EX-YU airports set for February growth, Wizz remains largest airline

All capital city airports from the former Yugoslavia are expected to see passenger growth in February when compared to the same month last year, based on available scheduled seat capacity levels. On the other hand, Wizz Air will just stay on as the region's biggest airline ahead of Air Serbia.

Belgrade Airport has the most available seats on scheduled flights in February, standing at 651.158. The figure represents an increase of 25.5% on 2023. Air Serbia will continue to maintain its position as the largest carrier, holding 50.4% of all available scheduled capacity at the airport. Zagreb follows as the second largest with 337.593 available seats on scheduled flights during the month. It represents an increase of 19.9% on last year. Croatia Airlines will retain its position as the largest carrier at the airport, with 42.2% of available capacity. It is followed by Ryanair with 24.2% of all available seats.

Skopje Airport boasts 215.400 seats in February, up 30.9%. Wizz Air will hold a 57.2% share of available seats. Pristina Airport will have 196.240 available seats, however, it has numerous flights sold exclusively through tour operators which are considered as charters. Therefore, these are not included in the overall scheduled seat capacity. If only seats on scheduled flights are taken into account, the airport sees an increase of 21% in capacity on last year. easyJet has the largest portion of scheduled seats, holding a 21.4% share, just ahead of Wizz Air with 20.2%.

Podgorica Airport will just eclipse Ljubljana, with 113.810 seats, up 14.4% on 2023. Turkish Airlines is the largest carrier with 19.2% of capacity. Notably, Pegasus Airlines moves into second place at the airport, with the launch of two new routes to the Montenegrin capital this month (Izmir and Ankara), holding a 17.2% share, while Air Serbia settles in third with a 17% share. The country’s national carrier, Air Montenegro, places fourth in Podgorica based on available capacity. Ljubljana Airport is just behind its Montenegrin counterpart with 113.192 seats on scheduled flights in February, an increase of 36.7% on 2023. Turkish Airlines is the largest carrier with 17.3% of total capacity. Finally, Sarajevo Airport has 106.521 seats available this February, which is up 28.3% on last year. Turkish Airlines will be its largest carrier with a 20.1% capacity share.

Largest carriers by scheduled seat capacity in the former Yugoslavia, February 2024


  1. Anonymous09:02

    So even with FR growing in ZAG they are still growing less than BEG? How come.

    1. Anonymous09:02

      I don't think FR is growing in Zagreb in February.

    2. Anonymous09:24

      FR's growth starts next month.

    3. Anonymous10:57

      Since BEG received EU accreditation for “No Schengen Clean” in 2022 the hub concept of AirSerbia (and Lufthansa as feeder for FRA and MUC) gained some momentum. More and more I saw and talked to passengers at BEG who are not part of the diaspora and used BEG just as a hub, mainly to Greece. Plus passengers traveling from central Europe to Russia.

  2. Anonymous09:03

    As Wizz is rumored to be on the brink, airports like SKP should consider whether they should be so dependent on one airline.

    1. Anonymous09:04

      Wizz Air had net profit of €400.7 million last year.

    2. Anonymous09:05

      Wizz Air on the " brink". Are you for real? Just because they suspended routes because of aircraft grounding has nothing to do with their finances. In fact, they are being compensated for these groundings and cancellations.

    3. Anonymous09:09

      When will the engine problems stop? That means no Wizz traffic until 2028 lol.
      Good and reliable will be ACMI.

    4. Anonymous09:11

      Giants like Avion and Smartlynx are just waiting for someone. You have a great opportunity to lease 20 of Smartlynx's 60 A320 Family.

    5. Anonymous09:27

      On the brink? My, my... My dear Balkan rekla-kazala exaggeration!

    6. Anonymous10:05

      SKP is growing 30.9% YoY. I'm sure they are shaking in fear about W6 being on the brink!

    7. Anonymous10:50

      In Nis they’re talking about Wizz leaving and being taken to Belgrade. Here they’re talking about them being ‘on the brink’. Both conspiracies due to grounded aircraft… gotta love the Balkans and how conspiracy is real, and facts are fake news.

