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TAP cancels Belgrade flights from mid January |
Portuguese national carrier, TAP Portugal, has suspended ticket sales for its flights from Lisbon to Belgrade starting January 14, just five months since the route was initially launched. It comes as a result of poor loads. Belgrade becomes one of three causalities in TAP’s network from the new year, with its flights to Tallinn and St. Petersburg also to be suspended. Both were launched this summer as well. An airline spokesperson told the Portuguese press, “These routes performed well during the summer, but bookings for the coming months are not encouraging”. Due to an ongoing fleet shortage, TAP’s CEO, Fernando Pinto, said last week that the airline would cut down on its network instead of leasing additional short and medium haul jets.
Flights from Lisbon to Belgrade were inaugurated this July, linking the two capital cities for the first time with a three weekly service. During the winter season, triangle flights via Budapest were introduced, with the service maintained three times per week. An additional fourth weekly flight was to be added during the upcoming holiday season. The inaugural service from Lisbon to Belgrade carried 117 passengers on its Airbus A319, which has the capacity to seat 132 people. Despite solid loads over the summer months and a strong advertising campaign in Serbia, TAP was plagued by operational issues, forcing the cancellation of many of its Belgrade flights. They were caused by a delay in the arrival of new aircraft, pilot training and “negative influences beyond our control”, Mr. Pinto says. As a result, passengers were rerouted onto other Star Alliance member airlines.
TAP is yet to decide whether it will resume the service next summer. Flights from Belgrade to the Iberian Peninsula have proven difficult to fill throughout the year, with Vueling operating its Barcelona to Belgrade route on a seasonal basis. TAP becomes the third airline in three months to suspend all of its operations to the Serbian capital, following on from Germanwings and Etihad Regional. The latter also introduced flights to Belgrade this summer, only to suspend them several months later. The Portuguese government is looking to sell up to 66% of its indebted national carrier, following a failed attempt in 2012. The airline has debts of some one billion euros and the state is banned from injecting fresh capital under European Union rules. TAP has a very limited presence in the former Yugoslavia with its only other destination in the region being Zagreb, which will continue to be maintained.
In other news, Belavia is sending its E-195 to Belgrade today. Nice to see an exotic airline doing well in Belgrade.
ReplyDeleteA320 is also going to Warsaw this evening. Does anyone have the loads? I guess there is a large group onboard.
DeleteDoes anyone know why the morning flight to Podgorica was delayed by two and a half hours?
ReplyDeleteShame about TAP. Always nice to see variety in BEG. I think part of being a real hub means attracting other good airlines to your hub as well and building those connections. JU can't make a hub out of BEG by itself.
Well, they are not. They are cooperating with Etihad, Aegean, Alitalia, Aeroflot, Tarom and until recently with Lot.
DeleteFrom what I remember, Aeroflot is one of the biggest winners here because of the JU code-share. Lots of JU connecting passengers are booked on those flights.
Yeah, definitely the cooperation and code-shares that they have established so far have been bearing a lot of fruit for both JU and BEG, but at the same time, when you think of any global hub, its not just the home airline and its code-share partners you know? Its an actual hub fed by many different airlines from different corners of the globe, and BEG is still missing a lot of that. I mean not even all regions of Europe are covered, let alone other parts of the world.
DeleteThere is still a lot of work to be done, but definitely the progress being made currently is very promising.
I agree and just like you I would love to see a lot of diversity in Belgrade, however, let's not forget that Air Serbia is still a small airline and it's rather insignificant on the European level.
DeleteI think their best shot would be to increase their regional frequencies which would inevitably make Belgrade the most attractive connecting airport for the Balkans. Then, they can take it from there.
If we look at their fleet, they really have 15 aircraft which is nothing.
I think variety of destinations rather than what you said, is what makes an airport significant or insignificant...
DeleteStill have no idea is it good or bad for Serbia that airlines are leaving or reducing flights to Belgrade. It is always good to have some kind of competition for national airline.
ReplyDeleteDepends who you ask! If you are a regular passenger out of BEG who i spaying for your own ticket it's not such a good thing because less competition means higher cost. Otherwise, if you work for JU it's definitly a good thing. Overall, as far as economical impact is concerned it's very hard to answer this and depends on the number of tourists, There are some existing studies in this field but it's very hard to make conclusion based on those examples.
DeleteSerbia will never have the number of incoming tourists that would require year-round service from carriers such as BA, AF or KLM. We can like it or not but LCCs and charters are more than enough to cover any foreign demand for visits to Serbia. Diaspora and local population simply cannot create the demand that is required in order to attract all major European carriers. If there was no national carrier then - just maybe - BA, AF and KLM would return. But I am not even sure of that.
Delete@Anon at 3:59
DeleteEvery now and then this blog is blessed with a post like this one. It really made me laugh, so I suggest reposting it on April 1 where it belongs.
Anonymous at 3:59 PM
DeleteZato zag ima duplo manje putnika nego BEG i ako ima neznam ni ja koliko milliona koreanskih turista.
Hahahaha exactly, especially since AF flies to smaller markets like LJU or ZAG. Poor Belgrade, it can't sustain BA or AF flights.
DeleteAF ima kode share sa Air Serbijom na letovima za Pariz koju su dvaput dnevno, zato ne dolazi u BEG. Please no shit man. I nikako ne mozes da znas ta ce Srbija biti a sta nece. Molim te da zacepis pre nego sto se ovako sramotis..
Anonymous at 4:18 PM
DeleteHAHAHAHA ZAG nema 3 kompanije sa Bliskog istoka a o mogucnosti da EY dodje u ZAG su 0 kao i da se CTN proda.
