

    3. Anonymous20:24

      1 million pax at INI. That's one restriction with which I can live.

    4. Anonymous21:51

      Good to know, 17:56. At the time, it was indeed quite odd that an airport based in the capital would "dictate" the other regional airports what to do. It makes sense now. Typical Balkan mentality when it comes to possessing power....they start inventing things. And yeah, why not seeing INI with 1 million passengers in the future.

  10. Anonymous09:44

    It was necessary to celebrate something before the elections because they had to take pictures with some banners and show "success." Moreover, the mayor took the opportunity to reiterate that giving the airport to the state was the right thing to do. Disgusting! To make matters even more disgusting, the jubilee passenger happened to be on an Air Serbia flight, which is recently back in state ownership, and the director coincidentally found himself there. Orchestrated pre-election campaign!

    1. Anonymous11:32

      Even so, last 10 years marked a clear forward movement for air transportation in Serbia be it AS or BEG. Numbers speak for themselves. Hence no need for political overtones. I hope this continues for the next 10 years. (and yes, I am making a statement that is crystal clear for the opposite side.)

    2. Anonymous11:48

      Bраво НИШ и за рекордног путника и за то како сте то исписали! Браво!!!

  11. Anonymous22:17

    New anouncement: the airport construction (INI) will be finished at the end of summer, but previously they said that new terminal will be ready for summer season. Hope to see new destinations from INI in winter 2024/2025 season!


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