    8. Anonymous12:04


    9. Anonymous12:22

      on a side note. people should learn what the word "conspiracy" means and use it correctly. the word conspiracy doesnt mean fake or false. its a word to label conspiracies, where a person/group of people or organizations have made a plan to do harm/damage to a person/people or other organisation.
      the people who think wizz is on the brink or anything along those lines is not a "conspiracy". you can say their wrong or inncaurate if you think that. but thats all.

      as for wizz and their troubles well they lost over 1 billion dollars for 2021-2022. made a profit after that but now straight back to troubles because of the plane grounding. now yes they might get compensation from airbus or P&W for their losses but it will allow JU, Turkish, ryanair, easyjet and others to take more market share while they have these problems which they will have to work to re-take when the problems finally resoleved

    10. Anonymous12:27

      on a side note thats not what conspiracy means. it doesnt mean false or fake and doesnt apply to the situation. can only say people are wrong or innacurate if you think they are.

      as for wizz they lost over 1 billion for 2021-2022. and after making profit they now have a large grounded number of their fleet. even if airbus or p&w cover the losses for the grounding. Wizz will lose market share to competitors in eastern europe because of it. so if theyre not smart about it they could end up losing a lot and reducing operations even more in south east europe.

    11. Anonymous20:13

      SKP will have a big problem com Feb 12th. Old Macedonian passport will not longer be valid (the likely of common sense prevailing, making them valid till their natural expiry, since this is Balkans is almost zero) and half the passports have not been replaced. Even considering that a lot of SKP passingers have another passport it could still mean a sudden drop in passingers by alt least 25 to 30%). Not air travel related but Greece which stubongly refuses to expend the period, will have a huge loss too. It is impossible to replace all the passports until summer, when Macedonians take their vacations, mainly on the Greek beaches, It is estimated that Macedoninas spend between 300 million and 500 million per year on their Greek vacations. The hotel owners in Northern Greece will not be happy.

    12. What do you mean? Why would everyone's passports expire on the same day?
      If that's the result of the Macedonian passport changing its form and/or function, e.g. with new biometrics data added or something like that, with the old one no longer being valid mere days from now, presumably people have been able to replace their passports for some some time now.

    13. Anonymous17:34

      It is the "agreement " with Greece to add the raped N word (North ) in front of Macedonia ...old passports with just Republic of Macedonia (about half the population still have those) . It is Balkan stupidity but that's the way it is. Nobody would have been hurt if the passports lived thru their usual validity. But the Balkan mentality requires that one causes as much damage and discomfort as possible to thy neighbor. Even to the point when (such is in this case) one (Greece) stands to lose several million euros as a consequence of stupidity , stubbornness and "hate thy neighbor" commandment.

  3. Anonymous09:03

    The growth in Skopje is huge

    1. Anonymous09:08

      Where is the growth coming from?

    2. Anonymous09:09

      It's coming from Wizz Air. Despite the cancellations of some flights, they have a huge increase in frequencies compared to same time last year.

    3. Anonymous09:13


    4. Anonymous09:19

      @09:09 not true. Last year they had five jets deployed at SKP in February already so there are less flights now. Also the growth is not huge considering that there are just 215k seats on sale and around 150k passengers will be handled which is very little increase compared to last year, if Wizz didnt cancel some of its flights then there would have been 260k seats at least which would represent a huge growth like the first guy said. Still, Skopje will have record year again, February is just one month and it is the slowest month in the aviation so nothing new.

    5. In February, Wizz Air has a 31.9% increase in capacity and 32.4% increase in flights in Skopje compared to the same month last year.

    6. Anonymous09:38

      So in 2023 last year they had less then four planes in skp??

  4. Anonymous09:05

    Ljubljana looks better than I thought. So this year at least p2p will be restored.

    1. Anonymous09:50


    2. Anonymous10:16

      wizzair added one flight to skopje in SS so its back on 3 pw.

  5. Anonymous09:05

    Any word when Qatar will resume SKP, will that be at the start of the summer season or somewhere in June when all the gastos from Australia are starting to comeback at their motherland. I'm sure they don't want to lose that lucrative market to Turkish

    1. Anonymous09:06

      QR won't resume Skopje.

    2. Anonymous09:09

      I hope they do but I also don't think they will. Anyway they usually announce new routes at ITB which is next month.

    3. Anonymous09:19

      I think Dubai is likelier to return than Doha.

    4. Anonymous09:28

      Same. Makes more sense because of P2P demand too. I just don't get what is the Macedonian government doing and why haven't they tried for remove visas for citizens to enter UAE? Even Kosovo has visa free travel to UAE now.

    5. Anonymous09:53

      Do Macedonians still need visa for UAE? that's really odd

    6. Anonymous11:56

      I think we dont

    7. Anonymous12:00

      Macedonians do require a visa to enter the UAE. It takes a minute to check.