Tri su razloga:
Delete1. Zagreb ima manje putnika od BEG (no ne duplo manje) zato što je jedan od 10 međunarodnih aerodroma u Hrvatskoj, koja ima bitno više putnika nego Srbija.
2. Uz to u krugu od 3 sata vožnje od Zagreba nalazi se 11 aerodroma koji preuzimaju putnike kao što su Beč, Bratislava, Budimpešta, Beograd, Ljubljana, Graz, Trst, Venecija, Rijeka, Zadar, Split. Beograd u istom tom krugu ima samo dva aerodroma (Budimpeštu i Zagreb)
3. 99% chartera iz mikroregije ide iz Ljubljane jer Slovenci imaju više odlaznih turista nego mi (naši više-manje idu na Jadran). Tako da iz Zagreba ide tek 4-5 letova prema charter destinacijama tjedno, dok iz Ljubljane toliko ide svaki dan. Na tim letovima oko 25% putnika je iz Zagreba i okolice. No, oni ne putuju iz Zagreba. Jednostavno agencijama je povoljnije nuditi let iz Ljubljane i za Slovence, i za Hrvate i za Talijane.
INN, Zagreb ima 2 kompanije s Bliskog istoka, upola manje stanovnika od Beograda, veći standard od Beograda, Hrvatska kao država više aerodroma od Srbije i last but not least (hvala bogu) nema idiota Vučića kao premijera!
DeleteJa koliko znam nema jos 2 aviokompanije sa bliskog istoka . Za standard nemoze niko da tvrdi posto mozemo samo da nagadjamo oko toga
DeleteVucici je legenda nije Idiot neznam sto ga vredjate.A Dane legenda ako najavi letove ASL za USA/ Kinu u ZAG neznam ima da dozivite slog ;)
Јој тај чувени аргумент о хрватским аеродромима. Да Хрватска има један аеродром као Србија не би било много више путника него што то Загреб данас има. То је зато што онда нико не би ни летовао у Хрватској. Дакле, ти аеродроми имају толико путника због развијене туристичке индустрије.
DeleteА то да Хрватска има знатно више путника од Београда и није баш истина. Цена ваша лијепа има 1.5 милион путника више од Београда. Гледајући каква ће ситуација бити следећег лета, мислим да ћемо спасти на свега 500.000 што је ништа.
На крају крајева, ако ћемо тако да посматрамо ствари, онда Београд конкурише и са Тузлом и Темишварем.
DeleteJedini koji se ovde sramote ste ti i ovo austrijsko derište kome krene da se priviđa Zagreb čim mu neko ne promeni pelene na vreme.
Šta misliš, zašto AF i KLM imaju codeshare sa ASL a ne lete samostalno? Misliš da ne bi više voleli da mogu da napune svoj avion na BEG? Naravno da bi više voleli ali šta da rade kad ne mogu da ga napune. Zato se i oslanjaju na codeshare, dok recimo BA niti leti za BEG niti ima codeshare sa ASL. I šta misliš, šta je tome razlog? Fenomenalna potražnja za Srbijom kao destinacijom? Probajte bre jednom u životu da mislite glavom i da shvatite da nije svrha postojanja BEG da svakog dana ponižava i pobeđuje ZAG (to samo austrijska derišta sanjaju kada im se ne dopadne crtani film uveče), nego mu je svrha da izvuče iz sebe maksimum, pokupi sve putnike koje može da ima i zaboravi na one koje ne može da ima.
Inače, tvoja codeshare logika govori da bi, na primer, čitava Star Alijansa trebalo da se povuče sa ZAG i ostavi da OU pokriva linije. Mislim, koji će im sopstvene linije kada imaju codeshare. Kad vidi čuda, oni to rade. Zapitaj se zašto.
Anonymous at 5:14 PM
DeleteJa nisam Austriski drzavljanin tako da i nemate potrebe da mi govorite deriste ili da nosim pelene.Nego je ovde zabranjeno braniti ASL ili LYBE od napada . BA AF-KLM leti za ZAG iz prostog razloga zato sto je CTN preskup i zbog Turista leti.
Једина мана у твом коментару је та што је АФ имао солидну попуњеност на летовима за Београд. Проблем је био yield те им се није исплатило да и даље лете.
DeleteНеки од вас причају као да је Београд провинцијски аеродром са три авио компаније. Па шта ако нема КЛ, БА или АФ? Зато имамо Виз за Бове, Ајндховен и Лутон. Ер Србију за Хитроу као и 10 пута недељно за Амстердам и два пута на дан за Париз. Тржиште је већ засићено.
Разлог зашто лете за Загреб а не за Београд је зато што је ОУ знатно слабији играч ког могу лако да потамане. То није случај у Београду јер знају да иза ЈУ стоји Етихад.
Air France se sam ubio izmedju ostalog pokusavajuci da zaebava JAT cestim kontrolama u Parizu i sl. To ste mogli i na ovom blogu da citate.
DeleteTotally silly schedules doomed TAP from the start.......even holiday makers dont tolerate such silly arrival and departure times. Another failure, not for Beg, but for bad airline management, just like the silly prices to Berne....
ReplyDeleteit was horror... I flew once, it is really hard to spend 3 hours in the middle of the night.
Deletesome interesting facts in regards to ExYu aviation
ReplyDelete(this is just to spike up some healthy rivalry)... :)
ExYu market seems to be polarized more than ever (east vs. west) in regards to the choice of airlines found in different regions. Let's compare the 2 geographically opposite poles: Zag & Beg (west & east).
What BEG has, and ZAG doesn't:
- Alitalia, Aegan, easyJet, Etihad, Belavia, Montenegro, Pegasus, Tarom, Wizz Air, Air Cairo, BH Airlines
Shared airlines:
- aeroflot, swiss (well zag will soon have), lufthansa, austrian, air serbia, eurolot/LOT (essentially too similar), Turkish, FlyDubai, Qatar, Norwegian, Tunis, Vueling
What ZAG has, and BEG doesn't:
- British Airways, Air France, KLM, Iberia, TAP, Germanwings, seasonal (Air Europa, Korean, Trade Air)
2 smaller hubs by 2020 ? 7 mil pax vs. 5 mil pax...
Somehow I can't imagine neither to independenlty position themselves as absolute and only hub... with the other in the background... just can't see it... they are both "incomplete" or partially complete :) in certain areas: tourism, population, gravitational area, diaspora, economic power, overall infrastructure etc.
Can you define 'hub' because it seems we seem to have a different understanding of the word.
DeleteWell, BEG currently handles 100% pax more than Zagreb so in 2020 it'll rather be 5 vs. 1O million, if the gap won't be larger.
Delete10? No, I think around 20 million.
DeleteDoubt so, in six years. I also doubt Zagreb will break the 3 million mark any time soon.
DeleteBelgrade airport fail!
ReplyDeleteNo, this is TAP fail much more than for BEG, BEG did not have something significant in with 3 flights per week, and bad number of passengers. So please, go get a life!
Deletehow comes that ZAG airport fail in case of uniportant easyJet flights with 4 rotation in route where we have 2 other carriers, and BEG airport did not fail in route with same number of rotations and where you have no other carriers not even 1.000 km arount (nearest flights to Iberia is Milano or Paris)
DeleteBecause you can not compare easyJet and TAP and the markets they serve.
DeleteReally? So fail for airport is if ti is LCC, but it is not if it is legacy carrier (than it is fail of legacy carrier). That is at least stupid! But as we know how there are double standart criteria in this blog compare from where writer is...
DeleteTell me, from what market did easyJet withdraw? Then, feel free to tell me what's the market potential of that market and then compare it to the one between Serbia and Portugal.
DeleteTAP is gone airline as many others in Europe. And this is news recycling. Now we can start reading about flights of Santa Claus it is right time of the year. Can you give us a story about some exyu companies destinations?
ReplyDeleteHow is it recycling? Don't remember ex-Yu ever writing about this.
DeleteWe are all aware that TAP is going from BEG. they have similar problem with too big fleet and small number od passengers. They need reconstruction of their business not a new airplanes. Iberia - Balkan can go seasonal for that there is enough passengers for rest of the year they can go BEG BCN LIS 3 times pw.
DeleteWhy than you have TAP Lisabon-Zagreb all year flights for 8 years now? In same time you have 3 Croatia Airlines flights per week from Zagreb to Barcelona all year.
DeleteThat is not Iberia-Balkan?
And you have two companies in big debt. They need to change operating mode.
DeleteAnd how many companiers today are not in big debt in Europe?
DeleteThank you ex-Yu for actually investigating this and not just writing poor loads like some other site. TAP is obviously a mess at the moment but I'm sad to see them go
ReplyDelete"It comes as a result of poor loads." Have you read the article at all?
DeleteWell competition is always good for customers, and I think it is not a good thing for BEG.
ReplyDeleteThen TAP has its own problems, and reasons for this.
I took flight from BEG to LIS this July, load was between 75-80% on that flight, but on the way back they rerouted me via ZRH stating shortage of planes as the reason.
Plus they had really terrible schedule at 4 am...
Anyway, I really hope TAP will return next summer, and continue flying the route on seasonal basis.
O.T. AirSerbia increase Tirana to 7 p/w.
ReplyDelete4 JU212 (3 with A319) (mon,tue,thu,sun)
3 JU216 (wed,fri,sat)
source AS reservation system
DeleteWhen do these flights start?
DeleteFrom 29th March
DeleteLooks like from the 2015 summer season.
DeleteGermanwings returns in summer 2015 to BEG. News in German.
From where? STR?
DeleteI would love to see them launch flights from Berlin.
Lies, this can not be. No airline can return to Belgrade because of subsidies given to Air Serbia!
Delete(Sarcasm: off)
Here it says fromBaden-Württemberg o.O
DeleteStuttgart-Belgrade, 2 weekly
DeleteSeems like flights will operate on Mondays and Fridays, one way ticket starts from €70.
Looks like Air Serbia got some competition.
Germanwings will have really good times, in the afternoon.
Belgrade airport is not good for low cost airlines bla bla bla
DeleteHow is the situation going at BEG?
ReplyDeleteAre there still delays? And Beirut, do people still lose their baggage?
Delays are minimal and the situation seems to be under control.
DeleteBags are still a bit of a problem but nothing like before. The situation with the luggage became bearable the moment JU took over the luggage sorting facility from BEG.
There are no delays actually, no more than at any other major airport.
DeleteLooks like Air Serbia finally managed to get good slots in Amsterdam for its three afternoon flights.
ReplyDeleteThree weekly flights arrive at 22.30 which should enable connections onto the midnight wave of departures.
Daily night flights to Athens have been pushed to mid-June. I guess they can no longer afford to fill their planes with dirt cheap fares.
DeleteAegean is sending its A320 to Belgrade today, again!
DeleteAccording to Air Serbia's website, Banja Luka seem to be operated nine times per week!
ReplyDeleteDaily departure at 13.55 and then once a week at 07.55 and 16.55.
Currently the morning flight departs at 06.50 but I guess it was moved for later due to a lack of gate space.
Copenhagen is increased from 7 to 9 frequencies, two flights will operate on Sunday and Tuesday.
DeleteDepartures from Belgrade at 06.40 and 17.55.
Evening flight to Ljubljana will be exclusively operated by the B737-300 as well as three morning flights. Good for JU and LJU!