    8. Anonymous12:05

      Okay thanks for spending a minute for us.

    9. Anonymous12:11

      ^ what's your problem? You are unhappy that your misinformation has been corrected?

  6. Anonymous09:06

    Air Montenegro fourth in Podgorica!

    1. Anonymous09:13

      Crazy and sad. Montenegro Airlines used to be unbeatable back in the day.

    2. Anonymous09:26

      Montenegro Airlines had a much bigger fleet.

    3. Anonymous09:27

      And was unprofitable unlike Air Montenegro.

    4. Anonymous09:36

      Was unbeatable in loss making too...

    5. Anonymous07:57


  7. Anonymous09:07

    Looks like it's going to be another record month for BEG and JU in Ferbuary.

    1. Anonymous09:52

      Yes, for BEG might be even better than January

  8. Anonymous09:07

    PRN is waiting Albawings. This will grow passenger traffic, also GP Aviation will have more flights next months, Condor also with Air Prishtina will launch Stuttgart.

    1. Anonymous10:18

      when is Albawing coming to PRN?


    2. Anonymous20:04

      Their plane is already in Prishtina, don’t know why it’s not flying

  9. Anonymous09:12

    Will be a good month (and year) for Sarajevo.

    1. Anonymous09:14

      Yes, i can only imagine what that capacity growth will look like during the summer when Ryanair starts flights.

    2. Anonymous09:14


    3. Anonymous09:16

      SJJ gets a lot of capacity and transfer capability with Turkish and Pegasus. I still wonder why JU is sleeping. On the other hand FR will bring something different than FRA, VIE, IST. Lumiwings at the neighbors in TZL brings good destinations for the diaspora, but I sincerely hope we have good LF's.

    4. Anonymous09:49

      Probably has to do with yields.

  10. Anonymous09:13

    Which remains the most affected market after the events of recent years (Europe)? I think Slovenia has improved. LJU reports good growth for the new year.

    1. Anonymous09:15

      The numbers for LJU are good because they are compared to 2023. If you compare it to 2019 it is still a disaster.

      This is from last week's article about 2023 results
      "Ljubljana was the lowest ranked main capital city airport in Europe, taking 162nd position out of over 300 airports. "

    2. Anonymous09:18

      Aren't Minsk and Helsinki worse represented?

    3. Anonymous09:19

      Nope. LJU had biggest decline

    4. Anonymous09:22

      Minsk had more than 50% transfers and Ukrainian workers. Now after the things that happened they only have Belarusian passengers.
      LJU have only 200 000 transfers, not as MSQ over 2 000 000.

    5. Anonymous09:23

      ...LJU prior JP bankruptcy

    6. Anonymous09:27

      It is not compatible to compare MSQ and LJU. MSQ was a big hub, now they've lost them to transfers and I don't think it will be much more unless Belavia is revived. Same with LJU, it won't be a transfer center without JP. Never.

    7. Anonymous09:35

      Let's hope for Air Slovenia 😀

    8. Anonymous20:36

      Yes! Let’s. Forget Ryanair, which most Slovenians actually use, let’s bring back Adria 2.0, which won’t be used by anyone except government employees who’ll use it for free, while the rest of us non-flying public pay for it. Yaaaaaay!

    9. Anonymous14:16

      Vedno ista pesem sovražnikov Adrie. Samo z Adrio so se vozili državni uslužbenci, pri ostalih rednih prevoznikih pa se vozijo potniki z nahrbtniki!! Žal statistike govorijo drugače, vsaj 50 % potnikov Adrie je bilo tujcev, ki bi tudi danes plačali nekaj več, da bi lahko v Ljubljano prileteli direktno. Med drugimi tudi moja teta, ki je vsako sezono komaj čakala, da je Adria začela leteti Manchester. Avion je bil ponavadi poln, okoli polovica Slovenci, pol pa angleški turisti.

  11. Anonymous09:16

    wow Flydubai in the top 10!

    1. Anonymous09:34

      They increased LJU and ZAG.

    2. Anonymous09:53

      Hope they return to TGD one day. Those fifth freedom SJJ-TGD flights were wild :D

    3. Anonymous07:58

      I can only imagine how loss making that sector was for them.

  12. Anonymous09:16

    Pegasus is becoming a bigger and bigger player in the region. They recently said they are going to get a European AOC. Will be interesting. Their biggest enemy is bureaucracy.