DeleteARN goes from 7 to 10 weekly!
DeleteWAW from 7 to 8!
DeleteGreat news, i'm especially glad about Warsaw, seems as they're determined to kill LOT on the route. I believe LOT will be the next airline to leave Belgrade. On the other hand Air Serbia is not planning any new route for the next year, with even plans to PRN apparently being cancelled.
DeleteHow do you know that ASL is not planning new routs?
I don't see Lot leaving Belgrade because they have an interline agreement with Air Serbia which was recently expanded. Their overall loads are not bad, especially not in summer. A good proof of this is that they have recently upgraded their Belgrade route to an E175.
DeletePristina was only evaluated as a potential destination, it was never seriously considered by the airline. There are a few more destinations to come before Pristina. Stay tuned. ;)
DeleteNot true, they will add JFK, ORD in late 2015, how can you know that at all?
Don't get me wrong, i would love LOT to stay, but taking into account:
Delete- the current price war between LO and JU (unsustainable on the long-run)
- the fact that LOT has ridiculously high prices to places where Air Serbia can't compete and where they could eventually get some passengers
- the overall financial state of LOT
- the cutting of many high-profile routes this season
- the Air Serbia's more than double capacity on the route
- the fact that we were like 10-20 on the plane to WAW a month ago
All that gives you a quite pessimistic outlook for the route and makes you see them as the next carrier to leave Belgrade, or the most likely.
You can also add to that their crappy service which makes you feel like never wanting to use them again, not more than Wizz Air.
DeleteThere are NO official plans to fly to North America for the time being.
DeleteLot is planning to make a major narrowbody order next year and once the ban on expansion expires they will spread their wings once again.
DeleteAs for their presence in Belgrade, it's unfortunate that they had such light load when you flew. For example today there were 44 passengers departing Belgrade with them and that's quite solid for this time of the year.
Shame Lufthansa forced them to suspend the code-share. I am sure it will be back soon.
Wrong. There ARE official plans for north American flights. Current plan is to launch them by Q1 2016. Please, do not spread misinformation.
DeleteI da se leti pred leto za PEK-PVG
No and no. There is nothing certain yet. No more than flights to CAI, KBP or Amman. Sure, they're analyzing, sure they're in works but no definitive decision has been taken yet. On the contrary please provide us with a certain launch date or please - shut up.
DeleteThank you.
Kao sto sam rekao u jednom od prethodnih obracanja, tap nije mogao da ocekuje veliku popunjenost sa jednim ili dva od ukupno tri leta iz Beograda koji su bili u 04:05h. Cak im je cena karte za taj ranojutarnji let kostala na njihovom sajtu bas kao i cena leta na OS preko VIE u podne. Znam kad se putnicima kaze da je let negde ka Evropi u 4 ujutru kakve su reakcije. Taj let jeste bio postavljen pre svega za destinacije za Juznu Ameriku, ali eto, saznali smo da je bila slaba traznja za tim kontinentom preko TAP-a. I dalje vecina 'hvata' lufthansu ili klm za Brazil, Argentinu, Peru. Oni koji su hteli da putuju u Lisabon kao turisti opet nisu imali sta da traze na tako ranom letu, a sto se tice poslovnih putnika, pa mi i nemamo bogzna kakvu ekonomsku saradnju sa Portugalom da bi avion punili poslovni putnici. Znao sam jos od trenutka kada je TAP dosao na srpsko trziste da to nece moci bas tako lako da funkcionise, a opet me je iznenadila vest da je menadzment TAP-a analizirao srpsko trziste pune tri godine. Slaba ekonomija. Bilo bi dobro da bude sezonska bar na 3 meseca leti, ali videcemo sta ce odluciti tapovci. Ista prica bi bila i sa Madridom kada bi asl odlucio da ga podigne. BCN je druga prica, mnogo je nasih tamo, o turizmu necu da pricam, a opet nesto vise i onih poslovnih. Moramo imati celogodisnju vezu sa Iberisjkim poluostrvom. Dokle ga god budemo ignorisali, nema jake air serbie, niti aerodroma Beograd. Prosto ne mozes da nemas direktan let ka trzistu koje broji preko 70 mil ljudi, a nalazi se u Evropi. Pozz
ReplyDeletePa to tI je kad vrlo malo naših radi tamo... Ja mislim da i danas više njih radi po severnoafričkim zemljama nego po Iberijskom poluostrvu. Tek kada Beograd postane hub, moći će da sebi priušti letove do Madrida, jer će ih i tad koristiti najviše tranzitni putnici, a ne O&D.
DeleteEvo jednog zanimljivog podatka kog sam se setio. Kada su bili parlamentarni izbori u Srbiji (ne secam se da li je to bilo 2008. ili 2012, moguce ovo prvo), nasi u Portugalu su se obratili ambasadi da bi im ovi organizovali glasanje.
DeleteOdgovor je bio da se to nece desiti jer na teritoriji CITAVOG Portugala ima manje od 100 nasih drzavljana u tom trenutku, tako da im se ne isplati da odrze glasanje.
Eto, koliko nasih ima tamo...
Jeste to trziste od 50 miliona ljudi, i nalazi se u Evropi, ali ti da bi mogao da organizujes usred novembra ili februara bar 5 nedeljnih letova ka Madridu ili Lisabonu, moras da imas dovoljan broj tranzitnih putnika, jer ukoliko se oslanjas na ove nase potrebe, neces dogurati ni do 50% LF jednog a319.