    1. Anonymous09:17

      Apparently it will be a Romanian AOC. Think I read it somewhere.

    2. Anonymous09:19

      Poland, Romania or Czechia.

    3. Anonymous09:24

      Will be good to see european bases as OTP, BEG, SOF, WAW, PRG.

    4. Anonymous09:25

      BEG won't happen. They are after an EU AOC.

    5. Anonymous09:28

      Wizz have EU AOC.

    6. Anonymous09:30

      I know, but they had one before they started opening bases in non EU countries. Pegasus' only aim is to get an EU AOC. Anyway it would be great if they do open a base in BEG although I doubt it.

  13. Anonymous09:44

    In January SKP has alot of canceled flights and diverted to PRS.. because of the fog.. does someone know how much pax was send to PRS and where they are count in which airport?
    Btw I will travel in february and I just see Lufthansa will send A320neo on its SKP-Frankfut route :)

    1. Anonymous09:49

      The passengers are counted where they deboard, so in this case PRN.

    2. Anonymous11:59

      We ended up in SKG on our flight from Copenhagen on January 2nd, the plane was full 230pax, another one the same night was sent to SOF and one to PRN.

    3. Anonymous13:06

      09:49 Thank you
      11:59 Oh so its not only PRS ... Beggining of january until 10 was chaos ... Since then there is no fog problems.Thanks god.

    4. Anonymous13:56

      Dunno why SKP always has those fog problems every single winter and they are under the hat of TAV

    5. Anonymous07:59

      SKP has always had issues with fog. The reason why it is more noticeable now is because SKP has decent levels of traffic whereas 15-20 years ago that wasn't the case.

  14. Anonymous09:50

    FR really dies down in ex-Yu in winter months

    1. Anonymous11:04

      LCCs drop off in the region in the winter months. It shows how seasonal all the markets in the region are.

  15. Anonymous09:56

    Didn't expect to see BEG's growth in capacity is above JU's growth in capacity in February. The other airlines expect better February than JU...

    1. Anonymous10:11

      Or maybe JU is just more nimble in adapting its number of frequencies from month to month.

    2. Anonymous11:12

      Don't know about that, I think they lack aircraft in this period. They decided to cut China in February, not the smartest decision in my opinion.

    3. Anonymous11:22

      They made that decision based on forward bookings.

  16. Anonymous10:18

    Good news for all airports. Well done

  17. Anonymous10:51

    When will tour agency tickets die off in Pristina? I find it really weird that Albanians buy tickets like this. Is this the case only in Pristina, or people in Tirana also do it?

    1. Anonymous11:06

      Also in Tirana.

    2. Anonymous11:22

      11:06 Completely wrong, but nice try

    3. Anonymous20:09

      At first you would think that Kosovo isn’t capable of creating an airline, but then you look at Montenegro or any other smaller “poorer” country and see they are doing just fine idk I hope they’ll solve this:/

  18. Anonymous11:05

    Turkish is really pulling ahead of Lufthansa in Ljubljana.

  19. Anonymous11:06

    Big Wizz share in SKP.

  20. Anonymous11:38

    Wizz will slowly go down and down until there's nothing left of it but bankruptcy papers. And I can't wait.

  21. Anonymous11:58

    Hello, does anyone here know wether WizzAir will be doing trainings for new cabin crew members soon? I've been in the holding pool since August. I'd just like to know if i should wait or if it's not happening anytime soon. Thanks

    1. Anonymous12:03

      In their earnings report the other day Wizz said that new cabin crew intake has been temporarily paused due to the engine issues which had resulted in reduced schedule

  22. Anonymous12:01

    Roughly 40% of PRN traffic is charters. That means PRN has approx. 280k seats available in February.

    1. Anonymous20:12

      287k in January I think its gonna be around 250k this month.

  23. Anonymous13:14

    Will Wizz Air reopen Ohrid - Basel line for summer, how can we find information?

    It was discontinued this winter and it was the most operated line in the year

    1. Anonymous13:30


    2. Anonymous14:02

      Honestly,ohrit needs to pay to get traffic, the traffic figures are are far drim tragic, and this is a touristic desrtination. JERulsalem of bslkans

  24. Anonymous17:05


    1. Anonymous20:51


  25. Anonymous18:34

    Very curious how FR will perform in Hrvatska in 2024. With all them Wizzair problems, JU was very smart to secure Embraers!

    1. Anonymous20:52

      JU was smart to secure old planes instead of investing in newer aircraft, true


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