Ne secam se tacno koliko je dugo spanair leteo iz beg-a za bcn, ali sigurno duze od godinu ipo dana. Leteo sam 7 puta spanairom ka Barseloni. Avioni su im uvek bili puni, mozda do 20ak slobodnih sedista na svakom od 14 letova, dakle tamo i nazad. Jednom sam verovali ili ne leteo sa Vucicem. Novembar 2010. I tada se pravio vazan, secam se dok smo cekali na gejtu da udjemo u avion. Ok, nije on mnogo bitan, samo hocu da kazem da je spanairova linija za mad bila kanselovana vrlo brzo posle uspostavljanja, mislim da je mad poleteo u aprilu, kad i bcn, a ugasen vec posle 4 meseca. Ne pamtim, medjutim bcn je bila jako dobra sa ta 3-4 nedeljna leta. Postoji ogromna razlika izmedju lis, mad i bcn, bar za letove iz beg-a. Ne znam da li se vueling uplasio pa nije zeleo celogodisnju liniju. Ali eto vidimo da se vraca za novu godinu. Nije to tek tako odluceno. Zao mi je sto na exyu blogu retko kada dobijamo izvestaje o lf nekih kompanija koji bi nam mnogo znacio da razmisljamo ispravno po pitanju nekih linija iz beg-a. Lf je veoma znacajan u aviosvetu, ako ne i osnova za plan i analizu. Nadam se da ce neko iz asl-a poceti da razmislja o el pratu kao isplativom aerodromu za asl. U redu je i dva dnevna za ams, cph, arn itd, ali moramo biti direktno povezani sa Barselonom, za razliku od Madrida i Lisabona ili pak Mancestera, st.Petersburga itd..
DeleteIn summer, 5/14 JU flights to Zagreb will get the B737-300!!
ReplyDeleteAdditional frequencies to both Dubrovnik and Split have been added!!
Wow, ASL is on fire!
DeleteASL is on fire!
ReplyDeleteTirana--- from 3 to 7 times per week!
Amsterdam--- from 7 to 10 times per week!
Copenhagen--- from 7 to 9 times pr week!
Stockholm--- from 7 to 10 times per week!
Banja Luka-- from 7 to 9 times per week!
Warsaw--- from 7 to 8 times per week
Ljubljana--- evening flight operated by 737, and 3 morning flights with 737!
Zagreb-- from summer season 5 flights per week will be operated by 737!
Split--- some additional frequencies during the summer!
Dubrovnik--- some additional frequencies during the summer!
Btw GWI is returning to BEG! Flights Stutgart- Belgrade 2 timnes per week, from summer 2015!
You can check this additional frequencies on airserbia.com!
Why Banja Luka? I think it won't pay off. The rest is spot on.
DeleteWell there are some transfer pax from Banja Luka, they wouldn't increase capacity if it would not pay off.
DeleteGetting more BL passengers from ZAG.
DeleteWell now people from ZAG will be able to fly from ZAG insted of BNX. Will be interesting to see flight loadings to BNX after launching ZAG flights.
DeleteThat more than compensates the Tap's departure.
Delete" they wouldn't increase capacity if it would not pay off."
DeleteWhat kind of reverse logic is that? Like the airline cant make wrong calculations? We have seen what TAP did with their prices and flights at 4 AM.
Also, Air Serbia flies to Zagreb as well. Those people from BL who are taken by ZAG would fly with Air Serbia also, especially now when Air Serbia still dumps prices.That small residual (those taken by ZAG that wont fly with Air Serbia from ZAG but with some other airline) still does not justify increase to 9 frequences .
I mean hello, the same number of flights per week to Copenhagen and to Banja Luka!
So basically you have two Air Serbia lines (BNX and ZAG competing
competing with each other
DeleteThe thing with Banja Luka is that thanks to convenient times the flight has become extremely popular with O&D passengers, that's why JU is not losing money on this route.
DeleteNow, since the afternoon flight is sustained by large number of local passengers, the airline can afford to introduce other departures which are more convenient for transfer passengers.
By the way, two things worth mentioning is that the night flight to Thessaloniki is operated by Atr, while last summer it was an A319 or B737-300.
DeleteAfternoon flight to Skopje is operated by the Atr unlike with a jet aircraft as was the case last summer.
Of course, if bookings are solid then I am sure they will upgauge/upgrade both of these routes.
For example http://www.rome2rio.com/s/Copenhagen-Airport-CPH-Denmark/Banja-Luka
Delete@ 12:48:
DeleteASL has very low costs on the BNX route because the government of Srpska pays for airport fees and the plances take all fuel from BEG.
In addition, CPH is operated by A319 and BNX by ATR, so there are lot more seats in offer on CPH even though the number of weekly flights is the same.
Plus Serbia and Srpska have abolished some government taxes which has enabled the airline to reduce its fares to €54.
DeleteEvo jednog primjera kako razmišlja normalni kupac.
ReplyDeleteZnao sam da je za božićno vrijeme žetva, ali da je toliko, to nisam vjerovao. Poslovna partnerica mi dolazi u Zagreb preko Božića iz Berlina i kaže da su cijene abnormalne.
Ponedjeljak 22.12. TXL - ZAG +/- 2 dana
Utorak 30.12. ZAG-TXL +/- 3 dana
Znači fleksibilna je bila i u dolasku i u odlasku, nije baš dan prije Božića, 2 karte kupljene mjesec dana prije leta!
524 EUR Germanwings nonstop
389 Croatia via MUC
382 Air France via CDG
359 EUR Lufthansa via MUC ili FRA
337 EUR Austrian via VIE
261 EUR Air Serbia via BEG (stajanju u BEG oko 7 sati)
I ja bi na njenom mestu izabrao KLM ili ASL. Samo da je sto jeftinije, verujem da bi i drugi. GWI je sa svojim cenama daleko od low cost aviokompanije.
DeleteI posle kukaju kako samo ASL dampinguje.
DeletePurgeru, zasto ste morali da naglasite da se u BEG-u ceka 7 sati? Jel na drugim aerodromima drugi let vec sat vremena posle prvog?
DeleteNormalni putnici ce izabrati ono sto je najjeftinije i u isto vreme nije neko mucenje. A ovi sto pricaju o tome kako ASL duminguje cene a koriste to kao njihovu manu su dno dna, njima bi trebalo kao putnicima da bude drago sto mogu sa ASLom da putuju mnogo jeftinije a da ih neka druga aviokompanija ne odere, a ne da pljuju po ASL samo jer "nije uporedljiva sa konkurecijom". Mozda bi trebalo da promenimo stavke pa da kazemo da "konkurencija nije uporedljiva sa ASL"?
DeleteAnonymousDecember 8, 2014 at 12:48 PM
DeleteNe lupaj i ostavi Purgera na miru, nije nista lose mislio.
verujem da je na asl-u jos jeftinija karta sa nocenjem u bg-u, i onda jutarnjim letom za zag :D Beograd je lep i zagrepcani vole da dodju kod nas. Malo u skadarliju, malo do savamale na picence i djusku, odes da dremnes i ujutru si u zagrebu fino :)
DeleteNisi mu ti advokat, niti ga ja optuzujem. Samo pitam zasto je naglasio koliko se ceka u BEG-u, a za ostalih 5 konekcija nije pomenuo, to me zanima. To da ga ja optuzujem si ti sam pronasao, to dosta govori.
KLM je očigledno najbolja opcija. Nego, Purger, kada kažeš "žetva" da li misliš na putnike (u smislu da mogu požnjeti dobar deal) ili na prevoznike (u smislu da podignu cene do neba i požanju profit)? Zar nije uvek tako u vreme Božića?
DeleteLijepo je napisao da mu cijene izgledaju previse visoke.
DeleteZakon ponude i potraznje vlada, good bless internet sto je sve to lako provjeriti za 5 minuta. kad vidim ove cjene stvarno sam ljubomoran na vas koji zivite u Evropi. YYZ-SJJ na istim datumima sa jednim stopom najjeftinija karta $2500 sa TK ili $3300 sa LH i mora se spavati u MUC u povratku.
Deleteovo što ASL radi nije zakon slobodnog tržišta, već umjetno kreirano stanje s dumpingiranim cijenama (ne kažem da je u redu da monopolisti TK i LH imaju previsoke cijene) koje će da se vrati kao bumerang, kad tad. svi koji (pre)visoko lete, nisko padaju... :)
DeleteA cek? Kako se zove to sto KLM radi?
DeleteOčito su več gotovi samo što toga nisu svjesni. No, tu su posjetitelji ovog bloga da im otvore oči. Niti sam ne razumijem kako to da Hogan več nije naredio svojim ljudima da se hitno vrate u Abu Dhabi prije nego dumpingiranje uništi čitav Etihad a ne samo njihovu podružnicu u Srbiji.
DeleteKompanije se koriste raznim nacinima da popune svoja sjedista i u tome nema nista lose. Na kraju ce trziste sve korigovati. Ako su im cjene preniske pravice gubitke koje niko na ovom svjetu nemoze dovjeka izdrzati. AKo su previsoke niko nece sa njima letjeti i gotovo.
DeleteU citavoj ovoj prici jedina stvar koja je umjetna to je price fixing sve ostalo je fair game imo
Sve kompanije smeju primati Subvencije i CTN a ASL ne sme ni dumping ni niske cene to je protiv trzista ;) KLM sme on nije ASL.
DeleteSa LOT-om ima i za 1100 eur YYZ-BEG-YYZ ako se putuje 20 DEC. :)
A preko INN-a? =D
DeleteSa kim hocete da putujete OS-LH-BA-KLM(Transavia)- S7 =D
I SAS ili AY je jos jedna mogucnost.
Sta mi vredi sve to kada nema ASL-a =(
DeletePa oni radije lete za VAR nego za INN i ako bi zimi svaki dan imali pun A320 i INN je slabo povezan sa bliskim Istokom.
Oni ne lete ni za MUC tako da INN i nije neko iznenadjenje.
DeleteMUC je druga stvar to je logicno oni su povezani sa celim svetom a INN nije u opste povezan Bliskim istokom gde mnogo Austrijanaca putuje.Ali njima je bitnija jedna VAR.
MUC ima ogroman potencijal te je logicnije da tamo prvo lete nego za INN.
DeleteSto se tice VAR, ona je vazna u sklopu regionalne strategije. INN spada u drugu kategoriju.
Da ali mogli su makar zimi da lete tu je preogroman potencijal ja bi im bio putnik svaki ili svaki drugi vikend . I kao sto sam napisao slabo je povezan sa balkanom - Bliskim istokom.
Spomenuo sam vrijeme konekcije od 7 sati, upravo zato što je to velika mana. Germanwings leti direktno (za sati i 15 si u Zagrebu), a ostali imaju od 45 do 60 minuta vrijeme konekcije. U Beogradu ili treba ostati preko noći ili čekati nekih 7 sati. To je putniku demotivirajuće. Upravo mi je kolegica nalgasila da bi cijena morala biti bar 100-150 EUR jeftinija da ona na zemlji provede 7 sati čekajući konektiran let. OK, govorimo o vrhunskoj svijetskoj znanstvenici koja nema mnogo vremena, ali u svakom slučaju i takvi ozbiljno gledaju na cijenu i svakako na vrijeme konekcije.
DeletePod žetvom sam mislio na jedini dio zime u kojem su prihodi veliki i letovi profitabilni, no svakako nisam očekivao da Germanwings ima cijene 3 puta skuplje nego početkom prosinca, a ostali nekih 50-70% skuplje cijene. Malo previše, poglavito kod Germanwingsa.
Belgrade airport handled 576.000 passengers in August 2014. With these announcement I am sure they will not only pass the 600.000 mark but will come close to 700.000!
ReplyDeleteBelgrade will definitely pass the 5.5 million mark next summer, if not get close to 5.7!
Maybe, but there'll come a time when it'll slow down, stagnate, if not decline. There's simply no rationale that can keep this growth rate sustainable for a long time (looking at factors of: population, city break destination, tourism, economy). I am not saying that it's not standing well... it actually is and Belgrade has all of this, to some extent... but for instance no more than other cities of similar and/or greater size.
ReplyDeleteIn a long run, things will level out. For a while, Beg was underserved, and there'll also be a moment when it'll be overserved. In my opinion, it'll reach that point around 6 to 7 mil... (considering all of the mentioned factors and the competing airports that also have similar if not better economy, tourism etc.)
You are just forgetting one important thing, this phenomenal growth at BEG is mostly because of transfer passengers, not so much because of O&D. So any future growth at the airport will be linked to Air Serbia.
Deleteright. and you are forgetting that all those "transfer" pax will level off once the prices return to normal (dumping by ASL levels off - as it's unsustainable in a long run).
DeleteA city would need to be a super big destination by itself to sustain large numbers...
Notice how large Euro hubs are hubs for a reason: capital cities of larger nations (economically strong mostly) and have great historical, thus touristic value...
The growth at the moment is not congruent with economic and/or any other type of developments...
Not to sound mean, pessimistic, vile or whatever, I am just saying that every growth has to be sustainable and has to be justified.
Riga has a population of 700.000 yet its airport handles 4.7 million.
DeleteHelsinki has a population of 620.000, HEL serves 15.200.000.
Copenhagen has 579,000 inhabitants, CPH handles 24.000.000 passengers.
Just to name a few. All of these cities/airports are home to a carrier operating a hub system.
So Belgrade with its 1,700,000 inhabitants could very well grow much more.
Belgrade has only 1.4 M. With second runway and flights to USA and China it can grow around 10 M and that will be the maximum.
DeletePassenger numbers will grow as long as Air Serbia keeps on growing. Simple as that.
DeleteWell, you cannot compare Riga, Copenhagen, Helsinki with Belgrade, simply because those countries are far more developed than Serbia. They are bigger not in terms of demography, but economically.
DeleteThey have a lot of companies, infrastructure, their population has bigger purchasing power, visa free regime with most of the countries. Some of them (Denmark) have immigrants...
Finland has domestic traffic, along with Thessaloniki, that can be also added to the list...
I think Belgrade is quite fine, and I think 6 million pax in couple of years would be just fine, even if it can't go more than that.
We need to know that economic situation here is catastrophic, and it will stagnate, thus not keep up with Air Serbia's faith.
And I know that Air Serbia could contribute significantly to Serbia's national budget, but the thing is: thieves aka politicians could steal even more.
DeleteRiga and Latvia are not that better than Serbia. Also both HEL and CPH are important hubs for transit passengers.
DeleteJust btw, Finland has the geographical advantage. About 60% of Finair's business are Asian flights. Island is similar when it comes to NA.
DeleteGDP nominal per capita in Serbia: 5924 $
DeleteGDP nominal per capita in Latvia: 16145$.
In Finland, the main question after graduation is: should I travel a year or two.
If you guys seriously believe that standard and quality of Air Serbia doesn't have to follow standard of Serbia, and that those countries mentioned above are not much better than Serbia economically, then I am sorry, I think I can't argue with you.
Exactly, that's why Belgrade airport can grow and it will grow as long as Air Serbia does it.
DeleteIf an airline bases its growth primarily on transfer passengers then the height of the local GDP is of little relevance.
DeleteEverything Air Serbia does seems to indicate that it will rely more and more on connecting passengers in stead of local ones. Best proof, the immediate launch of double daily flights to Zagreb.
DeleteI hope I am wrong, but did you just say that ASL has to be on the brink of bankruptcy, giving shit to the passengers on board like that shit which are eating people in Serbia just to follow standard of Serbia? Omg you are something special.
So Shanghai, Karachi, Bejing, Delhi, they all have idiotic authorities, since according to your calculations, they should have overtaken Atlanta airport, and have something like 200 - 300 milion pax per year?
DeleteSince those cities are almost 30 times more populated than Copenhagen, but have only maybe 4 or 6 times more passengers...
Economy is not a simple equation.
But you dont have to use economy knowledge now. Just pure logic.
Not to follow it closely, I never said that.
DeleteNo one here can know if BEG will handle 10 million pax in 2020 or not. I am saying that it is some kind of impossible, but that does not mean that it won't happen. Also, ASL is focusing on transfer pax, so no one here can know if ASL will be an airline with 10 million pax in 2020. Just look at Qatar Airways, Etihad.. Those carriers are transporting basically only transfer pax. Serbia can have 100 000 inhabitants, but that does not effect on ASL if it depends on transfer pax. Doha has about 2 million inhabitants, still Hamad will handle more than 20 million pax. Dubai has about 3 million inhabitants, still DBX handles more than 60 000 000 passengers. I know that they have a lot of oil and money, but I am not talking here about ASL having those number of passengers. ASL can handle an solid number of passengers in a 3-4 years, maybe it can reach 6-7 million. So why are you people saying bullshit? The only real problem here is that BEG has to be expanded as it's capacity is 5 million/year.
DeleteGulf countries are in the middle between Asia, Europe, Africa...
DeleteThey have high migrating population. And oil. A lot.
Actually I was the one who was telling from the very beginning that the size of population is not as important as "quality" of population. As one of the arguments I said that it would mean that Bejibg should have 250 millions pax, and Belgrade should have at least 80 millions, which is impossible.
These kind of stuff aren't simple equations.. You can't just say:
500k : 25 millions = 2 millions : x.
We talk about economy, not arithmetics
Belgrade airport has installed new information screens which look fantastic. They feature the new design and will have Serbian Cyrillic and English! Good job BEG!
ReplyDeleteWatch and learn Air Serbia, that's how its done! Bravo to BEG management!
DeleteAir Serbia's default Serbian page is in Latin, can you believe that?
DeleteActually, BEG has destroyed any of their anti-Cyrillic arguments.
DeleteThere is nothing anti-Cyrillic in ASL's policies. It is simply business. B-u-s-i-n-e-s-s. Or to make it more appealing: б-и-з-н-и-с. Neither ASL conspired against the Cyrillic alphabet nor the survival of Cyrillic alphabet depends on ASL.
DeleteIn fact, if anything would bury Cyrillic alphabet into oblivion it would be its on-duty 'protectors' who keep annoy and irritate even those people who would like to use Cyrillic. And who would turn any goddamn topic in this world into their personal Cyrillic crusade.
Yeah sure, because JU knows better business than BEG. HAHAHAHHAHAHA
DeleteYeah, besides their air-side signage which is all in Latin.
DeleteAs for ASL i simply don't get it how it would hurt them to put the Cyrillic version as the one per default for the Serbian-based IP-addresses instead of the Latin one.
Because ASL aims for the entire region and there may be a lot of pax from Croatia and Bosnia who are not familiar with English but could very well use the language they know?
DeleteIt's a bitter fight for each and every passenger out there, not really a perfect moment to play national pride and patriotism. Yes, perhaps they could introduce Cyrillic website and signs as third language but:
1. If they don't, it does not mean there is a huge conspiracy going on.
2. Number of alphabets in use is fine tuning. Before that, ASL has plenty of much more important things to deal with.
ASL can do what BEG does, have the default one in Cyrillic and then have the option to switch to Latin for those who are not familiar with Cyrillic.
DeleteIt's not as if BEG is not competing for passengers. Also, those who are not familiar with English or Serbian Cyrillic will have a lot of problems outside of ex-YU. ;)
Vama smeta ASL sto ne koristi Cirilicu a ni jedne dnevne novine nekoriste takodje Cirilicu sto se ne zalite na to ;)
Why not redirect Croatia and Bosnia to the Latin version and Serbian IP's to the Cyrillic version?
DeleteI don't get it.
Numbers have no language. If Croatian pax use other airlines websites in English or get Aeroflot's first page in Cyrillic, then i don't see why they wouldn't use Air Serbia.
DeleteLike I said, fine tuning. Nobody will die if ASL is a bit late with the launch of the Cyrillic website. I mean it is an OK thing to do but can we try and not make such a fuss over it?
DeleteSta lupas? Odakle ti to da nema dnevnih novina? Zasto ne zastanes i ne razmislis malo pre nego sto pises ovde?
TAP Portugal won't leave from BEG, they are changing route to BEG into a seasonal one, as well as Talinn and St. Petersburg.
ReplyDeleteI am a bit disappointed that there will be no extra frequencies to Germany, especially to Air Berlin hubs Dusseldorf and Berlin.
ReplyDeleteAir Serbia has also added Varna to its reservation system.
ReplyDeleteFlights operate four times per week:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Flights start on June 15.
DeleteNot every day?
DeleteDear all. Most of the blogers here understand the growth like linear one. It means each next year will the same procentage. But mother nature shows us a bit different results. Extreme events (like one at BEG airport) push the growth very fast, but soon or later such a rapid growth get slower and slower. Therefore logarithmic growth is much better to predict results. (For those who's statistical knowledge is not familiar- wiki is a great source). It means that at the beginning the growth is extremely fast and then comes to the limit when it becomes more and more flat.
ReplyDeleteBut still - this is a challenge for those who constantly predicted the PAX numbers for coming years. "How to increase PAX for additional 1.000.000.
1 million mean apx 2.800 new PAX per day.
To carry them with let us aay with A319 (128 seats) and LF cca 70% this simply means at least 30 additional movements.
So how to get this 30 new movements?
1. To increase frequency
2. To inaugurate new destinations by domestic carrier
3. To attract new carriers with new destination
but if we neglect above points the only way is to increase LF
e.g.: let's say that;
1. 1/3 is frequently of actual carries at the airport
2. 1/3 growth of domestic carrier ( 10 moves pr 5 new destinations on daily basis)
3. 1/3 growth of new airlines ( still 5 more new destinatios on daily basis)
I do challenge you to make a math on this issue
Well, as much as I remember the math, even if the passenger numbers growth is linear, then percentages are declining. 10k of 100k is 10%, 10k of 110k is cca 9.1%, 10k of 120k cca 8.3%, etc.
DeleteDefinitely non-linear prediction models should be utilized, but how precise any model can be without detailed airport and airline passenger plans?
Just to send larger aircraft challenged. One A320 can carry more than two E175. And new 30 movements is not a big task for BEG airport at present time.
ReplyDeleteBCN nije isplativa za ASL preko cele godine i zato se TAP povukao zato sto nema potraznje za Spaniju Portugal iz Srbije preko zime.
ReplyDeleteNajvise bi voleo da vidim AY u BEG .AF nije bitan zato sto ASL ima codeshare sa njima.
Bicete iznenadjeni od ASL sledece godine i koliki ce rast imati LYBE.( Pogotovu u regionalnoj mrezi)
Hahahaha +1